Why can't my computer see my TV via HDMI? How to output sound via HDMI: away with unnecessary wires.

When the need arises to connect some device to a TV via HDMI, not many people ask the question “How to do this correctly?” What could this lead to? Let's figure it out.

Suppose you need to connect a computer or laptop to a TV via HDMI ports, most often people do this, take a cable and connect everything without any problems, hot-wired.

The expression “hot” means connecting two electronic devices to each other without turning them off, i.e. at the moment when these devices are working. So, it happens that after such a connection, you can seriously damage your equipment. And in service centers have long disowned these breakdowns as something that falls under warranty repair. So it's unlikely to work.

But how can this happen? After all, HDMI developers gave the go-ahead for such a “Hot” connection. This can actually be done safely if at least one of the connected devices is not connected to the network, i.e. runs on battery. If your laptop is plugged in, like your TV, then you run the risk of burning the HDMI ports or worse by connecting the cable. This does not always happen, maybe everything is normal, but not everyone is lucky and not always, alas, such cases do exist, but why?

If you don’t go into too much detail, the fact is that there can be a fairly high voltage potential on the buses of equipment connected to the network. You may have observed how when you connect a cable TV plug to the antenna input of your TV, a spark can jump out, and the same can jump out when connecting HDMI. So, if certain conditions coincide when connecting, quite large currents can pass through the circuits, which burn the ports.

Of course, if the sockets in your apartment really have a real grounding, and not just a contact for appearance, then you have nothing to fear, but many habitats cannot boast of high-quality grounding.

So, what should you do to avoid burning your equipment when connecting an HDMI connection?

If you are not sure about the quality of the grounding of your electrical wiring, then you need to follow simple order. A) If one of the connected devices is powered by a battery and is not connected to the mains, then feel free to connect it as is.

B) If both devices are powered from a wall outlet, then

1) We disconnect them from the network, and you need not just turn them off with the remote control in standby mode, this is not enough, but unplug them from the socket or turn off the surge protector button if one is used.

2) If the TV is connected to cable television then it also needs to be disconnected.

3) Connect or disconnect hdmi cable to the equipment, we plug it into the network.

By following this simple procedure, you will protect your equipment from unwanted failure.

P.S. If you often have to make these connections, then to avoid these switching on and off from the socket, you can connect the equipment housings copper wire- ground them to each other.

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HDMI cable, how to connect it to the TV correctly.: 28 comments

    I didn’t even think that you could burn ports this way. I don’t use HDMI very often and connected it directly. Now I realized that it was not right. And I was lucky that the port didn’t burn down. thanks for useful information. Now I know.

  • I tried to burn one of the ports and the TV stopped turning on altogether. I thought about ordering a motherboard for the TV and switching the power supply to the room on duty should be 5 volts, but it was 2.9. After removing the controller and zener diode from the board, the TV started working, but now I lost one port.

  • I bought a smart TV set-top box, but I can't get any transmission from it signal to the TV, and from ps3, transmitted, what is the reason?
    I tried to turn on the set-top box with a friend, it works for him, in my apartment it doesn’t work on both TVs, there seems to be a grounding

  • I'll tell you one case. I am a repair specialist digital technology. I once came to a client’s home to fix a TV. The cause of the malfunction turned out to be the HDMI controller, which had shorted out and did not allow the TV to even turn on. I soldered the microcircuit and went. and bought a new one. I arrived, soldered it in, checked it - everything works, the signal passes through HDMI and gave a lecture to the owner about prohibiting hot plugging. To which he vehemently objected to me, look, the manufacturer allows it. I answered him, I don’t give a damn... what the manufacturer allows, it’s probably a permit for people like you, who are willing to pay, a potential sucker, to go and create trade turnover. I warned him that warranty repairs do not cover damage that occurred during a hot connection. He objects to me again and says that he has always connected this way and it’s okay, that I am an inexperienced master and don’t understand anything and decided to demonstrate to me that he was right. At that moment I had already put on my shoes and was about to go out. I have already received the calculation and issued a warranty card. Before I could get out the door, I heard, look. I looked back and saw that he had successfully disconnected the HDMI from the laptop, the picture naturally disappeared and the HDMI no signal light appeared. Next is the deadly number. He says look here. I watch as he begins to casually connect the cord crookedly and welcome, the laptop and TV turned the fuck off and didn’t turn on again. The client got furious and began to vouch that I did this. I said it's not warranty case and that he himself deliberately ignored the warning and left. He called the police, they then called me to the department, I told everything as it was. As a result, the case did not go to trial. We got by independent examination, which confirmed to him the fact of his hands-on attitude and the rotten moral character of a narcissistic egoist. I think that’s what these assholes need. I considered myself the smartest, but in the end I didn’t have a TV or an expensive laptop. The repairs will not be cheap for him, and even after this sensational story, word quickly spread, not without my help, and it is unlikely that anyone would do it for standard, adequate money. The story is that you should never listen to the seller. It is beneficial for him that your equipment breaks down more often and, preferably, hopelessly, so that you come to buy again. The manufacturer is also a seller. A master, a real and experienced specialist, will always tell you what not to do, but a lame guy who wants to shake you off more money for poor-quality repairs will not say anything, will charge a lot for repairs and, as a rule, is impudent in communication and considers himself the most intelligent and experienced master. I want to correct the author of the topic a little. Grounding the outlets or each other will not solve the problem and will not reduce the likelihood of breakdown. The point is not only in statics, but also in connection signals; with incomplete and uneven or intermittent contact, and in general contact with a hot one, large currents always slip through, since no matter how you connect the connector, you will not be able to do this faster than the movement of electrons and there will always be that moment when the beginning of contact occurs, but it is not yet complete. The earth has nothing to do with it, although it will protect you from some factors, such as static. Take care of your equipment. It’s better to unplug it once again than to shell out thousands for your laziness.

    • Thank you Sinister) for the real-life example!
      I was involved in repairs myself in the past and I confirm that there were different clients and cases too.
      I also thank you for the correction, I must agree, connection signals introduce their own fly in the ointment.

      • It means that when you were doing repairs, you were a good craftsman, since you didn’t argue now, but logically agreed. A non-master, that’s what I call lamers who consider themselves masters, would have objected to me in full, just to bring in my own self))). Unfortunately, these are the majority now and this is very sad. They are a great disgrace to our craft. Remember how it was before. There was only one master for the entire region, or even the city. He was expected and honored like a god. And they will feed you and give you something to drink and give you money from the heart and spend it with a happy word. What now? Now there are sub-masters who are extracting huge amounts of money from people for modular replacement, since at the component level they are complete zero, well, almost complete zero. Unless they know how to change swollen air conditioners. And after that “I AM A MASTER.” Ugh, you learn to tie your shoelaces, I think to myself, then you’ll become a master. There are a lot of these imperfections, they spread on YouTube with their videos where they think they did it correctly. Only a small part of them are masters. Mostly amateurs. In the backlight, the diodes are changed, instead of the two-watt one, I stuck a single-wool one in the skis. The woodpecker does not understand that the whole scheme has sunk because of this and will not work for long. A couple or three minutes, or a little more if you're lucky. Clients are now all impudent because of such steel. They call you no longer as a master, but as a slave, like you are obliged to do something to him. Not all, but a lot. Especially those who have seen enough different videos on YouTube. What's going on there? just replace one part, but to the question why you can’t do it yourself, the answer is “brilliant” - there is no soldering iron.))) To the question, so which is cheaper, a soldering iron or repair by a master, the answer is silent. The matrix is ​​removed without gloves, leaving their greasy fingerprints with inside, especially when working with diagonals over 50″, they do not know that the matrix can be removed carefully and without getting dirty or broken only with suction cups without risk. Up to 50″ I carefully remove it without gloves, but my fingers only touch the end of the matrix, which requires accuracy and smoothness so that it does not burst.
        By the way, your article, but in general I was just looking about HDMI connection again for the stubborn client, so that he can read for himself what others write. He was waiting for me on the recommendation of other people, but correct connection I also contradicted him, although I didn’t risk a hot connection.
        I think the topic about HDMI can also be supplemented by the fact that the versions themselves HDMI cords There are quite a few interfaces and each version of the cord may behave differently when hot plugged. It is not necessary that the entire HDMI chip will fail. Maybe only a certain port or even a port channel. Well, it’s worth remembering that approximately half of the TV models, and probably all the budget ones, do not have an HDMI controller. It is built directly into the processor. And the breakdown in this case is HDMI channel much more serious and more expensive, when sometimes it’s cheaper and easier to find and buy the entire board than to look for a processor, especially if the processor is connected software key strapping microcircuits. Philips, Samsung and Toshiba do not hesitate to do this in most of their models. Calculation of trade turnover.
        I wish you more from the author of the topic useful topics print. It may be useful to many. Our work will not be diminished by this.

  • Say so, I bought it network filter apc pm8-rs I connect the devices, the grounding light is on, there is no grounding in the apartment, or rather there is only a couple of sockets, in the living room by the window and under the stove, but where the extension cord is located there is not a single socket nearby, I have it connected like this, ps4- PC-Nintendo Wii U-TV to it antenna cable TV-audio receiver-subwoofer-and monitor as a second screen, which means everything is connected via HDMI to the receiver and from it to the TV, I disconnect HDMI from the PC, the grounding disappears, the light does not light on apc pm8 -rs when I connect it lights up, tell me how to solve this problem, or to solve it you need to ground from the panel, and can it also be influenced by the fact that there is supposedly some kind of grounding coming from the PC, well, I don’t mean to say that when the refrigerator is running, the split systems, when they turn on and off, the image blinks and the sound disappears for a couple of seconds, and the audio receiver gives this blinking, this never happened before when there was another audio receiver, tell me if they understood me what to do, or there is no point in doing something, and this Bad spare parts in the new receiver, or how can this problem be solved so that there is no interference from the PC via HDMI.

  • The hdmi cables are not normal, I changed different ones and the effect is the same, but here’s why, I already wrote but I’ll write again, why the image may blink when turning the refrigerator and split system on and off, I read from many people that they connected their laptop to the TV via hdmi , and the refrigerator gives guidance, everything is fine with the power supply 220, but the amperes jump when turned on and off, I checked with the device, I also read that people changed everything they could and installed grounding, etc., and installed an uninterruptible power supply, the same effect, or is it still in some devices are equipped with shitty hdmi controllers, because I already wrote that everything was fine with the old audio receiver, but the new one gives such problems.

    In all this, to be honest, I’m confused where to dig, if you buy a new audio receiver and you’ll have the same problem, before the crisis, at least there was confidence that you wouldn’t come across such a device, here’s an example: there’s an LG TV, the back wall is made of iron, and it’s thin, but I bought new TV, so they are all thick and plastic, those who made thin ones and with an iron back wall are now making plastic ones, probably this is a conspiracy among the manufacturers to do it poorly, in 2k18 and quickly so that the buyer buys a new one.

    Hello! I had a case where HDM completely failed on an LG TV, there were four ports, one wire was connected from the computer, constantly, and at some point HDM stopped working on all four ports. Is there a difference in the sequence of turning on a computer and a TV?


First, examine the capabilities of the video card installed in your computer or. Make sure that this adapter designed to transmit both types of signals.

If you are using an ATI (Radeon) video adapter, it may not have exit HDMI. In this situation, it is recommended to use the DVI channel in conjunction with a special adapter. Make sure you are using a genuine DVI-HDMI connector that is capable of transmitting audio.

Explore specifications the TV you are using. Make sure its HDMI port is designed to receive sound signal. suitable HDMI-DHMI cable.

Connect your computer's video card to to the required port TV. If you want to use both the monitor and TV at the same time, configure the synchronous operation of these devices. To do this, open the “Screen Resolution” menu and select the appropriate mode.

Use the Screen Mirroring feature if you want to transfer same image to all connected devices. In a situation where you need to use both displays independently, activate the “Extend Screen” mode. In this situation, you must first designate the computer display as the primary device.

Proceed with setting up the audio signal transmission. Open Control Panel and select the Hardware and Sound menu. Click on the “Manage audio devices” link.

Go to the Playback tab and find the ADM (Nvidia) HDMI Output hardware. Select its icon with the left mouse button. Click the "Default" button.

Now click the Apply button and close the dialog menu. Play a random video clip and make sure your HDMI exit works stably. When you disconnect the cable from the port, the standard audio port located on the corresponding board will automatically turn on.


  • hdmi output on tv

Incorrect setting video cards and monitor can not only affect image quality, but also negatively affect the user’s vision and general well-being. Before working on a computer, you must adjust all video system settings as much as possible.


Open the main “Start” menu and select “Control Panel”, in the window that opens, double-click the “Display” icon. The “Properties: Display” window will open, go to the “Options” tab. Here you can configure , to do this, drag the “Screen Resolution” slider to desired position, select the value that is most comfortable for work; as a rule, the higher the screen diagonal, the higher resolution is selected.

In the same tab you can configure color palette screen (color quality), this parameter sets the number of colors and shades reproduced on the screen, usually the choice is between the “Average” and “Highest” values. For most users, the “Medium” value is quite sufficient; “Highest” makes sense when working with high-quality images.

Click on the "Advanced" button. In the window that opens, go to the “Monitor” tab. Here the most important setting video system - screen, this parameter sets the flickering speed or the number of redraws of the image on the monitor screen. The higher this value, the less tired your eyes will be when working. It should be remembered that inflated values ​​of the “Screen Resolution” and “Color Rendering Quality” parameters reduce maximum value"Refresh rate" parameter, and this parameter has priority. Set the refresh rate to 85 Hz for CRT monitor or 70 Hz for an LCD monitor and, based on these values, set the remaining parameters.

The video card and monitor drivers must be installed, otherwise Windows will automatically set the refresh rate to 60 Hz; this frequency is quite sufficient for stable operation of the computer, but it is not acceptable for humans long work On him.

It is a high-definition multimedia interface that allows you to transmit digital information With high resolution, as well as digital audio signals that are copy protected.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - TV;
  • - HDMI adapter;
  • - drivers.


Check following points, before HDMI. Conclusion sound This interface can only be used for HD2000 and higher cards. The sound will be output only if you have a proprietary ATI adapter. If the card contains an HDMI output, then the chip is sealed. On some cards, the chip may be soldered into the card itself, and one of DVI connectors this card is yellow, then connect the adapter to it. If you do not have a proprietary ATI adapter that matches the card series, then output the sound using a separate cable, through the output of the sound card to the input. For many, a separate video input is made for and sound, when it is turned on, and audio input.

Use the following types of adapters for different cards to configure sound to HDMI it worked the first time: for HD2000 series cards, use a black adapter with code 6141054300G and the inscription Rev.A. For HD3000 series cards, take an adapter gray, its code is 6140063500G and the inscription Rev.B. For HD4000 cards - a gray adapter, code 6140063501G and the inscription Rev.A (or B).

Adjust the sound after connecting. If there is sound after you have installed the video card sound chip drivers, it means that the sound chip has been installed as the default sound device. Set Primary as the default device. To distribute the output sound on different cards, for example, music and games on the main card, and movies using the HDMI output, set the output setting in the player to HDMI Audio. After that, to improve HDMI sound, restart your computer and install realtek 2.09 audio drivers, they can be downloaded from the website http://www.realtek.com.tw/Downloads/downloadsCheck.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=14...


  • how to set up sound via hdmi

When connecting the TV to a computer (using the latter to output a video signal to bigger screen), permission desktop is installed automatically. To change the resolution to more appropriate settings, use standard means Windows.


Access to adjusting screen settings depends on operating system which you are using. To find out what operating system is installed on your computer, click right click mouse over the “My Computer” shortcut and select “Properties”. This is where the name of the operating system and other parameters will be displayed.

For operating room Windows systems XP algorithm for setting values ​​is as follows. Launch Control Panel from the Start menu. Go to the "Properties" section. Next, go to the “Screen” tab. Select the "Options" tab, where you will see a slider for setting the screen resolution. Use recommended values.

For operating system Windows Vista or Windows 7 needs to be produced the following actions. Right-click on an empty area of ​​the desktop. Click on “Personalization” and then “Display Settings”. Under Resolution, move the slider left or right to adjust the TV screen resolution.

If your video adapter has its own utility for setting screen parameters, use its functionality. In Display Properties, click the Advanced button and then select the Adapter tab. Click on the List all modes button. Here you can select permission, color rendering parameter and screen refresh rate.

If you set the wrong values ​​and the TV is unable to display the system desktop, do not be alarmed. In any case, a message will appear on the screen that, without user confirmation, will return the screen settings to the previous values. Wait 15 seconds and don't press anything.

A TV is subject to less stringent requirements for image quality than a monitor. Therefore, a computer monitor whose parameters no longer suit you can be used as a TV. To do this, you need to connect an external TV tuner to it.

You will need

  • - monitor;
  • - external TV tuner;
  • - digital television decoder;
  • - active computer speakers;
  • - cables;
  • - extension cord with several sockets;
  • - TV antenna.


Check your monitor. Connect it to a computer with a suitable video card, output to Full Screen any video, at least from YouTube. Move away from the monitor to the distance at which you intend to watch TV. Make sure you are happy with the image quality.

Choose the right TV tuner. Its output type (VGA, DVI or HDMI) must match the monitor input type. The tuner must be designed to work. Please note that devices with VGA outputs can most often only accept analog ones. If analog has already been discontinued in your region, or is planned to be phased out soon, you will have to add an external decoder box of the appropriate standard to such a tuner.

Connect the tuner with a cable (VGA, DVI or HDMI) to . If the tuner can only receive analogue TV broadcasts, and the broadcasting in your area is only digital, use a cable with RCA connectors connect the digital decoder to the tuner. Use yellow sockets for this. Connect the antenna to the device that will receive transmissions - a tuner or decoder. Turn on all appliances. When connecting a digital decoder to an analog tuner, switch the second one to AV mode (low-frequency input). Take the remote control from the device to which the antenna is connected and perform automatic or manual search TV channels according to the instructions.

You have already received the image, but most likely there is no sound yet. Sound will appear only if three conditions are combined: the connection is made via HDMI, all devices and cable support audio transmission via HDMI, and the monitor has built-in speakers. If at least one of these conditions is not met, add another component to the system - active

The fewer cables the better, and it’s hard to argue with that. HDMI is a universal interface that can not only transmit high quality image, but also output sound. This allows you to reduce the number of wires, because instead of a pair of cables (for audio and video), one universal one is enough. And if you consider that there are plenty of ready-made HDMIs, several meters long, on sale, and long cable with two audio connectors you will have to solder it yourself - this also saves time.

It would seem that outputting sound via HDMI is not a difficult task, but it also has its own nuances. Not always, after connecting the wire, not only the picture, but also the sound begins to be broadcast. In some cases, this requires some more effort.

From a computer that was released not very long ago (no more than 3-5 years ago), outputting sound via HDMI is quite simple. You need to connect the cable at one end to a TV or monitor equipped with speakers (or a 3.5 mm jack for connecting speakers/headphones), and at the other end to the picture source (PC video card, or pins on the motherboard if integrated graphics). The picture will be transmitted immediately, but with sound it’s a little more difficult.

Modern video cards are equipped not only with a graphics processor, but also with a sound processor. It is designed specifically to output sound via an HDMI cable. See if there is a second one on the computer sound card(built into the video card), you can in the “Device Manager”. To get into it, you need to right-click on the computer icon on the desktop and find this item in the left column of the window that opens, or simply enter the search in the Start menu.

In order for sound to be output via HDMI without additional devices, the system must display at least two audio devices. One of them is built into system board, the second - to the video card. The exception is motherboards, equipped HDMI output(if processor-integrated graphics are used): they have sound device Maybe one thing is that the audio outputs of the HDMI connector are connected to it.

On a computer with a video card integrated into the processor, the procedure is simple. Before outputting sound, the HDMI cable only needs to be connected to the monitor/TV and to the connector on the back of the board.

How to configure audio via HDMI on AMD video cards

To output audio via HDMI to a PC with discrete graphics AMD Radeon, you will also have to delve a little into the settings. To do this, you need to launch the “Control Panel” and find the “Sound” submenu there, or simply enter this request in the “Start” menu.

To output sound through the HDMI connector of the video card, you should select sound processor video card (AMD Audio) and click the “Default” button on it. If two screens are connected to the PC in parallel in picture duplication mode, this is not necessary (everything switches automatically).

Disadvantage such a decision is that when outputting sound from discrete video card- audio jacks on the front panel system unit stop working. To fix it, you need to open " Radeon Settings"(usually the icon is located on the right side of the taskbar, next to the network status, clock and language).

In the menu that opens, you need to open the “Settings” submenu, select “Advanced settings” and find the “Sound” tab on the left. Then you need to connect headphones or speakers to the jack on the front panel. In the window additional settings you should find the output corresponding to the sockets on the panel (if headphones are connected, it will be colored), right-click and select “Set as default” and click the “Apply” button.

Now with connected front connector the sound will be sent to it, and when disabled, to the monitor/TV.

This disadvantage is not present on laptops, just as it is not present on PCs with integrated graphics.

Each of us at least once thinks about connecting a TV to a computer and displaying the image on a large screen diagonal. This is done quite simply, but there are a lot of connection options, all of which require different connectors, cables and other technical details.

Wired connection of devices is the most popular

Most popular way Device connections are via an HDMI cable. Let's find out how to connect a TV to a computer via HDMI, consider what other connection methods you can try, especially via standard format VGA. In addition, we will also focus on how to adjust the screen image to make the broadcast as high-quality as possible.

Connecting a laptop to a TV via HDMI has the following advantages:

  • This type of connection assumes digital rather than standard analog image(as in using VGA), and, accordingly, has the best quality.
  • The second advantage is that this output method also transmits sound in addition to the image.

The process of connecting devices is quite simple: take the cable from HDMI connectors, insert each end into the connector intended for it on the equipment.

Be careful! IN mandatory It is necessary to turn off the equipment before connecting, otherwise the ports may burn out, which will lead to their failure.

Note that the predominant amount modern models Laptops are equipped with a similar connector by default - in a regular format or in the form of mini-HDMI. Once connected, turn on the TV and select another signal source so that it finds the image from the computer display.

Optional equipment

Sometimes there are difficulties connecting via HDMI connector. If the TV is placed in such a way that it is difficult to connect the cable to it, for example, a wall interferes with this, there are special corners. They are made in such a way that they create a bend, which makes it much easier to connect the cord, even if the equipment fits tightly to the wall.

It is worth noting another accessory that is useful for connecting via HDMI - a switch. A similar device is used on televisions when there is a shortage of connectors. It occupies only one slot of the specified format, in return providing 3-4 connectors in its case.

Image adjustment

When you have connected your laptop to your TV via HDMI, you often need to adjust the picture, which is now located on big screen. This is done through context menu on your computer as follows:

  • Click right key mice on free space desktop and select the “Screen Resolution” menu;
  • In the window that appears, you can change the resolution of the TV monitor - usually the higher the value, the better and clearer the picture;
  • In the same menu, in the “Multiple screens” list, you can edit their display - they can work in duplication mode, in which case large display everything that happens on the computer is displayed. If you select the “Extend” option, the TV will become an extension of the laptop display. It is also possible to choose to display the desktop on only one of the monitors;
  • There is also a line “Make the main monitor”, where you can specify exactly which display is considered the main one.

This is how the image is adjusted, and you can also edit the sound as follows:

  • At the bottom line of the laptop, right-click on the sound icon and open the Playback Devices menu;
  • A window will appear in front of you, displaying all the equipment to which sound is output. Here you can mark the TV with the line “Use as default”. Now all the sound will come directly from its speakers, you can change the volume using the remote control.

Other connection methods

If one of the devices does not have the required connector, you can connect the laptop to the TV via VGA-HDMI. The VGA socket is present by default on all equipment, but it is now used much less frequently. Why? Due to the fact that the VGA format can only output analog images, different worst quality, rather than digital. In addition, when connecting via VGA, you only transfer the picture to the screen, but not the sound - you need to take care of it separately.

Be that as it may, if HDMI is not available, you need to use what you have. Connecting a laptop to a TV in this case is done like this:

  • Purchase the appropriate adapter;
  • Connect the connectors of the laptop and the TV together - you can leave them turned on.

As a last resort, you can always use a VGA-VGA connection, but you will have to additionally output the sound to the TV or play it through a laptop.

Connecting Apple Products

With the connection of products of this brand, the situation is a little different - they have a connector called Mini DisplayPort. You can purchase a cord for it, at one end of which there will be a connector for this input, the second can be in HDMI, DVI or VGA format.

The connection is quite simple - you install the cable into the appropriate sockets and select the signal source on the TV - nothing else is required.

Wireless connection

Separately, I would like to note that some new laptops from leading brands provide the ability to connect to a TV wirelessly. This uses the Intel Wireless Display feature and drivers that are present in the hardware by default if you have not reinstalled the system.

It is worth noting that in this way the image is transmitted along with the signal. The only thing is that it must be present on the second device Smart function TV or you will need to purchase a special stand.

But so far only advanced models have such functionality. It will not be superfluous to know how to connect a laptop to a TV via HDMI and VGA, other connectors, and adjust the image. You can do it all yourself, so you can watch videos, photos or play on the big screen.

I answer all questions in detail.
Friends! Everything you do on the computer, watch movies, cartoons, chat on Skype, play, view photos, slides or Internet pages in a browser, all this will be shown on the screen of your TV if the TV is connected to the computer via an HDMI cable. Nowadays it is present on almost every TV HDMI input, and most produced video cards have an HDMI output.
The HDMI interface was invented in order to connect two high-tech digital devices(they are undoubtedly your computer and TV) and transfer information from device to device without loss of quality. Such transmitted information may be image and multi-channel high quality sound. If you have a movie or cartoon on your computer, in any HD, Blu-ray or AVI, MOV, MPG, MP4 format, then you can watch it all on your TV. There are slides or photos, please look. I’m not talking about games, because I’m not a supporter of them; they take up a lot of time from young people, which can be spent on studying. We connect the TV to the computer via HDMI with a second monitor To connect the computer to the TV we will use an HDMI cable, it looks like this and can be up to 20 meters long, choose the cable of the length you need.

For example, let's take a Samsung TV, not quite the new 4 series ( LED type), purchased several years ago, but it already has two connectors for connecting HDMI devices.

The computer that you and I will use to connect to the TV was also purchased around three years back, installed on it Nvidia video card and also with an HDMI connector.

As I already said, on our TV there are two HDMI connector. With the TV turned off, connect the HDMI cable to the HDMI 2 connector,

Connect the other end of the cable to the HDMI connector of the video card. desktop computer. The computer, in turn, is already connected to the monitor (also Samsung SyncMaster 971P) with a DVI cable.

We turn on the computer and TV. There may not be an image on the TV right away; instead, we see this message: “The cable is not connected” “Check the cable connections and the source parameter” or “ Weak signal or no signal"

On Samsung TVs, to display a list of all available video sources, you need to press the Source button on the remote control.

A menu appears on the TV, in this menu, using the remote control, select the HDMI 2 connector,

Now, on our TV, it should appear exact copy our computer desktop. But again there is nothing, the same error appears on a black screen. So we go to the “Screen Resolution” settings. Right-click on the desktop and select “Screen Resolution”.

As we can see in the window that appears, our main screen is set to the second (2) Samsung monitor SyncMaster 971P, and in the “Multiple Screens” parameter we have set “Display the desktop on only 2 monitors”, which is why the image is only present on the computer monitor screen, but not on the TV

We bring everything in this window to this state. Select a parameter
Multiple screens: "Duplicate these screens"
In the “Screen” parameter, “Multiple monitors” is automatically set, click Apply and OK.

The desktop of our computer appears on the TV.

The resolution of our small Samsung TV is 1366 x 768. If your computer monitor supports this resolution, then it will automatically be set to the same resolution of 1366 x 768. If not, then either on the TV or on the monitor there will be wrong resolution. For example, my Samsung SyncMaster 971P monitor has maximum resolution 1280x1024. At simultaneous use TV and computer monitor, the main thing for me is to set the resolution on the TV correctly, otherwise why did I connect it then. I put it on Samsung TV The resolution is 1366 x 768, the image is perfect.

And on computer monitor such a resolution of 1366 x 768 looks like this.

And nothing can be done here. If you need perfect image on a TV and a computer monitor, then they must support the same screen resolution, that is, have the same characteristics. There is no sound on the TV after connecting the TV to the computer via HDMI Friends! Do not forget that HDMI interface transmits video and sound over one cable, and we can specify in the operating system settings to use the built-in TV speakers for sound output.
Let's fix the problem by using a TV instead of a monitor. Go to Start->Control Panel->

Hardware and Sound->Sound

If you don’t have anything in this field, right-click on an empty space and in the menu that appears, check the “Show disabled devices” items. "Show connected devices"
Now we look at the name of our TV, in my case it is Samsung, we need to turn it on and turn off the rest. Right-click on Realtek and select Disable.

We also turn off the speakers.

Samsung – Enable, Apply and OK.