Local network connection with pictures. Different ways to connect two routers on the same network

As a rule, most problems arise when connecting to the router via wireless network. Connecting via a network cable should not cause any difficulties. But, I have already encountered similar questions several times, and I decided to write a short instruction with a photo, in which I will tell you how to use LAN cable connect your computer (or laptop) to the router.

And what exactly is there to write about here? We took the cable, connected it to the router, then to the computer, and everything was ready. But still, maybe it will be useful to someone.

As a rule, modern routers have 4 LAN connectors. This means that you can connect 4 devices using a network cable. And they will all receive the Internet from the router, or work on the local network. By the way, read the article on setting up a local network.

We will need:

  • Router with a free LAN connector (yellow).
  • Network cable. A small cable is included with the router. But, if you need a longer cable, you can make it yourself. I wrote how to do this in the article. Or just go to a computer store and ask to crimp the network cable to the length you need.
  • Computer with network card (usually it is integrated into the motherboard). Well, or a laptop, netbook with an RJ-45 network connector.

Let's get started :)

Take our network cable, it looks like this (yours may be slightly different, I will enter a different length):

We connect one end of the cable to the yellow connector (LAN) of our router.

It doesn't matter which of the four connectors you connect the cable to.

Now we connect the other end of the cable to our computer or laptop.

This is what the network connector looks like on a computer:

After connecting the network cable, one of the four indicators on the router should light up, indicating a connection to the LAN connector.

Now look at the computer screen. If in the notification panel (bottom, right) you see this connection status (as in the screenshot below), then everything is fine. The Internet is already working.

But, in this way, it would seem in a simple way, problems may also arise. Now we will look at some of the most popular ones.

Problems connecting your computer to the router via a network cable

After connecting, the status on the notification panel may not change; you will see the computer crossed out with a red cross.

In this case, first of all you need to check the cable with which you connected the computer to the router. How to do it? You can, for example, take another cable, or a cable that carries the Internet directly to your computer. If this connection status changes (even if a yellow triangle appears), then the problem is in the cable. Perhaps something has come loose there. Just change it.

It's possible that LAN card just disabled. Let's check. Go to and find there LAN connection. If there is a status next to it Disabled, then click on this connection right click mouse and select Turn on.

If such a connection as There is no local network connection at all, then most likely the driver is simply not installed on your network card. Download and install the driver. If there was a disc included with your computer (laptop), then most likely it has this driver.

Connected the cable, but the connection does not have access to the Internet

And this can happen. The problem looks like this:

First, you need to determine what the problem is. This may occur due to problems on the router side. See the article on this issue.

But I'll tell you in a simple way. If other devices work normally from this router, and there is Internet on them, then most likely the problem is on the computer itself. It's clear:).

And as a rule, there is only one problem.

Go to again Control Panel\Network and Internet\ Network connections and right-click on Local Area Connection. Select properties. Then highlight "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and press the button again Properties.

Set to receive IP and DNS automatically and click OK.

Updated: November 11, 2013 by: admin

If you want to know what a WAN is, or how a WAN differs from a LAN, then you have come to the right place. Now let’s try to figure out what these technologies, connectors, connections are, what they are needed for and what the difference is.

I think that in most cases, when someone is looking for information on WAN, they mean the connector on the Wi-Fi router. After all, in almost every instruction for setting up a router you can find this abbreviation. Everyone writes about connecting some cables to WAN connectors, or LAN. Let's go in order:

WAN (Wide Area Network) is a global computer network. Simply put, this is the Internet. If we talk about the WAN connector, then this is the connector on the router into which the cable from the provider is connected. The network cable through which the router accesses the Internet.

On almost all routers this is the connector of blue color, and it looks like this:

In the photo above you can see that the connector is even labeled. Also, the router usually has an indicator of the connected WAN cable. At normal operation, it should blink actively. And next to the indicator itself they usually draw an icon in the form of a planet.

Now you know what WAN is. Let's take a closer look at how it differs from LAN.

What is the difference between a WAN connector and a LAN connector?

Everything here is also very simple. What is LAN?

LAN(Local Area Network) is a local network. Simply put, these are computers that are not very connected to each other. long distance. For example, computers, televisions, mobile devices, which are connected to each other through a router within a home or office. This is a local network.

On routers you can usually find 4 LAN connectors. They are yellow and look like this:

They serve to connect devices to local network via network cable.

The difference between WAN and LAN is that WAN is access to the Internet, and LAN is a local network to which devices that are located close to each other can be connected.

I think that's all you need to know about these two designations. You can of course go deeper into technical points, abstruse definitions, etc., but this is unlikely to be of interest to anyone.

Today there are two types of Internet connections. The first type is a wired connection, using a cable called twisted pair. The second type is a Wi-Fi connection, which provides an Internet connection using radio waves. Wi-Fi connection has become widespread nowadays. However, wired Internet has a number of advantages that are relevant in large organizations and offices. At home, it also makes sense to make a wired connection to at least one computer. For a stable Internet connection and efficient work you need to correctly configure its connection parameters.

Benefits of a wired Internet connection

Over the past 15 years, the Internet has rapidly penetrated into all areas of our lives. It is necessary in banking, trade, manufacturing, and is also indispensable for the exchange of information and personal communication. The most common ways to connect to global network today are wired connection and Wi-Fi connection.

For wired connection, apply optical cable or twisted pair. The first type of cable has a significant advantage, as it provides information transmission speeds of up to 1 GB per second. Over twisted pair cable the maximum speed reaches 100 MB per second.

The speed of information transfer through the cable depends on its type and on the network card that receives the signal. This affects work desktop computers, game consoles, TVs and other devices united into one network. Streaming information does not require constant exchange between devices, which significantly increases processing speed. Speed ​​in local connection between workstations has great importance when working on a corporate network. This is taken into account if there is a need for quick transfer large quantity information.

With a Wi-Fi connection, the connection to the Internet is made using radio waves operating in a certain range. Therefore, Wi-Fi is more in demand at the household level. It is convenient because it allows you to immediately connect to the Internet from a smartphone, tablet or laptop anywhere there is an access point. However, signal reception is affected by neighboring devices operating in the band Wi-Fi frequencies- connections and objects in the path of radio waves.

A Wi-Fi connection does not require any cabling, but it is highly susceptible to radio interference, and the further you are from the access point, the more worse reception signal

A wired connection has a number of advantages over a wireless one:

  • the speed of receiving and sending information with a wired connection is approximately 2 times higher than that of Wi-Fi;
  • when exchanging files with the server, the delay is minimal, which is important in online games that require maximum speed actions from the user;
  • a wired connection is more resistant to network interference; it is not affected by gadgets operating on the Wi-Fi frequency band or nearby sources of electromagnetic radiation;
  • signal power at wired connection does not depend on obstacles along the path and the influence of external factors.

Errors that occur when connecting a wired connection may be indicated by codes that indicate the cause of the problem.

Video: why a wired Internet connection is better than Wi-Fi

How to connect a cable to a computer or laptop

Connect the Internet cable to the connector network adapter Even an untrained user can operate a computer independently. For connection, a standard cable (twisted pair) with crimped RJ-45 connectors on both ends of the cable is used.

You can connect the cable as follows:

  1. Prepare a network cable of the required length.
  2. Connect one connector to any LAN connector on the router.

    First, connect the cable connector to any LAN connector of the router

  3. Connect the other connector of the cable to the connector of your laptop or computer.

    Now you need to connect the second connector of the cable to the LAN connector of the computer

  4. When using an older type of modem, connect the incoming cable from your provider to the yellow Internet connector on the modem.

    In older type modems, the provider cable should be connected to the yellow connector of the modem

  5. Connect the connecting LAN cable to any Ethernet connector of the modem and the network connector of the device.

    The connecting cable from the device must be connected to the Ethernet connector of the modem

  6. After connecting the computer to the router, the indicator LED on the latter will light up, indicating that communication between the devices has been established.

    When connecting to a computer, the indicator LED on the router's display panel will light up

Connecting the cable is not very difficult, since all connectors have connectors that fit only into the corresponding sockets on the computer's connector panel. Making a mistake in this process is extremely difficult even for a novice user.

Dynamic and static Internet connection

After connection cable connectors and building a connection between the computer’s network adapter and the provider’s equipment, you can debug the Internet connection.

How to create a dynamic connection

For correct creation To make a dynamic connection, you need to perform a series of sequential actions:

  1. From the Start key menu, go to Network Connections

  2. In the “Parameters” section that opens, in the “Change” block network parameters» select “Configure adapter settings”.

    In "Options" go to the option "Configure adapter settings"

  3. In the Network Connections console, right-click the Ethernet connection.
  4. In the menu that opens, select “Properties”.

    From the Ethernet connection drop-down menu, select Properties

  5. In the Connectivity Console, highlight the IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component and click Properties.

    In the properties panel, you need to highlight the line IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and then open “Properties”

  6. In the TCP/IPv4 protocol attributes console, enable the “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server address automatically” radio buttons.

    On last step activate the switches “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server address automatically”

  7. Click OK to complete.

The dynamic connection is now ready for use.

How to create a static connection

To create a static connection, you need to follow these steps:

That's it, the static connection is established.

Currently, most subscribers home internet A dynamic connection is used, since the main method is to connect through a router. Static connection is used when modem connection or with a direct connection.

When using an ADSL modem connection, only static addresses assigned by the Internet provider.

Video: Creating a Static and Dynamic Connection

How to set up an L2TP connection in Windows 10

The L2TP tunnel protocol, used to connect to the global network, is a symbiosis of the old PPTP protocols from Microsoft and L2F from Cisco. It is easy to process network devices and has high speed exchange of information due to reduced processor load. It has great connection stability and high security. Capable of creating tunnels to work in any network. The L2TP protocol is usually used in corporate networks, as it allows you to create a network connection on top existing network. This ensures a stable connection between the organization's main office and regional offices.

To set up an L2TP connection, you need to perform a number of sequential steps:

  1. Right-click on the Start icon.
  2. In the menu that appears, click on the “Network connections” line.

    From the Start menu, select Network Connections

  3. In the "Settings" section that opens, select "Network and Sharing Center" shared access».

    In Settings, open Network and Sharing Center

  4. Here, select the “Create a new connection or network” option.

    In the menu of the “Network and Sharing Center” section, you must select the first item - “Create a new connection or network”

  5. In the “Configure a connection or network” panel, highlight the line “Connect to a workstation” and click “Next”.

    Highlight the line “Connect to a workplace”, then click “Next”

  6. In the Desktop Connection console, select the Use my Internet connection (VPN) tab.

    Click on the “Use my Internet connection (VPN)” tab to continue setting up

  7. In the console that opens, enter the server address, check the box next to the option “Allow other users to use this connection” and click “Create”.

    Enter the server address and don't forget to check the last box to allow other users to use the connection

  8. In the console that opens, enter your username and password, then connect to the backbone network.
  9. Go to "Network Connections".
  10. Right-click on the generated VPN connection.
  11. Select "Properties" from the menu that opens.

    In the console, right-click on the generated VPN connection and go to “Properties”

  12. In the “VPN connection: properties” console tabs, open the “Security” option.
  13. In the "VPN Type" field, set the value to L2TP with IPsec (L2TP/IPsec), and in the "Data Encryption" field, select "optional." After that, open "Advanced options".

    The VPN type must be set to L2TP with IPsec (L2TP/IPsec), select “optional” for data encryption

  14. Enter the key provided by your ISP for authentication.

    The authentication key must be provided to you by your ISP

  15. Click OK to complete.

If you did everything correctly, then the L2TP connection is ready for use.

Video: how to set up an L2TP connection in Windows 10

The created L2TP connection increases the level of security for the subscriber and makes more simple connection with the provider's equipment.

How to set up a PPPoE connection in Windows 10

Protocol network connection With Internet PPPoE used when connecting to a backbone network using Ethernet technology. This method has a number of advantages, for example, extended spectrum additional features

, compression of information during transmission, carrying out authentication and encryption operations with information packets. Connection requires authorization on the network (entering a username and password). Used for direct connection to the backbone network and provider equipment. To connect to the Internet using PPPoE protocol

  1. , you need to perform a number of operations:
  2. Open Network and Sharing Center.

    Here, select “Create and configure a new connection or network.”

  3. In the “Network and Sharing Center” section, click on “Create and configure a new connection or network”

    In the “Setting up a connection or network” console, highlight “Internet Connection” and click “Next”.

  4. Select the first item - “Internet Connection” and click “Next” for further settings

    Select the "High Speed ​​(with PPPoE)" tab.

  5. In "Internet Connection" select the connection "High Speed ​​(with PPPoE)"

    Next, enter the username and password received from the provider and click “Connect”.

Enter the username and password received from the provider and click “Connect” to complete the setup

You now have a PPPoE connection established.

Video: how to connect and configure a PPPoE connection

Giving permission to other users to use the connection is only worth it when installing home Internet, since the number of users is limited.

Ways to troubleshoot wired Internet connection problems When connected wired internet Errors occur periodically due to equipment malfunctions, a break in the backbone network, or wrong actions user. In most cases, connection problems arise due to careless actions of the user himself. . To determine and eliminate the cause of the problem, you need to perform simple steps

  1. according to the following algorithm:
  2. In the Network Connections tab, select Troubleshooting.

    Go to the Network and Sharing Center and open the Troubleshooting section

  3. Select "Internet Connections".

    For further settings, select the "Internet Connections" option

  4. Next, click on the line “Run the troubleshooter.”

    Wait for the problem detection process to complete

  5. After the process is completed, in the window that appears, select the “Troubleshoot Internet Connection” tab.

    Select "Troubleshoot Internet Connection Problems" and wait for the diagnostic process to complete

  6. At the end of the troubleshooting process, close the console if no problems are identified. If problems are found, follow the further instructions in the pop-up windows.
  7. Run the troubleshooter by clicking on the appropriate line

  8. Once the verification process is complete, in the Incoming Connections console, select Find this computer on the network and click Next.

    Check "Find this computer on the network" and continue troubleshooting using the "Next" button

  9. The troubleshooter will check to see if a firewall is blocking this computer on the network.

    Wait for the network gateway configuration check to complete

  10. During the troubleshooting process, follow the instructions that appear on the console.
  11. If no problems are found, close the console.
  12. If problems are found, follow the program instructions to resolve them.

This completes checking incoming connections.

The following instructions show how to detect one incoming connection problem. You can find out more about the problem by clicking on the “View additional information” line.

The above method of searching for connection errors is classic and was developed by Microsoft Corporation specialists. In reality, everything can be much simpler, since a problem with the Internet connection can be caused by other reasons that can be eliminated mechanically.

This algorithm helps to resolve the problem of lack of Internet connection in most cases:

  1. Restart your computer.
  2. Unplug your router and wait 10-15 seconds.
  3. Turn on your router.
  4. If the connection is not restored, click on Reset button to reboot the router.

To avoid problems with your Internet connection, it is recommended to periodically disconnect your router from the network and give it time to recover.

Video: troubleshooting errors when connecting to wired Internet

Currently, all Internet providers prefer to establish a dynamic connection to the backbone network. This is more convenient for the network subscriber and for the provider company, since it does not require reconfiguring parameters in case of any changes in the network equipment. If you plan to use it frequently remote access to your computer, then, of course, it is better to choose a direct connection, bypassing a router or modem. For home Internet, you can always change the router settings and connection type initially set by the provider’s specialists. In the future, if you change the system configuration or complete reinstallation network parameters are set automatically. When connecting directly, the settings will need to be set manually. All this must be taken into account by users when choosing the type of Internet connection.

Today you won’t surprise anyone with a computer in the house. And if you have two iron pets, then there is a natural desire to combine them with each other. The creation of such a structure, proudly called a “computer network,” is what we will deal with in this article.

Technical matters

So, you have 2 computers. First of all, you need to check whether they have special devices that will allow them to communicate with each other over the network. These devices are called network cards. You may also come across the names "network adapter", " network card", "Ethernet adapter".
The slot on the network card is called LAN port(from English Local Area Network - local network). It is also often called "LAN port" (short for "Local Computer Network") or "Ethernet port".
Where to look for a network card? U regular computer The LAN port is located on the back of the system unit.

On laptops, the network card port is usually located on the side - on the right or left.

In 99.9% of cases, both of your computers will have a network card. If, nevertheless, it is not there, you will have to take the computer to a service center and order a service to install a network adapter in it.
Now it’s time for the cable through which your computers will send signals to each other (these signals are called packages). To connect computers into a network you need not just any cable, but special cable Ethernet, called " twisted pair cable of the fifth category».

Where can I get twisted pair cable?

Naturally, in any computer store. But before you go there, measure the distance between your computers. Please note that twisted pair You cannot bend it too much, twist it, nail it, or damage its integrity in any other way. This can harm communication between your PCs - packets will be distorted or lost, which is completely useless for a future computer network.

So arm yourself with a measuring tape and measure the distance between computers, taking into account all corners, doorways and walls. Add 2-3 meters to the resulting value as a reserve. This will give you the length of the twisted pair cable that you need to buy in the store.

But that's not all. You can't just plug a cable into a LAN port. At each end of the cable you also need to screw special sockets, called computer world connector RJ-45(ERG 45). They are very similar to telephone ones, only larger in size.

To connect two computers you need two connectors - one on each side of the twisted pair cable. Connectors are also sold in computer stores.

The process of attaching a cable to connectors is called crimp. Expression " crimp twisted pair"means literally: expose the ends of the cable, insert them into in the right order into the connector and firmly tighten it with a special tool. This tool is called crimping Tools or crimper and looks like this:

How to crimp twisted pair cable?

This can again be done at a computer store. When you purchase twisted pair cables and connectors, simply ask the seller to crimp the cable to connect TWO computers to the network. The word “TWO” is key here, because to connect three or more computers you need completely different equipment and the cable is crimped in a slightly different way.

By crimping a twisted pair cable at the store, you will only spend money on the cable, connectors and crimping service. But let's assume that the sellers do not know how to crimp the cable. Then you'll have to do it yourself. To do this, you will need to buy a twisted pair cable of the required length + 1 meter for experiments with crimping, 2 connectors (preferably 4-6 just in case) and a crimping tool. The costs will increase slightly, but you will learn how to crimp twisted pair cables. By the way, you don’t have to buy a crimping tool, but borrow it from a computer geek friend, if you have one.
So, here you have a cable, connectors and a crimping tool. Let's proceed to the twisted pair crimping operation.

1. Remove the insulation from the cable approximately 2 cm from the edge. You will see 4 pairs of twisted colored wires. There is no need to touch their insulation.
2. Carefully unravel these colored wires, separate them and arrange them evenly in the same sequence as shown in the picture below (on the left is one end of the cable, on the right is the other end). This scheme is called crossover and is used only to connect TWO computers to each other.

3.Cut the ends of the cable so that a little more than 1 centimeter remains and insert them into the connectors. The order of the wiring should be as in the figure below. In this case, the connectors must be turned with the flat part towards you. The wires should fit tightly into the connector and rest against its end.

4.Now carefully take the connector with the cable and insert it into the larger connector of the crimping tool. Gently but forcefully press on the handle and... one end of the twisted pair is crimped. We do the same with the other end of the cable.
If it doesn’t work out the first time, it doesn’t matter. You have another 1 meter of cable and several spare connectors for experiments.
And finally, the twisted pair is ready.

Now you can physically connect computers to each other. Insert one end of the cable, or rather the connector located on it, into the LAN port of the first computer until you hear a click. Do not press hard, you need to insert gently and without much pressure!
Insert the connector at the other end of the cable into the LAN port of the second computer. Also gently and carefully until you hear a click. That's all, the computers are already physically connected to the network. This completes the technical part of the work. Let's move on to setting up operating systems.

Program cases

In order for computers to exchange information with each other, they must know about each other. It sounds abstract, but it's true. If you simply connect two PCs with a cable, the signals sent by them will not go anywhere. And all because they don’t know where to go, who they are intended for, in other words, they don’t know the destination address and the names of the recipients.
As in real life In order for information from one computer (let's call it PC1) to safely reach another computer (let's call it PC2), he must know its address and name. Now we will start assigning names and addresses to our computers.

We assign a name to the computer running Windows XP:

1.On PC1, right-click on the “My Computer” icon on the desktop and select “Properties”.

2.In the window that opens, select the “Computer name” tab and click the “Change...” button.

3.Enter the computer name on English language– PC1 and workgroup name – WORKGROUP. The workgroup name may already be specified (by default, it is the same for all Windows computers). In this case, just check that it is WORKGROUP.

4.Click the “OK” button in this and the next window. Then restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

We assign a name to the computer running Windows Vista:

1.On PC1, open the “Start” menu, right-click on “Computer” and select “Properties”.

2.Locate the “Computer name, domain name, and workgroup settings” section and click “Change settings.”

3.In the window that opens, click the “Change...” button.

4.Enter the computer name in English - PC1, and the workgroup name - WORKGROUP. The workgroup name may already be specified (by default, it is the same for all Windows computers). In this case, just check that it is WORKGROUP.

5.Click the “OK” button in this and the next window. Close the Control Panel window and restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
Do the same with the second computer (PC2), only give it the name PC2. Working group on both computers should be the same - WORKGROUP. Once the setup is complete, the second computer also needs to be restarted.

We've sorted out the names. But this is not enough! Now you need to assign each computer unique address. But first, a little theory.
The addresses of computers on networks consist exclusively of numbers and are called IP addresses(read as "ip", short for Internet Protocol). Moreover, the full computer address consists of four blocks of numbers separated by dots: block1.block2.block3.block4

There is no period after the fourth block! Each block can have one, two or three digits from 0 to 255. An example of a computer address is or
It just so happens that in local computer networks, to which your home network belongs, the first two blocks should contain the numbers 192.168, and the next two blocks any from 0 to 255. In this case, 255 cannot be used at all, and 0 can only be used in the third block. Thus, the computer address in home network could be or or or, as well as,, etc.

There are many such combinations, but only those computers that have the same numbers in the third block can communicate with each other. In our example, these are and, as well as and But if computer wants to send information to a computer with address, then it will not succeed.
Another important point: There cannot be two or more computers with the same addresses on the same network. Those. if you assigned the address to some PC, you can cross it off the list free addresses. It is now the property of this PC and cannot belong to any other computer.

This concludes the theoretical part about computer addresses and moves on to practice. Let's assign our PC1 the address, and PC2 the address

We assign an address to a computer running Windows XP:

1.On PC1, click “Start” - “Settings” and double-click “Network Connections”.

2.Right-click Local Area Connection and click Properties.

3.In the window that opens, select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and click the “Properties” button.

4.Check the “Use the following IP address” checkbox. In the “IP address” field, enter the address of your computer – Click on the “Subnet Mask” field - the value corresponding to the computer address will appear there.

5.Click “OK” in this window and “Close” in the next. Wait a few seconds for the settings to take effect. Close the Network Connections window.
Thus, you have assigned an address to one computer running Windows XP - PC1. Now sit down at another computer (PC2) and do the same thing, only instead of assign it the address

We assign an address to a computer running Windows Vista:

1.On PC1, select “Start” - “Control Panel”.

2.In the list, select the “Network and Sharing Center” section. In the window that opens, click “Manage network connections.”

3.Right-click Local Area Connection and select Properties.

4.Highlight Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click the Properties button.

5. Check the “Use the following IP address” checkbox and enter the address of your computer in the “IP address” field –
Click on the “Subnet Mask” field - the value corresponding to the computer address will appear there.

6.Click the “OK” button in this and the next window. Wait a couple of seconds for the settings to take effect and close the Network Connections and Control Panel window.
Thus, you have assigned an address to one computer running the OS Windows Vista– PC1. Now sit down at another computer (PC2) and do the same thing, only instead of assign it the address

Having finished assigning addresses, proceed to check the connection on your home network.

Checking network connectivity with Windows XP:

2.The Windows command interpreter will open. Here you can type various commands, all commands are entered only in English. For now, the only command we are interested in is the command to check communication with another computer. It is called ping. Now we will ping (from “ping”, meaning “check connection with ...”) PC1 with the address
Enter in command interpreter ping (in human language this means “test connection with a computer with the address”) and press Enter on your keyboard. The process has begun, we see how PC2 sends packets, and PC1 responds to them.

Great! There is a connection!

Checking network connectivity with Windows Vista:

1.On PC2, open the Start menu and select Run. In the field, enter cmd (in English) and click OK.

2.The Windows command interpreter will open. Type ping in the command interpreter and press Enter on the keyboard. There is communication: PC2 sends packets, and PC1 responds to them.

Reply from PC1 received! There is a connection!
You can now sit down at PC1 and ping PC2. Also open a command interpreter and use ping command, but the computer address will already be Those. in the command interpreter you will need to type ping

That's all. There is a connection, computers send and receive packets from each other. Congratulations on successfully connecting two computers to a network!