Entering and editing data in Excel. Data entry technology in MS Excel

Few people encounter any difficulties entering data into Excel, except that confusion may arise due to the selected cell format. But it also has a lot of tricks, using which you can greatly simplify entering data into an Excel cell and speed up this process as a whole.

Data entered into Excel can be divided into constants and formulas, and then we'll talk specifically about constants. By constants we mean numeric and text values, date and time values, logical values.

Numeric values
You can enter any data in Excel from the keyboard, from the clipboard, or load it from other files. To enter from the keyboard, select the cell, enter the value and press "Enter" or any other key for changing the cursor position, for example, tab or up, down arrows, and so on.

When entering numeric values, also use Special symbols, such as a dash to indicate negative values, a slash for fractional numbers, currency sign, percent, and symbol "E" to represent a number in scientific notation.

By default, all cells in a new document have a common format. The entered numeric value is right-aligned and if it does not fit into the cell range, it will automatically be written in exponential form to reduce the number of characters.

If you select a cell number format, a value that does not fit into the cell's range will be replaced with a hash sign, which will disappear when the cell width is increased to the required size.

For convenience in numeric format, the entered values ​​can be separated by a space between groups of digits, and this will only visual effect. But for some reason this only works if the cell's original format was "General".

When entering fractional values, Excel can interpret some entries as dates and perform auto-correction. To prevent this from happening, you must enter a zero before the fractional value or immediately select required format cells before entering the fractional value. So when entering "1/10" will be produced automatic replacement on "01.Oct", if the cell format was generic.

There is a possibility in Excel automatic filling a number of values. For example, let's enter the value into a cell "1", then select it, move the cursor to the lower right corner of the cell until a black cross appears, hold it with the left mouse button and drag across several cells in a column or row. As a result, we will get the selected cells autofilled with the value we entered "1". When this happens, the icon will appear in the lower right corner of the selected cells. , when clicked, the settings menu will appear. In our case it will be selected "Copy Cells", but if you select from the menu "Fill in", a sequence of numbers with steps will appear in the cells "1" regardless of the initial number entered.

If we enter two numbers with some step, select them and drag them across the cells, we will get a series of values ​​filled in with the step we have chosen. And if in the autofill settings you select "Copy Cells", then the values ​​we entered will be copied into the selected cells.

It is also possible to enter a progression with specified parameters, such as step and maximum value. To do this, select the cell with the initial value on the tab "Home" select menu "Fill in", and press the item "Progression…". As a result, a settings window will appear where you need to select the progression type, step, maximum value and filling direction.

If you need to fill some area with data, you can select the entire range of cells to fill and no longer be distracted by selecting the next cell. When entering, values ​​will be entered from left to right and from top to bottom, i.e. After filling out the first column, Excel will move on to filling out the second.

If you need to copy the same value to a large number of cells, you can copy this value to the clipboard, select a range of cells to fill, or individual cells with the key held down "CTRL" and then paste the value from the clipboard.

Text values
Text values ​​can also be entered either from the keyboard or pasted via the clipboard. By default, text is aligned to the left edge of the cell. When you enter long text that is wider than the cell, the text will appear on top of the adjacent next cells. If there is data in the next cell, the text will be hidden and will not appear outside the input cell.

The table uses columns(256) and lines (65536).

The lines are numbered from 1 to 65536, the columns are marked with Latin letters from A to Z, and combinations of letters AA, AB,..., IV. The element located at the intersection of a column and a row is called cell. The rectangular area of ​​the table is called block(range, interval) cells. It is specified by the addresses of the upper left and lower right cells of the block, listed separated by a colon. Cell address is the column and row number. Used in formulas (as a relative, absolute or mixed reference), as well as for quickly moving around a table.

Contents cells can be:

    number (signed or unsigned integer (-345), fixed-point fraction (253.62) or floating point (2.5362e+2));

Cell Format- number format, font, character color, frame type, background color, alignment to cell borders, cell protection.

Name- used as a replacement for the absolute cell address for use in formulas.

For example, by assigning the name “Product” to cell C3, you can place the formula in cell D3: =Product/3 (instead of the formula =C3/3). In this case, when copying the formula, the cell address will not change.

Data entry and editing

The main objects on which actions are performed in spreadsheets ah, there are cells and blocks of cells.

BLOCK - one cell, row, column, or any rectangular area of ​​the table. The block address is specified as follows:

<адрес верхней левой ячейки> colon <адрес правой нижней ячейки>

Examples of blocks: A1; A1:A9; B2:Z2; C3:E8.

The working field of the table includes the following elements:

Fig.1. Excel window


    Select a cell.

    Dial data.

    Click .

The following type of data can be written to a cell: NUMBERS; FORMULAS; TEXT.

Various ways to edit and copy data


You may make mistakes when entering data and must be able to correct errors. Of course, you can simply enter a new one into the cell with erroneous data. correct value, but if you need to correct one or two characters, then it is more advisable edit cell contents.


    If an error is made in the text, then correcting it comes down to placing the text cursor in front of the incorrectly typed character and correcting it.

    If an error is made when entering a number, then since the computer does not know that this is an error, Excel automatically tries to select the appropriate format for the given image.

For example, you wanted to enter the number 410. Errors made when entering are interpreted as follows:

Invalid input

Recognized format

Screen image

Do not try to correct an error directly in a cell; it is unlikely that you will succeed, since the hidden format of this cell has already been generated by you. Therefore, you must first correct the cell format to the correct one using the FORMAT / CELL / NUMBER menu.

    If, when entering formulas, you forgot to put the “=” sign, then everything you typed will be written into the cell as text. If you put an equal sign, then the computer recognizes that you are entering a formula and will not allow you to write down a formula with an error until you correct it.

The most common mistakes are entering cell addresses in Russian letters mode or entering two arithmetic characters in a row.

You remember that when editing, the ET cursor must be on the cell being edited.

Lab. Slave. No. 10

Creating and formatting tables in MS Excel

1. Purpose and content: learn to carry out basic operations with worksheets in MS Excel containing economic indicators and financial results of enterprises; perform calculations on given formulas using table processor.

Theoretical background

Excel is a spreadsheet processing program. It can be used to organize complex calculations, present tabular data in the form of charts, sort and manipulate large amounts of information. Spreadsheets are designed to store and process information presented in tabular form - this is two-dimensional arrays, consisting of columns and rows. MS Excel allows you to automate the processing of tabular data. Using MS Excel tables, you can perform various economic and accounting calculations, build various types of diagrams, conduct analysis, simulate and optimize solutions to various production situations, etc.

2.1 Key Concepts spreadsheets

Workbook- is the main MS Excel document. It is stored in a file with the xlc extension. Each workbook contains 16 worksheets by default. Sheets designed for creating and storing tables, charts, macros. Worksheet Excel workbooks has a matrix structure. The column name and row number to which the cell simultaneously belongs uniquely determine its address: A1 is the address of the cell located in column A and the first row. Cell is the smallest structural unit for placing data within a worksheet. Each cell can contain data in the form of text, numeric values, formulas, or formatting options. When entering data, MS Excel automatically recognizes the type of data and determines the list of operations that can be performed with it. There are two ways to write cell addresses in a table:

1) Indicating the column letter and row number of the table, which can be preceded by a $ sign indicating absolute addressing, for example: C5, J$1, $K$3. This is the default method and is called A1 style.

2) By indicating the row number and column number following the letters R and C, respectively. This method is called "R1C1".

MS Excel interface

Microsoft program Excel can be started in three ways: using the START menu Windows systems; by using Excel shortcut at work Windows desktop; through the program Windows Explorer. Main view Excel windows, which is shown to the user immediately after starting the program, is shown in Fig. 1.1.

The Excel window structure consists of the following elements.

Header Line – top line of the screen; this line contains the application name - Microsoft Excel followed by the workbook name, Workbook 1. The number 1 indicates that Excel can work with multiple workbooks.

Among the main window interface elements may be called:

- Menu bar and the main mode menus located on it (hierarchical drop-down lists). The menu bar is located below the title bar. The menu bar lists the commands: File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Data, Window, Help. Each team combines a set of subteams that have a common functional focus.

- Toolbar, containing icons, buttons, and drop-down lists that allow quick access to frequently used commands and settings. By default, unless certain settings are made, Excel displays panels Standard And Formatting. Toolbar Standard contains buttons with icons. Badges- these are commands that can also be found in the menu. For quick access It is convenient to use the toolbar to access frequently used commands.

Toolbar Formatting contains abbreviations for the most common operations performed when formatting text.

Picture 1 Standard view spreadsheet windows

To find out the name of a button or icon, you need to move your mouse pointer over it - Excel will display a hint. To display additional panels tools, you need to use the VIEW command >Toolbars, where to choose required panel. Or bring up a list of toolbars using the context-sensitive menu.

Data entry line . IN Excel program the data entry line is called formula bar. Formula bar located under the panel Formatting and is used to enter and edit data in a table cell. It displays the contents of the active cell. Status bar- displays information about the selected command or operation being performed, as well as background information about enabled function keys.

Many operations in Excel (for example, deleting, pasting, copying) are performed using Context-sensitive menu, which can be called by right-clicking on the active object.

Move around the sheet

At any given moment, only a certain part of the spreadsheet data may be visually available to us. In this regard, the navigation capabilities of the program are of particular importance.

You can navigate through a workbook sheet using: the keyboard (cursor control arrow); mouse (scroll bars); EDIT menu commands >Go . In the Go to Field dialog box Link indicate the address of the desired cell to go to specific cell the desired worksheet. Basic features for moving inside separate sheet are described in Table 1.

To move between sheets of a workbook, you can either use the navigation buttons or directly select the tab of the desired sheet with the mouse.

Table 1

Move around the worksheet. Active cell is the cell into which information is entered (text, number, formula). The active cell can be changed by: moving the mouse pointer to the cell that should be active and clicking on it; or select the EDIT command from the menu> Go.

Column selection – carried out by clicking on the column name. Selecting a line – carried out by clicking on the line number. Selecting multiple cells: in order to highlight adjacent cells, holding left key mouse, move the mouse pointer from one corner of the range to another; to highlight non-adjacent cells select the first cell or first range of cells, and then hold down Ctrl, select the remaining cells or ranges one by one.

To select the entire table– click the button located at the intersection of the row and column headings.

Data entry technology in MS Excel

The cell is designed to store different meanings various types. She has unique address, can have a name, can have and change values.

Interval (block, range) of cells- a rectangular area of ​​adjacent or non-adjacent cells. It is specified by specifying the address of the upper left and lower right cells, separated by a colon. For example: A2:G4.

Note: Selecting a non-adjacent range of cells is done using the mouse while holding down the key Ctrl.

Cells have a specified format, which can be set using the FORMAT> command Cells(Fig. 2). This command has several tabs. You can enter various types of data into cells: text, numbers, dates, times, formulas (which may include numbers, signs of arithmetic, logical or other operations performed with data from other cells, cell addresses or their names, names of built-in functions) . By default, text is left aligned and numbers are right aligned.

Data input – one of the main operations when working with a spreadsheet. Each table cell can be filled with data of a different nature: number, text, formula.

Figure 2. Controlling cell format

To enter data into a table cell, you must do the following: activate the cell; enter data (text, numbers, formulas) using the keyboard; confirm the entry: by pressing the enter key Enter; pressing the button before Formula bar; click on another cell; exiting the current cell using the cursor keys.

Entering numbers. Excel interprets the entered cell contents as a numeric value if it consists only of numbers. Some special characters can be used in numeric values: “-” - input negative number. If a numeric value is enclosed in parentheses as you enter it, the program automatically converts it to a negative number; “+” - when entering positive numbers this sign is omitted; “,” - if one comma is entered before a number or in a number, the program will perceive it as a decimal point; “%” - when entering a number, you can assign a percentage format to the cell. To do this, you must specify a percent symbol after the number. When performing calculations, Excel will divide the value displayed in the cell by 100; "R." - when entering a number, you can assign a currency format to the cell. To do this, the currency symbol is indicated after the number. When you enter a character correctly in a numeric Excel value aligns it to the right edge of the cell.

Entering text. Any input data that the program does not perceive as a numeric value, date, time value, or as a formula is interpreted by the program as text. Text, unlike numbers, is displayed left-aligned. Long text can be split into several lines in a cell by pressing a keyboard shortcut Alt+Enter transition to new line.

Excel has several ways to make it easier and faster. data entry process: re-enter (copy) existing data; autocomplete; entering progressions.

For copying data should: select the cell; move the mouse pointer to the autofill marker (the “+” sign) and drag the selection frame over all the cells into which you want to copy the data.

A similar result can be achieved if you use the EDIT command >Fill in and indicate the direction of copying.

Autocomplete- fills the selected cells with selected (or additionally created) sequences.

The function for entering progressions allows you to quickly create sequences of numbers, dates, etc. increasing (decreasing) according to an arithmetic or geometric law. For creating a progression necessary: ​​enter the value of the first element of the progression in the selected base cell; select a block of cells that will be occupied by members of the progression (or in the future you will have to specify the value last element); execute the EDIT command >Fill in > Progression; in the dialog box that appears Progression indicate the type and parameters of the generated sequence of values.

Correction of cell contents. Before confirming your data entry: using the key backspace; using the key Del; button – cancel.

Confirmed data, Having activated the cell, you next need to: press the key F2 and make corrections directly in the cell; set mouse cursor to Formula bar and make corrections.

Deleting the contents of a cell. A cell on the screen has several levels: Image, Format, Formula, Name.For removing content cells you need: run the EDIT command > Clear, and then select one of the levels; use key Del; using the context menu command Clear contents.

For removing row/column: execute the EDIT command >Delete; using the context menu command Delete.

Copying data. If necessary, the contents of a cell can be copied and pasted to another location. To do this, you need to activate the cell, copy it to the clipboard, then select the area (cell or range of cells) to paste and paste the contents of the clipboard. There are several ways to copy and paste: through the menu commands EDIT> Copy, then EDIT> Insert; via context menu commands Copy And Insert; using the appropriate buttons on the toolbar; drag and drop method: Move the mouse cursor under the lower right corner of the cell, and the cursor will change its shape (+), while holding the left mouse button, move the mouse cursor to adjacent cells and release the mouse button.


Formula is an expression consisting of operands that is used to perform calculations on the given data. Each formula begins with the equals symbol "=". The operands can be: numbers, logical values, references to cell addresses (range of cells), built-in functions that are connected using operation symbols - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation. The formula itself is also a value (calculation result) that is stored in a worksheet cell.

The main operators in the formulas and their hierarchy are described in Table 2. Excel performs calculations sequentially, depending on their hierarchy. If a formula contains multiple operators with the same precedence level, they will be processed from left to right. If the sequence of calculations, determined by the priorities of the operators used in the formula, must be changed, then parentheses must be used. Expressions in parentheses will be processed first.


If a formula contains several operators, they will be processed in the following sequence: negative number sign (-); percentage operator (%); exponentiation (^); multiplication and division (*,/); addition and subtraction (+,-); concatenate text (&).

Entering formulas. Technical Excel capabilities allow you to create quite complex formulas. You can use formulas to calculate and analyze worksheet data. Any data entry that begins with an "=" sign is interpreted by Excel as a formula. The formula itself is displayed in the input formula bar, and the calculation result is visible in the cell. Formulas almost always contain references to cells whose contents are used in calculations. The formula can use cell range names or headers.

2.2.4 Worksheet design

Fonts.Various types and sizes of fonts offered by Excel allow you to effectively design a table. There are several ways to select a font. select the FORMAT command >Cells > Font; by executing the context-sensitive menu command Cell Format > Font; using the FORMAT toolbar buttons > Font And Size .

Formatting. Align the contents of a cell or cells to the left, right, center, etc. performed using the corresponding buttons on the FORMAT toolbar or using the bookmark Alignment dialog box Format.

Choice of colors allows you to get greater clarity when working with the table. To select and set a color, you must select a tab View dialog box Format

Framing.For the purpose of highlighting individual elements table (header, columns, rows, cells) border is used. To set range boundaries, select the tab Border dialog box Format or the corresponding toolbar buttons.

- 2.2.5 Shutting down the application. There are also several ways to correctly shut down Excel: using the FILE command >Exit; click on the button Close or by running the FILE command >Close.

If a spreadsheet was opened and changes were made to it, Microsoft Excel will save them automatically upon exit, however, if these operations affected the structure of any table objects, the program will additionally request confirmation for all changes made.

Related information.

Creating a new book
Opening a book
Saving a book
Closing the book
Book viewing modes

  • Selecting table elements

Copying data
Moving Data
Deleting data

  • Canceling operations

Data types

Now that we've figured out the structure of the spreadsheet window, let's move on to how data is entered and edited. IN workbook may contain arbitrary number worksheets, in turn, each worksheet is a workfield that consists of cells. A cell can contain one of three types of data:

  • number;
  • text;
  • formula (will be discussed in a separate lecture).

Number. Numerical values ​​express different quantitative relationships of data of a certain type. In order to enter a number into a cell, you need to make the cell active, use the keyboard to enter the desired number, and press the key when finished Enter. The entered number in the cell is automatically aligned to the right. Numeric values ​​are also dates and times. To install these formats, you need to go to the tab home in Group Number select a team Number format and in the menu that opens, select monetary/financial, etc. (Fig. 2.1).

Rice. 2.1 Drop-down menu list Number formats

Text. Text is used to indicate numerical data, column headings, and to enter explanatory information about the worksheet. Text that begins with a number is considered text.

Entering text into a cell is carried out in the same way as numeric values. If you enter into a cell long text, then it is usually displayed in the formula bar. Having reached the right edge of the window in this line, the characters are transferred to a new one, and a small scroll bar appears. You can also use the mouse to make the formula bar wider by dragging its bottom edge (Fig. 2.2).

Rice. 2.2. Display text in the formula bar

If the cells on the right are empty, MS Excel will display the entire text, filling adjacent cells. If the adjacent cell is not empty, then the program will display as many characters of text as possible (all the text is still in the cell, but it is not displayed). To fit text into a single cell, you either need to expand the column or use the command Wrap text in Group Alignment tabs home place the text in several lines.

Operations with books

Creating a new book

To create a new book, click on Office button and select a team Create. In the dialog box that appears, select A new book(Fig. 2.3), and then click the Create button or double-click on the icon A new book. As a result, on Taskbars

a button appears with the name of the new file (Book 1). If several books have been created, then using Taskbars You can easily switch from one book to another.

Rice. 2.3 New Book Dialog Box

Opening a book

To open an existing document, click Office button and select a team Open, after which a dialog box will open Opening a document. In field Folder select the folder in which it is located required document, then double click left mouse button opens required file or select the file and press the button Open.

Note. By default, only files created in the program are displayed in the list box MS Excel. To display other types of files or all files, you must select in the field File type type required extension or All files.

Saving a book

To save the book you need to call the command Save / Save as by pressing the button Office.

When saving for the first time, a dialog box will appear Saving a document(Fig.2.4). In field Folder indicates the folder in which you want to save the book. In field File name– enter the name of the book (by default the file name is Book no.). In field File type– the format in which the document will be saved (if necessary). Save is confirmed by pressing the button Save.

Rice. 2.4 “Save Document” Dialog Box

Note. There are restrictions on file names: the length of the file name cannot exceed 254 characters; Russian can be used in the name, letters, numbers, symbols, except / \< > ? * :

When saving the book again and again, you need to click Office button and select a team Save, and the dialog box Saving a document is not displayed, the book is automatically saved in the same file and under the same name. To save the same workbook under a different name or in a different folder, select the command Save as. Books Microsoft Excel 2007 have an extension xlx.

Closing the book

To close the book, you must select from the menu File team Exit Excel or press the button Close in the title bar of the window.

Book viewing modes

MS Excel allows you to work with tables in several viewing modes:

  • Ordinary– most convenient for performing most operations, including filling out tables).
  • Page layout– convenient for final formatting of the table before printing, that is, it shows how the document will look after printing. The page borders and headers and footers are viewed.
  • Page modepreview page breaks before printing, that is, in this mode, page separations are displayed with blue lines, by dragging which you can change the page size.
  • Full screen– the work field is displayed on the entire screen, the tab strip is hidden, to return it back you need to press the button Esc.

To switch between modes, you can use the tab commands View.

Selecting table elements

Many teams MS Excel require selecting table elements (cell, row, column), which can be used in various commands.

In order to select one cell, i.e. To make it active, just click on it with the left mouse button.

To select other table elements you should use following methods discharge:

  1. selecting multiple cells: make active the cell from which the selection begins, press left button mouse and, without releasing it, move the mouse pointer to the opposite corner of the selected area;
  2. allocation large number table elements Shift and, without releasing it, click the mouse in the opposite corner of the selected area;
  3. highlighting non-adjacent table elements: make active the cell from which the selection begins, press the key Ctrl and, without releasing it, continue selecting other elements using the left mouse button;
  4. allocation whole line : left-click on the row number or activate any cell in the row and click Shift+ key Space;
  5. selecting an entire column: left-click on the column name or activate any cell in the column and click Ctrl+ key Space;
  6. selecting the entire table: left-click on the button located above the number 1 in the left corner of the worksheet or click Ctrl+ A(F).

Filling and editing cells

To enter data into a cell, you must make it active and enter data from the keyboard. Data will appear in the cell and appear in the formula bar. To complete the entry, press Enter or one of the cursor keys. The data entry process will end and the adjacent cell will become active.

To edit data in the cell, you need:

  • make the cell active and press the key F2 or double-click on it with the left mouse button;
  • a text cursor will appear in the cell, which can be moved using the cursor keys;
  • make changes;
  • exit editing mode by pressing the key Enter.

Attention! Before executing any command MS Excel you should finish working with the cell, i.e. exit the input or editing mode.

Copying data

1 way

  1. Select team Copy from the group Clipboard tabs home or from the context menu (a blinking frame will appear around the selected range).
  2. Place the cursor in the first cell of the area of ​​the sheet where you want to copy the information.
  3. Select team Insert from the group Clipboard tabs home or from the context menu.

Method 2

  1. Select the range you want to copy.
  2. While holding down the key Ctrl, move the mouse pointer to the selected range to new area worksheet.

Moving Data

1 way

  1. Select team Cut from the group Clipboard tabs home or from the context menu (a blinking frame will appear around the highlighted range).
  2. Place the cursor in the first cell of the area of ​​the sheet where you want to move the information.
  3. Select team Insert from the group Clipboard tabs home or from the context menu.

Method 2

  1. Select the range you want to move.
  2. Place the mouse pointer over the selected range frame.
  3. Drag the selected range with the mouse pointer to a new area of ​​the worksheet.

Deleting data

In order to completely replace the data of a cell, it is enough to make it active and enter new data (new data replaces old ones). To delete the contents of a cell or range, select the area and press Delete.

Canceling operations

To cancel the last operation on data, select the command on the Quick Access Toolbar Undo input (Ctrl+Z). If you click on the arrow next to this button, a list of operations performed in current session. By clicking on the name of one operation, you can undo it and all operations performed after it.

To return the last undone operation, select the command from the Quick Access Toolbar Return.

Actions on table elements

Inserting columns, rows, and cells

You can insert columns, rows, and cells into the created table as needed. When inserting, existing data is shifted.

Inserting a Column: left-click on the column header (select the column) to the left of which you want to insert a new one. Select the command from the context menu Insert(not to be confused with the command Insert, which adds fragments from the clipboard). Existing data will shift to the right. You can also use the command Insert from the group Cells tabs home Insert columns into a sheet.

Inserting a Row: Left-click on the row header (highlights the row) above which you want to insert a new one. Select the command from the context menu Insert(not to be confused with the command Insert, which adds fragments from the clipboard). Existing data will move down. You can also use the command Insert from the group Cells tabs home. When you press the button, a menu will appear in which you need to select Insert rows into a sheet.

Inserting Cells: Select a cell or range of cells where new cells should appear. In the context menu, select the command Insert…. In the Adding Cells window that appears, select how you want to insert cells with a shift to the right or down. You can also use the command Insert from the group Cells tabs home. When you press the button, a menu will appear in which you need to select Insert Cells.

Deleting columns, rows, and cells

Select the entire rows, columns, or cells that contain the data you want to delete. On the tab home in Group Cells select teams Delete and by pressing the button select the right command. Existing data will move. You can also select the command from the context menu Delete, and then in the dialog box that appears Removing cells indicate what you want to delete - cell, row, column.

Changing column widths and row heights

Changing Column Widths: place the mouse pointer on the border of the column headers (the pointer will look like a black cross), press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, set the column width. You can also use context menu, to do this click right click mouse over the column header and select the command Column width

Changing row height: Place the mouse pointer on the line numbering boundary (the pointer will look like a black cross), press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, set the line height. You can also use the context menu by right-clicking on the line number and selecting the command Line height, in the dialog box that appears, set the desired value.

Note. If the data doesn't fit into a row or column, you can automatically drop it. To do this, just double-click with the left mouse button on the border of the columns/rows in the area of ​​their designation (column names or row numbering).

Tasks for independent work

1. Launch the program MS Excel.

2. Rename Sheet1 V Data.

3. Add new leaf and move it to the end of the workbook.

4. On Sheet 2 format the table according to the sample (specify the required width columns):

5. Add the first row to the table and enter the table name “ Optimal Calcium Intake»

6. Copy the first column of the table (cell range A2:A12) to sheet 2.

7. Save this file in folder My Documents under the name Calcium intake.

8. Close the program.