What is web development. I want to be a freelancer

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A web developer is a specialist who develops websites and online applications.

If speak about major projects, then several specialists are involved. Someone is responsible for the design - appearance, someone - for the technical aspects.

Features of the web developer profession

Previously, it was enough to have skills in working with HTML, CSS and knowledge of the basics of working on the web. Now this is not enough.

And the developer should not only be aware of what html tags are, but also know and understand related tools. How to set up API integration, how to write scripts, in what languages, how to properly layout the layout, and ensure the adaptability of the resource.

What does a web developer need?

The client always needs better and faster. And cheaper.

To speed up the process, developers use various libraries. Programming languages ​​are constantly acquiring new frameworks. The developer constantly needs to keep his finger on the pulse of new technologies. To differentiate yourself from your competitors, it is important to be the first and quickly introduce new tools and technologies into your work.

These include, but are not limited to, GitHub, smart IDEs, build tools, and cloud computing storage.

Web developer salary

Salary is determined by several factors. On average, it ranges from 80,000 rubles to 130,000 rubles, depending on the level of proficiency in programming languages ​​and experience in the field of web development. A developer working directly for a company earns less than a freelance developer. This is due to the fact that part of the money earned goes to the company’s share. However, working for a company provides you with a stable and continuous flow of projects, which is not the case with working as a freelancer. Although average income freelancers vary greatly, some of them claim that you can earn up to 300,000 rubles working as a freelance web developer.

But much more common is a monthly income of 100,000 to 150,000 rubles for new freelancers and from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles for well-established specialists. These figures are based on averages for Russia as a whole.

Of course, not all payments are made in cash. Some developers will give up a certain amount of cash in favor of free advertising, referrals or other services. They will accept agreed quantities of free or discounted products from their customers in addition to the amount paid. Thanks to clients, you can receive copies of paid programs for free.

How to become a web developer

There are many paid and free online courses that can teach you programming. Their advantage is accessibility and structure. However, not all courses may suit your needs. The best way to learn programming is to have a professional on hand who can advise you on all the challenging learning topics.

7 Must-Have Points to Start a Successful Web Career

  1. Create your own portfolio website. Your portfolio is the first thing potential employers will look at when considering your candidacy, so it should be a realistic reflection of all your skills.
  2. Fill out your portfolio with projects. Now that you have your own website, it's time to fill it with your projects. Include in your portfolio any order that you have made for companies or your individual clients(with their permission). Don't worry if your portfolio is minimal - over time you will accumulate a sufficient number of worthy works.
  3. Take on non-budget projects. A great way to fill out your portfolio is to implement simple, frequent free projects. They can be browser games, social networks for a narrow circle of friends, adaptations of various photo editors. This will give you the opportunity to gain experience and improve the credibility of your portfolio.
    Projects do not have to be large-scale. You could, for example, build navigation for a local restaurant's website or create a newsletter for a charity.
  4. Participate in developer conferences. This is the most The best way meet people with similar interests who solve exciting problems. You can test your coding skills, learn from others, and possibly win prizes such as gift cards, software, travel and cash.
  5. Meet technicians online. Continue to network and learn more about the industry by meeting people online. The easiest way to do this is through Tech Meetup groups.
  6. Follow industry news. You don't have to be an expert on every topic. Just stay up to date with the hottest events in the industry. This is easy to do: you can read blogs or tech news sites over breakfast, listen to podcasts, or scroll through Twitter while you walk the dog.
  7. Find out more. In addition to learning the news, you should learn new skills and tools. This will make you much more in demand.

The short answer is that they create and maintain websites.

But what exactly this looks like depends largely on the type of work the developer is doing. The good news is that web developers are highly in demand and although they work very hard, they can expect comfortable pay and a healthy work-life balance. This is a profession that rewards people who solve real problems and enjoy creating.

More detailed explanation from learn.org:

Web Developer Responsibilities

Your job as a web developer is to present your client's products and services to a wide audience by creating attractive and functional websites. You will likely be expected to identify a potential user audience and be able to design a site that appeals to that audience. Your job may involve meeting with clients to discuss their wishes for a website or discussing how to keep their site functioning and up to date. You can design the appearance, creating a visually appealing home page and user-friendly design. You can also write content for the site.

Once the site is up and running, you will need to ensure that it functions in all browsers by periodically testing and updating accordingly. The client may also ask you to include interactive features on their site using the language Visual programming Basic or Java.

Where do you work

Web developers can work for large corporations, small companies, or as freelancers. Most positions will require you to work 40 hours per week, although others - especially freelance positions - will allow you to enjoy a flexible schedule. Sometimes you will have to work weekends or non-business hours to perform site maintenance or emergencies.

another skills

You will need good knowledge technology and understanding how computers and web servers work. You will also need to be familiar with a variety of software languages, web applications and web programming languages, such as hypertext language markup (HTML), Ruby on Rails and C++. Since this is a very client-oriented and project-oriented field, you will be required to communicate effectively, set goals and deadlines. You will also have to have an understanding of design principles.

Let's take a look at the key points:

  • Developers often work for clients who want to bring their product or service online.
  • The work is usually highly project focused and involves collaborating with a team of people who help match the client's requirements to the final product.
  • Not all developers work for external clients... The "client" could be the company you work for, an organization, a government agency that needs a website or web application.
  • It's quite fun, you actually create things that people use, and you get to play with lots of new toys. How can you not love it?

Important Differences

"Frontend" vs. "Backend" developers


"Front-end" usually means those things that you directly see on the site in the browser. This shows how the content is presented, including all the small elements user interface like menus, drop-down menus, beautiful animations and modals.

Front-end developers often focus on understanding HTML, CSS, and Javascript as these languages ​​run in the browser. They don't necessarily focus on making things "pretty" (which is often left to designers), but rather on making sure information is presented effectively and the user experience on the web page is as seamless as possible. Today we run more and more code directly in the browser.


"Backend" generally refers to the part of the application that lives on the server. The backend is more focused on ensuring that all the necessary data is correctly sent to the browser. This part of the iceberg is below the surface... a lot of things have to work correctly to get the data to the front end where it can be displayed correctly.

Google may be a pretty simple search engine from our perspective, but they employ an army of engineers to make sure the gears you can't see work properly.

Full stack:

"Fullstack" developers work simultaneously with both sides. Although each of the “ends” includes the study large quantity information, fullstack developers can comfortably “communicate” simultaneously with the database and the browser. It's quite popular these days to look for developers with a lot of experience working with both sides of a web application (and that's exactly what we teach here).

Web Developer vs Web Designer

So if we have backend developers and frontend developers, then who makes the website really beautiful? Who puts together the images, logos and color schemes? This is the job of a web designer. While they have historically been less involved in the actual programming of pages, nowadays even designers are expected to be able to roll up their sleeves and write a little code when the time comes. Some of the best web developers come from the design field.

Additional Resources

  • Wikipedia describes the potential of being a web designer on its web design page
  • Part fact, part joke, this infographic shows the differences between web developers and designers.
  • And one more infographic for your entertainment...

Websites vs. Web Apps

Not everyone can agree on what differentiates the two, but generally websites are more designed to display static (unchangeable) content, while web applications require "smart" code running on the server (the kind you'll learn to write) to create dynamic content.

More specific example: Think of coming to a regular website as opening a document (say e-book) on your hard drive. Your computer will find it, open it, and show it to you.

Coming to a site controlled by a web application is similar to the previous example, but the e-book is no longer sitting there waiting for you to open it. Your eBook request is caught by a sneaky little app that checks what you're requesting and then dynamically generates it for you the right book, completely customized for you (okay, it could be as simple as extra line, which says "This book was opened" and is followed by today's date).

This is a more or less noticeable difference between a server that simply shows you static HTML and a server that dynamically generates for you desired page using some Ruby on Rails code.

The Internet has almost 3.5 billion users and over a billion websites. The rapid development of information technology has led to the emergence of professions that no one even thought about 10 years ago. The top line in the rankings of the most in-demand and highly paid IT specialties is occupied by the profession.

There are more than 11 million web developers of various profiles and levels in the world. However, according to CMS data Magazine and “Runet Rating”, 62% of companies and web studios are experiencing an acute shortage of personnel. Here's how they answered the question about the web development workforce shortage.

Today, only a quarter of all web studios are satisfied with the number of their full-time employees. It turns out that there are a lot of programmers, but still not enough. Why?

There are several reasons:

  • 15.9% of employers believe that the level of education of potential employees does not meet market requirements (no decent portfolio, no experience in teamwork).
  • 15% of companies believe that there are, in principle, few qualified web programmers on the market capable of developing complex projects (especially in the regions).
  • 7.3% of companies note that many web development specialists prefer freelancing to in-house work.
  • 6.3% of web studios believe that cooperation does not work out due to a mismatch between the salary expectations of applicants and the capabilities of employers.

Thus, there are really few developers who are cool, that is, who know the entire cycle of creating a web project and are able to immediately show themselves in action. Those that exist have already been dismantled by large web studios, or they have gone into freelancing, because they understand that on a piece-rate basis they earn more than the salary in some small company.

Take a look, for example, at this graph of the “Runet Rating”.

From the article “The web development market remains a market of “manual” labor”

Freelance developers occupy a fairly large niche in expensive projects. They get 6% of projects worth from 100 to 300 thousand rubles and 8.3% of projects more expensive than 300 thousand rubles.

Web developer required

It’s easy to see that the web programmer profession is in demand. Just go to any online employment service.

There are almost one and a half thousand vacancies in Moscow alone. Among IT companies and web studios for good developers There is a serious fight going on.

28.4% of companies are looking for employees using job resources, 21.4% - through social networks and through recommendations, 16.2% recognize the vacancy section on their own website as quite effective, and 12.7% have been hunting for employees “since schooldays.” , that is, they invite talented students to internships, track medalists and Olympiad winners, organize competitions for students, and so on.

The last path is the most thorny. According to experts, academic education is inert and does not keep pace with new dynamic industries.

The level of preparation of the majority after university is very low. What's scary isn't even the fact that people with programming backgrounds don't really know how to program. The weakness of systems thinking is frightening.

Vladimir Zavertailov, founder and head of the Sibiriks Internet studio

Therefore, to become that cool web developer that companies will fight for, you don’t need a diploma - you need knowledge.


An employer usually understands a web developer as a universal full-stack specialist.

Full-stack consists of front-end and back-end development. Front-end developers ensure the creation appearance website (portal, project). Back-end development includes the shadow side of the resource, what is not visible to the user, the inside of the site. But, regardless of specialization, a web programmer must know the full cycle. Without this, it is impossible to imagine how the piece of the task that you are implementing will integrate with the overall project.

Today, the standard of web development (full-stack) is the following body of knowledge.

Layout + browser programming language + server language + language for working with databases + framework(s).

You can get such a complex of knowledge at. This is an educational platform where lectures and webinars are collected for those who want to learn programming. The web developer specialization lasts 11 months (plus internship) and consists of several courses.

  1. HTML/CSS. These are the basics of website creation. Learning comes through practice: students develop an online store website, while simultaneously studying the properties and capabilities of HTML / CSS.
  2. JavaScript- first and second levels. This programming language is designed to make the site alive: it interacts with the resource visitor, responds to cursor movements, mouse clicks and keystrokes. In the first course on JavaScript, the basics are taught; in the second, the acquired knowledge is consolidated.
  3. Database Basics. These are 20 intensive video lessons about data storage and processing systems that are accessed using SQL language(Structured Query Language).
  4. PHP- first and second levels. This programming language is one of the three most popular. At the first level, students study the principles of object-oriented programming and learn to correctly use the basic constructs of the language. The second level allows you to hone your PHP skills to the point of virtuosity.
  5. HTML5 and CSS3. This bundle makes it possible to layout layouts, create and edit static sites. During the course, students go through all the stages of creating an advertising website for a commercial organization.
  6. AngularJS/D3.js. Here students learn to work with D3.js in symbiosis with the most powerful framework for building single-page web applications, Angular.js.
  7. Yii framework. This is one of the most popular and sought-after PHP frameworks. The lectures cover basic and advanced application templates and develop an analogue of the Evernote program. As homework, students are asked to create a calendar program that can later be used in a portfolio.

You can create a full-fledged portfolio case during a two-month internship from GeekBrains. Here, graduates go all the way from idea generation to project implementation and learn to interact with the team. There is also always a chance to get a paid internship followed by employment in one of GeekBrains partner companies or find like-minded people for a startup.


And in the end about the most pleasant thing - about money. After all, as mentioned at the beginning, the profession of a universal web developer is not only in demand, but also highly paid.

According to the Tagline agency, web programmers receive 1.8 times more salary than the average resident of Russia.

The average salary of a web developer in the country is 60,310 rubles, in Moscow - 75,270 rubles, in the regions - 46,790 rubles.

This profession has no career ceiling; with its help you can ensure a comfortable old age. By working hard and successfully implementing large projects, you can become the head of the information technology department or even the IT director. Also, web developers quite often choose freelancing and do not depend on anyone. This specialty is also an excellent platform for starting your own business on the Internet.

Web development. Fast start
Basics of HTML/CSS and PHP

PHP (Hypertext PreProcessor, hypertext preprocessor) is a programming language executed on the web server side. The creator of PHP, Rasmus Lerdorf, designed it as a tool for creating dynamic and interactive websites. The language has gained great popularity and is used in projects of various sizes: from simple blog to the largest web applications on the Internet. The largest PHP projects are Zend, Yahoo, Facebook, Google, NASA, W3C. The course is intended for those who want to acquire basic web development skills in PHP, learn the logic of working with this language and terminology, and also understand the principles of functioning of systems and web applications. During the training process, students go through the main stages of creating a simple online store website and work on its functionality. The knowledge and skills acquired during the course are a reliable basis for further development as a PHP developer.

Lesson 2. Installing and deploying a server on your computer

How do web servers interact with each other? PHP interpreter and database; download finished assembly Open Server; choose PHP version; select the apache version; setting up access to the local site; how to understand that everything is configured correctly and is working; We use the Sublime Text code editor built into the Open Server assembly.

Lesson 3. How to create web pages

Briefly consider what html is needed for; We consider the main tags: doctype, html, head, title, body, header, h1, footer, div, a, img and their place in the web page; We demonstrate how these tags work; show created tags in the panel
"Developer Tools" on Google Chrome; We create links to the main page and the store page so that you can go to the store and back.

Lesson 4. Creating a layout for our store

Let's look at CSS: what it is, how to connect styles to the page; We write a header and consider how to design it using CSS.

Lesson 5. Finishing the template design

We finish writing the header; add the remaining parts of the layout from the finished template; We transfer the necessary parts of the layout from the finished template (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).

Lesson 6. PHP Basics

How to use PHP in our template; what variables are needed for and how to work with them; what data types are there in PHP, what are they for.

Lesson 7. How to store lots of related data

What are arrays for and how to use them; We put information about the product into an array.

Lesson 8. Storing and processing related data

Nested arrays; We place data for our store in nested arrays; How to get information about a product from a nested array.

Lesson 9. Working with cycles

What to do if you need to display a lot of data from an array on the page.

Lesson 10. How to make a website live

How to make the program change behavior depending on different conditions; how to understand which page to open; use parameters address bar to open the desired page.

Lesson 11. How to navigate between pages

Lesson 12. Creating a product catalog

Displaying all products on the page; working with the product page; how to create the correct links for each product in the product catalog; We display product information on a separate page.

Lesson 13. Place a website on the Internet

Registering a name for our website; upload files to the hosting and check the functionality of the site.

HTML/CSS is a hypertext markup language, the basis for studying server-side languages. Once you learn HTML, you can create a static web page or website. CSS - cascading style sheets - will allow you to design your website the way you want. You will be able to watch the video course at a convenient time and if you have any questions, contact a mentor who will monitor your progress. The format encourages communication and self-discipline in learning. In a month you will learn: * layout of static sites, * valid cross-browser layout, * block layout, * performing basic operations in Photoshop, * using LESS and Bootstrap preprocessors. To move on to the next lesson in the course, you must homework passed the test. This will show that you understood the previous lesson and will easily learn new knowledge. The task can be checked by both the mentor and classmates whose knowledge you trust, and receive an achievement for it. With each check, the number of achievements grows, and the skill of working with other people's code increases. The level of the final certificate depends on the number of achievements: the more there are, the higher the status. This somewhat game mechanic makes classes even more interesting.

Lesson 1. Basic concepts in web development

What is the web page; types of sites; website development process; what is hypertext, tags and attributes; workplace preparation; HTML document structure; basic text design tags; a simple example of an HTML page; example of a complex web page; hotkeys for moving through documents.

Lesson 2. Basics of HTML document markup language

Lesson 3. Basics of the CSS document styling language

What is CSS; CSS syntax; CSS declaration methods; selectors (id, class, tag); attribute selectors.; basic properties of styles; nesting; inheritance and grouping of properties; checking the connection of the styles file.

Lesson 4. Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements, table layout

Priorities for applying styles; pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements; creating tables; merging cells; nested tables; styling of tables.

Lesson 5. Formation of a block model, block layout

Basic tags for layout (div and span); element indents (margin and padding); streamlined elements; block positioning.

Lesson 6. Working with a design mockup in PSD format

Basic functions and introduction to Photoshop; highlighting the main parts of the layout; layout cutting; layout of the website using blocks; inserting parts of the layout into the layout;

Lesson 7. Website markup and introduction to Bootstrap

Creating the main site layout; using overflow and clear in real layout; filling the markings with parts of the cut layout; techniques for positioning elements; introduction and use of Bootstrap.

Lesson 8. Web standards and supporting tools

Uploading projects to the server; cross-browser problem; HTML/CSS standards; the future lies with HTML5 and CSS3 standards; competent, universal layout; introduction to preprocessors using LESS as an example.

Git. Fast start
Git Basics

The video course provides experience in team development using Git. Teaches you how to organize a shared code repository from scratch and use it effectively. Students master git clients with graphical and console interfaces, learn to control the release of program versions and “roll back” to previous versions. Common mistakes in team development are discussed in detail: when merging branches, creating commits, storing executable files in a repository.

Lesson 1. Purpose and capabilities

Let's find out why git is needed and what opportunities it opens up for programmers.

Lesson 2: Basic Operations

We create a code repository that is accessible to all development participants over the network. We master basic operations: Clone, Commit, Push, Pull.

Lesson 3. Rolling back code changes

Learning to roll back code changes using git. We master the operations Discard, Revert, Reset.

Lesson 4. Working with branches

Working with branches.
In parallel, we are developing several versions of the program. We master the operations Add branch, Checkout, Merge.

Lesson 5. Conflicts

Learning to resolve conflicts when merging branches.

Lesson 6. Common mistakes. Part 1

Fear of creating new branches. Storing executable files in a repository.

Lesson 7. Common mistakes. Part 2

Errors when working with branches. Errors when creating commits.

Lesson 8. Pull Request. Working with Open-Source projects

Let's master Pull Requests using the example of working with Open-Source projects.

Lesson 9. Pull Request. Submitting homework.

Submit homework to GeekBrains using Pull Request.

Lesson 10. Console git client. Basic Operations

We master basic operations in the console git client.

Lesson 11. Console git client. Working with branches

Learning to work with branches in the console git client.

Lesson 12. Working with program versions

Learning to release different versions software product using git.

Lesson 13. Results

Let's summarize the work done.

HTML5 and CSS3. 1 month.
Modern means Web development

The foundation of web technology is HTML/CSS. This is the basic foundation that serves as the foundation for creating modern websites and is the first step to learning other programming technologies for global network Internet. Any significant organization has its own representation on the global network. This is a requirement of the time and a requirement of the market. Without taking into account the modern realities of the world, it is impossible to achieve competitiveness and therefore success. It is the HTML/CSS combination that makes it possible to create layouts, create and edit static sites. The programming technology studied in this course allows you to lay a long-term foundation and gain a foothold in this area in the labor market.

Lesson 1. HTML5: Semantic elements.

HTML5 Overview, New HTML5 Semantic Elements, New way page structuring. Text-level semantics. Setting up the editor, practical examples of using semantic tags to create a site structure. Introduction to plugins that speed up website layout.

Lesson 2. Positioning of elements, Practical layout.

Positioning of elements, arrangement of elements on the page (positioning of elements vertically, horizontally). Let's look at the most popular CSS generators, what they are, and what each of them is used for.

Lesson 3. HTML5 forms. Adding Audio and Video to the page.

Let us consider and analyze in detail these features using practical examples. Improvements on traditional forms (adding hints, focusing on an element, etc.). Checking forms for filling errors. New element types (addresses Email, URLs, etc.). Let's add video and audio information to our project, let's see how all this is implemented in practice. Let's look at how tags work

Lesson 4: Background CSS Options. Using SVG.

Creating multiple backgrounds for the site. Setting background images for responsive sites. Creation gradient background for the site. Introduction to sprites and icon fonts. Let's modernize our project in accordance with the new features of CSS3. Let's add the necessary elements and effects. Introduction to the svg format.

Lesson 5. Working with text. Borders in CSS3

Working with fonts. GOOGLE Web Fonts. Placing text in several columns. Let's look at presentation mechanisms text information: design, alignment, indents. Switchable tabs to create menus. Let's look at the basics of Canvas. Let's look at working with borders in CSS and ways to create frames for elements. Creation transparent frames, shadows, rounded corners, gradients.

Lesson 6. CSS3 transition and transformation effects.

Transition effects. Applying transformation. Rotate elements when hovering over it. Creating animation using CSS3. Let's find out what it's for this technology and where it should be applied. Let's add animation to some elements of our site.

Lesson 7. Adaptive layout (Part 1).

Let's consider the concept adaptive design. For what and in what cases is it used. Basic syntax and examples. Let's give the design a modern look.

Lesson 8. CSS3 Advanced Study.SASS. Flexbox.

Let's consider something new flex property, to create a flexible structure of internal website blocks. Let's do it final project with all the improvements and innovations introduced by CSS3, Using one of the most popular SASS preprocessors.

Basics of programming
Basics of programming, basic terms and concepts

The video course will introduce students to the basics of programming, basic terms and concepts. Will teach you how to develop algorithms and give real experience creating web products. Lessons include an overview of current programming languages ​​and areas, help students choose the ones that are most interesting to them, and provide materials and instructions for further professional development.

Lesson 3. First program

Choosing a programming language. Browser preparation. Program "Hello, world!"

Lesson 4. Variables

Installing a convenient code editor. Introduction to Variables. A simple calculator.

Lesson 5. Data types

Data types. Operations with different types of data. Data type conversion.

Lesson 6. Algorithms and flowcharts

Algorithmic thinking. Visual flowcharts.

Lesson 7. Branch operator if

Selecting options in the program. Branch operator if. A game of riddles.

Lesson 8. Logical operations

Complex selection conditions. Logical AND, OR. Game "Angry Birds".

Lesson 9. Do, while loops

Do and while loops. Playing Russian roulette.

Lesson 10. For loop

The for loop. Financial calculator.

Lesson 11. Arrays

Large data sets and arrays. Roulette game.

Lesson 12. Functions

Functions. Preparing to write the game “Black Jack (21)”.

Lesson 13. Game "Black Jack". Part 1

Writing a full game. The basis is dealing cards and counting points.

Lesson 14. Game "Black Jack". Part 2

Completion of writing the game. Determination of results and winner.

Lesson 15. Programming career

Review of the main directions in programming. How to choose a programming language? What to study next?

JavaScript. Level 1. 1 month.
Interactive Web Applications

This course designed for those who are already familiar with the principles of HTML layout and creating static pages. The practical knowledge and skills acquired at this level provide the ability to work and create dynamic web pages and applications. The course systematizes the knowledge of students who have already encountered JavaScript, but do not have extensive experience with the language. Students learn the basics of creating interactive web pages using JavaScript language. The knowledge gained in the lessons is reinforced through the practical part - the implementation of games in JavaScript. Before starting training, it is recommended to take the “Programming Fundamentals” and “HTML / CSS” courses.

Lesson 1: JavaScript Basics

Syntax; code structure; external scripts and the order of their execution; variables and data types; Hello world; modern standards.

Lesson 3. Loops, arrays, data structures

Loops in JavaScript; arrays in JavaScript; data structures; workshop; game "Bulls and Cows".

Lesson 4. Objects in JavaScript

Introduction to the concept of objects; objects in JavaScript; working with objects; enumeration of values; workshop; game "Quest".

Lesson 5. Introduction to DOM

Concept of DOM; DOM in JavaScript; DOM manipulation in JavaScript; workshop; game "Quest 2.0".

Lesson 6. Handling Events in JavaScript

The concept of an event; click processing; browser events; workshop; game "Tic Tac Toe".

Lesson 7. Workshop lesson

Implementation of the game "Snake".

Lesson 8. Anonymous functions, closures

In-depth study of how functions work; functions and functional expressions; anonymous functions; short circuits; default browser actions.

The course is intended for those who have already mastered basic capabilities JavaScript language, and now wants to learn how to do really cool things. Each lesson includes both useful theory and effective practice. Packed with the latest knowledge and skills, the advanced course from GeekBrains is the way to quickly and reliably become a professional JavaScript developer.

Lesson 1: Modern JavaScript

Introduction to the ES2015 standard and some of its capabilities.

Lesson 2. OOP in JavaScript

Basic principles of object-oriented programming and its implementation in JavaScript.

Lesson 3. Asynchronous requests

Basics asynchronous JavaScript. AJAX, JSON and Promises.

Lesson 4. Regular expressions

Regular expressions in JavaScript. Basic operations with regular expressions and strings.

Lesson 5. Vue.js framework

Basics of developing single page applications using the Vue.js framework.

Lesson 6. Vue.js Components

Implementation of the component approach in the Vue.js framework.

Lesson 7. JavaScript on the server

Creation simple server using the Node.js platform.

Lesson 8. Testing and building

Testing individual parts of the application. Building modules using Webpack.

PHP. Level 1. 1 month.
Web Development Basics

PHP is one of the three most popular and popular programming languages ​​in the world. It is widely used in creating dynamically generated web pages. Most freelance programmers in the world use PHP language: it allows you to develop dynamic sites of any complexity and has a large set of built-in tools for developing web applications. The course "PHP. Level 1" from GeekBrains was created to teach beginner programmers the basics of developing websites in PHP. Beginners will learn the principles of object-oriented programming and learn how to correctly use the basic constructs of the language. More experienced developers will have the opportunity to significantly improve their coding culture and will be able to competently and professionally design their website script.

Lesson 1. Introduction to PHP

How dynamic sites work
How web servers work
Preparing the working environment
Hello, world! [Practice]
Basic language constructs - descriptors, variables, data types
Language versions and their differences at a basic level

Lesson 2. Conditional blocks, function branching

Branching principles, visualization, flowcharts
Operators if, if-else
switch statement
Ternary operator
Implementation of branch logic circuits
Ternary operator
Functions, recursion
Using functions and recursion to solve problems
Variable scopes

Lesson 3. Loops and arrays

The concept of a loop, types of loops in PHP
While, do…while
Endless loop and exit from steps, loop
The concept of an array, types of arrays in PHP
Using loops to work with arrays [Practice]
Multidimensional arrays
Basic functions for working with arrays Using functions for working with arrays [Practice]
Predefined Arrays

Lesson 4. Working with files

File system and addressing, examples based on different operating systems
Connecting files with code
Basic operations with files - reading, writing.
Using basic operations to solve everyday problems - logging, reading data, caching [Practice]
Typical data storage formats

Lesson 5. MySQL databases and working with them at the PHP level

Creating a database, users
Creating tables
Basic query syntax. We create, edit and delete tables, We study the 4 main commands: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT
Selecting from the database and displaying it on the screen

Lesson 6. Interactivity: GET and POST data transfer methods, working with forms and user data

Basic methods of transferring data to the server
GET and POST methods
Passing data from the form to the script
Processing and storing data in the database, ensuring security.
Implementing a CRUD action package [Practice]

Lesson 7. Authorization and authentication

Lesson 8. Practice

Writing the missing page logic
Creating test orders

PHP. Level 2. 1 month.
Professional web development

This is the most complete professional course on mastering PHP at the master virtuoso level. Created for those who already understand what PHP is and the power and potential of this language. Many course graduates claim that one month of training in our program can be compared to years of studying from books or materials from the Internet!

Lesson 1. OOP in PHP. Basic concepts.

Introduction to the OOP paradigm, familiarity with fundamental concepts and principles. Implementation of OOP in PHP.

Lesson 2. OOP in PHP. Extended Study.

Continued study of OOP and its implementation in PHP. Architectural aspects of OOP. Magic methods, type control, traits, patterns.

Lesson 3. Template engines

The concept of template engines. Introducing Twig. Implementation of template engine functionality. Exceptions in PHP.

Lesson 4. In-depth design of relational databases.

Continued acquaintance with the symbiosis of MySQL and PHP. The concept of data normalization, various shapes normalization. Links in the database. Backup data and database performance optimization. Introduction to the transaction mechanism.

Lesson 5. The MVC paradigm. Engine updates

Introduction to the “Model-View-Controller” paradigm-pattern. Updating the system architecture. Code standardization.

Lesson 7. Testing. PHPUnit.

Introduction to testing principles, TDD, BDD. Introduction to PHPUnit, writing tests.

Lesson 8. Developing a developer's career. Tools and required knowledge

Trend overview modern programming and development in PHP. Getting to know useful tools. Discussion of further development.

At the new level of the database course complex, students will receive comprehensive information about long-term storage. They will work closely with MySQL, a database management system that has proven itself on popular large projects. Designing databases and working with them is explained step by step. The course also introduces alternative databases: MongoDB, Redis, ElasticSearch and ClickHouse.

Lesson 1. Quick start

1.1. Types of databases.
1.2. Basics relational databases data.
1.3. MySQL and clients.
1.4. Database management.
1.5. Analysis of homework.

Lesson 2. SQL Query Language

2.1. Introduction to SQL.
2.2. Numeric and string data types.
2.3. Calendar data types and sets.
2.4. Indexes.
2.5. CRUD operations.
2.6. Analysis of homework.

Lesson 3. Operators, filtering, sorting and limiting

3.1. Operators.
3.2. Conditional sampling.
3.3. Sorting and restrictions.
3.4. Predefined functions.
3.5. Predefined functions (continued).
3.6. Analysis of homework.

Lesson 4. Data Aggregation

4.1. Grouping data.
4.2. Aggregation functions.
4.3. Special abilities GROUP BY.
4.4. Analysis of homework.

Lesson 5. Complex queries

5.1. Types of multi-table queries and UNION
5.2. Nested Queries
5.3. JOIN table joins
5.4. Foreign Keys and Referential Integrity
5.5. Homework analysis

Lesson 6. Transactions, variables, views

6.1. Transactions.
6.2. Internal implementation of transactions.
6.3. Variables, temporary tables and dynamic queries.
6.4. Representation.
6.5. Analysis of homework.

Lesson 7. MySQL Administration

7.1. MySQL administration.
7.2. MySQL Administration (continued).
7.3. User rights.
7.4. Replication.
7.5. Replication (continued).
7.6. Analysis of homework.

Lesson 9. Query optimization

9.1. Types of tables.
9.2. Learn more about indexes.
9.3. Query optimization.
9.4. Analysis of homework.

Lesson 10. NoSQL

10.1. NoSQL databases.
10.2. Key-Value of the Redis store.
10.3. Document oriented DBMS MongoDB.
10.4. DBMS Full text search ElasticSearch.
10.5. ClickHouse columnar DBMS.
10.6. Analysis of homework.

Yii2 Framework. 1 month.
Professional Backend Development

Yii2 framework is one of the most popular and in demand PHP frameworks. Knowledge of any framework qualitatively increases the demand for a PHP programmer in the labor market and his salary. The course is designed for those who are familiar with PHP and OOP at a basic level. We will look at a basic and advanced application template, and develop an application similar to evernote programs. By doing your homework, you will create a full-fledged project for your portfolio: a calendar program in which you can make notes about your plans for the day and “share” among other users.

Lesson 8. Useful features of Yii2

URL management. REST organization. Assets. Deploy

Internship at GeekBrains (Web). 2 months.
Team Development Practice

The internship at GeekBrains will be conducted in the format of webinars. From the very beginning of classes, you will begin to jointly develop a project, under the guidance of a teacher. A team of students will solve a commercial problem for which real customers could easily pay a fee. At each lesson we will hold a meeting, just like in real IT companies. Analyze the work done and determine the scope of tasks for the next week. In addition to meetings, classes will teach various topics, which will help you write good, high-quality code, prepare a high-quality portfolio, write a good resume, and successfully pass interviews.

Lesson 1. Starting a project

How to choose a niche for a startup? Start of the project. Work as a sales manager, analyst, UI designer, architect

Lesson 2. Agile development methodologies

Lesson 3. Problems and their solutions. Meeting

Lesson 4. First subtotals

Analysis of the work done. Setting new tasks.

We all know that the 21st century is the century modern technologies. With the advent of the Internet in our lives, the amount of information we receive and transmit has increased tenfold. This increase was followed by a significant increase in the number of professions relevant in modern world. It turned out that it is not so easy to understand the number of web specialties that have arisen. In this article we will look at one of the most important professions in the IT field - the profession of a web developer.

What are the main responsibilities?

Responsibilities of the developer web applications includes a fairly wide range of responsibilities. In addition to the process of developing websites or applications, the employee will also have to communicate with clients, understand and implement their desires. After the specialist has clarified all the client’s wishes, he begins preparing terms of reference. The more carefully the technical specifications are drawn up, the richer the resource brought to life will be. Next comes the actual process of website development. At this stage, the web developer must apply his skills in programming languages. It is also worth mentioning that a web developer often creates a website design independently, although you can resort to help web designers. So, the site is ready for use, now the specialist must present it to his client, for this he needs to demonstrate to the customer that the finished product fully meets his initial requirements. And, in conclusion, we can say that the developer’s responsibilities also include maintaining the relevance of the site through constant modifications.

So, in order to become a representative of this profession, you need to have a number of essential skills:

  • ability to communicate with people, you need to convince the client that your product is ideal for completing their tasks
  • possession different languages programming, the desire to constantly improve your skills. Good specialist Must be proficient in at least three of the most current programming languages.
  • mastery of skills web design. These skills will significantly raise your ranking compared to other specialists
    -the desire to constantly be in trend. You must follow updates and innovations in the IT field.
    -Ability to process a lot of information at once. A sought-after web developer usually works on several projects at once

Where do representatives of this profession work?

Usually web programs ists are not constrained by the choice between office work and freelancing. You can choose the type of employment that suits you best. If you want a full social package and a clear work schedule, you can get a job in a large company, but if you are closer independent search clients and a free schedule - then freelancing, which is now popular, is ideal for you.

The question immediately arises: what is the difference between a programmer and a developer? The answer is quite simple. A developer is a person whose responsibilities, as we have already found out, include a very wide range of different responsibilities. A developer often has to create something new from scratch. That is, not just write code, but create the architecture of the future site, its design and concept. A web programmer is a person whose task consists mainly of writing various codes. This profession requires a less creative approach; it rather requires high degree professionalism and qualifications. A programmer, as a rule, is responsible not for the project as a whole, but for a small part of it, for which he must write the code.

How to become a web developer

If you decide to try yourself in this field, then you have several options. However, be prepared for the fact that all of them will require a lot of time and patience from you. After all, mastering programming skills in high level not the easiest task.

The first and most obvious option is studying at a university. There you will be able to receive a qualified education and a document, without which you will not be able to get a job in any large company. So if you are aiming to conquer large IT organizations, then get higher education- required condition.

If you don’t have the opportunity to study at a university, then . They will teach you the basics of the profession in a short time, and then you will be able to develop your skills on your own.

If the courses are not suitable for you, then you can take the most difficult path - the path of self-education. However, please note that this option is only suitable for those who plan to engage in web development exclusively for themselves.

So, we found out who a web program developer is and what he does. And if you suddenly decide to take up this popular and profitable business, then good luck to you in realizing your plans!