Convert GPT disks to MBR. How to Check If Your Hard Drive Uses GPT or MBR and Convert One Standard to the Other

It's no secret that in order to write and read files on a hard drive, the latter must be marked up. Partitioning is a standard for placing partition tables on physical media. It determines the structure of the disk, so the user can create logical partitions on it, format them into the desired file system, write and read data. There are two markup standards - MBR And GPT. The first is usually used on computers with a regular BIOS and relatively small disks, the second is more common on PCs with a modern BIOS UEFI interface.

Compared to MBR disks, GPT disks have a number of advantages; in particular, GPT partitioning allows you to work with media larger than 2 TB. On such disks, the boot record and partition table information are backed up, which increases OS fault tolerance; in addition, a GPT disk can contain as many logical volumes as desired. Currently, disks with GPT partitioning are actively replacing MBR media, which often causes various problems for users, the most common of which is the inability to install Windows on a GPT disk. The cause of the error is usually a discrepancy between the HDD layout standard and the requirements of the software, in this case the operating system. The error is not fatal; it can be resolved by converting GPT to MBR.

Changing the layout when installing Windows 7/10

There are several ways to convert GPT to MBR, including saving it on the target storage medium. First, we will consider the option of converting the markup at the initial stage of Windows installation with loss of data on the disk.

The first option is simpler, but in this case the “System Reserved” partition will not be created on the disk, which will reduce the fault tolerance of Windows. If this scenario does not suit you or the installation still fails, change the markup manually. Click on your keyboard Shift+F10 and sequentially execute the following commands in the console that opens:

list disk
select disk 0
convert mbr

The first command is to launch the utility Diskpart, the second we get a list of physical disks (GPT media will be marked with an asterisk), the third we select the desired disk (if there is only one, leave 0), the fourth command we clean it up, the fifth we convert the partitioning style from GPT to MBR. The sixth command terminates Diskpart. Done, now close the console and continue installing Windows as normal. We remind you once again that when using the described method, all data on the disk, including logical partitions, will be deleted. If there is important data on it, it must be copied to removable media, or third-party programs should be used to convert the disk from GPT to MBR.

If you are going to install 32-bit Windows, before converting GPT to MBR, you must enable Legacy mode in the BIOS and disable Security boot protection.

Converting GPT to MBR using Windows

Above, we looked at how to convert GPT partitions to MBR at the initial stage of installing Windows 7/10, now let's try to change the partition using the system from running Windows. True, this method is only suitable for non-system physical hard drives. As in the previous case, partitions and data written to the disk will be lost. To transfer a disk from GPT to MBR, you can again use the command line, but in this case it will be much easier to resort to the standard disk management snap-in.

Run it with the command diskmgmt.msc or through the context menu of the Start button.

Then click on the schematic image of the partition of the converted disk RMB and select “Delete volume”.

If the disk has multiple logical partitions, delete them as well to get a single unallocated space. Now bring up the menu for the disk and select the “Convert to MBR disk” option.

Done, now you can create partitions on the disk, install a second operating system on it, and so on.

Using third party programs

Both of the above methods have one significant drawback, namely the inevitable loss of data stored on the disk. Fortunately, there are programs that allow you to convert a GPT disk to MBR without losing data. The most well-known commercial software are applications Acronis Disk Director And Paragon Hard Disk Manager Professional, among the free ones - AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition. The sequence of actions in all these programs is approximately the same.

In the case of working with non-system physical disks, just select the media with the mouse and select in the menu the option to convert the disk from GPT to MBR, and all this while running Windows.

You can also convert a disk from GPT to MBR using bootable media created in these programs. Their advantage is the ability to convert the markup style on a PC with one physical disk, since the program requires exclusive access to it to perform the operation.

Let's take an example of how to convert GPT to MBR without losing data using the AOMEI Partition Assistant boot disk. After the computer is booted from it, select the desired disk and select “Convert to MBR” from the menu on the left.

Convert a GPT partition table to the old MBR format for various reasons. For example, due to a common error, Windows cannot be installed on this disk..
It doesn’t matter why you need this transformation, we will tell you how to do it using accessible methods. Conversion occurs using standard system tools (this can also be done during its installation) or specialized software methods. So, we will tell you how to convert the new format standard used to host partition tables to the old one, if such a need arises. We will show you several conversion methods, and you are free to choose the most optimal one for yourself. At the end of the article there is a video that clearly shows how you can convert a disk to MBR format without losing data on it.

Converting to MBR when installing Windows via command line

If, when installing the seventh version of Windows OS, the system notifies you of errors, you can convert to MBR immediately using the command line. This method is applicable not only if there is a problem with the installation of the operating system.

Important information! When converting formats, all information from the hard drive will be erased.

The old GPT format can be changed to the new one, MBR, using the standard tool - the command line. To convert, follow these six steps:

Step 1 When you install the operating system and select partitions (not necessarily in this location), open the command line with the key combination: Shift + F10. If the operating system is already installed, the command line can be launched as an administrator.

Step 2 Execute two commands: first - diskpart, second - list disk. These commands will show all the physical drives that are connected to this computer.

Step 3 Run the command select disk N(instead of N, enter the number of the disk being converted).

Action 4This action can be performed in two ways. Method 1: Run the command clean(all data on the disk will be completely deleted, including volumes). The second method is that partitions can be deleted not entirely, but separately. This method takes time. If you have nowhere to rush, run the following commands one by one: detail disk, select volume, delete volume.

Action 5Command convert mbr will start the format conversion.

Step 6To exit Diskpart, enter Exit. When the command line closes, the installation of the operating system will continue, but without error notifications. And to create partitions, select “Disk Settings”.

This is how you can convert the disk partition table by switching to the old format. Performing all six steps step by step should not cause difficulties or errors.

Convert GPT to MBR disk using Windows Disk Management

GPT to MBR can be converted, and if the operating system (“seven” or “eight”) works. This conversion method is useful for a physical hard drive, but not a system drive.

To convert using this method (with the OS running), we will use a disk management program. It can be opened using the command line by running diskmgmt.msc

In this program, find the hard drive you are looking for that you want to convert. Now you need to erase all volumes from it. Partitions are deleted one by one by right-clicking. So delete all volumes on your hard drive.

Now the final procedure is disk conversion. This can be done using the special “Convert to MBR disk” item.

When the disk is converted to the required format, its partitions can be created again, but with the required structure.

Programs for converting between GPT and MBR, including without data loss

We talked about standard tools using the operating system itself. But conversion is also possible using software methods. There are special applications with which you can manage the hard drive and its partitions, for example, however, it is paid and does not cost a penny.

But you can also try the free application. The developer claims that with its help you can quickly convert your hard drive to MBR format without losing data. We haven't tested this free app, but we've seen positive reviews online. The program also has other useful functions that allow you to conveniently work with hard disk volumes. With Aomei Partition Assistant, you can create a bootable USB flash drive to record an OS image, convert NTFS to FAT32, and much more.

Correct operation of the software depends directly on the hardware installed on the PC. If the HDD partition tables do not meet the developer's requirements, then the OS will not be installed. This is where knowledge of methods for converting hard drives from GPT style to MBR and vice versa will come to the rescue.

GPT is a new format for hard drives, used in conjunction with UEFI - BIOS.

MBR is a familiar standard HDD format.

Convert GPT to MBR

There are often cases when a regular system reinstallation does not work. When defining a HDD for “filling” Windows, the information appears: “Installation on this disk is not possible. The selected disk has a GPT partition style,” after which the process stops. The reason is that there is no possibility or there is a UEFI BIOS.

There are several solutions for changing the HDD image from GPT to MBR. Let's look at the three most common variations of GPT to MBR conversion.

Via command line

If installed, there is no risk of losing information. Therefore, we cope with the task using a line of commands:

Advice! Thanks to the application discussed, they create partitions on the screw. Note create partition primary size=n will allocate n MB to the system partition. Note format fs=ntfs label=”System” quick reformats the device to NTFS, active– activates the device.

Using Windows Disk Management

This method is used exclusively for physical non-system hard drives and converts GPT to MBR without losing data on other HDDs:

Advice! The “Delete volume” operation must be performed with each partition of a non-system HDD.

No data loss

There are several programs to solve the problem of converting GPT to MBR without data loss:

  • Paragon Hard Disk Manager and others.

Let's look, for example, at the latest version of “Paragon HDM 2010 Pro”:

  1. After launching the application, in the dialog box, select the GPT disk to be edited with one click, and at the top of the window click “Hard Disk”. In the contextual one - “Convert to basic MBR disk”, confirm the performed actions by clicking on the green checkmark.
  2. In the window that appears, click “Convert”.
  3. At the end of the process of transition from GPT to MBR, Paragon will display the “All operations completed” window. After this, close the program.

It is no secret that sometimes when installing Windows 7 on modern computers or laptops, at the stage of selecting a partition, the installer gives an error message stating that installation to the selected partition is impossible because it has the GPT style. Many users are quite puzzled by this situation. And the question immediately arises of how to change the style of GPT partitions so that the system is installed as expected. To do this, you can use three options, which will be discussed below in as much detail as possible.

Windows 7 installation does not recognize: what is the reason?

Without going into technical details, it is worth saying that when installing an OS rank higher than seventh on hard drives with a capacity of more than 2 TB and a primary UEFI input/output system, it is not recommended to change partition styles.

And for Windows 7, the installation does not recognize the GPT partition style, since it can only work with the MBR (boot record) style. But here you will have to think about where to install the system. It is not recommended to change GPT with a volume of more than 2 TB, since after the conversion only the space that does not exceed this limit will be recognized, and everything else will remain unused. Therefore, it is better to choose another section.

On the other hand, the problem occurs specifically with UEFI if the computer does not have an outdated BIOS. In this case, regardless of the volume, the system partition can be assigned the GPT style.

How to change the style of GPT partitions using the OS installer?

But how then can you change the style to install Windows 7? In the simplest case, you can use the tools of the system installer itself.

How to change GPT partition style? It's simple. If suddenly a message appears about the impossibility of installation, you must first select the desired partition from the list (usually the zero disk with the first partition) and click the disk settings button at the bottom.

Next, a window will appear with a complete list of partitions contained on the disk. The essence of the issue is to combine them at the first stage. To do this, you simply need to delete all partitions except the one reserved by the system.

After this, unallocated space will appear in the list of partitions. Click the continue installation button, after which the installer will choose which style the partition needs to be converted to, perform all the necessary actions automatically and continue the installation process.

Conversion via command line on a running system

Now let's look at the question of how to change the style of GPT partitions through the command console in an OS of a higher rank than the seventh, if that is what you need to install in the future. Using the command console is the best solution, since even the disk administration system does not always allow such operations to be performed correctly.

So, first we launch the console as an administrator, which uses the DISKPART tool, and first of all we enter the list disk command, after which a list of all available partitions will be displayed on the screen. A GPT partition can be recognized not even by its size, but by the presence of an asterisk on the right opposite the description.

The next step is to clean the partition, which is done by entering the clean command (this is necessary so that the conversion to MBR takes place without errors).

Upon completion of the cleanup operation, you can convert the style of the selected section, which is done through the convert mbr line.

The next step is to create a boot partition and associate it with the system by sequentially entering the command create partition primary and assign (you can also add formatting, but in most cases this is not necessary for subsequent installation of the system).

Upon completion of all processes, exit by entering the exit command. All. Now you can restart your computer or laptop and install the desired operating system from any removable media.

Using third party utilities

Finally, a few words about how to change the style of GPT partitions using third-party disk utilities, of which quite a lot have been developed today.

One of the simplest and most convenient is the Minitool Partition Wizard program, the interface of which almost completely replicates the appearance of the Windows disk administration window, but differs in its tools. Actually, its use is to select the desired partition and call the conversion command through the RMB menu. After this, all that remains is to follow the instructions and agree to the proposals for changes.

Please note that it is not possible to use this program on a loaded system (the OS simply will not allow such conversions to be made). But since the utility itself has its own bootloader, you must first write it to removable media, making it bootable (for example, using UltraISO or Daemon Tools), set the device as the first one to boot, start from it, and only then perform all the above steps.

Which tool should I use?

That's all for the question of how to change the style of GPT partitions. Which of all this should you prefer? For the laziest, of course, the above utility or actions at the system installation stage are suitable. But here it should be taken into account that the conversion in both cases may be carried out somewhat incorrectly due to some features of the Windows installer and the program engine. But the command line is guaranteed to change the style without causing errors. So it is better to give preference to this particular technique, although many may find it more complex and time-consuming to implement.

Who doesn't know what the difference is between GPT And MBR I recommend reading this one. Modern versions of Windows and other operating systems can be used as . Here's how to find out which of these standards is used on your computer and change from one to the other.

These are simply different ways of storing a partition table on a hard drive. GPT is a more modern standard required for booting Windows systems into . The MBR, in turn, is required to boot older Windows systems in BIOS mode, although the 64-bit version of Windows 7 can boot in UEFI mode.

How to check what partition table your drive is using

If you want to find out what partition table a disk is using, you have two options: you can use Windows' built-in graphical Disk Management utility or the Command Prompt.

First option: Use a disk management tool

This information can be viewed in the Disk Management tool included with Windows. To access it, right-click on the Start menu or use the Windows keyboard shortcut + X and select Disk Management. Alternatively, you can press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog, type “diskmgmt.msc” into the text field and press Enter.

Find the drive you want to check in the Disk Management window. Right-click on it and select Properties.

Go to the Volumes tab. In the "Section Style" line you will see either " Master Boot Record (MBR)" or " GUID Partition Table (GPT)", depending on what your drive is using.

Second option:

You can also use the standard diskpart command in the Command Prompt window. First, launch Command Prompt as an administrator by right-clicking the Start button or pressing the Windows key + X and selecting “Command Prompt (Administrator).” In addition, you can find the Command Prompt icon in the Start menu, right-click on it and select “Run as administrator.”

Type the following two commands, pressing Enter after each:


list disk

You will see a table with a list of connected drives. If the disk uses GPT, the “Gpt” column will have an asterisk (* symbol). If the MBR standard is selected, the Gpt column will be empty.

For example, in the screenshot below, Disk 0 and Disk 1 are using GPT, and Disk 2 is an MBR disk.

How to convert between MBR and GPT: Back up your data and format your drive

Before moving from MBR to GPT or from GPT to MBR, you need to clean up your disk. First, make backup copies of all data stored on it. During the disk conversion process, all data and partition tables will be erased, and then a new partition scheme will be applied to the disk.

Technically, this is not the only way to convert. Some third-party partition management programs promise you MBR to GPT and GPT to MBR conversion without data loss. However, they are not supported by Microsoft, and you should still back up your data before using such utilities just in case.

We recommend simply backing up your entire drive, formatting it, and then copying your important data back. Of course, you will have to spend some time on this, but you are guaranteed to save your information and be able to avoid problems with partitions.

First option: Use Disk Management

Do not forget backup your files before continuing! This process will clean up the disk you will be converting!

To convert one partition table standard to another, locate the drive in Disk Management. Right-click on any of its partitions and select “Delete Volume” or “Delete Partition.” Repeat this operation for each partition of this disk.

Once all the disk partitions have been deleted, right-click on it and select "Convert to GPT Disk" or "Convert to MBR Disk". These options will only become available after clearing all partitions.

Once the conversion is complete, you can create new partitions on the disk directly from the Disk Management window. Just right-click on the unallocated space and create one or two partitions. You can then move your data to one of these sections if you wish.

Second option: Use the Diskpart command

All this can also be done using the diskpart command in the command prompt window. In some cases, this method will be preferable because the clean command allows you to modify partitions and disks that appear locked in the Disk Management GUI.

Remember what you need backup your data before converting the drive! During the conversion process, the disk will be completely cleaned!

First, run Command Prompt as an administrator. Then run the following commands one by one:


list disk

You will see a list of your computer's drives. Note the number of the disk you want to convert. You can distinguish one disk from another by their volume.

Now, enter the following commands, pressing Enter after each one and replacing the "#" with the number of the drive that needs to be converted. The "clean" command will erase all data and partition records from the disk, so try not to get the disk number wrong.

select disk #


To convert a disk from MBR to GPT:

convert gpt

To convert a disk from GPT to MBR:

That's all. You can now use the Disk Management window to create partitions. The same can be done on the command line using other diskpart commands. If you wish, you can transfer previously saved data to new sections.

As we already mentioned, there are ways to convert MBR to GPT and vice versa without losing data. At least in theory. But we cannot confirm the reliability of these third-party tools in every possible situation. So, you are better off using the official methods, which include disk cleanup. You will spend more time, but you guarantee the safety of your data.