What is Microsoft One Note. Use templates and add-ons

It’s strange, but this news somehow slipped past Habr.

Amazing generosity from Microsoft - one of the best note-taking software, OneNote, is now offered for free! Since March 17, the product itself has been offered both as part of MS Office, and separately and absolutely free, on a specially created website. Currently, versions are available for all more or less popular platforms - Windows (both on PC and for phones), Mac, Android, iPhone, iPad. There is also a web version. Skydrive is used to synchronize notebooks.

My introduction to OneNote

My acquaintance with OneNote began with the fact that I was tired of storing recipes in hard copies - in the form of pieces of paper, notebooks, printouts and other tinsel. I didn’t want to build my own bicycle, and a quick search on electronic culinary notebooks showed zero and a hell of a lot of results, so the task was expanded to “what is there for convenient record keeping in electronic form?” At that time (2009), the choice turned out to be small - either Evernote (which had just appeared) or OneNote from Microsoft. Evernote was dropped immediately, because... for its work it required constant Internet access (it seems to still require it, even in the premium version with off-line storage of notes), which categorically did not suit me. As a result, we were left with the unknown beast OneNote, which was installed long ago along with other office applications, but had never been launched until now.
The first acquaintance left me in a slight shock - is this really Microsoft? The product clearly fell out of the general Office paradigm, both in design and in its approach to the logic of work (for example, how do you like the lack of a “Save” button? Even if you kill the process through Task Manager, OneNote did not lose anything and calmly restored its work from the interrupted place , unlike the same Word). Well, in terms of capabilities, the product easily covered all my desires at that time - off-line storage and work, web clipper, local search (including search by text in pictures and photographs!), categories, marks as and anywhere, and much more .
As a result, after a while I really got hooked on this product, and, in addition to the cookbook, I also got other notebooks on different topics - for work, hobbies, education, apartment renovation, ....

Evernote disclaimer

  • Everything written below about Evernote is my opinion, perhaps not always correct, and based on several attempts to make friends with it (the last time was a couple of years ago). It’s possible that something has changed during this time, so correct me if I’m wrong.
  • I know about the existence of other web note-takers (such as Springpad, for example), but historically it so happened that I only became closely acquainted with Evernote, so I only mention it further.

The origins of both Evernote and OneNote clearly leave their mark on these products. Evernote was born in the era of the boom of web services and the emerging fashion for abandoning thick clients (on desktops, in particular) and this resulted in a one-sided development of the solution with a bias towards mobility. Cool clients on mobile platforms, a good web interface, integration with browsers - and at the same time absolutely no client on a PC, plus the impossibility of working without constant Internet access due to the peculiarities of monetization of the service (traffic limit is a strong incentive to switch to a paid subscription , which will turn into nothing when storing notebooks offline).
On the other hand, OneNote is a classic PC program, made on the principle of “I carry everything with me” - huge functionality that does not depend on any external resources or services, local storage of all data, plus tight integration with the most popular office suite. Its disadvantages at that time were a continuation of its advantages - the impossibility of working together, the lack of synchronization between different devices (with the exception of devices based on Windows Mobile, but even then it was clear that “a friend is not a tenant”), again, the risk of data loss in the event a surprise in the form of a dead hard drive... In principle, all these disadvantages were managed with one crutch or another - synchronization of notebooks via Dropbox, third-party clients for Android and IOS, backup copies to external storage. However, as MS Office developed and SkyDrive appeared, the crutches fell off and died, and at the moment OneNote has actually equaled Evernote in its capabilities, and in some places even surpassed it.

What interesting features does Onenote have, besides being free, working with all types of information - texts in different forms (texts, tables, lists, scans, printouts), pictures, audio and video, handwriting, total search of all stored information, simultaneous work of several users,...?

  • Firstly, as I mentioned earlier, this is integration (two-way) with MS Office. For example, in the case of Outlook, you can both send letters to OneNote and transfer tasks directly from a notebook to the Outlook calendar, and in the case of Word, you can link notes to documents.
  • Secondly, it is possible to send notes to [email protected], and they will be automatically added to your notebook. Unfortunately, Microsoft was a little overzealous here, because... Emails are only accepted from an email address associated with a Microsoft Live account (i.e., addresses like @hotmail.com or @outlook.com). You cannot link mail from another domain unless you have an account from the days when you could specify any mailbox during registration.
  • Thirdly, integration with various scanners, both “hardware” (Epson, for example), and “software” (Genius Scan), as well as completely exotic ones, such as “smart” pens.
  • Fourthly, all sorts of small amenities, such as the ability to print in OneNote out of the box. After installing OneNote, a new printer “Send to OneNote” appears in “Devices and Printers”, after which any application that can print can send information to the notebook.
  • Fifthly... yes

Microsoft OneNote is a program for storing and organizing information using electronic notepads. It can serve as an analogue to ordinary notebooks and diaries. Supplied as part of the Microsoft Office suite. It has been free since March 2014, and can now be downloaded separately from the corporation’s website.

The program first appeared as part of the Tablet PC project and is designed for short notes, which is very convenient for users of smartphones and tablets with handwriting support. But the program can be fully used on personal computers with Windows and MacOS operating systems. Supported by all popular mobile operating systems: Windows Phone 7, iOS, Android and Symbian.

Keep everything in one notepad

Create notes effortlessly. Download and install the free OneNote software on your computer. Windows PC or Mac, smartphone or tablet - your recordings will always be available to you. Capture all your ideas in notebooks, which will be stored in the OneDrive cloud for access anywhere in the world. Before you launch OneNote, we recommend visiting the program's support page on the official Microsoft website.

Easily save any ideas . Type on the keyboard, use handwriting, draw sketches - choose any way to record your thoughts. You can also add messages, links to Internet pages, photos, videos, files and tables to your notes.

Forget ballpoint pens! Use OneNote to draw, edit, and erase what you've written and drawn with your fingers, mouse, or stylus.

Keep everything in one place . Collect all the necessary information in one notebook. This will save time and, perhaps, find new ideas for creativity.

All records are in perfect order

Any notes are priceless . But why waste time remembering whether we saved everything we needed or not, then endlessly search and systematize what we found. OneNote makes life easier.

Not a single entry will be lost . Notes are saved automatically during creation, as if we were using a regular paper notepad. Access to your notes is possible wherever there is an Internet connection, and you don’t have to worry about forgetting your notebook at home.

Free movement of information . Move and organize records as you see fit for better perception and search.

Instantly find the information you need . Use the search feature in your notes to search for everything from a presentation slide to a single word, phrase, or message.

Work together

Create a team guide, travel plan, cookbook, or sketchbook, and share the content you create for real-time collaboration and discussion through OneNote. The world's largest corporations are convinced that this will significantly simplify business processes and allow them to work more efficiently.

Always a new version, automatic synchronization of information in OneNote with notebooks on the OneDrive cloud - all this allows any participant to access the latest versions of notes.

Easily add participants . To add a new member to a workgroup, simply send a link to the desired notebook. You just need to follow the link to automatically gain access to the latest information.

Work in real time . Regardless of which program users use - OneNote-2013 or the web version of JneNote Online, changes in notebooks are instantly displayed on the screens of all group members.

Enjoy Office 365 and advanced OneNote features

A free version of OneNote is available to download and use . When you pay for Office 365 Personal or Office 365 Home, you get an enhanced version of OneNote that easily interacts with other Office programs and supports additional features.

Creating notebooks on a personal computer . Create and save notebooks not only in the cloud, but also on your own hard drive. Notepads operate in online and offline modes with subsequent automatic synchronization. This option will be very popular among users who do not have a constant Internet connection or need to use OneNote on the go.

Business process support. All recordings are automatically synchronized with OneDrive, which facilitates business communications between members of work groups and joint projects. For reliable information protection, there is a multi-level password system. In addition, when using Office 365, the user receives all new versions of the package and all new functions when working with records, such as adding Excel tables, Outlook mail, PowerPoint presentations, files and links.

Record video and audio . In addition to text and handwritten notes, it supports adding audio recordings and video files to OneNote notebooks. That this further enhances opportunities and improves collaboration, learning and important meetings is clear to everyone.

Correct removal of OneNote

How do I remove OneNote if I don't plan to use it and need more hard drive space? If you follow the standard process, you can uninstall the entire Office suite. But how to remove just OneNote? Few people know that this is possible. In the future, you may be able to add OneNote to your Office suite.

Removal Instructions

  1. Click the “Start” button and select “Control Panel”. Then, in the “Install and Uninstall” section, select Microsoft Office.
  2. Click “Change”. In the “Adding or removing components” section, click “Continue”. In the menu that appears opposite Microsoft OneNote, in the “Installation Options” section, select Not Available.
  3. Then click “Continue” and “Remove Now” to remove OneNote from the Office suite. After the process is completed, click “Close” and restart the computer.

Printing documents

Sometimes, when sending files to the printer, the printing process does not start, and the Windows operating system displays a message that OneNote has stopped working. What does this mean and how to solve the problem? To do this, you need to look at the list of installed printers in the system. When installed, OneNote creates its own to easily deliver documents to your notebook. Sometimes Windows sets it as the default printer, and everyone goes to the OneNote notebook instead of the printer. Set the printer you need as the current one and print without problems.

Hello everyone Let's talk today about a program like OneNote, I will tell you what kind of program it is and you can understand whether you need it or not. There may be some other programs called OneNote, but today I will tell you exactly about the program that is included in Windows 10. OneNote comes as a tiled program, I personally have it in the Start menu and need it in order to write something down, well, something that needs to be remembered. This is, so to speak, an electronic notebook where you can write down anything, you can even draw...

I read on the Internet that it seems like OneNote is especially convenient for those who have tablets, because it has a handwriting function. Honestly, I have a lot of thoughts and sometimes I write something down, so I was also interested in looking at this OneNote, maybe this program will be useful to me? Moreover, the program is free and can be downloaded from the Microsoft website. The fact is that on my test computer I have regular Windows 10, but on my main computer I have Windows 10 LTSB, this version does not have OneNote, and there are also no other tiled programs. Although, now I’m thinking, will I be able to install OneNote in this case? Well, okay, I’ll find out everything later, but now we’ll get acquainted with the program

Look, here is this OneNote program in the Windows 10 Start menu:

Well, let's try to run this OneNote program now? So I launched it, and the following window appeared:

That is, here we need to log in to Microsoft for this program to work. Hmm, I need to think a little here.. In short, I select the second item, that is, Work or school account, then an input field for phone or email appeared, I wrote my email here and clicked Next:

Then this window appeared:

And to be honest, I don’t quite understand this, that is, it turns out that we need to enter the password for our Microsoft account, right? Well, I’m not registered there... Yes, that’s right, registration is required here, because even when I tried to recover the password, it was written to me that you as an identifier are not in the Microsoft database:

That is, there is only one conclusion that can be drawn: in order to use the OneNote program, you must be registered with Microsoft, and this personally bothers me a little

Okay, so what will I try to do? I launched the OneNote program again, then I selected Personal Microsoft Account, and tried to register. Filled out all the fields, then clicked Next:

Then there were two checkboxes regarding the display of materials, so here I click Next:

Well, I clicked on the Confirm button, then the page loaded, I closed it and went to the OneNote program, there I was asked to enter my Windows password, but since I don’t have one, I just clicked on Next:

This is a mess guys, but I was already thinking that I would need to do something else in order to launch this OneNote program, but hurray, it seems like this is the end of the hassle, because I saw that everything is ready, all that remains is to click on the Open OneNote button :

Well, I clicked on this button and this is what it seemed to me, look:

And this window, it’s been hanging on me for about five minutes now... I don’t know what it’s doing there... Honestly, I was already starting to think that maybe there was some kind of glitch? In short, guys, my patience has run out, it has been hanging for about 15 minutes, this is an unrealistically long time, I close the window, reboot and launch the OneNote program again! And you know what guys? There was a joke waiting for me here too! In short, I registered with Microsoft for the OneNote program, right? Well, now I have a Microsoft account, and in order to log into the computer, that is, into Windows, I had to enter the password for the account. So here's the thing guys, know that when you register with Microsoft for the OneNote program, you are registering with a Microsoft account that will be used as your account! But since you set a password for your account, when you log in to Windows, you will be asked for this password! Well, do you understand more or less? I hope so. In general, I entered the password (it’s good that I at least wrote it down), then Windows loaded, now I launched OneNote again, and this time it started normally, this is what this program looks like, I maximized the window to full screen:

Well, let's see what this OneNote program can do? This means that in the upper left part there is such a button as Page, so I clicked on it, a new entry immediately appeared, so to speak, so I wrote the following text there:

If you right-click on an entry, I mean on the left side, you will see the following menu:

Of course, excuse me, I just don’t know this program myself, but I’ll still show you a little something that I myself will understand here, that is, I’ll figure it out. You see, at the top there are buttons, or tabs, such as Home, Insert, Drawing, View. Well, here I selected the Drawing tab and I was able to draw here, and look, it turns out that both text and drawing, this can be done in one entry, so to speak:

At the top there are all sorts of tools for drawing. You can also choose a color. If you need to erase something, then there is an eraser, to turn it on you need to click on this button:

On the Insert tab, you can insert something into a post, for example, I inserted a picture and this is what happened:

The picture was inserted normally, is it possible to move it to another place, I don’t know, I tried, but I personally didn’t succeed. Perhaps there is no such function at all.

You can also insert a paragraph, but not a simple one, but with an icon; for this there is such a menu:

For example, I chose the paragraph type Important and Question, and this is how such paragraphs look in the post:

In general, guys, I think it’s more or less clear how to use OneNote, right? To use it, of course you need to be registered with Microsoft, then you launch OneNote, create an entry there, write something, insert pictures, draw there, well, in short, do what you want. Then you can close OneNote, then start it again and the recording will contain everything that was there at the time of closing. Well, that is, the OneNote program saves everything, you won’t lose anything. Another important thing is that all your records will be in the Microsoft cloud, what does this mean? Well, that is, on another computer, in another Windows 10, you can log into OneNote using your email and password and after that all your notes will be shown to you. These are the pies guys

By the way, to change your account, you need to click on the email in the upper right corner, after which a window will appear where you can add another account.

If you click on this button:

The following menu will appear:

Well guys, in principle there is nothing complicated in the OneNote program and I think that everyone can master it. Another thing is, will you like this program? Personally, I didn’t really like it, but that’s for me personally, but you might like it. The most difficult thing, or rather not entirely pleasant, is that you need to register in order to start using OneNote, well, such an unpleasant joke. And of course, another joke is that when you register, you create a Microsoft account, set a password, and like me I wrote that you will need to enter this password when logging into Windows. Can this be fixed? Can you guys, to do this you need to disable the password request at login, do you know how to do this? I’ll show you now, look, press the Win + R buttons, the Run window will appear, you write the following command there:

Then click OK, the User Accounts window will appear, you just need to uncheck this box:

Click OK, then you will also need to enter your password twice:

This is done for security reasons. As you can see, disabling this password entry is not difficult at all. That's how it is guys

The OneNote program runs under a process such as onenoteim.exe, here it is in the task manager:

As you can see, the onenoteim.exe process does not load the processor and consumes little RAM. OneNote starts from this folder:

C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Office.OneNote_17.6868.57981.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe

But you see, the path itself, or rather the folder itself where the onenoteim.exe file is located, its name is so unusual, one might say that it is unique. Your name will most likely be a little different, that is, also unique

I also found a picture, look, here you can see the OneNote program in all its glory, so to speak, look:

Well guys, now all I have to do is show you how to completely remove OneNote from your computer. However, I want to warn you that it seems that if you delete OneNote, then you can’t restore it. I'm not sure about this, but it seems to be so. Well, to uninstall OneNote, you first need to launch such a thing as Windows PowerShell, at the bottom of the taskbar there is a Windows search, so I typed Windows PowerShell there and it then appeared in the results, and then I right-clicked and selected Run from administrator:

Then a blue window appeared, well, like a command line, only the window is blue and the title says Administrator: Windows PowerShell, so I inserted the following command into this window:

Get-AppxPackage *OneNote* | Remove-AppxPackage

Then I pressed enter and then something was written there, I didn’t even have time to read what exactly, in the end nothing seemed to be written in the window, well, was it successful or an error:

But I know one thing: if nothing is written, then there are no errors, this is the main thing. Then I looked at the Start menu, but there was no OneNote tile there anymore, that is, apparently the program was removed successfully

That's all guys, I hope that everything was clear to you, but if something is wrong, then I'm sorry. Good luck in life and may everything go well for you


Microsoft OneNote is an application for storing notes, as well as other graphic and text data. It is included in the standard “bundle” of the Windows operating system and, as a result, is completely free. By the way, the program has a UWP version, adapted to work on touch screens. The latter supports handwriting input function.

The functionality of the note editor is very similar to that of Word. It has a characteristic tabbed interface, contains drawing tools, allows you to change the location of graphic objects by dragging and dropping, apply different formatting options, use hyperlinks, and so on. The new version of Microsoft OneNote has the ability to add videos from Office Mix, YouTube and Vimeo resources to notes.

OneNote is tightly integrated with other Microsoft products. For example, integration with the Edge browser allows you to save web pages for later viewing offline, and close connection with Outlook makes it easy to share notes (or individual parts thereof) with other people. You can also import materials from Excel, PowerPoint, Visio and other programs. Automatic data synchronization with mobile applications is supported. All in all, Microsoft OneNote is an important part of the Microsoft ecosystem.

The program has well implemented functions for organizing, cataloging, sorting and searching created notes. In particular, you are allowed to add tags and short descriptions.

In addition to being a personal notepad, OneNote also functions as a task planner and calendar. The program requires the user to have a Microsoft account.

Key Features and Functions

  • storing, cataloging and sorting notes;
  • standard and UWP versions;
  • integration with other Microsoft products (Edge, Outlook, PowerPoint, etc.);
  • data synchronization with mobile applications;
  • hyperlink support;
  • handwriting function in the UWP version;
  • support for tags and short descriptions;
  • the ability to add text, graphic files, tables and videos to notes;
  • performing the functions of a calendar and task scheduler.

The interface of Microsoft OneNote 2013 has changed compared to previous versions, and to help you get up to speed with it, we present this guide.

  1. Switch between touch and mouse: If you're using OneNote on a touch device, you can add this switch to your Quick Access Toolbar.
  2. Show or hide the feed: To access commands on a tab, select it. To keep the feed open, click the small pin icon in the bottom right corner.
  3. View and switch between online service accounts: To switch to another account or change the settings of the current one, click its ID.
  4. Look for notes: To find something in your notebooks, use the search field or press the keys CTRL+E.
  5. Create pages: To insert a new page, select the command Add page.
  6. Use full page view: To enable full page viewing, click the double arrow.
  7. Enter handwritten text and draw: Take notes by hand on a touch-enabled computer.
  8. Tag important information using tags: Prioritize and organize your notes using searchable tags.
  9. View note containers: To see the note container, hover your mouse over it. To move the container, drag the top bar.
  10. View your notebooks: To see all open notebooks, click the notebook icon.
  11. Manage your files: Open, create, print and share notes. You can also change your account settings here.

When you first launch OneNote, you'll be prompted to connect to the cloud, where OneNote will create your first notebook. You can use your existing Microsoft account (such as MSN, Hotmail, or Messenger) to use OneNote. If you don't already have an account, you can create one for free.

Because your notebooks are stored in the cloud, you can access them from almost any device, such as other computers, a phone, a tablet, or even a browser.

What happened to the Sharing tab?

If you're upgrading to OneNote 2013 from an earlier version, you probably have at least one notebook stored on your computer. Existing notes can be easily transferred to the Internet so they can be accessed from anywhere. To start the transfer, select the items FileGeneral access.

The most suitable storage for personal notes is the SkyDrive service. If you work in an organization that uses SharePoint for online collaboration, you can click the Add a location button on this screen to set up an existing SharePoint account. OneNote notebooks stored online are only accessible by their owner unless they have permission for others to view the folders in which they are located.

Actions you may need to take

The table below will show you where to find some of the most commonly used tools and commands in OneNote 2013.

Actions Tab Groups
Open, create, convert, export, send, print, and share notes File Performance Backstage(select a command in the left area)
Apply formatting to text, apply note tags, and email a notebook page home Groups Main text, Styles, Tags And Email
Insert tables, pictures, links, files, audio and video clips, and apply page templates Insert Groups Tables, Files, Images, Links, Record And Pages
Draw sketches and shapes, enter freehand notes, customize the pen, rotate objects, and convert ink to text Drawing Groups Service, Figures And Change
Mark notes as read or unread, search notes by author, view page versions and their history, empty the notebook trash Magazine Groups Unread, Authors And Magazine.
Check spelling, search the web, translate text, password protect notes, and create linked notes Review Groups Spellchecking, Language, Chapter And Notes
Increase available screen space, turn page guides and headers on or off, adjust page margins, change page zoom, and create notes in the margins View Groups Modes, Page settings, Scale And Window

Save time with templates

OneNote templates help you create a consistent design for your notebook pages using colorful, decorative backgrounds. Templates also help you save time by adding ready-made functional elements to your pages, such as to-do lists, calendars, planners, and forms that you can fill out and customize.

To view a set of built-in templates, on the tab Insert click the button Page Templates. In the task area Templates Expand any category and click the template name to view it. Once you select a template you like, you can start making notes on its page.

You can customize any of the built-in templates to meet your specific needs, or download other free templates from the OneNote website on Office.com. If you wish, you can even create your own templates based on any pages in your notebook.

Where is the "Save" button?

If you want to send a snapshot of a page of notes (or a section, or an entire notebook) to someone who doesn't have OneNote, you can easily export a static snapshot by selecting FileExport and specifying the desired format.

Copy content using screen clippings

Content can be easily added to OneNote using screen clipping. This way you can take a screenshot of any part of the screen and then paste it into a note.

Start by opening the content you want. For example, open a trip itinerary in Internet Explorer or a chart in an Excel worksheet.

Switch to OneNote and select the tab Insert team Screen clipping. When the screen dims and the OneNote window disappears, select the desired area with your mouse. When you release the mouse button, an image of the selected area of ​​the screen is sent to OneNote, where you can move it or resize it.

To launch the updated Send to OneNote tool, press and hold the Windows key on your keyboard and press N. With its help, it has become even easier to import arbitrary data from other programs and files into notes.

You can create screen clippings without switching between apps, import entire web pages or documents into Notes, or create quick notes that are automatically added to your notebook.

You can use the Send to OneNote tool using buttons or additional keyboard shortcuts that appear in parentheses next to each command (for example, using the S). The Send to OneNote tool is optional, meaning you can use it while working on a research project and then turn it off when you no longer need it.

Collaborate with users of previous versions of OneNote

When sharing or exchanging files with people who are using one of the previous versions of OneNote, keep the following points in mind:

Action in OneNote 2013 What's happening What should be done
You open a notebook created in OneNote 2007 The notebook opens in OneNote 2013, but the window title bar shows [ Compatibility Mode]. This indicates that the notebook is currently saved in an older format that does not support new features such as math equations, linked notes, multi-level subpages, versioning, and the notebook recycle bin. To get the most out of OneNote 2013, you need to convert your notebook to the new format. Before converting an old notebook to the new format, consider whether you'll need to collaborate with OneNote 2007 users on it. If so, it's best to continue using Compatibility Mode. If you won't be collaborating on your notes with OneNote 2007 users, it's best to convert your notebook to the new format. To do this, select the items FileIntelligence and then click the button Notebook options, which needs to be converted. Select an item Properties and press the button Convert to 2010–2013.
You open a notebook created in OneNote 2010 The notebook opens in OneNote 2013 without any functionality restrictions. There is no need to convert the file to another format. Notebooks created in OneNote 2010 and OneNote 2013 can be used together without any conversion.
You convert your notebook to OneNote 2007 format When you convert a notebook to OneNote 2007 format, the new features available in OneNote 2013 (including math equations, linked notes, multi-level subpages, page management, and the notebook recycle bin) are disabled. However, the result is the ability to provide a notebook to users who are still using OneNote 2007. After you convert your OneNote 2013 notebook to OneNote 2007, check for pages that may have used new features, such as math equations, linked notes, and multi-level subpages. Content created with them may not be viewable or editable after conversion to OneNote 2007 format.