The best payment systems, electronic money and cryptocurrencies. Electronic payments: advantages of systems

Many modern users Have you heard the term “digital money?” But not everyone understands what it is. But you need to know about this. After all digital technologies are an integral part of life modern man. And electronic money is becoming more and more common in practice. But what is it? And how can you use these objects?


Digital money is a system for storing various currencies using modern technologies. In particular computers.

Speaking in simple language, electronic money is called cash flows, stored in so-called electronic wallets. We can say that this describes a currency that circulates not in the form of cash, but in electronic payment systems.

An electronic wallet is a storage of digital money. A set of data available to a financial organization that emphasizes a citizen’s right to use certain finances. Often, electronic wallets are simply called payment systems.


What are the pros and cons of digital money? Let's start with the shortcomings. After all, every user should know about them. And at the same time we will dispel some myths.

The disadvantages of digital money include:

  1. Legal regulation. In most countries it is not yet entirely clear how to legally work with by electronic means. In addition, there are official prohibitions on the use of money digital type in some areas. For example, they will not be able to pay for the purchase of an apartment or car.
  2. Daily life. Another very dubious drawback. Not everyone is familiar with digital money. And they can't be used everywhere. Some people claim that it will be possible to work without problems with electronic means only on the Internet. In practice this is not the case. Especially when you consider that the bulk of payment electronic systems offers a special form of storing money (more on it later). This service allows you to freely use available funds.
  3. Difficult to use. Digital money today is strongly tied to technological progress. Just a few years ago this feature was a serious drawback. For example, if a person’s internet or electricity is cut off, they will not be able to access funds.

Minuses electronic money we have studied. But they also have enough advantages. After all, today users are working more and more with a similar interpretation of tools.

Positive sides

Now about the positives. Electronic money is very convenient. It is important to understand that the bulk of their shortcomings are already being perfectly eliminated. In particular, if you choose a good storage facility.

So, the advantages of digital money include:

  1. Mobility. For digital media there is no concept of size. In addition, a person will always be able to use his money. All funds will be at hand. This is very captivating. You no longer need to stand in line to pay receipts and taxes; you can easily transfer money anywhere in the world.
  2. Full automation. There is no human factor when working with digital money. All operations are performed by computers and then recorded. In electronic payment systems there is no concept of change. And thanks to saving the history of transactions, a person will be able to understand where this or that money went.
  3. Safety. It is almost impossible to lose electronic funds. They will not be stolen from your hands, and a person will not forget where he put them. All finances are stored in a special electronic wallet. Electronic money can only be lost if the corresponding storage facility is hacked. Fortunately, such situations are extremely rare.
  4. Freedom. When working with digital finance, the user may not provide information about himself. For most operations, it is enough to know the account details of the recipient of the funds.
  5. Comfort of use. Today, technological progress does not stand still. And now digital money can be used almost everywhere. The main thing is to choose the right one online wallet. Paying digitally is allowed wherever there is cashless payment.

As you can already see, the components being studied have a lot of advantages. But what else do users need to know? How to work with electronic money and wallets?

Examples of digital media

It is important to understand that electronic money is different. And they all allow you to work with different currencies. Therefore, it is not entirely clear how digital media differ. It is customary to classify them by storage systems.

Let's look at the most common types. Examples of digital money:

  • cryptocurrency;
  • "Yandex money";
  • PayPal;
  • Qiwi;
  • Webmoney.

These are not all types of electronic media. But users work with the listed options most often.

Blurred concept

The definition of digital money is vague. On the one hand, we found out what it is. On the other hand, some people claim that any non-cash transactions are actions with electronic means. Is it really?

Yes and no. After all, many banks offer Internet banking. In this case, the funds will be stored in an account opened in advance, and management will be carried out using computer technology. Therefore, it is not always possible to understand what digital tools are.

But as we have already said, this term is usually used to describe money stored on an electronic wallet. It is with this interpretation that we will work further.

About wallets and their use

We found out what electronic money is. An electronic wallet is a repository of relevant finances. Such payment systems are in great demand. Especially when shopping online.

Electronic wallets, like money, are diverse. Most often, people work with the systems "WebMoney", "Yandex. Money", "Qiwi", "PayPal". How can I use a wallet of one type or another?

The main functionality of the digital (electronic) money storage includes:

  • paying bills (any);
  • checking taxes and fines;
  • payment for purchases on the Internet;
  • payment for receiving certain services;
  • mobile phone account replenishment;
  • making money transfers.

Almost like a regular wallet with money! The difference is that cash does not appear in this case. Cashless payments only.

Under certain circumstances, the user can cash out digital funds. For example, by making a money transfer via the Contact system.

Types of wallets

It is also important to understand that modern electronic wallets try to protect as much as possible. To achieve this, payment systems introduce various restrictions and several types of accounts.

The most common among them are:

  • initial (anonymous);
  • standard, formal (nominal);
  • confirmed.

In the first case, the citizen does not provide any information about himself. Such wallets are severely limited in terms of storage limits in the account, transactions and amounts that can be withdrawn from the account per day/week/month. Formal certificates(profiles) require the user to upload passport data and indicate personal information. This is the most common scenario. The wallet has large limits, but not all restrictions have been removed from it yet.

Confirmed accounts allow you to work with all options of a particular wallet. In this case, restrictions will be minimal. Usually you have to confirm your identity at the service center payment system(for example, in Euroset communication stores). Such certificates are used by individual entrepreneurs.

About media

As we have already said, previously electronic funds were very problematic to use. But now this problem has been eliminated in many payment systems. The thing is that digital money can be stored on different media.

The following scenarios are possible:

  • electronic invoice (required);
  • bank card linked to the wallet;
  • virtual card.

IN mandatory when opening electronic wallet The user is issued a special account (like a bank account). This is the money depository.

Many services like Yandex.Money allow you to produce special bank cards linked to electronic account. Under such circumstances, all the money in the wallet immediately ends up on the card. It is very comfortable! Thanks to this feature, digital funds are now almost no different from money stored on a bank card of a regular bank.

Virtual card - analogue physical media. Used for ease of use on the Internet. With the help of such “plastic” you can pay for purchases on the Internet with special comfort. A striking example of such a product is the WebMoney card.

Beginning of work

How to get started with an electronic wallet and digital money? It is enough to register in one or another payment system.

For example, you can do this:

  1. Go to the Webmoney website.
  2. Click on the "Registration" button.
  3. Provide your mobile phone number.
  4. Click on the "Continue" button.
  5. Fill out the registration form. Here you must indicate the e-mail that will be linked to the wallet.
  6. Create a login password and repeat it.
  7. Click on the "Register" button.
  8. Confirm the operation. To do this you need to enter special code, sent via SMS.

That's all. Now the user will have a "WebMoney" wallet. The user will see his account, which will allow him to work with digital means. IN " Personal account"You can upload scans of your passport and receive a formal certificate.

Virtual card

The WebMoney card can be issued only after the user gets rid of the anonymous profile. This means virtual “plastic”.

To order it, you need:

  1. Log in to your wallet.
  2. Open the WM map page.
  3. Click on the "Order" button.
  4. Select the type of plastic.
  5. Click on the "Next" button.
  6. Indicate whether SMS notification is required.
  7. Check the box next to "Confirm".
  8. Click on the "Confirmation" button.
  9. Pay for plastic through the "Merchant" system, indicating the details from your bank card.

Ready! Now you can use the virtual card. This task does not cause any difficulties.


IN modern world The future of digital money is uncertain. But we can say with confidence that most countries are trying to introduce such means and introduce laws that allow them to control relevant finances. Electronic payment services are improving every year.

Already, there is almost no difference between a bank card and plastic linked to an electronic wallet. This means that digital tools are in demand. They replace cash. Working with that kind of money is a pleasure!

With the development of credit circulation, electronic money appears, which has certain advantages compared to paper:

  • increasing the speed of transfer of payment documents;
  • simplification of processing of bank correspondence;
  • reducing the cost of processing payment documentation.

In economic literature electronic money is defined as:

  • money in accounts computer memory banks, the management of which is carried out using a special electronic device;
  • electronic storage of monetary value using a technical device;
  • a new means of payment that allows for payment transactions and does not require access to deposit accounts;
  • an open-ended monetary obligation of a financial credit institution, expressed in electronic form, certified electronically digital signature and redeemable at the time of presentation with ordinary money, etc.

In international practice are prepaid or store of value financial products in which fund or value information is stored on an electronic device.

Electronic money - in a broad sense words are considered as a set of subsystems of cash (issue is carried out without opening personal accounts) and non-cash money (issue is carried out with the opening of personal accounts) or as a system of monetary settlements through the use of electronic technology.

Electronic money - V in the narrow sense represent a subsystem of cash issued by banks or specialized credit institutions. The main difference here is that it is not necessary to use a bank account when making a payment, when the transaction is carried out from the payer to the recipient without the participation of the bank.

Properties of electronic money

Main characteristics of electronic money:

  • the monetary value is recorded on an electronic device;
  • it can be used for a variety of payments;
  • payment is final.

Nevertheless, the question of independent allocation of electronic money in separate species remains debatable, as does their definition, role in and functions.

In modern times, electronic money is fiat money, have a credit basis, perform the functions of a means of payment, circulation, accumulation, and have a guarantee. The basis for issuing electronic money into circulation is cash and non-cash money. Electronic money acts as a monetary obligation of the issuer when servicing non-cash turnover as a requirement for it. They can be considered as an element of the monetary aggregate. Automatic maintenance of bank accounts (crediting and debiting funds, transfers from account to account, interest calculation, monitoring the status of settlements) is carried out electronically(electronic transfers). Tools electronic access accounts are constantly evolving, however, money is still presented in the form of account entries.

Properties of electronic money are based both on traditional monetary properties (liquidity, portability, versatility, divisibility, convenience) and on relatively new ones (security, anonymity, durability). However, not all of them in the process of application meet the requirements of high liquidity and stable purchasing power, and therefore their issue and use in circulation require a special procedure for regulation and control. Electronic access tools are payment cards, electronic checks, remote banking.

Calculations on the Internet. "Network" electronic money

These calculations are based on the concept of electronic cash. Electronic cash is digital cash in electronic form, used in network payments, which are electronic bills in the form of a set of binary codes existing on one or another medium, transported in the form of a digital envelope over the network. Electronic cash technology allows you to pay for goods and services in the virtual economy by transferring information from one computer to another. Electronic cash, like real cash, is anonymous and reusable, and digital banknote numbers are unique. They can be transferred from one person to another, bypassing the bank, but at the same time keeping them within network payment systems. When paying for a product or service, digital money is transferred to the seller, who either transfers it to a bank participating in the system for crediting to his account, or pays his partners with it. Currently, various network payment systems are widespread on the Internet.

Yandex money. In mid-2002, Paycash entered into an agreement with the largest search engine Runet Yandex about the launch of the Yandex project. Money (universal payment system created in 2002). The main features of the Yandex payment system. Money:

  • electronic transfers between user accounts;
  • buy, sell and exchange electronic currencies:
  • pay for services (Internet access, cellular communications, hosting, apartment, etc.);
  • transfer funds to a credit or debit card.

The transaction fee is 0.5% for each payment transaction. When withdrawing funds to a bank account or other method, the Yandex.Money system retains 3% of the amount of funds withdrawn, in addition, an additional percentage is charged directly by the transfer agent (bank, post office, etc.).

WebmoneyTransfer - payment system, which appeared on November 25, 1998, is the most widespread and reliable Russian electronic payment system for maintaining financial transactions in real time, created for users of the Russian-speaking part of the World Wide Web. Anyone can become a user of the system. The means of payment in the system are title units called WebMoney, or WM for short. All WM is stored in so-called electronic wallets. The most common types of wallets are:

  • WMZ - dollar wallets;
  • WMR - ruble wallets;
  • WME - wallets for storing euros;
  • WMU - wallets for storing Ukrainian hryvnia.

The WebMoney Transfer payment system allows you to:

  • carry out financial transactions and pay for goods (services) on the Internet;
  • pay for services mobile operators, Internet and television providers, pay for media subscriptions;
  • exchange WebMoney title units for other electronic currencies at a favorable rate;
  • make payments by email, use mobile phone as a wallet;
  • owners of online stores accept payments for goods on their website.

WM is global Information system transfer of property rights, open for free use by everyone. WITH using WebMoney Transfer allows you to make instant transactions related to the transfer of property rights to any online goods and services, create your own web services and network enterprises, conduct transactions with other participants, issue and maintain your own tools.

There are several ways to replenish your WM wallet:

  • by bank transfer (including through Sberbank of the Russian Federation);
  • postal transfer;
  • with help Western systems Union;
  • by exchanging rubles or currency for WM at an authorized bank or exchange office;
  • by receiving WM from any of the system participants in exchange for services, goods or in exchange for cash;
  • using a prepaid WM card;
  • through the E-Gold system.

RUpay- payment system, operating since October 7, 2002, is an integrator of payment systems, where payment systems and exchange offices into one system.

Main features of the RUpay payment system:

  • implementation electronic transfers between user accounts;
  • buy, sell and exchange electronic currencies with a minimum commission;
  • make payments to other electronic payment systems: WebMoney, PayPal, E-gold, etc.;
  • accept payments on your website in more than 20 ways;
  • receive funds from the system account at the nearest ATM;
  • manage your account from any computer connected to the Internet."

PayCash- electronic payment system. It began its work on the Russian market in early 1998, positioned primarily as an accessible means of fast, efficient and secure cash payments on the Internet.

The main advantage of this payment system is the use of its own unique developments in the field of financial cryptography, highly appreciated by Western experts. The PayCash payment system has a number of prestigious awards and patents, including the “Certificate of Special Recognition from the US Congress.” On this moment PayCash technology is used by such well-known payment systems as Yandex. Money (Russia), Cyphermint PayCash (USA), DramCash (Armenia), PayCash (Ukraine).

PayCash is based on digital cash technology. From the point of view of the user (seller or buyer), PayCash technology represents many “ electronic wallets", each of which has its own owner. All wallets are connected to a single processing center, where information received from the owners is processed. Thanks to modern technologies, users can carry out transactions with their money without leaving the computer. The technology allows you to transfer digital cash from one wallet to another, store it in online banking, convert it, withdraw it from the system to traditional bank accounts or other payment systems.

E- gold- an electronic payment system created in 1996 by Gold&Silver Reserve (G&SR). E-gold is an American electronic money settlement system, the main currency of which is precious metals - gold, platinum, silver, etc., and this currency is physically backed by the corresponding metal. The system is completely international, works with all currencies of the world, and anyone can gain access to it. The reliability of this payment system is guaranteed by US and Swiss banks. The main difference between the e-gold payment system is that all funds are physically backed by precious metals stored in Nova Scotia Bank (Toronto). The number of users of the c-gold payment system in 2006 was about 3 million people. The main advantages of the e-gold payment system are as follows:

  • internationality - regardless of place of residence, any user has the opportunity to open an account in e-gold:
  • anonymity - when opening an account, there are no mandatory requirements for indicating the user’s real personal data;
  • ease and intuitiveness - the interface is intuitive and user-friendly;
  • no additional software installation required;
  • versatility - the widespread use of this payment system allows it to be used for almost any financial transaction.

You can enter money into the system in two ways: receive a transfer from another participant or transfer money in any currency to the E-gold system using the mechanism described on the website via bank transfer.

You can receive or cash out money by ordering a bank transfer on the E-gold website, making a transfer to other systems (PayPal, WebMoney, Western Union) or to any credit or debit card.

Stormpay- payment system opened in 2002. Any user can register in this system, regardless of country of residence. One of the advantages of the system is its universality and lack of reference to a specific geographic region, since the system works with all countries without exception. The account number in the Stormpay payment system is the address Email. Its main drawback is the inability to convert funds from a Stormpay account to E-gold, WebMoney or Rupay. This payment system allows you to transfer funds to credit cards.

PayPal- electronic payment system, one of the most popular and reliable among foreign payment systems. By early 2006, it served users from 55 countries. PayPal was founded by Peter Thiel and Max Levchin in 1998 as a private company. PayPal provides its users with the ability to accept and send payments using email or a mobile phone with Internet access, but, in addition, users of the payment PayPal systems have the opportunity:

  • send payments (Send Money): transfer any amount from your personal account. In this case, the recipient of the payment may act as another PayPal user, and by third party;
  • execute a request to receive payment (Money Request). Using this type of service, the user can send letters to his debtors containing a request for payment (issue an invoice for payment);

place on the website special tools for accepting payments (Web Tools). This service is only available to Premier and Business account holders and is recommended for use by online store owners. In this case, the user can place a button on his website, by clicking which the payer is taken to the payment system website, where he can complete the payment procedure (you can use a credit card), after which he returns to the user’s website;

  • use auction trading tools (Auction Tools). The payment system offers two types of services: 1) automatic mailing requests to receive payment (Automatic Payment Request); 2) auction winners can make payments directly from the website where the auction is held (Instant Purchase for Auctions);
  • carry out financial transactions using a mobile phone (Mobile Payments);
  • make simultaneous payment a large number users (Batch Pay);
  • carry out daily transfer of funds to a bank account (Auto-Sweep).

In the future, the possibility of receiving interest for storing funds in the account is being considered.

Moneybookers- electronic payment system, opened in 2003. Despite its relative youth, it successfully competes in many areas with such a giant as PayPal. The main advantage of this payment system can be considered its versatility. Moneybookers is easy to use for both individuals and owners of online stores and banks. Unlike PayPal payment the Moneybookers system serves users in more than 170 countries, including Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Moneybookers features:

  • installation of additional software is not required for operation;
  • The Moneybookers user account number is the email address;
  • The minimum transfer amount to Moneybookers is 1 euro cent (or the equivalent in another currency);
  • the ability to automatically send funds on a schedule without user participation;
  • the system commission is 1% of the payment amount and is deducted from the sender.

Electronic money exists relatively recently. But they have already received recognition from Internet users. At the same time, for many, the essence of electronic payments remains not fully understood. What is electronic money in Russia?

General points

Japan first began using electronic money in the 1980s. It began with the introduction of prepaid chip cards from individual companies, which over time began to be used by other economic entities.

For Europe, the first use of prepaid electronic payment products began in the 1990s. Individuals could save their funds on special cards (Mondex, Proton, Danmont and Primeur Card).

Interest in such means of payment has been attracted innovative techniques, as well as lack of affiliation with the banking sector. After some time, similar projects began to be implemented by banks.

A little later, new payment technologies came to Russia. And if at first they were perceived with some doubt, then by 2013 the turnover of the electronic payment market in the Russian Federation reached almost two and a half trillion rubles.

Several factors contributed to the development of the use of electronic money. In particular, the active spread of online commerce, the low cost of Internet transactions, the possibility of instant execution of transactions without personal identification.

The scale of the spread of electronic means of payment and their considerable importance in settlements between legal and private entities have led to the need to resolve the main issues of application.

The state was required to:

Basic definitions

Electronic money, in essence, is money in the usual sense of the word. They can be used to pay for purchases in online stores, pay for various services, and transfer to bank accounts and cards.

But they have the advantage of mobility. There is no reference to time and place. You can make a payment from anywhere globe and at any time of the day. The main condition is access to the Internet.

The main formulations are that electronic money is:

The term “electronic money” is far from ambiguous. It is used in a variety of understandings. This definition refers to systems for storing and transferring both official and private currencies.

Consequently, the rules for the circulation of electronic money are regulated both by the provisions of Central Banks and by the personal regulations of payment systems.

In a more simplified sense, electronic money payments can be thought of as a transfer of regular cash from one bank account to another. At the same time, the procedure is quite simple and does not require unnecessary formalities.

Their qualifications

Most often, electronic cash is classified as follows:

In Russia, the following electronic payment products are considered the most popular::

  • Yandex money;
  • WebMoney;
  • Single wallet;
  • RBC Money;
  • PayCash;
  • Rapida.

Most of Russian systems electronic payments are not presented financial institutions. Their activities are not considered financial.

This allows payment systems to reduce costs arising from banking activities. But at the same time, this prevents the conduct of legally complete financial relations between participants in the system.

It is this state of affairs that requires clear legislative regulation of the concept of electronic money and the rules for its use.

Current standards

Initially, the legality of the circulation of electronic money was questioned, since it does not recognize electronic money as cash. Therefore, payment systems have found a way to solve this problem.

In particular, electronic cash has received a different name. For example, WebMoney title units or PayCash advance payments.

Thus, electronic money becomes not cash, but prepaid cash title units or securities.

At the same time, electronic money has become a way to take into account the rights of claims of users of electronic payment systems to representatives of these systems.

Electronic payments, in essence, are an exchange of messages that confirm the transfer of title units and property rights.

As for the legal aspect, the payment system is a guarantor that guarantees to third parties the payment of an amount equivalent to a unit of the system through a bank.

From a legal point of view, electronic money is an analogue of checks, securities, gift certificates. That is, payment systems issue securities using uncertificated bearer checks.

Also worthy of attention. It presupposes the possibility of carrying out legal circulation of securities not provided for by law. This means that the circulation of electronic money does not violate Russian legislation.

On given time The electronic money market in Russia is regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The main governing law is.

Some changes came into force on May 16, 2014. He made adjustments to Federal Law No. 161.

In accordance with the new amendments, mandatory identification of users has been introduced in relation to individuals, non-profit organizations and organizations created outside the Russian Federation. At the same time, a simplified identification procedure became possible.

Features of electronic money

The main feature of electronic money is its virtuality. Such means of payment cannot be seen, touched or put in your pocket.

But this does not diminish their value. Of course, you can’t pay with that kind of money in regular stores. However, you can make purchases via the Internet, pay for various payments and services, and transfer funds to other persons.

As for other features, electronic money can be personalized and anonymous. This depends on the rules for handling electronic cash in the system.

At the same time, all sorts of attempts are being made to personalize most electronic means. To achieve this, limits are introduced for anonymous users and the size of the anonymous wallet is limited.

Security cryptographic methods can also be called an important feature of electronic payment instruments. They allow you to achieve a certain security when using electronic cash.

That is, electronic money is reliably protected by an electronic digital signature. This eliminates the possibility of counterfeiting electronic money.

Who are they using?

Basically in Russia, electronic money is used to pay for cellular communications, Internet access, utilities, and Internet purchases.

Often, electronic payments are used to transfer funds to other users of the system. Teenagers often spend money on online games. The older population pays for goods and services, taxes and fines in this way.

In terms of the number of users who have used electronic payments at least once, Russian statistics for a large city are as follows?

At the same time, 14% of the younger generation spends money earned on the Internet. 48% of the older generation are novice users.

Increasingly, electronic money is used when conducting online business. At the same time, electronic money is considered as a form of modern market economy.

Electronic payments allow instant settlements between entrepreneurs and clients. This eliminates many of the costs inherent in doing business offline.

Forms of their use

According to the forms of use of electronic means, several main methods can be distinguished.

These include:

Internet banking With help this method You can transfer money from your bank account to any other, including an electronic wallet account. The received electronic money can be used for any possible purpose. At the same time, the completion of the transfer can be tracked in online mode. Instead of a signature, the client of a virtual bank uses an electronic digital signature, which is considered the most reliable method of protection
Credit cards The method is convenient because it allows you to pay in any currency, including electronic ones. But it is advisable not to transfer personal data when using this option, since the protection credit cards not so perfect
ATMs You can cash out your electronic money through an ATM. To do this, just order a virtual debit card from the payment system and transfer funds from an electronic wallet to it. The cashing process is no different from using a regular plastic card. You need to enter data virtual card and withdraw cash from it
Bank checks This option is acceptable for receiving cash from a bank. You can transfer electronic money to a bank account and then withdraw the money. Or transfer electronic funds to a bank that will exchange them for cash. This method also includes sending electronic money through the system of international transfers with receipt at any bank

What is their advantage

The most significant advantages of electronic money include:

  • the ability to pay anywhere and at any time;
  • almost instant transfer of funds;
  • convenience and ease of use.

Less obvious advantages include the possibility of reducing queues at cash registers and reducing the burden on accounting. In addition, electronic money is protected from counterfeiting.

They are portable, that is, they will not take up much space in any quantity. They divide perfectly, eliminating the need to wait for change.

Electronic money can be stored as long as you like, without this its appearance becoming unusable. Completely excluded for electronic payments human factor, that is, all payments will reach their destination.

Disadvantages of such payments

Among the disadvantages, the following are especially significant:

  • the need to pay interest to the system when withdrawing money;
  • possibility of wallet hacking;
  • loss of money if you lose your password.

With more detailed analysis the shortcomings are practically reduced to zero. When withdrawing funds, you need to pay a certain percentage for withdrawal. But banks also charge fees for services and transactions.

Therefore, this disadvantage is rather the usual cost of contacting third parties to carry out financial transactions. The e-wallet can be hacked. In this case, a third party will log into the system and spend or transfer the stored funds.

And most often the user himself is to blame for this. You can log in to the system only using a username and password that are created by the owner of the wallet. The possibility of theft of confidential data depends on how carefully he stores his data.

Another drawback is that if you lose your password, you will not be able to log in to the system. This means that no transactions with electronic means will be possible. The basic advice is still the same - keep your password in a safe place.

But you shouldn’t neglect the password recovery method. To do this, when registering in the payment system, you need to identify your identity in as much detail as possible.

Ideally, provide scans of documents, link your email and phone number. After this, even losing your password is not a problem. Using your identification data, you can obtain the right to renew access and change your password.

In general, electronic money is a very flexible tool that allows you to expand the scope of use of cash and significantly simplify cash flow.

In Russia, the use of electronic payment systems is not yet well developed. But given the pace of development, it can be assumed that in the future electronic money will be given a fairly significant priority.

Neighboring countries of the Russian Federation also use various electronic payment systems. Belarus is no exception. An electronic payment system called Easypay has been operating on the territory of this state for quite a long time. It has its own characteristics, connected to the ERIP system, as well as acquiring...

Electronic payment systems are becoming increasingly popular. Active network users have long appreciated the ease of use virtual currency. How easy is it to withdraw money from an electronic wallet? Behind Lately Electronic payment systems have taken a strong place in the financial sector. Caused this phenomenon...

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Hello! Igor Zuevich is in touch, and today we’ll talk about money on the Internet. No, not about how to earn it, but about what electronic money is and how to use it.

It cannot be considered as a way to preserve accumulated funds. Payment systems will not pay you interest, and your money is subject to certain risks.

To date, the activities of payment systems are not fully regulated by law. If you lose money, you can sue the company founder and recover the lost amounts from him.

But you won’t be able to receive compensation from the state; it can only be paid in the event of loss of bank deposits.

Which payment system to choose?

In order to use virtual funds, you must select a payment system. It's not difficult at all.

The electronic payment system is selected taking into account the following criteria:

  • Convenient and simple interface for the user;
  • Possibility of round-the-clock replenishment of your wallet and withdrawal of funds to a bank card;
  • Some experience in the functioning of the payment system on the Internet market;
  • The popularity of the payment system on the Internet, is it used for payments in which you plan to order goods;
  • High degree of protection against unauthorized use of funds in the electronic wallet by third parties.

Popular payment systems

The most popular electronic payment systems on the Internet are:

Webmoney- It has high degree protection. Allows you to pay for goods and services via the Internet, ensuring the security of payments. For people far from the Internet, the system is difficult to understand. Unfortunately, there are interruptions in the system, and sometimes you will have to wait. Be prepared for the fact that almost every expense transaction is accompanied by a commission;

Yandex money will allow you to instantly implement Money transfers, pay for purchases. The system has low commissions for transactions, which gives it an advantage over its competitors. The disadvantage of the system is the very expensive withdrawal of funds;

Qiwi, CyberPlat, RBK Money less common among Runet users. Each system has advantages and disadvantages, which you can learn about by becoming a user of the system. We recommend trusting your money to market leaders.

PayPal the largest electronic payment system, which is gradually gaining popularity in RuNet. Only a month ago it became possible to withdraw funds to a card account opened in a Russian bank, although the payment acceptance function has been available to Russian users for two years, since 2011.

You can open currency or ruble electronic wallets. The exchange between virtual money vaults is simplified as much as possible and takes no more than 5 minutes.

How not to make a mistake when choosing an electronic money system?

The disadvantages of electronic wallets today are quite high risks.

You may encounter the following risks when using electronic money:

  • Financial losses. May occur in case of transfer of identification data or interception of SMS passwords. Bankruptcy of the payment system can also trigger loss of funds;
  • Impossibility of payment at a specific point in time;
  • Lack of legislative norms regulating the activities of payment systems;
  • Holes in the security system of electronic wallets open up opportunities for advanced hackers to steal your money;
  • Additional costs associated with the payment of commissions;
  • The difficulty of restoring access to an electronic wallet due to its loss.

But, despite the shortcomings as such, you will appreciate the benefits of using electronic money.

How to top up your online wallet?

Deposit money into your virtual wallet you can do it in two main ways:

  1. Cash through payment terminals;
  2. In cash or non-cash through banking institutions.
Withdrawal of funds from an electronic wallet

If you need to turn electronic money into real money, you can use special services. About 10 sites work with each payment system. So, for example, to withdraw funds from WebMoney, you can use the wmtocard or inchange services. The commission for transferring money to a plastic card can range from 2 to 5 percent. All calculations are made within 5 minutes.

Benefits of electronic wallets

Very often you can hear the question: “what are the benefits of electronic money?” The main benefit is the efficiency and ease of payments. Although, some advanced users manage to make money by exchanging electronic money between various types wallets and payment systems.

Mutual aid societies also appear on the RuNet, the purpose of which is to provide borrowed funds to other participants in the system for a certain fee.

Electronic payment systems in Russia provide alternative sources of payments. Many financiers argue that in the future electronic money will replace real money.

Whether this is so, you and I will find out after a while, but for now we carefully select a payment system and join modern systems calculation. When making payments, we pay attention to security; we do not store passwords in wallets and passports.

As you can see, if you generally know how everything related to electronic money works, then using it in your calculations via the Internet will not be difficult at all. As always, the main thing is to act correctly and you will succeed. It is better to act together and under the supervision of those people who already have experience and results. Come to our programs and earn more at the same time!

With you,
- Igor Zuevich.

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I think that the materials in this section about electronic wallets, electronic money and electronic payment systems are of interest to those who come to the Internet to make money.

Accordingly, on the Internet you and I earn electronic (virtual) money, and then, if necessary, we turn it into real money.

And answer the question “Why do we need an electronic wallet and electronic money” can be done quite simply by simply listing great amount goods and services that can be purchased with electronic money.

But the point is not even about specific things that can be bought with electronic money, but about whether you sufficiently understand the importance of electronic money in general.

Either you are learning to master electronic money today, and tomorrow you already own this mechanism, or you quickly and hopelessly lose all the levers of managing your Internet business and miss all the opportunities to direct your work with money to your benefit.

Electronic money is a business and modern approach.

Whatever you do in ecommerce, this could be creating websites, providing some services, for example, setting up a blog, it could be an online business, conducting webinars, coaching, online stores, etc., without electronic wallets and electronic money.

What is electronic money?

Electronic money- this is the same money that is on your bank card or in your wallet.

Electronic money- you can easily transfer from electronic wallets to a bank card and, of course, cash out and, conversely, you can with bank card deposit into your e-wallet account.

Electronic money– it’s the same money, but it’s much easier to manipulate it.

And finally, electronic money– this is just a tool that saves time and which provides more opportunities for developing your business on the Internet, and not only on the Internet

Of course, no one will cancel regular money anytime soon. But electronic money is becoming more and more an everyday reality for us every day.

Billions of dollars worth of purchases and exchange transactions are made every day and the inability to use and manage electronic money means missing out on the huge advantage and enormous opportunities that they bring with them.

Until recently, a bank plastic card was something unusual for many people, but now many commercial resources on the Internet provide the opportunity to pay for purchases using electronic money.

Today, many companies, even in real life, also began the practice of paying with electronic money. There are many online and offline services that provide opportunities to exchange various electronic money at a favorable rate.

Just yesterday, if anyone even heard about the existence of electronic money, they were clearly afraid of them. Well, young people grasp everything on the fly and they, of course, immediately picked up convenient way payment for purchases and services with electronic money.

And at the same time, many mature adults, perhaps out of necessity, even through force, begin to master the computer from the very beginning. entry level. Why?

Yes, because today, if you do not follow the beneficial opportunities of modern technologies, which, in particular, include electronic money, then tomorrow you will completely fall out of the flow of life.

Let's look at the 7 main reasons why we need electronic money

Electronic money is speed

Payment by electronic money occurs almost instantly. You have logged in to the payment system, clicked the pay button in your e-wallet, entered a password or security code and that’s it... the electronic money transfer has been completed.

Instantaneity and speed play a big role in the modern world. You can't argue with that. For example, you want to buy some kind of training course, and eat it digital version. If you pay electronically, you immediately get access to it.

Agree that this is very convenient.

The next reason for the need to have electronic money is accessibility.

Electronic money is accessibility

Electronic monetary system your e-wallet works 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. You can pay and transfer electronic money at any time of the day or night.

It is also important that you can access your e-wallet wherever there is Internet access - whether you are at home or visiting, in a cafe or at work, anywhere. If you have a laptop or mobile phone with you that has Internet access, then there will be no problems with paying with electronic money at all.

That is, you can manage your electronic money from anywhere in the world.

The next reason for the need to have electronic money is a large selection.

Electronic money is a great choice

Today there are simply a huge number of electronic payment systems. The absolute leaders in RuNet are three payment systems:

  • WebMoney,
  • RBK Money and
  • Yandex money.

But in fact, there is a really wide choice of electronic payment systems. For example, here are only those payment systems that are officially registered with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as an operator for the transfer of electronic money, i.e. legitimate:

  • Moneta.Ru,
  • RBK Money,
  • Yandex money
  • Money @ Mail.Ru,
  • Single wallet
  • Delta Cay,
  • TelePay,
  • PayPal
  • PayU
  • Money, etc.

WebMoney still does not have such a status, and QIWI is not a payment non-profit organization (since it is a bank), so it dropped out of this list.

And every day there are more and more electronic payment systems. Each electronic payment system, of course, has its advantages and disadvantages. You just need to decide which electronic payment system to work with and what is beneficial and convenient for you and your clients.

The next reason for the need to have electronic money is savings.

Electronic money is savings

That is, by using electronic money in your online business, you save not only your time but also money. This is due to the fact that there is no commission for maintaining an electronic wallet, for example.

The commission for paying for goods and services, as well as for transfers between electronic payment systems and for withdrawing electronic money, is quite small. Try making a transfer of regular non-electronic money, for example, if you live in Russia, and your client or partner lives in another country. It will be both difficult and expensive.

With the help of electronic money, you will make this transfer not only instantly, but also for minimum commissions. That is, a clear saving of both time and your money.

The next reason for the need to have electronic money is security.

Electronic money is security

Electronic money has such a degree of security that it cannot be counterfeited even theoretically, since it is digital money. You can't touch them, you can't put them in your pocket.

Each electronic payment system has its own security system that guarantees the safety of your electronic money. You will, of course, have to take care of the security of your electronic wallets by simply going through some of the security procedures that the electronic payment systems themselves offer.

In some electronic payment systems, this may involve linking your wallet by IP address; in others, any transactions with electronic money can only be performed using CMS confirmations on your mobile phone. It varies in different electronic payment systems. And all you have to do is take advantage of the security measures built into electronic payment systems.

The next reason for the need to have electronic money is convertibility.

Electronic money is convertibility

That is, you can easily convert one electronic money currency into another. Again, saving on commissions.

Let's take WebMoney, for example. In your WebMoney electronic payment system, you can create different electronic wallets with different currencies, which can be easily converted between each other.

Let's say you need dollars to pay for some service or product, but you only have rubles. You can instantly exchange currencies using the WebMoney electronic payment system, or use any electronic money exchanger.

At the same time, the commission for conversion will be only about 0.8% - this is the commission of the electronic payment service itself. Webmoney systems. But try to instantly and profitably exchange currency at any bank... I doubt that you will succeed as quickly and as economically.

AND last reason the need to have electronic money is popular.

Electronic money is popular

It is very rare today to find a store on the Internet that does not accept electronic money for payment.

It is also worth noting that software to open an electronic wallet – completely free. In addition, it is adapted for a wide range of people with different levels preparation. They are very clear and you can even understand them intuitively.

All you need to open an electronic wallet is Internet access and some free time.

So, I hope I have convinced you that:

    You must have an electronic wallet and electronic money if you do not already have them, and

    that electronic money is very fast, very profitable and safe way payments both on the Internet and in everyday life.