All known Internet browsers. Browsers for Windows

Earlier this month, the well-known Irish company StatCounter, specializing in web traffic analysis, presented a rating of browsers for April 2017, in which various categories of programs for surfing the web are ranked by popularity among users. Below we will take a detailed look at what has changed in the web browser market both over the past month and beyond. whole year.

Browser ratings for Windows, Mac and Linux

Compared to the previous month in April 2017, its market share increased by 0.63% and amounted to an impressive 63.44% (the numbers for April in some screenshots may differ by one or several hundredths, this is a temporary problem with the recently updated StatCounter). A year ago, Google's browser owned 60.47%.

Thus, the brainchild of the Internet giant is still gaining points and is gradually getting closer to occupying 2/3 of the desktop web browser market. However, it’s hard not to notice that the speed of Chrome’s “advance” has slowed down significantly.

However, over the year, desktop Safari still turned out to be in the black, since in April last year it was only 4.62%. The strengthening of the position of Apple's web browser is facilitated by the slight growth of macOS itself, where it is a standard program for web surfing.

Fifth place for the one mentioned above Microsoft Edge with a result of 3.72%. Over the month, the increase was 0.08%. Over the year, the browser strengthened its position by 1.44%. The problem is that Edge, despite all the efforts of the development team to saturate it with functionality, is gaining positions strikingly slower than it is losing them Internet Explorer.

Starting with Redstone 3, Edge can start receiving updates through the Windows Store

Alas, the decision to create an exclusive for Windows 10 is gradually turning into a final defeat for the corporation in the browser war. Of course, there is nothing good for the average user from less competition.

In sixth place comes Norwegian Opera. In April, the browser showed a step forward, increasing its performance from 1.93% to 2.09%. In the same month last year, Opera managed to gain 1.92%.

By comparison, five years ago, Opera ranked 1.72% in the StatCounter ranking. Literally a year later, its position collapsed to almost 1%. However, when the new browser is on Chromium-based began to strengthen the functionality, returning at least part of the old features, the situation gradually began to improve and by mid-2015 desktop Opera had returned to its previous positions.

These are the six most popular programs in the ranking of browsers for Windows, Mac, Linux and other desktop systems. Let's summarize: (the first figure is the result for April; the first figure in brackets is the change compared to March, the second is the change for the year)

  • Chrome – 63.44% (+0.62%; +2.97%);
  • Firefox – 14.54% (-0.43%; -1.08%);
  • Internet Explorer – 8.98% (-0.41%, -4.27%);
  • Safari – 5.2% (-0.08%, +0.58%);
  • Edge – 3.72% (+0.08%, +1.44%);
  • Opera – 2.09% (+0.16%, +0.17%).

However, of course, there are other players here, but they score significantly less:

For example, the domestic Yandex.Browser slightly strengthened its position over the year. It comes right after Opera in this list. Like the Norwegian program, the Yandex web browser is created based on Chromium and the Blink engine. This, by the way, also applies to most other desktop programs for web surfing from the bottom of this rating.

Unexpectedly, Vietnamese Coc Coc is gaining strength very confidently. Like the Yandex browser, Coc Coc has the same name search system. The web browser itself is notable for its advanced functionality related to file downloading. The Coc Coc team is led by Russians who once created our experimental search engine Nigma.

Even lower is a whole group of now Chinese browsers. All of them are based on Chromium. The most successful of them is .

Among those more or less known to domestic users is Maxthon. However, its position has weakened over the year.

Finally, towards the end of the list, we note, which we often talk about. However, he still has only 0.04%. However, this is twice as much as a year earlier. Let's hope the major and long-awaited 2.0 update will improve these numbers.

Browser rating for Android and iOS

From desktop PCs, let's move on to mobile devices that run mainly Android and iOS.

The leader here is the same as on desktops – Chrome, but its mobile version. Over the month it adds 1.42%, and over the year an impressive 13.86%, reaching 46.37%. Mobile “Chrome” is gaining its strength at the expense of almost all the main mobile competitors.

The second browser in this ranking is mobile Safari. The standard iOS browser is, of course, limited only Apple gadgets that work under the control of this system. In April, its share increased by 0.1% and amounted to 21.87%. But over the course of a year, Safari is still slightly weakening, just like iOS itself. The browser loses 0.33% compared to April 2016.

Third place goes to UC Browser. The Chinese started off very vigorously at one time, but now the powerful start is somehow fading away. Losses for the month are 1.05% and the result is 14.64%. Over the year, losses amounted to 3.13%.

Suddenly settles in fourth place Samsung Internet. It is Chromium based mobile browser. It is pre-installed on mid- and high-end Galaxy smartphones and is also available for download from Google store. Over the year it grows by 0.86%, and specifically in April it adds 0.2% and by the beginning of May it occupies 5.94% of the market. Given the recent strong start Galaxy smartphones S8, we have no doubts about the further strengthening of this web browser.

Fifth place Android Browser. Like Microsoft IE, which was replaced by Edge, this product is actually abandoned by Google and is gradually leaving the market, since the standard browser in most Android devices has long been Chrome instead. Losses for the year – 4.42%. For the month minus 0.24%. By May, 4.68% remained.

Finally, in sixth place is Norwegian Opera. Unlike the desktop version, which maintains its existing positions and even shows a slight advantage, the mobile version, according to StatCounter, is doing very poorly. What is this: a service error or half of the users in a year really ran away from Opera - we cannot say for sure.

If this is true, then the company’s business is bad, since it was the mobile, and not the desktop, version that was truly popular and generated the main profit. Perhaps the ongoing process has something to do with the change of ownership and ongoing restructuring. But in the end, the fall in April was 0.41% and the result was 4.67%.

  • Chrome – 46.37% (+1.42%, +13.86%);
  • Safari – 21.87% (+0.1%, -0.33%);
  • UC Browser – 14.64% (-1.05%, -3.13%);
  • Samsung Internet – 5.94% (+0.2%, +0.86%);
  • Android Browser – 4.68% (-0.24%, -4.42%);
  • Opera – 4.67% (-0.41%, -5.19%).

As for other players, they are enormously behind even the noticeably weakened Opera:

Here we can see platforms from Blackberry and Nokia finally becoming a thing of history, leaving the market along with built-in programs for web surfing. The deplorable situation in the mobile market of Microsoft Corporation, which has only worsened over the year, is also clearly visible. IE Mobile fell below 1%, and new Edge not yet even close to a quarter of a percent of the market.

Overall browser rating. PC vs Mobile

Having assessed the browser market for desktop and mobile devices, it's time to look at the most interesting thing: the overall picture that emerges when you combine the ratings of desktop web browsers with those that work on smartphones and tablets:

The result is predominantly in favor of those players who have managed to gain a foothold in the mobile market. The only one of them who, for some reason, ended up in a deep minus is Opera (-1.92%). The rest are growing, ranging from a very modest increase over the year, like UC Browser (+0.16%), to very good figures for Google, Apple and Samsung.

The Internet giant's browser from Mountain View adds the most over 12 months: +6.26%. Here, however, it is worth clarifying that the outdated Android Browser simultaneously loses 1.58%. However, even this does not prevent Google from growing the audience of its browsers faster than others.

Apple comes in second. Here the increase over the year was 1.86%. Third place goes to Samsung. Their Samsung Internet added 1% in the overall ranking over 12 months:

  • Chrome – 53.69% (+0.88%, +6.26%);
  • Safari – 14.64% (+0.2%, +1.86%);
  • UC Browser – 8.41% (-0.34%, +0.16%);
  • Firefox – 6.31% (-0.36%, -2.09%);
  • Internet Explorer – 3.91% (-0.27%, -3.22%);
  • Opera – 3.55% (-0.13%, -1.92%);
  • Samsung Internet – 3.37% (+0.18%, +1.01%);
  • Android Browser – 2.65% (-0.08%, -1.58%);
  • Edge – 1.71% (= +0.48%).

The absolute outsiders were, first of all, those who achieved practically nothing in the mobile market. These are Microsoft and Mozilla. The creators of the “fire fox” lost 2.09% over the year. Microsoft Edge added 0.48%, but if you subtract from this the annual “successes” of Internet Explorer abandoned by the developer, you get -2.74%.

To understand why the mobile market plays a decisive role today in the overall standings, just look at what share of traffic is generated by one or another type of device and how it changes over time:

Smartphones and phablets generated almost 52% of traffic in April. Another approximately 5% today belongs to another type of mobile device – tablets. Desktops lost the palm to smartphones last fall. At the end of April, their share according to StatCounter was 43%.

The numbers above are slightly different from what we saw from StatCounter, but overall the rankings are very similar: we see leaders gaining strength - Chrome and Safari. We see a parallel strong weakening of the positions of browsers that have not found a place for themselves in the mobile market.

The problems of Norwegian Opera are also very noticeable. Moreover, if the global service shows a drop only mobile version web browser, then the desktop Opera is weakening in RuNet.

Finally, UC Browser, popular in Asian countries, has a much more modest position in our country than there, and in the world in general. Him in Russian-speaking segment network is replaced by the domestic Yandex.Browser.

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version: 19.3.0 from February 27, 2019

Ya.Browser is a web browser from the Yandex company, created on the basis Chromium engine. Combines the best features popular browsers Chrome and Opera, and also provides unique features to its users.

The Yandex browser is similarly capable of activating the traffic-saving Turbo mode and all the same fast loading pages when the Internet connection speed slows down, as in . Enjoy a minimalist interface, amazing speed and a built-in translator, and add extensions from the store Google Chrome.

version: 58.0.3135.79 from February 27, 2019

The Opera browser from the descendants of the Vikings is reliable, fast and convenient, and the use of a unique Turbo mode allows you to quickly load pages even with a critically low Internet connection speed.

Opera for computer is a powerful web browser from Norwegian developers who have focused on the reliability and convenience of web surfing.

version: 2.3.1440.57 from February 27, 2019

New browser from the developers of Opera, built on Chromium with the Blink engine. It features expanded functionality and increased ease of navigation.

The web browser interface is very reminiscent of Opera 12 - it also has side panel, basket with closed tabs and picture display mode. At the same time, the authors implemented a number of interesting innovations. Among them are tab grouping, integrated mail client, notes on open web pages.

version: 72.0.3626.119 from February 22, 2019

Chrome browser for a long time was in the lead among his peers by a wide margin. It would seem that such trump cards as crazy speed and user-friendly interface did not leave a chance to analogues.

But the increasingly hot breath of competitors in the form of Mozilla and Opera, as well as the conquest of their share of the audience with new products such as , and Yandex.Browser, required new accents from developers.

version: 28.4.0 from February 20, 2019

Pale Moon - best alternative Mozilla Firefox. The browser is based on the same software core, but has a lightweight interface and increased performance by 25%.

It provides excellent page opening speed and increased stability by eliminating some tools. According to the developers from Moonchild Productions, a browser should be a browser, and it is not necessary to take on the functions of other applications.

version: 65.0.1 from February 14, 2019

Mazila Firefox is one of the most popular cross-platform browsers in the world, provides fast safe surfing over the Internet, it is distinguished by flexibility in settings and a huge selection of plug-ins and extensions.

The multimillion-strong fan club of the Mozilla Firefox web browser is driving the market, creating conditions for healthy competition with the Google browser. The reasons why users are eager to download Mozilla Firefox are obvious - the emphasis on enhanced protection against malicious sites, high speed of working with dozens of open tabs and implementation innovative technologies, like sockets, web consoles or new generation graphics.

version: 8.0.6 from February 13, 2019

Tor Browser for anonymous web surfing. Represents Firefox web browser with an integrated Torbutton extension, a script blocker and an add-on for logging into sites via the HTTPS protocol.

The program allows you to visit sites prohibited by the administrator or the state, as well as correspond in web chats, place orders and download files, hiding your IP address and other identification elements.

version: 56.2.6 from December 19, 2018

Waterfox is a browser based on Mozilla Firefox, created specifically for 64-bit systems. Provides secure and amazingly fast web surfing.

Initially, Waterfox developers successfully took advantage of the fact that official version Mozilla Firefox was not designed for 64-bit architecture, and the program core was compiled with Intel help C++ Compiler. Despite the fact that programmers from the Fire Fox office subsequently released a version for the 64-bit OS, Waterfox continued to demonstrate more high speed, than that observed in his promoted relative.

I decided to write an article and choose the best browser of 2016 (and it doesn’t matter that it’s just the beginning of the year). The principles and criteria by which we used to select a browser do not work today, and in this article I will tell you what has changed and why.

Best browser 2016

If you are interested in this topic, then you most likely know that in the last couple of years, Google Chrome has been and is the clear leader. Indeed, the Google browser is good, even very good, but, as it turned out, not everything is so simple.

Thanks to Moore's law (according to him, the power of computers will double every 2 years), a recently purchased computer is not so good after a year. Accordingly, companies that create programs for working on the Internet adapted to the power of computers and added more and more cool features to their creations.

However, in Lately the rapid growth began to subside and all this, perhaps, is due to the fact that a bar is already visible, above which we cannot yet jump. In this situation, optimization comes to the fore (drum roll).

Optimize your browser too - find out how to increase your browser cache in our other article.

Now every manufacturer is trying to make sure that everything works better on its operating system and in its program than its competitors. Therefore, we will choose the best browser for several platforms (Mac, Windows, mobile operating systems).

The best browser for Mac OS

In the article where I talked about how to speed up a Mac, I already mentioned that it is best to use the Apple solution, namely Safari. The essence of this conclusion is that the browser is deeply integrated into the system, which allows it to use it to the maximum. If you enable system diagnostics and run google chrome in parallel with safari on mac, you can visually understand how much more economical safari is in using system resources.

It's just in disrepair. And now, I will play the video on youtube in 1080p in both browsers and here is the result:

In addition, Apple did a good job and made safari much faster than others (at least on Mac OS):

Well, what can we say about appearance, He's great:

However, there are also disadvantages to all this. No matter how hard everyone tries to give up flash, it won’t be possible to do it so quickly... And as we remember, thanks to Steve Jobs, Apple does not work with flash and safari is no exception, so, in most cases, if you want to watch a movie (if Of course, you are not using any service where everything is supported) you will have to open another browser.

And in general, you won’t see everything related to flash... But I don’t consider this a problem, since this year Google will abandon Flash, and after them the whole world. So at the end of the year you won’t even remember this pain.

In general, we have a winner! The best browser for Mac OS is Safari.

The best browser for Windows

Unfortunately, in Windows not everything is as good as in Apple, because, as we all know, Internet Explorer was a cool guy until version 6, after which it, for some reason, stopped developing and only got its head in 9 -th version, when the whole world of web programmers and people under 40 was proclaimed shit.

While IE was missing the opportunity to take a leading place in the world (due to the number of installed Windows operating systems), companies such as Mozilla, Google, Yandex released their solution, which was many times superior to the native one from Microsoft. In these circumstances, we have been observing a fierce struggle for the right to leadership between Google Chrome and Firefox for several years now.

Both browsers are good, some are liked more by some, some by others, but, in general, they are almost equal in functionality (although in the latter Chrome versions significantly ahead). Apple's Safari has virtually nothing on the windows market because at some point they decided to stop supporting it safari versions for Windows.

Yandex Browser, which just recently appeared, has not yet become so popular, but it is rapidly gaining momentum in the Russian segment of the Internet and it is really good. It's nice when Russia produced something worthwhile.

On at this stage The best browser of 2016 for windows is Google Chrome.

The best browser for mobile devices

Unlike desktop computers, mobile devices developed almost in parallel and, in short, everything works approximately according to the following laws:

  1. On Android it is convenient and pleasant to use google chrome (because everything is promoted by one company);
  2. Safari is convenient to use on iOS for the same reasons;

I don’t consider other OSes, because they are of no use. It is clear that there are many different nuances, each company comes up with new, convenient features that do not work for competitors, and so on. To consider this in more detail, you need to write a separate article about this, so the meaning can be contained in the 2 statements above.


In 2016, all manufacturing companies set a course for optimizing their solutions, and not for endless improvement. So, no matter which option you choose, you will most likely be satisfied, because everyone wants to do something better than everyone else, and we only benefit from it. So now the choice is only about your taste and nothing more. Thank you everyone, use your browsers and enjoy life (and you can also leave comments and express your opinion).

For a long time, the most famous and widespread browser was Internet Explorer, due to the fact that it is a standard built-in browser operating system Windows. At the dawn of the Internet, there was simply no alternative to it, and it was never the best.

In 1995 appeared Opera browser, which today occupies one of the leading positions in the market and is especially popular in the CIS countries. Opera has enough high functionality, clear interface, stable speed and good level security.

One of Opera's first competitors is Mozilla Firefox, in favor of which many users have recently spoken out. Mozilla, due to its innovation, speed and security, has great popularity, which does not stop growing; it is now the most widespread browser all over the world.

In 2008 Google company burst into the browser market with its product called Google Chrome. The basis for the creation of this browser was the free Chromium project. Google Chrome has an extremely minimalistic look and the same functionality, but it is very fast and stable.

Safari - browser from Apple adapted in 2007 for Windows, free application, originally developed for the Macintosh operating system. This browser is at the top of the list of the best and has a lot of fans who claim that Safari is the fastest, most beautiful and functional.

According to StatCounter in Russia, as of September 2013, it is the leader in popularity Chrome browser(38.9%), followed by Firefox (20.3%), Internet Explorer (14.1%), Opera (13.7%). Yandex.Browser (6.2%) closes the top five.

Chromium-based browsers

Actually, Chromium itself is a completely open project, from which grew Google Chrome, Yandex.Browser, CoolNovo, RockMelt, SRWare Iron and many other well-known and not so famous browsers. Unlike its offspring, it does not have functions such as error reporting, sending statistics, PDF modules Adobe Flash also missing.

Amigo Coowon Browser – powerful game browser for hardcore gamers, that’s how the creators of this application position it.

Comodo Dragon – a browser for “security freaks”, from Comodo famous manufacturer firewalls and antiviruses.

Nothing particularly remarkable browsers: PlayFree Browse, QIP Surf Browser, Internet, Odnoklassniki, Rambler Nichrom, Chrome from Yandex, Rambler Browser, Yandex. Browser, Orbitum, Amigo, RockMelt, are also developed based on Chromium.

Some browsers support, in addition to online mode, when the browser tries to retrieve pages from a web server, offline mode, which allows you to view saved copies of previously visited pages.

Firefox-based browsers

Mozilla CometBird is the brother of Mozilla Firefox, which consumes much less RAM.

Pale Moon – main feature of this browser is support powerful processors, thanks to which it is possible to achieve high productivity and stability.

Mozilla Flock is a browser focused on social media, supplied a huge amount bookmarks on almost all existing social networks.

Mozilla SeaMonkey is a browser for users nostalgic for Netscape Navigator.

Comodo IceDragon is another browser from the company Comodo is free and safe.

PirateBrowser – the first pirate browser, from the famous torrent tracker The Pirate Bay, has a built-in TOR client for tunnel traffic, FoxyProxy for convenient work with proxy servers and settings for anonymous surfing.

Standalone browsers

Browzar is a browser for spies. Easy, fast, anonymous, all addresses and passwords have to be entered again every time.
K-Meleon – innovative, fast and stable browser With unique set.

Maxthon is a cloud browser that includes big set latest generation cloud web navigators.
Tor Browser Bundle - a package that includes Mozilla browser Firefox with a virtual tunnel network provides 100% privacy and very slow performance.

Acoo Browser is a browser for professionals, which has in its arsenal an analyzer of HTML page code with highlighted syntax.

Also, the most notable browsers that have their own “” that are worth paying attention to include: BlackHawk, Dooble, Internet Surfboard, Lunascape, QupZilla, Slepnir Browser, Torch Browser.

It is not surprising that it is difficult to decide which one to choose and which browser is the best for Windows 10. We will try to help you with your choice.

Browsers for Windows 10

Although the Windows 10 OS has been out for a relatively long time, not all developers have released versions of their browsers specifically designed for Windows 10. Over time, the latest and greatest should be released. latest versions, but for now there are none, we have removed from the list of browsers those that are not suitable for the new OS, and we present to your attention browsers for Windows 10:

This is just a summary list, no labels for best or worst. These browsers are at least compatible with your device. And if you don’t make a mistake and don’t download the 32-bit version for your Windows 10 64 bit and vice versa, then you definitely won’t have any problems with the installation.

The best browser of 2016

There is no point in choosing a browser among older versions. Only the newest and most modern versions. The best browser of 2016 is Opera. Although in previous years Google Chrome was confidently in the lead, this year Opera is in the lead, and in 2017 the situation with the best browser will probably repeat itself.

Why Opera? This browser has changed significantly since Windows 8, and is now ideal for tablets and any touch devices. As far as you know, Windows 10 is aimed not only at computers, but also at tablets and laptops where touch screens. At the same time, the browser is still great for conservative users who use the mouse and keyboard for control.

But Opera became the best browser of 2016 not only because of its versatility and ease of touch use. The second argument on the list is the ability to save traffic. The browser can compress pictures and any information from the Internet, which speeds up the loading of pages, while also saving traffic. For those who are weak, this will help a lot.

On this strengths browsers have not run out. For Russia, the Opera browser is definitely the best browser, since in Turbo mode allows you to bypass Roskomnadzor blocks. This allows you, for example, to visit other blocked sites.

Good browsers for Windows 10

It would be stupid to stop at just one browser and not provide you with an alternative. The Opera browser may be the best, but it may not be suitable for some for obvious reasons. In this case, other good browsers for Windows 10 will help out. The good news is that all browsers are free, and most have been translated to . So you don't have to sit around translating them into Russian. Worthy options:
  • Google Chrome;
  • Yandex browser;
  • Amigo;
Google Chrome suitable for those, whose Internet use is related to Google services, For example by Gmail.

The second browser is Yandex Browser, this is an ideal solution for those who use Yandex as the main search engine and use the services of this company.

A Amigo browser is an ideal assistant for users who are connected to Mail services, for example the Question-Answer or My World service.

Classic, and modern browsers- that's what you should choose. From alternative solutions, you can only select specialized programs, helping to decide narrow tasks. For example, application