How to delete an entire page in Word. How to delete a page that is empty or contains text in Word

As a result of editing text, unnecessary blank pages appeared in your document, or you cannot delete extra sheet at the end of the document? Let's figure out what needs to be done to delete a page in MS Word.

Let's start off with, How to remove a blank page in the middle of a Word document. Most often, such pages appear in a document due to large quantities unprintable characters on them - you have deleted all the text, but the hidden characters remain. This includes page breaks, spaces, and new lines.

You can enable non-printing characters by clicking on the corresponding button on the “Home” tab.

To delete them, move your mouse to the left margin of the document and select all the characters. If you have several blank pages in the middle of the document, you can place the cursor at the beginning of the page you want to delete, hold down “Shift” and place the cursor at the end of another page. Now press "Delete" or "Backspace".

Blank pages in Word in the middle of a document can also appear due to page breaks. They usually separate the beginning of a new chapter from the previous text. Or maybe you just accidentally pressed the key combination “Ctrl+Enter”.

To delete such a page, place the cursor on last line(or at the end of the text) at previous page, then click Delete.

The blank page will be removed and the text will rise.

Now let's consider how to delete a page in Word that is located at the end of a document. By turning on non-printing characters, you will see that they are present on the page. It could even be a few signs of the beginning new line. Select them with the mouse and press the “Delete” or “Backspace” key. You can also place the cursor at the end of the text and hold down the Delete key until blank sheet won't disappear.

That's all. Now you know how you can delete a page in Word. Moreover, these recommendations are applicable in any MS Word: 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013.

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It just so happens that when typing and editing text, problems arise. extra page, which interferes in the future when saving and printing the document. At the same time, although you know Word thoroughly, you may not know how to delete a blank page. And if, for example, you have Word 2007, how to delete a page will be a disaster for you. How to delete a page in Word (2010, 2007, 2003)? Let's try to understand all these issues one by one.

How to Delete a Blank Page in Word

There are several ways to delete a blank page:

  1. The easiest way is to delete a blank page using the DELETE and BACKSPACE keys. If you need to delete a blank page that follows the text, place the cursor at the end of the page preceding the one to be deleted and press DELETE key. If you need to delete the previous page, then vice versa, place the cursor at the beginning next page and press the BACKSPACE key.
  2. Another way is to delete a blank page using the non-printing characters icon. IN top panel Find the icon (display non-printing characters) and click on it. Find the inscription “Page Break” at its bottom or top (this depends on which page you need to delete - the next or previous one) highlight it in black using double click mouse and press either the DELETE or BACKSPACE key.

How to delete a non-blank page in Word

Any individual non-blank document page can simply be highlighted with the mouse in black and deleted using the DELETE button.

How to Remove a Blank Page at the End of a Word Document

Sometimes paragraphs without typed text, empty spaces, and simply empty parts appear in a document. This results in a blank page at the end of the file. How to delete a page at the end of a document in Word? At first it may seem like why do these meaningless gestures, but everything will become clear when the document is printed. The last page to come out of the printer is a blank page!

To remove a blank page at the end of a document, you need the following actions:

  1. Go to the end of the document. In order not to scroll through everything, you can press the CTRL+END keys - you will find yourself immediately at the end of the document.
  2. Press the BACKSPACE key and keep pressing until the blank page is deleted. With the BACKSPACE key you remove empty paragraphs and spaces that create last page in the document. Eventually you will reach the real end of the text.

To delete a page in Word, delete the contents of the page or adjust the layout and formatting to reduce the number of pages in the document

To delete a page that contains text, pictures, or empty paragraphs, highlight the content you want to delete and press the Delete key on your keyboard.

Advice: Click anywhere on the page you want to delete, click Ctrl keys+ g (Option + ⌘ + G on Mac) and then in the box Enter page number enter _з0з_. Press ENTER and then press Close.
Make sure the content page is selected, and then press the DELETE key on your keyboard.

Word includes a non-deletable paragraph breaker that sometimes moves to a new blank page at the end of the document. The way to delete this page is to ensure that the end of the paragraph is placed on the previous page.

If this paragraph still doesn't fit on the previous page, you can reduce the bottom margin (Tab Page layout> Fields> Custom fields and set the bottom margin to a small value, such as 0.3 inches).

Advice: Sometimes a paragraph creates new page, since it was configured that way. Try clicking right click mouse in an empty paragraph and select Paragraph. On the tab Position on page dialog box Paragraph uncheck the box From a new page, then click the button OK.

If nothing happens, follow the steps below.

As last resort you can remove the trailing blank page by saving the document in PDF format, leaving the last page.

Note: These steps only avoid blank pages if they are at the end of the document. Additionally, the option to specify a page range is only available in Windows versions _z0z_.

Page breaks tell Word where to start a new page. The reason for creating an unnecessary blank page in your document may be forced break pages.

The reason for creating a blank page in your document may be section breaks "from the next page", "from not even page" and "from an even-numbered page." If the blank page is at the end of the document and a section break is shown, place the cursor before the section break and press DELETE.

Advice: To make it easier to find section breaks, try switching to Draft on the tab View.

Removing section breaks in the middle of a document can cause formatting problems. In these cases, try replacing the section break with a break that does not create a new page. Here's how to do it:

    Double-click the section break.

    On the tab Layout dialog box Page settings click dropdown Start and select continuous.

    Click the button OK.

Not always user knowledge about the work computer programs enough to get out of a difficult situation on your own, and some often have the question of how to delete a page in Word.

It is this text editor that is most often used to create, read and edit documents in all areas of activity.

To figure out how to properly remove an extra blank or filled page, saving space and without damaging the entire text, let’s look at a few simple methods.

Method No. 1. Delete unnecessary new document

In the case when a document has just been created, and all the typed information is no longer needed (copied or used, or requires correction), deleting all its contents is very simple.

To do this, just close the file and refuse to save changes.

To continue working in the document, you can simply select all the text (hot keys “Ctrl” + “A”) and press Delete or BackSpace.

Last option deletion is also suitable if the document has only one sheet.

Method No. 2. Removing a blank sheet

To remove a blank page, you will need to do the following:

  1. Place cursor on in the right place;
  2. Select the icon to display all characters on Word panels 2007 (and any other version) or simply press “Ctrl”, “Shift” and “8” at the same time.

Now on the sheet in the middle of the document, instead of empty space, icons for a transition paragraph, headers and footers and spaces will appear.

They all take up space, but can be easily removed by pressing the BackSpace key one by one and selecting them all. invisible characters straightaway.

By clearing the empty sheet of signs, they achieve it automatic deletion.

Method number 3. Removing the last blank sheet

Sometimes at the end of the text you can notice the last blank sheet or even several. This increases the printer's print queue and file size, and therefore requires removal.

For quick fix problems, you don’t even need to include special characters.

Just place the cursor at the end last sheet and press BackSpace until it and all its formatting are deleted.

Method number 4. Deleting a page with text

If you need to delete not an empty part of a document, but a part of a document filled with text, images or other visible inserts, there are two main options for resolving the issue.

Deleting occurs using the cursor or special teams Word - each method has advantages for its own situation.

Second page

Let's assume that there is a document whose second sheet needs to be deleted.

The simplest option, suitable for Word 2007, 2003 and even more earlier versions, including the 1995 program:

  • Scroll the document to the top of the element to be deleted;
  • Place the cursor on the field opposite the first line and highlight it;
  • Move using the mouse wheel to bottom part(or all text if you need to delete several sheets) without clicking the text;
  • Press “Shift” and, without releasing it, select the very last line of the part of the document to be deleted. As a result, all text on the sheet will be selected.

Now you can erase it, leaving the rest of the document untouched and freeing up space from unnecessary information.

In the same way, you can delete several sheets in a row, selecting them from the beginning of the first to the end of the last, and even most of the document.

Although in the latter case, when you need to save only a few paragraphs from the entire text and delete the main volume, it is easier and faster to copy necessary information V new document.

Page inside a large document

If you have to delete not the first or second, but, for example, the 120th or even the 532nd page, searching for them inside a large document may take certain time.

To save it, use in the following way.

  • First of all, a transition is made to the page that needs to be cleaned. To do this, simultaneously press the “Ctrl” and “F” keys on the keyboard, which open the search and replace window.

  • Next, select the “Go” tab and enter the page number into it.

  • All that now remains to be done to clear it is to type the command “\page” instead of its number and click “Go”.

Now you can close the search bar (the cross in its upper right part) and easily get rid of unnecessary page one of the keyboard keys designated for this purpose.

The method is great for large documents and saves time for users of any version text editor, including Word 2013.

It is not always advisable to use it to delete part of a small amount of information.

Advice! Instead of selecting with commands, some users will find it more convenient and faster to mark the text to be deleted with the mouse - in this case, you should use only the first part of the method to find the desired place.

If you had to edit text documents, which were created by someone else, then you must have encountered problems. One such problem may be blank pages that cannot be deleted. This is precisely the case we will consider in this article. Here you can learn how to delete a blank page in Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016.

Blank pages can usually be deleted without problems. Simply place the cursor at the end of a blank page and erase all spaces and line breaks. After which the blank page is deleted without any problems. But in some cases this doesn't work. You can press as much as you like Backspace keys and Delete, but the page still refuses to be deleted.

More often this problem associated with non-printable characters that are on the page. To solve similar problem and to finally delete this unfortunate page you only need to do a couple of steps. First, you need to enable the display of non-printing characters. This is done very simply. If you have Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016, then you you need to open the “Home” tab and click on the “Display all symbols” button. You can also use the key combination CTRL+SHIFT+8.

If you are using Word 2003 then this button should be somewhere on the toolbar.

After clicking this button, Word document All non-printable characters will begin to display. Now you need to go to a blank page that is not being deleted and remove all non-printing characters from it. Besides everything else, you must remove the page break. Because it is he who, in most cases, blocks the removal of blank pages. To remove a page break, place the cursor in front of it and press the DELETE key on your keyboard.

In some cases, deleting blank pages in Word may be blocked by a section break. If such a non-printing character is on a blank page, then it must be removed. It is removed in the same way as a page break. You need to place the cursor before the section break and press the DELETE key on the keyboard.

If necessary, after removing the blank pages, the section break can be restored. In Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 To do this, use the “Breaks” button on the Page Layout tab.