All browsers are manufactured by Microsoft. Microsoft will stop supporting all versions of Internet Explorer except the latest

These sites provide official support for these browsers. The most important thing is that the latest browser updates are posted there. From official websites you can download browsers without paid SMS and other types of payment, that is, for free.

Another advantage of these sites is that when downloading from them, you will not get a virus or anything else bad on your computer for the reason that the developers of official browsers value their reputation and “don’t look for adventures on their own” :)

Let's look at 5 official browsers:

  • Internet Explorer,
  • Mozilla (Mozilla Firefox),
  • Chrome (Google Chrome),
  • Opera and
  • Safari.

Of course, each of these browsers has an official website.

Official Internet Explorer browser

The official browser Internet Explorer (abbreviated as IE) is the official browser of the Windows operating system, and it is built into Windows. Any official (non-pirated) version of the Windows operating system always has the Internet Explorer browser.

The latest version of the official Internet Explorer browser can be found on the official Microsoft website:

Here, if necessary, you can download the latest version of the official Internet Explorer browser. First, download the official browser, then launch it and at the same time follow the instructions on the screen when installing the browser.

Official Mozilla browser

The official Mozilla browser has become widespread due to the availability of a large number of plugins and applications for this browser, which significantly expands the capabilities of the browser for each user.

You can download the free browser from the official Firefox browser website:

Official Chrome browser

The official Chrome browser is developed by Google, so it has the same minimalist style as the Google search engine. This browser appeared recently, but quickly became very popular.

You can download the free browser from the official website of the Google Chrome browser:

Official Opera browser

The official Opera browser was developed in 1994 by a group of Norwegian researchers. There are versions of Opera for Windows, Mac, Linux, phones and tablets.

You can download the free browser from the official Opera browser website

Official Safari browser

The official Safari browser was developed by Apple, so it was intended primarily for Mac computers. Until July 26, 2012, this browser was also supported in the version for the Windows operating system

However, on July 26, a new version of the official Safari 6 browser appeared, but new versions for Windows were no longer supported. Therefore, you can download the free Safari browser from the official Apple website, and now only for Mac:

Safari official website, previously for Windows, now only for Mac

The top rankings in terms of functionality, security and speed are occupied by Yandex.Browser, Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox. Only you can tell which browser you choose, so let's take a quick look at the features of each browser again.

If we talk about the simplicity of the interface and innovation in total, Yandex Browser will win. The developers have proven that it is possible to create a product that is equally respected by both “dummies” and professionals without strict restrictions for users. The browser is cross-platform, fast, stable, synchronized with Google and Yandex services equally. In fact, it combines the best features of its competitors with two significant additions: a unique search bar with suggestions and a functional bookmark bar codenamed "scoreboard". Recommended for download if you are tired of template solutions and glitches. In addition, this secure browser on a Windows computer is memory-friendly. Other Internet browsers are much more demanding on the resources of computers and laptops.

Orbitum is considered a relatively young web browser that can compete with any well-known browser, both in terms of performance when working with Internet resources, and in terms of the number of available settings and tools. Its main feature is an interactive chat that allows you to be on any page and at the same time correspond with friends from social networks. networks. Try Orbitum and you will be pleased with the high speed of launching web pages, the benefits of using the built-in loader and the useful omnibox. This is a good choice of browser for your computer at home.

Not so common: Amigo and K-Meleon. The latter is a serious competitor to its progenitor Mozilla Firefox. However, while it excels in security, the K-Meleon browser loses in the frequency of updates. Amigo's close connection to social networks can be perceived as an advantage for regular visitors to VK, OK, FB and other social networks. But thanks to many extensions, plugins and minimal CPU load, the browser runs smoothly and without glitches. The program will be appreciated by all categories of users.

Unfortunately, our review did not include such products as the cross-platform Comodo Dragon, good solutions Pale Moon and Srware Iron, Uran, Baidu Browser, the only browser with advanced anonymity - Tor browser bundle, the once famous Netscape Navigator, Torch Browser, designed for true Rambler fans Rambler Browser. Each of them deserves special attention, which we will definitely pay in subsequent publications. I would also like to separately mention the good browser UC Browser. Its creators relatively recently began expanding around the world, and are constantly adding useful features to their brainchild, such as integration with video hosting sites. Already now, in the “advantages - disadvantages” competition, the balance is positive, but we doubt that UC can be called a safe browser. It is often installed on smartphones without the user's consent.

The operation of the Chrome browser causes a lot of complaints from users due to its gluttony. In this regard, Google is forced to take additional measures to reduce the gluttony of its web browser, but this is still of little help. Compared to some other products, Chrome is still one of the heaviest browsers. Microsoft's latest experiment proves this.

Experts have tested how quickly laptop batteries drain when working with a particular web browser. As it turns out, all the latest Chrome innovations are not as effective as we would like.

The main goal of the experiment was to find out how power-hungry the most popular browsers today are compared to the Edge web browser built into Windows 10. During the tests, we constantly measured the load placed on the processor when opening various sites and new tabs, playing video content on them, and simply scrolling pages.

According to testing results conducted by Microsoft specialists, the Edge browser turned out to be the least power-hungry. However, this is not surprising, because if the browser testing results had been different, the company would hardly have undertaken such experiments. But still the numbers speak for themselves. Microsoft Edge uses much less power, so you can work on your laptop for much longer.

The energy consumption of different browsers was assessed in several stages. At the first stage, experts checked how quickly the laptop battery drains during normal browser use, that is, during active web surfing. At the second stage, we checked how long one laptop charge would last when playing HD video online. In both the first and second cases, the Edge browser worked the longest. With active video playback in a Microsoft web browser, the laptop worked for 7 hours and 22 minutes. The closest competitor to Edge is, oddly enough, the Opera browser. When watching online video, the laptop lasted 6 hours and 18 minutes, which is 17% less than the Edge. They are followed by the Firefox web browser. With it, the laptop's battery life is 5 hours and 9 minutes, which is 43% less than the Edge. Google Chrome came in last place. When playing online HD video, it ensures the laptop's battery life is only 4 hours and 19 minutes. It turns out that the Edge browser lasts 70% longer.

Based on these tests, it turns out that Microsoft's browser provides the longest battery life on a laptop. It is difficult to say how independent these tests are, since the company is currently trying to lure as many users as possible to its operating system and the Edge browser. For these purposes, the procedure for choosing a default browser has been specially complicated. However, Microsoft Edge is still missing many very important features, which is why users are not in a hurry to switch to the new product. In particular, this concerns support for extensions. For now, participants in the development program can use them. But soon they should become available to all users of the new web browser. In addition, the company promises to make its browser even less power-hungry by reducing RAM consumption and reducing the load on the processor.

Date: 2015-11-26 18:04

Not long ago, Microsoft launched the Windows 10 operating system on the market. Among other things, it stands out for the presence of the new Edge browser.

According to the company, as of January 12 next year, support for all versions of Internet Explorer, excluding the latest, will cease. Internet Explorer 11 will continue to receive security updates and technical support.

As always, this does not mean that users will not be able to use older versions of the browser. They will simply stop receiving any updates. This is also critical for the corporate segment if the company, for some reason, continues to use old PCs with previous versions of Internet Explorer.

Despite the fact that Internet Explorer has almost always been inferior in functionality and speed to its main competitors, it still remains one of the most popular browsers in the world, simply because it is already installed in Windows, and many users do not need anything more.

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I think that today, the overwhelming majority of personal computers are connected to the global Internet, and the number of World Wide Web users is growing inexorably every year. According to some agencies, now in Russia, the number of global network users exceeds 60% of the country's total population. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that many users spend all their time at the computer on the Internet.

To get onto the global network, in addition to the actual physical connection to it, you need a special program (programs) that will allow you to comfortably view your favorite websites and the web pages they contain. Such programs are called browsers (sometimes they are also called browsers), from the English word “browse”, which can be translated as “view”.

Despite the fact that almost all modern browsers are free, they are quite complex programs endowed with a large number of functions, and many specialists are involved in the development of the most popular solutions. Their main task is to make surfing the Internet not only comfortable, but also safe.


At the moment, there are quite a large number of different browsers from different developers, but from their total mass, five most popular products can be distinguished - Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari.

In the late 90s, the main browser for most people was Netscape Navigator. But Microsoft's policy has radically changed the balance of power in this area for many years. It was at this time that the decision was made to ship Internet Explorer along with the Windows system, which literally squeezed out all competitors from the browser market.

The Internet at that time was not so developed, and the web pages themselves looked quite simple. Therefore, there was no need for ordinary users to think about the convenience of surfing, network speed and supported standards, and the built-in solution was enough to view text pages behind the scenes.

Having captured the lion's share of the browser market, the software giant did not calm down and continued to improve IE (Internet Explorer). In 2001, along with Windows XP, its 6th version was released, which for 5.5 years was the main Internet tool for the vast majority of users, and Microsoft itself rested on its laurels, not thinking about releasing new versions of its browser.

It was this long stagnation that gave competitors the opportunity to present alternative solutions to users, instead of the rather boring Internet Explorer. The Norwegian company Opera, having developed a new engine called Presto, introduced the Opera 7.0 browser, which was liked by many and began to rapidly gain popularity. But the biggest “surprise” for Microsoft was the revival of the seemingly destroyed Netscape. Its engine was the basis for the Mozilla Suite product, from which Firefox emerged in 2004, which subsequently won a quarter of the browser market from IE.

The Explorer's troubles didn't end there. In 2003, Apple replaced Microsoft's product on its computers with its own brainchild called Safari. And not so long ago, in 2008, the search giant Google released its version of the browser - Google Chrome.

Having missed such activity in the market, Microsoft began to hastily release new versions of Internet Explorer; its 7th version was released with Windows Vista, and the 8th with Windows 7. But it was too late, these versions turned out to be unable to compete with their rivals, because their functionality only copied what other developers had long used in their products. Despite the fact that the latest 9th version of IE can be called a truly modern solution, the monopoly in this field has been irretrievably lost.

In the modern browser market, among the above-mentioned products, a serious struggle has unfolded for the sympathy of users, who sometimes, due to aggressive advertising, find it difficult to make the right choice in favor of one solution or another. As you probably already guessed, in this material, we will get acquainted with the main features of the Big Five browsers, and also talk about their advantages and disadvantages.


What should you pay attention to first when choosing a browser?

Web standards support

The global organization The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is responsible for the general principles of operation of the global Internet. It is she who develops and approves all existing web standards, which all web pages posted on the Internet must comply with. Therefore, in order to display sites and web pages correctly, the browser must support approved web standards, and the more it knows about them, the better.

To check the compatibility of browsers with certain standards, the ACID 3 test program is most often used, in which a score of 100 points corresponds to full compatibility with all existing web standards.

User interface

Having a well-thought-out and understandable user interface is the key to the success and popularity of any browser. After all, providing users with convenient surfing on the Internet is the main purpose of these products. Developers and designers have to seriously rack their brains over how to most correctly place all kinds of controls for browser functions. A heavily cluttered interface can be just as inconvenient as an overly cluttered one, so the goal for manufacturers is to find the optimal balance of how elements are laid out in the browser window. At the same time, we should not forget that the user interface should not only be convenient, but also visually attractive.


Modern browsers have become like a small operating system - through them we view pages with a complex interactive interface, watch movies and listen to music, use them as development tools, download files from the network, use them as FTP clients and much more. Therefore, most users began to regard the browser no longer just as a banal “page viewer”, but as a serious working tool that should have extensive capabilities and be convenient in everyday work.


Modern browsers pay close attention to security issues, but, nevertheless, completely secure browsers do not exist. Unfortunately, attackers are constantly finding new vulnerabilities in browsers that allow them to infect users’ computers or gain access to their personal data. Developers can only patch up the detected holes by regularly releasing updates, and the faster this happens, the higher the security of their product.


We will start with the most popular browser, which has remained so for many years. However, recently this product has lost more than half of its fans, and the share of its use has dropped to 40% worldwide.

The current version of the browser from Microsoft is Internet Explorer 9. Over the two years of its development, the manufacturer has done serious work on bugs, which resulted in support for almost all modern standards, including the newfangled HTML 5 and CSS 3. In a specialized test, ACID 3, 9- The latest version of Explorer scored 95 points out of 100 possible. By the way, IE 8 had 20 points in the same test.

To process multimedia content of web pages, Internet Explorer actively uses the hardware capabilities of the computer's central and graphic processors, which significantly increases its performance.

The interface of the latest version of this browser has undergone a radical overhaul. Microsoft itself calls it “compact”, because it is based on just one panel where all the necessary controls are located:

  • on the left - back/forward buttons and an address bar combined with a search field, including update and cancel buttons;
  • in the center there is a panel for tabs of the pages being viewed, and to the right of them is a button for opening a new tab;
  • on the right are buttons for going to the home page, favorites and browser settings.

Ascetic panelInternet Explorer 9

Despite such an ascetic design, the new IE turned out to be quite stylish with a memorable design.

The browser's address bar meets all modern requirements, automatically substituting options from the browsing history or from the list of previously visited sites when entering the address itself.

Due to the fact that the entire user interface was placed on one line, there is not much space left for tabs, which seriously complicates navigation when there are a large number of them. True, it is possible to move the tab bar to a separate line. It is also possible to move any tab into its own window by dragging it anywhere on the desktop.

Another interesting point is the ability to pin tabs in the Windows7 taskbar, which will subsequently allow you to launch your favorite pages as regular applications.

At the bottom of the browser screen there is a pop-up prompt bar that appears when certain user actions occur. At first, it’s easy to miss it and think for a long time about why the browser doesn’t take any action on your commands.

The latest version of the browser has a new file download manager and a system for tracking the performance of installed plugins.

Despite improved protection against malicious sites, it is in Microsoft's brainchild that the most vulnerabilities are found, and their correction, unfortunately, does not occur quickly enough.

Another disadvantage of IE is the very limited ability to expand its functionality using plugins, since the code of this browser is not available to third-party developers.


For quite a long time, the Mozilla Firefox browser ranked second in popularity among the top five browsers. As of today, the current version has an index of 9. However, it is worth considering that the last five releases are separated by only 7.5 months.

In truth, Firefox 4.0 was revolutionary among them, having received a new design and a new kernel. However, subsequent versions contain only improvements that improve the performance, fault tolerance and security of the browser.

This browser does not have support for all kinds of modern web standards; in the aforementioned ACID 3 test it scores 100 points out of 100 possible.

Thanks to the modern engine, the overall speed of the new version of Firefox has significantly accelerated, including page loading speed and the application launch itself. At the same time, hardware graphics acceleration allows you to easily view complex interactive content on multimedia sites.

After some criticism from users, which the developers took into account, starting with version 4, Firefox received a new modern interface. In the upper left corner there is a menu button with various settings, and the panel for page tabs has moved to the top. Below it is a navigation panel, which includes:

  • left, back/forward buttons;
  • in the middle, an address bar with buttons for adding to favorites the pages you are viewing and updating them;
  • To the right is the search window and the home button.

Even lower is the bookmarks bar, in which you can keep links to the most visited pages.

The browser is equipped with a smart address bar, which, when you start entering an address, displays a window with hints, where all matches are marked in highlighted font. You can also use it to go to any open tab.

For the most frequently visited sites in Firefox, there is a very useful feature of pinning tabs, which assigns them a permanent place of residence on the left side of the tab bar. After opening the browser again, this type of tab will always be in its place.

Still, the main advantage of Mozilla Firefox is its rich functionality. The code of this product is open, so the browser has a huge number of various add-ons that make it possible to make it a real powerful working tool that allows you to solve any problems. Moreover, with the help of special wallpapers and themes, interface customization plugins, tabs and bookmarks, you can transform the appearance of the browser to suit your every whim. All these joys are on a special site dedicated to additions for this reviewer.

Despite the fact that Firefox is the second browser in terms of the number of vulnerabilities found, developers fix them quickly enough, which significantly increases the security of user data.


Despite its youth, today Chrome has risen to second place in popularity in the world, overtaking Mozilla Firefox. In principle, this is not surprising, since this browser is the brainchild of the search giant Google, which has a powerful technical base and great financial capabilities in its arsenal.

At the moment, the current version is Google Chrome 17. Such a high product index is explained by the choice of a slightly different policy for assigning it - the browser receives it immediately after the developers make any significant changes.

There is no need to worry about support for web standards in the case of this Internet browser; in the ACID 3 test, Chrome shows a 100 percent result.

There are no complaints about the speed of Google Chrome. Moreover, according to many experts, this is generally the fastest browser in the world. Thanks to modern WebKit rendering technology, the browser opens pages literally instantly. It also quickly launches complex web applications and 3D graphics, the processing of which is carried out at the hardware level.

As for the user interface design of this browser, it can be called strict and concise. It was Chrome that set the newfangled trend of placing tabs at the very top of the window. Under the tab bar there is a toolbar, called the omnibar by developers, which contains:

  • On the left are forward/backward, update/stop buttons;
  • In the center is an omnibox - a smart address bar combined with a search and a button to add a page to bookmarks. In this case, search results or web page addresses begin to be displayed as you type;
  • On the right is a button for setting up and managing the browser.

Even lower, you can enable the display of the bookmarks bar.

Just like in Firefox, in Google Chrome it is possible to pin tabs with the most frequently visited pages, after which they move to the left side of the screen, taking on a more compact size.

Just like in Internet Explorer, there is a pop-up helper line that appears at the bottom of the screen when certain user actions occur, for example, when downloading files from the network.

Out of the box, Chrome comes with a fairly large number of useful features built into it, such as an automatic web page translator or displaying thumbnail images of frequently visited sites and running applications in a special tab called the Quick Access page. But if you find the browser’s starting functionality not enough or want to transform its appearance, then you have access to many applications, extensions and additional themes that can be downloaded from the Chrome online store.

Another undoubted advantage of Google's product is the attitude of the developers towards its security system. Built-in protection against phishing and malware is a good help in the fight against attackers trying to exploit browser vulnerabilities for their own purposes. Also, an automatic update system ensures timely installation of patches and various fixes that increase the overall reliability of the security system.

Despite the fact that the Norwegian browser ranks fourth in the world rankings, far behind the top three, it is a very popular browser in Russia. For several years, Opera has been a favorite among domestic users, and I must say, deservedly so.

The current browser version is 11.6. In the ACID 3 test, Opera shows a 100% result, so this browser has no problems supporting all modern web standards.

The Opera core is constantly being improved by developers, which is the key to fast and stable operation of the browser on the Internet. The speed of opening web pages does not cause any complaints, and for many specialists it is considered the standard. A specialized high-speed graphics library called Vega is responsible for displaying complex animations in Opera, which allows for fast and smooth image processing.

Opera's user interface is somewhat similar to Mozilla Firefox, although not in terms of design, but in terms of the arrangement of functional elements. In the upper left corner there is a button for the main menu, which includes all kinds of browser settings. Web page tabs are traditionally placed at the top. On the right, on the tab bar, there is a button reflecting the history of closed tabs. The toolbar below has the following elements:

  • On the left are buttons back/forward, page refresh, login;
  • In the center, traditionally, is a smart address bar with buttons for the list of RSS feeds and favorites;
  • On the right is the search query field.

By default, Opera displays a sidebar, which is located vertically on the left and contains buttons: Bookmarks, Widgets, Unite, Notes, Downloads, History and sidebar settings. It is also possible to enable the bookmarks bar.

The Opera browser has one interesting feature - the ability to group tabs. To do this, simply drag one tab to another, and a triangle-shaped group open/close icon appears next to them. When you hover your mouse over the header of a group of tabs, the browser will show thumbnails of all the grouped web pages.

If we talk about the initial functionality of the Norwegian browser, i.e. about the capabilities that the browser has immediately after installation, perhaps Opera has the richest. The developers have endowed it with such a variety of options that such a gentleman’s set is quite capable of satisfying almost all the basic needs of users. At your service is a download manager, BitTorrent support, spell checking, and more. A pleasant bonus for users can be the existence of an express panel - a special page with displayed thumbnails of the most frequently visited sites.

At the same time, Norwegian developers went even further and added the ability to further expand the functionality of their product using special mini-applications that are hosted on the Opera website.

Opera's security system is at the highest level. When visiting sites, the browser checks their data in real time and displays a message to users in case of danger. It is possible to use private tabs, for example, when working in online banking.

The last browser in our review will be the browser from Apple. It is worth noting that this product is more focused on the market of computers manufactured by the company itself and using the Mac OS operating system. Despite this, its share of the world market is about 5%.

The current version of this browser has an index of 5. Support for web standards is organized at the highest level and Safari passes the ACID 3 test one hundred percent.

Perhaps on native systems, the performance of Apple's browser is the highest, but in Windows OS in various tests, average results are shown relative to competitors, which, on the other hand, is not bad at all. The browser supports hardware graphics acceleration, which speeds up the rendering of interactive web pages, and has an optimized caching algorithm that allows you to load previously visited pages at very high speeds. It is noteworthy that Apple uses the same engine (WebKit) in its browser as Google uses in Chrome.

The user interface in this browser is somewhat different from the previous four, which, in general, is not surprising. The look of the classic control panel may seem a little old-fashioned to some users, as it has a header and page tabs are located under all panels. At the top, in the browser header, the name of the page you are viewing is reflected. Below is a toolbar containing mostly familiar elements:

  • On the left are the back/forward buttons.
  • In the central part there is a smart address bar, which begins with a “+” button, which performs the functions of adding a page to reading lists, a specialized page that displays thumbnails of the most visited resources, and a bookmarks bar. On the right side there are buttons for viewing RSS feeds (appears if it is on the site), activating the Reader mode (appears if possible) and refreshing the page.
  • On the right is a search bar, as well as buttons for the menu of the current page and browser settings.

Further, below, there is a bookmarks bar and only below it is a tab bar, which, when viewing a single page, is not visible at all. In order to add the first tab, you need to access the corresponding menu item on the current page, which is not obvious to many users. True, after the tab bar appears on the screen, they are added using the “+” button located on the right side.

One of the interesting features of Safari is the Reader mode, which allows you to highlight the material of a separate article in a separate pop-up window that has its own settings for font size and other text formatting elements. All other elements of the site are darkened in this mode, allowing the user to focus only on reading specific material.

The page of frequently visited sites, called TopSites, looks very original in Safari. The developers have endowed it with a three-dimensional design, which looks quite stylish and beautiful, just like all Apple products.

The general functionality of Apple's browser can be significantly enriched with the help of extensions located on the developer's website. Moreover, if recently, most of them were available only to Mac OS users, now plugins for Safari are available on the Windows platform.

It is quite difficult to speak unequivocally about the security of this browser. As already noted, the majority of users of this browser are owners of devices with the Mac OS operating system, which is not as wildly popular among attackers as Windows, which means that system hacks themselves via Safari are recorded much less frequently. And the developers themselves are reluctant to disclose information about the security problems of their product, citing the goals of protecting user data. The company believes that by not disclosing or confirming data about certain vulnerabilities in its browser, it will retain confidential information that could be used by attackers to bypass the security system.


Developers of modern browser solutions spend a lot of effort and money to please users. After all, it is necessary to take care of many factors that contribute to the successful promotion of your own product on the market. Among them:

  • support for web standards for correct and complete display of web pages;
  • convenient and attractive user interface;
  • a powerful engine that can quickly process pages containing a complex graphical interface, 3D images, audio and video content;
  • ensuring the security of user data.

Just a few years ago, the position of the Internet Explorer browser seemed unshakable, and only a handful of enthusiasts resorted to using alternative solutions. Today, the situation has changed dramatically. Microsoft's browser has lost all its advantage, and its popularity continues to rapidly fade. True, we can say that the 9th version of Internet Explorer turned out to be decent, it is faster and more convenient than previous versions, and also contains a number of important improvements. True, it cannot offer anything revolutionary in comparison with competing solutions, which is unlikely to cause a massive influx of users who currently use other browsers. Although, this version is quite capable of stopping migration to competitors’ products.

Google Chrome, despite its youth, has been rapidly gaining popularity recently. Already, many rating agencies place it in second place in popularity, which for many years belonged to the Firefox browser. The developers invest a lot of money and effort into their brainchild, which pays off handsomely. According to many analysts, Chrom has the fastest engine and the best security system in its arsenal. At the same time, the browser acted as a trendsetter in placing page tabs on top, as well as combining address and search bars.

Despite the fact that Mozilla Firefox has somewhat lost its position in the world rankings to its competitor from Google, this browser is extremely popular among users, and in Russia it is the leader in use on desktop computers. The most important advantage of Firefox over its competitors is the existence of a huge number of free add-ons, with the help of which it is possible to radically change the functionality of the browser, its interface and appearance. True, sometimes, for such flexible extensibility, you have to pay with increased RAM requirements, slower user interface operation and browser crashes. In the latest versions of this browser, the developers are trying in every possible way to improve the stability of its operation, not only by eliminating memory leaks, but also by improving the very mechanism of its use.

The Norwegian Opera browser has been one of the most popular solutions among Russian users for many years. Initially, this browser has very rich functionality and a set of useful services, which makes it an attractive solution for those people who want to get everything they need right out of the box, without having to install add-ons. Without any particular drawbacks, the decline in Opera's popularity can only be explained by the activity of competitors who are constantly improving their products, offering equally attractive solutions in this area.

The Safari browser, being developed by Apple and initially intended for use in its own Mac OS operating systems, is quite difficult to fight for a place in the sun in the niche of Windows systems. Many experts agree that the performance of this browser on the Windows platform is much more modest than when used in the “native” OS. However, it has a fast engine that can cope with tasks of any complexity and its own unique user interface, which has its fans.

For all those who want to see browsers in action, our portal carries out regular large-scale testing of the latest and most popular versions of Internet browsers, the latest of which you can familiarize yourself with.

Despite the fact that the browser is a product that many people work on to create, and a lot of money is invested in its development, it remains free, which allows users, if they have the desire and time, to independently get acquainted with all the main solutions in this area.