How to avoid copying marked files in Windows Explorer. How to copy a web page if it has copy protection installed

What is it? Or as it is also called Archiving windows files. This is the process where the system itself makes backup copies of itself. As a result, when your Windows crashes, you can restore it. (This is in theory) in practice such restoration is not effective. However, the system makes copies 2 times a day.

Whether or not to disable this option is up to you. For example, I turned off this crap. Because it slowed down my computer quite a lot, and I wasn’t happy with it. In addition, I believe that the system can be rolled back using this backup. It will only save you for a while, until the last archiving, then everything will disappear again. That's how it was for me. Maybe for some it’s okay. But I am describing my case.

And so we disable this archiving and prevent backup copying windows. First, go to Start/Control Panel and select Administration. Then click on the shortcut (Services). A window (Services) should open, in it we look for (Module Service), click right click mouse and select (Properties). Next, in the (General) tab there is such an inscription (Startup type), set it to (Disabled). Close the window and reboot the system.

After the reboot, we see that in the lower right corner, where you previously had a checkbox with a stopwatch icon, is now just a checkbox. That is, archiving does not occur. So you did everything right. And suddenly the system began to work better. Although you will no longer see the pop-up message about backup windows and archiving files.

If something is not clear, see the instructions in which I showed everything in detail.

Video, photos and text materials are the property of the site “site”; copying and distribution only with a link to our information portal!!!

I am surprised by those who provide copy protection on websites. It's easy to get around it. Including by disabling JavaScript.

Managing JavaScript in Opera

When using Opera, disabling it is a matter of a couple of clicks. Just press F12 and turn off JavaScript. After this simple manipulation, the plugin for the most popular script for WordPress blog called WP-CopyProtect will stop working. Same with other “protections”.

Managing JavaScript in Google Chrome

When using any other browser, you can also turn off scripts. At the same time, say, Google Chrome allows you to disable or enable scripts for specific sites. True, the settings are a little hidden:

  1. Settings

  2. Show advanced settings

  3. Under your personal data, click on the "Content settings..." button

  4. JavaScript settings are located in the corresponding block with the same name.

  5. Enable/disable scripts for all sites. To create rules for specific sites, click "Manage exceptions".

Managing JavaScript in Agnitum Outpost Pro / Security Internet

In addition, firewalls like Agnitum Outpost Pro / Security Internet allow you to create individual rules for sites. These settings can be used to disable/enable JavaScript on specific sites.

Example bad implementation disabling JavaScript scripts

On the website, registration is now required to read articles. In this case, after activating the account, a warning appears stating that copying articles from the site is prohibited, indicating the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. All protection comes down to the fact that the right mouse button is blocked. The developers tried to prohibit copying, but CTRL+C works great. I’m generally silent about the lesser-known combination CTRL+INS.

Here is its implementation (only JavaScript code):
Compare with the more powerful WP-CopyRightPro implementation, which even blocks drag-n-drop (JavaScript code only):

But the most interesting thing is that the site publishes articles from magazines and other sites, including Forbes, At the same time, not a single active link to the original article or publication was noticed in dozens of articles.

In Evernote, of course, you will have to copy articles or send them by e-mail, and not use Web Clipper. But you can still save the selected fragments. That. It just creates inconvenience for readers, nothing more. Well, okay, I’ll use other sources, for example, the same MetrInfo. There are still no original materials on the site. And you won’t have to remove the bold from the author’s name, which may appear several times in the article.

When copying text from the Internet into the Word text editor, very often the text is copied along with . In most cases, this background is not necessary and should be removed.

In this article we will talk about how to remove such a background from text editor Word. The material will be relevant for modern versions Word, including Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

Option number 1. Do not copy text with styles.

If you don't need the background of the text, then it's best not to copy the text with styles. This way you will get only the original text and nothing extra. In the future, you can independently format the text copied from the Internet as convenient for you.

In order to copy only text from the Internet, paste it into Word not using the CTRL-V key combination, but by right-clicking. In this case, you will have the opportunity to choose exactly how you want to paste the copied piece of text. To insert only text, use the button with the letter “A”.

In addition, to paste text copied from the Internet, you can use the combination keys CTRL-ALT-V. In this case, the window “ Special insert" In this window you need to select the “Unformatted text” item and click on the “Ok” button.

After that in Word document a piece of text copied from the Internet will be inserted, but without the background and other styles.

Option number 2. Remove the background after copying.

You can also remove the background after copying the text from the Internet. To do this, select the text you copied from the Internet, go to the “Home” tab, click on the arrow next to the “Text Highlight Color” button and select the “No Color” option.

If this does not help and the background does not disappear, then the problem may be that the background color is set for the entire page at once. To remove such a background, go to the “Page Layout” tab, click on the “Page Color” button and select the “No Color” option.

If the text contains tables, then the text background can be set in the table parameters. In order to remove such a background, you need to select the text in the table, go to the “Design” tab, click on the “Fill” button and select the “No color” option.

Also on the “Design” tab you can select one of standard styles tables and thus remove the text background.

While working in Word, you may encounter a problem when, along with the copied text from a web page, its formatting is also transferred. This problem It is quite common, so there are many ways to get rid of it. In this article we will look at five ways to remove the background in Word when copying from Internet resources. They are all different from each other. It should also be taken into account that some of the methods may not work in older versions of the program, for example, such as Word 2003. But more on all this further in order.

Using a built-in function

It is necessary to immediately indicate that the background of a page in Word is not only the color of the page itself, but also various types of highlighting, such as text highlighting, font color and various types of formatting. So, let's look at the first way to remove the background in Word when copying from a website. It will involve using standard function in the program itself. But it’s worth noting right away that this method does not work in Word 2003. And in the article, examples will be given on the 2016 version.

Do not rush to use the hotkeys CTRL+C and CTRL+V. This will copy all the formatting of the selected text. First, place the text from the site on the clipboard, that is, copy it in a way convenient for you. After that, in Word, right-click in the place where you want to paste the selected text. In the menu that appears, there is a line “Insert Options”, under it there will be three images. You need to click on "Save text only". Most often it is displayed as a tablet with the letter "A" next to it. After these manipulations, text will be inserted into the document without unnecessary formatting. The page background and font color will be those that are set in the program itself, and not on the website of the web page.

Using Notepad

If for some reason the previous way If you can’t use it, then the next one will be given now. I would like to say right away that it is universal. When used in Word, it will be specified by the basic formatting of the program, not the site. And this method is suitable for absolutely any version of the program. The essence of the method is incredibly simple. Before pasting text into Word, paste it into a simple Notepad, which is available in all Windows versions. After that, copy it from notepad and paste it into Word. This method works because the notepad itself has no formatting options.

Using the eraser

On the Home tab, you may have noticed a tool called Clear All Formatting. It appears as an eraser with the letter "A" next to it. This tool also great for removing unnecessary formatting.

It's very easy to use. First, you need to select the area in the document that you want to remove formatting from. Once you have done this, simply click on the eraser.

Removing font and fill color

Above were simple ways, how to remove the background in Word when copying from a website. However, it is worth noting that after using them, the formatting disappears completely, and if you wanted to leave the structure of the text and font, then you will not succeed. Now let's talk about how to remove the background in Word when copying, but leave the font formatting. If you want to remove the font color in Word, you need to use the appropriate tool, which is located on the panel at the top. It's called "Font Color". You can see its exact location in the picture below.

All you have to do is select the part of the text that you want to remove color from and click on the above tool. Then in the drop-down menu you need to select either “Auto” or some other color as desired.

Now let's look at copying. This is done in a similar way, only a different tool is used. It's called "Text Highlight Color". You can also see its location in the picture below. Select part of the text, click on the tool and select "No color" from the menu. After this, the fill will disappear, and the text will remain the same as it was.

Removing a page background color

Now let's consider a situation where, after copying text from a website, the entire background of the page was copied. You can fix this problem in a couple of seconds. You just need to use the appropriate tool.

This time it is not located on the main tab. You should go to the "Design" tab. On the toolbar you need to find "Page Color". This component is located on the very right side of the ribbon. After clicking on the tool, a drop-down menu will open, similar to the one when using the Text Highlight Color tool. In it you need to select "No color". After this, the page background will disappear.

By the way, please pay attention to the tools located on the sides: “Underlay” and “Page Borders”. Most often, when copied from a website, they are not inserted into the document. But if you downloaded it with these elements and want to remove them, then use the tools provided. Working with them proceeds in a similar way.

A site for beginner computer and Internet users.
In articles with descriptions or explanations of their use, the expression is often found, copy, move and delete text fragments. Naturally, a person who has recently sat down at a computer and has no information on this topic finds himself, as they say, in a difficult situation. That's why, so that you are always fully armed and don’t get lost, I will show you several ways to perform this action.

Method one.

As shown in, install mouse cursor arrow, at the beginning of the required fragment (let's assume below).

Click left button(LMB) and holding it move the mouse, and with it the cursor until the end of the required selection. And carefully, without moving the cursor, release the button.

As a result, you received the allocated blue flowers object to copy or move. Now to copy it, move the cursor over the object and, pressing the right mouse button, click COPY.

Having opened the folder or file intended for this operation, press the right button and select INSERT. Then be sure to save the changes.

If you need to delete some part of the text, then after selecting the area to be deleted, press the button DELETE or BACKSPASE. The command is also suitable for this action CUT. Having selected the text, open the dialog box with the right button and click on this inscription.

The area will be instantly deleted and forget to save the updated file after that.
But if you want to move this deleted fragment to another location, then by opening the destination folder, use the same right button to open the window and click INSERT.

All this is due to the fact that by performing simple mouse clicks you save pieces of information to the so-called “clipboard” and it remains there until the next time you perform the same
actions, after which it works with the new object.
I think this is the easiest of the common methods of manipulating files and does not require deep knowledge.

Second way.

This combined method , where both mouse selection and keyboard buttons are used. To do this:

1. Select the required fragment using the cursor.

2. Place the cursor inside the selection.

3. On the keyboard press Ctrl key and, without releasing it, press the left mouse button.

4. Hold down both keys (Ctrl and LMB), move the pointer to the place where the copy of the fragment should be located.

5. Release the mouse button, and then the Ctrl key.

Method three.

Here we will use selection and combinations of pressed keys.

1.) Select the LMB object.

2.) Clicking Ctrl combination+ C - we perform the copy action.

3.) Then open the destination, click LMB and Ctrl + V - paste.
With these simple methods, dear users, you can copy, move and delete fragments from any part of the text.

By the way, some of these methods are used to edit photos on a PC in Photoshop. Therefore, be sure to practice first text files, to secure this material.

And that’s all I have on this topic for now, not because I have run out of methods for performing these actions, but in order not to get into your head right away large number information.

P.S. If any of you know any more interesting features on this topic, please write in the comments, I’ll be glad to chat. And if any of you found this article useful, don’t forget to mark it by clicking one of the buttons social networks.Thank you.