How to remove an extra sheet from Word. How to Delete a Blank Page in Word

Hi all! Today we will look at how to delete a page in Word. It would seem that it would be as easy as shelling pears to do this by pressing a couple of keys on the keyboard, but as practice shows, many users encountering this problem cannot solve it on their own. If you find yourself in such a situation and your text document Microsoft Word contains a blank page, which means there are hidden paragraphs or breaks that the user manually set. When editing a document, it is recommended to delete such pages, since they will later appear in the paper document printed on the printer.

If you have just recently started working in Microsoft Office, then we will consider the simplest method. To delete an unnecessary page in Word, select all or part of the text on the page and press the “Delete” or “Backspace” button on the keyboard.

Typically, the page should disappear along with the text if there is nothing else left on it. Since this method is the simplest, you may have already tried it.

If a text document contains a blank page, most often at the end, and it is not deleted automatically, then go to the very bottom by pressing the “Ctrl+End” key combination, and then press the “Backspace” key to delete the entire hidden information. Most likely, such a page will be deleted if it had hidden paragraphs or breaks that the user accidentally added.

Note! Often, a blank page contains several empty paragraphs and in order to delete them, you need to press the Backspace key several times.

If, after the manipulations done, the blank page has not gone away, then most likely the problem lies elsewhere and to solve it, read the information below.

What causes blank pages to appear and how to remove them in Word

It is not always clear why a blank page appears in a Word text document. To understand this, you need to enable the display of paragraph characters.

By the way, this function turns on in all Microsoft versions Word, with its help we can figure out how to delete a page in Word.

To do this, we perform the following steps:

Blank paragraphs

As a rule, such empty paragraphs prevent you from deleting pages. Since they are now marked, we select our symbols “¶” and press the “Delete” button.

If there were hidden paragraphs, then after they are deleted, the unnecessary page will also be deleted.

Forced page break is set.

Very often blank pages appear due to forced breaks, which are added manually by the user. To delete it, you need to place the mouse cursor before the page break and press the “Delete” key.

Note! Very often, a blank page appears in the middle of a document due to incorrectly placed breaks. So, pay attention for now.

A section break has been set.

Another important point, which may cause a blank page to appear in a document - this is an established section break. Such a gap can be established in three ways:

If the blank page is at the very end of your document, then in order to delete it you need to position the mouse cursor before the section break and press the “Delete” key.

Note! There are times when users cannot see where the page break is set. IN in this case, you need to open the “View” tab in the Word menu bar and switch to draft mode.

I would also like to draw your attention to the case when, after removing page breaks, the formatting of the document is lost.

In this case, if you need the text formatting to remain unchanged after the break, then deleting such a break is not recommended. Because if you delete a section break, the formatting that is applied after that section break will also be applied to the text that is located above that break.

To get out of this situation, you need to set the type of gap: “Gap on current page"(read how to do this below), this way you will preserve the text formatting and will not add a blank page.

Set the break type: “Break on current page”

To change the page break type Microsoft document Word do the following:

After the settings have been made, the blank page will be deleted. As you can see, to solve the problem of how to delete a page in Word you don’t need to have a lot of knowledge. If the problem is still not solved, I recommend paying attention to one more point.

The table is installed.

If the methods listed above did not help you, and there is a blank page in your text document, then pay attention to whether there is a table in front of the blank page. The fact is that if there is a table on the penultimate page of the document and it reaches the very edge of the sheet, then after it a blank page will certainly appear. This happens because after the table there must be an empty paragraph, and since the table reaches the edge of the page, the paragraph is transferred to the next sheet.

A Microsoft Word document that has an extra, blank page in most cases contains empty paragraphs, page breaks, or section breaks that were previously inserted manually. This is extremely undesirable for a file that you plan to work with in the future, print it on a printer, or provide it to someone for review and further work.

It is worth noting that sometimes you may need to delete not an empty one in Word, but unnecessary page. This often happens with text documents downloaded from the Internet, as with any other file that you had to work with for one reason or another. In any case, you need to get rid of a blank, unnecessary or extra page in MS Word, and this can be done in several ways. However, before we begin to fix the problem, let's figure out the cause of its occurrence, because it is this that dictates the solution.

Note: If a blank page appears only during printing, but it is not displayed in a Word text document, most likely your printer is set to print a separator page between jobs. Therefore, you need to double-check your printer settings and change them if necessary.

If you simply need to delete one or another, superfluous or simply unnecessary page with text or part of it, just select the required fragment with the mouse and click "DELETE" or "BackSpace". True, if you are reading this article, most likely you already know the answer to such a simple question. Most likely, you need to delete the blank page, which, quite obviously, is also superfluous. Most often, such pages appear at the end of the text, sometimes in the middle.

The easiest method is to go down to the very bottom of the document by clicking "Ctrl+End" and then press "BackSpace". If this page was added accidentally (by breaking) or appeared due to an extra paragraph, it will be deleted immediately.

There may be several empty paragraphs at the end of your text, so you will need to click several times "BackSpace".

If this does not help you, then the cause of the excess blank page completely different. You will learn how to get rid of it below.

Why did the blank page appear and how to get rid of it?

In order to determine the cause of the blank page, you must include in the document Word display paragraph characters. This method is suitable for all versions of the Microsoft office product and will help remove unnecessary pages in Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, as well as in its older versions.

1. Click the corresponding icon ( «¶» )on top panel(tab "Home") or use a keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Shift+8".

2. So, if at the end, as in the middle of your text document there are empty paragraphs, or even entire pages, you will see this - at the beginning of each empty line there will be a symbol «¶» .

Extra paragraphs

Perhaps the reason for the appearance of a blank page is precisely the extra paragraphs. If this is your case, just highlight empty lines, marked with the symbol «¶» , and click on the button "DELETE".

Force page break

It also happens that a blank page appears due to a break added manually. In this case, you need to place the mouse cursor in front of the break and press the button "DELETE" to remove it.

It is worth noting that for the same reason, quite often an extra blank page appears in the middle of a text document.

Breaking sections

The blank page may be due to section breaks set from "even page", "odd page" or "next page". If a blank page is located at the end of a Microsoft Word document and a section break is displayed, simply place the cursor in front of it and click "DELETE". After this, the blank page will be deleted.

Note: If for some reason you don't see the page break, go to the tab "View" on the top ribbon of Word and switch to draft mode - this way you will see more in a smaller area of ​​the screen.

Important: Sometimes it happens that due to the appearance of blank pages in the middle of the document, immediately after removing a break, formatting is disrupted. If you need to leave the formatting of the text located after the break unchanged, the break should be left. By removing the section break in this place, you'll make the formatting of the text below extend to the text that comes before the break. In this case, we recommend changing the break type: by setting it to “break (on current page),” you will preserve the formatting without adding a blank page.

Converting a section break to an "on current page" break

1. Place the mouse cursor directly after the break of the section that you plan to change.

2. On the control panel (ribbon) of MS Word, go to the tab "Layout".

3. Click on the small icon located in the lower right corner of the section "Page settings".

4. In the window that appears, go to the tab "Paper Source".

5. Expand the list opposite the item "Start section" and select "On the current page".

6. Click "OK" to confirm changes.

The blank page will be deleted, but the formatting will remain the same.


The methods described above for deleting a blank page will be ineffective if there is a table at the end of your text document - it is located on the previous (second-to-last in fact) page and reaches the very end. The fact is that in Word there must be an empty paragraph after the table. If the table reaches the end of the page, the paragraph moves to the next one.

An empty paragraph that is unnecessary for you will be highlighted with the corresponding icon: «¶» , which, unfortunately, cannot be deleted, by at least, by simply pressing a button "DELETE" on keyboard.

To solve this problem, it is necessary hide the empty paragraph at the end of the document.

1. Select a character «¶» with the mouse and press the key combination "Ctrl+D", a dialog box will appear in front of you "Font".

2. To hide a paragraph, you need to check the box next to the corresponding item ( "Hidden") and press "OK".

3. Now turn off the display of paragraphs by clicking the appropriate ( «¶» ) button on the control panel or use a key combination "Ctrl+Shift+8".

The empty page you don't need will disappear.

That's all, now you know how to remove extra page in Word 2003, 2010, 2016 or, more simply, in any version of this product. This is not difficult to do, especially if you know the cause of this problem (and we have dealt with each of them in detail). We wish you productive work without hassle or problems.

May the Word gurus and its creators forgive me... If you have more rational decision problems with the last section and last page - please report in the comments.

The abundance of questions “how to delete the last page in Word” and “How to preserve formatting in Word after deleting a page” (more precisely, the question sounds more like this: why when I delete a page in Word, everything creeps up on me), served as the reason for writing this note. I don’t consider myself a WORD expert, so I don’t exclude that there is a more correct (correct, convenient...) solution.

Quite often when editing WORD documents You may encounter a situation where the last page turns out to be empty (the plate is over, and behind it there is another sheet). What to do?

How to delete the last page in Word?

First of all, let's go to the last page and see what's there? If there are a lot of characters (paragraphs or spaces) - just put the cursor at the beginning of the page and press DEL (ete) until everything is deleted. If there is only one paragraph character left and it does not want to be deleted, press BackSpace once - it’s possible

Most likely, the reason is that the very last character in the document simply did not fit on the penultimate page. Most often, it helps to place the cursor on the last page and reduce the font size of the last paragraph (say, make it equal to 1 or 2 - you can not only select from the drop-down list, but also write “with pens”). You can also reduce the vertical indents of the same paragraph... in general, make sure that the last paragraph “fits” into the remaining free space.

Often when removed last page There is a formatting problem. To be more precise, when the last partition is deleted, its formatting is applied to the previous (penultimate) partition. I haven’t found how to delete a section without a formatting “failure” (if anyone knows, please share in the comments), but there is a little trick that allows you to delete the last sheet while preserving the Word formatting.

How to delete last section in Word

First of all, let's go to the section with necessary formatting(penultimate), and go to the Page Settings window ( double click on the ruler or menu File-Page Options). We enter all the values ​​for the fields (you can simply erase the centimeters.. The fact is that they are already set.. but if you do not touch them, then when you select “apply to the entire document”, all values ​​will become empty), select the paper orientation, go to Paper Source tab and select Start the “On Current Page” section.

It is possible (if the formatting of the last partition to be deleted is different from the previous one) that additional changes will need to be made, however in my case (on last sheet there was a “horizontal” sign that needed to be removed) the changes described were sufficient.

After setting all the properties in the lower drop-down list, select “Apply to the entire document” and click “OK”. After that, we boldly go to the penultimate page and move the section break to it - we delete the characters before the break, but not the page break itself. To reduce the space required for the last paragraph, you can reduce the font and vertical indents (as in the first part of this article)

Working with documents involves not only typing text, but also formatting it and bringing it into compliance with certain requirements. Therefore, it is so important to know how to delete a page in Word and get rid of unnecessary numbers. This allows you to improve appearance document, which has a positive effect on its readability and overall perception.

Removing blank and extra pages

To delete a page in Word 2010, just remove all the characters that are on it. Even if you see a blank sheet of paper in front of you, there may be hidden formatting marks on it.

If at the end of a Word document you see an extra empty page, then do the same with it - display hidden characters and delete them all.

If there is text on the sheet you want to delete, it's best to highlight it before deleting. Otherwise, you will have to wash each letter separately, which is inconvenient. You can select text with the cursor by holding down left button mice.

Another way to quickly select:

  1. Place the cursor at the beginning of a piece of text.
  2. Hold down the "Shift" key.
  3. Place courses at the end of the fragment.

Removal procedure blank sheets in Word 2003, 2007 and 2010 it is absolutely identical. No new methods have appeared over the years.

How to delete page numbers in Word

Adding and removing numbering in Word 2010 is as simplified as possible - all these procedures are performed by pressing one button. The procedure will be as follows:

There is an easier way:

  1. Double left click on the page number. A footer window will open.
  2. Select a number.
  3. Click "Delete".


Removing sheets is sometimes accompanied by changes in document formatting. The user simply accidentally removes the signs that are responsible for how the text is placed on the sheet. This rarely happens, but if it happens, correcting the defect becomes quite problematic. The easiest way out is to copy the desired fragment and paste it into a new document.

Before yesterday I thought I knew Word quite well. Of course, I’m not an expert in it and I don’t use it constantly, as many do, but until now I was able to figure out what’s what. But yesterday a seemingly simple question: How to delete a page in Word 2010? - Just confused me. Moreover, the question concerned not the first nor the last page, but the page in the middle of continuous text. I had to turn to a guru on the Internet, I’ll pin the information on the pages of my blog.

Deleting a blank page in Word

There are several ways to delete a blank page. The simplest of them is to use the “Backspace” or “Delete” keys. To delete a blank page following a page with text, you need to place the cursor at the end of the previous page and press “Delete” on the keyboard. And if you need to delete, on the contrary, the previous empty page, then you need to place the cursor at the beginning of the next one and press the “Backspace” button.

There is another method for deleting a blank page, it can be deleted using the non-printable characters icon

First, find on the control panel in the “Home” section an icon that means non-printing characters; this icon is located in the “Paragraph” subsection and select it by clicking on it with the mouse. The document will now display many icons and dots that were not visible before. Thus, you will be presented with extra spaces, symbols that can also be deleted if desired.

Next, in the document itself, look for the inscription “Page Break” on the page that needs to be deleted. Click on it with your mouse, it should highlight a certain color(which you are using) defaults to black. Next, just press the “Backspace” or “Delete” key and that’s it. Congratulations, the blank page has been removed from your document.

Deleting a completed page in Word

After we've figured out how to delete blank pages, let's next figure out how to delete a page filled with text, an image, or other information in Word. This process will not take much time and will not require any special knowledge from you. What is needed for this:

  1. First, place your cursor at the location on the page from which you want to delete information.
  2. Next, on the main panel in the “Home” section, find the “Find” subsection and click on the arrow located next to it, then open the “Go” link.

A window will open in front of you in which you will need to put the number of the page that you need to delete and click on the “Go” link. You will see already selected text that needs to be deleted.