A program for partitioning a hard disk into partitions. Download the disk partitioning program. Free AOMEI Partition Assistant

Reasons why it is necessary to divide into several sections HDD, everyone is different. For some, this is an opportunity to systematize necessary information and store it correctly; someone using several partitions uses several operating systems on their computer or laptop. Finally, if the hard drive is divided into several parts, then separately.

A little theory first

Think you know your hard drive? You might be surprised. ^^.

Partitions and hard drives, not even a fight

The hard drive is the hardware part of the computer. If you've disassembled your car, you can take it into your own hands.

A section can be seen as a clearly defined part of this hard drive. IN simple cases The hard drive has one partition and takes up all the space on the hard drive. But more difficult cases Multiple partitions can coexist on a hard drive. In this case, each takes up a portion of the disk space, and these different portions are sealed from each other.

Standard PC equipment: the simpler the better

This program is rightfully considered one of the best or even herself the best program For division of hard disk.

This is the most simple program, which will help you effectively manage multiple systems and different programs.

If the surface of the hard drive was observed with the naked eye, we could not see different sections: their separation is purely virtual. Partition information resides on a very small part of the hard drive called the partition table. This table contains the location of the partitions, their size, their names, etc.

A hard drive can only contain four primary partitions. This is quite common, but it is still possible to create benefits by using the extended section. Indeed, an extended partition is a special primary partition on which secondary partitions can be created. In the diagram below, the hard drive has three primary partitions and one extended partition, which itself has two secondary partitions.

Its main advantages are eliminating partition errors, converting file systems and protecting data. Another advantage is that this utility is very popular, because there are many reference information online.

2. Disk management in Windows

At any Windows versions there is a “Disk Management” function: this is the simplest, most accessible and sufficient effective remedy, which allows you to change partitions.

Each version of Windows OS has its own differences, but in the most popular ones (Windows Vista, Windows 7 and 8) there are no fundamental differences. Let's take a closer look at how to break a hard Windows disk using this utility.

What is the purpose of partitioning a hard drive?

There are three main sections in shades of blue. In a shade of red, there is an extended section divided into two secondary sections. The rule of four main partitions will be very important if you decide to partition your drive. Well, that's all great, but what's the point of finally partitioning the disk?

Installing multiple operating systems

Indeed, each section may contain another file system and therefore a different operating system. In the previous chapter, we discussed the problem of file fragmentation. When a disk is partitioned, each partition uses its own file system. Therefore, all "fragments" of the same file are in the same section. So when you want to defragment your drive, you need to defragment each partition one by one.

The program opens through the Start menu, and in the “Disk Management” item, even a novice user with the help of three main points (Expand, Shrink and Delete volume) does everything in real time necessary actions. Special knowledge this is not required - just give affirmative or negative answers and press necessary points menu.

Separate system and data

Another very common practice is to separate the system and data. It is necessary to distinguish between “software” and data. On the other hand, lost data is forever. So the idea is to isolate software and data by putting each into a partition.

The data will remain quietly in their section, unaware of the slightest change. This can also be useful when changing operating systems. If you want to go to this new version, nothing will force you to buy a new one full computer. The principle is always the same: your data will not be affected and you can continue to use it in your new system. What to do if your hard drive fails? What happens to grades?

There is only one drawback of the standard program - there are risks of failures that lead to the loss of certain sections. Risk exists when there is a disc or mass unnecessary programs, or when trying to partition the partition of the hard drive in which Windows is running: the processor does not always respond unambiguously to an attempt to “experiment” with the system partition.

As we have seen, partitions are virtual divisions on a single hard drive. If it breaks, all of its partitions will be lost. Therefore, where possible, it may be useful to separate the system and data by placing them on separate hard drives X. If the hard drive fails, second hard the disk has no effect. But that is not relevant to this chapter; here we are dealing with division.

To open it, for example, enter keyword"partition" in the search box in the Start menu and select the entry "Create and format hard drive entries." The window that opens is divided into two main parts.

  • At the top is a list of partitions of various disks connected to the computer.
  • In this example there are three.
  • Below is the distribution of partitions on physical hard drives.
  • Here we have two hard drives: "Disk 0" and "Disk 1".
The volume list contains information about the nature of the partition, the partition's file system, or how often it is filled.

Free software for everyone

Two programs that can be downloaded absolutely free from the Internet - EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition and Paragon Partition Manager 11 Free - also easy to learn and use, but require certain knowledge.

1. EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition

The program helps not only to partition a hard drive, but also to create, copy, resize or completely delete partitions; and also restore deleted partitions.

Case Study: Single System and Data

This is all obviously just an example, you don't necessarily have to have the same configuration. Besides, now that we are sufficiently convinced of the theory, let's move on to practice! In the rest of this chapter we will describe a simple example hard partition disk.

First of all, defragment the disk that needs to be partitioned

Incorrect handling may result in data loss. Ask yourself if separation is really necessary. If you have any doubts, you can always ask for advice on the forums. Finally, if you don't want to partition the disk, you can read this chapter very well without doing any manipulation. Remember file fragmentation? We discussed this in the previous chapter. The principle is that files are stored on the hard drive in blocks that are not necessarily contiguous. The files are said to be fragmented.

The disadvantage that affects the popularity of the program is that it is only available in English. But knowing in English you can evaluate the excellent functionality and predictability of the program, stability of operation and the ability to carry out all procedures in virtual mode - at any time you can correct a settings error, cancel the disk partition procedure and restore the original data.

Disk management program

Here we will divide our disk into two partitions. This means that all fragments of the file must be on the same partition. To partition a disk without problems, it is very important to defragment it first. This way we limit the risk of having a file with fragments on the partition and other fragments in the second partition. This step is very important!

After a few minutes of calculations, the following dialog is displayed on disk.

It may look complicated, but there's actually only one field available: the amount of space to reduce. Therefore, you need to enter the space you want to unlock on this partition.

2. Paragon Partition Manager 11 Free

The program again has an English-language interface, but for a beginner it is more interesting than the previous one - the main windows are quite clear and make it easier to navigate the functions. The disadvantages of the program include low speed work and unpredictability.

If funds allow, you can purchase a Russian-language version of this program for money, but it also retains the main disadvantages of the English-language product.

You cannot free more memory than the value specified in the available shrink space. If this value is low, it may be due to disk fragmentation. This is why defragmentation before partitioning is very important: it allows you to group all the fragments in one place and leave large space completely empty. But that's not true.

More detailed information on this issue you will find in this application. Then click the Minimize button to free up disk space. As you can read, the released space is marked as "Unallocated". To fix this you need to create this new section. Partition creation can only be done in "unallocated" space, which seems logical.

Programs for advanced users

These programs have advanced functionality - support for various disks and flash drives, the ability to convert file systems, create bootable media and much more. Fundamental differences are in speed, functionality and special features.

5. Active@ Partition Manager

The wizard will then open: Create Wizard simple volume. It's a lot like installing a new one. software.

To get started, click Next to move to the next screen.

Here we must specify the size of the new partition. The maximum available space is displayed. Click Next to move to the next screen.

Things get a little boring on the next screen.

This program is free manager, making it easier to work with logical drives: A system reboot is not required when creating, formatting, or deleting disk partitions.

Even with accidental deletion The program will help you recover important partition data!

But the lack of the ability to change disk sizes (the partition must first be deleted and then another created in the same place) leaves no chance of recovering lost information.

The wizard offers to format the partition. Finally, you can provide a name for your new section. Again, you can put the name you want, this is just an indication. The last screen is a summary of the new section, so now is the time to check the information.

Removing or expanding partitions

Then you can see appearance our new section in the Start menu in the Computer menu. Therefore, there is a perfect seal between the system and the data. Be very careful in this part! Deleting a partition will result in the permanent loss of everything it contains! There is no cart issue here. As before, the first thing to do before starting is to defragment the disk. This allows you to place the order last and thereby limit the risks of errors during manipulations on partitions.

6. MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition

Experienced users can use equally simple and available manager MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition. The most important advantage of the program is the ability to work with both a separate hard drive and RAID arrays created on the basis of two or more disks.

MiniTool Partition Wizard - functional program to work with your hard drive. Despite the fact that the program is free, it has a number of features and is almost as good in functionality as paid analogues. The program can easily perform almost all operations with a hard drive, for example, you can easily create additional section on disk (if, of course, there is free place for this). Also, you can format the hard drive even if it has operating system. The utility allows you to resize the disk and perform any operations with partitions, including changing the letter...

Confirmation message in last time reminds you that you could make a big mistake.

If you know what you're doing and you're sure you want to delete the partition and everything in it, you can confirm it by clicking Yes. The partition is then lost and leaves "unallocated" space in its place.

EaseUS Partition Master Disk Management

To expand a section: click right click mouse and increase the volume.

A wizard of the same type as for creating partitions will appear. Most important screen.

First, you must select a drive from the available ones in the list on the left. Then select the size you want to add to your bill.


Active Disk Editor - advanced text editor, allowing you to edit or simply view the file table of your hard drive. The program allows you to easily view all the data you need, including content boot sectors, or the contents of other areas of the disk. The program displays information in binary code, which makes it easy to make the necessary changes to almost any file, or change something in the disk structure. Also, the program has a built-in search that allows you to find desired area disk. When editing a hard drive, please note that any change to files may be catastrophic...


Partition Logic – quite necessary utility, allowing you to manage hard space disk. With this app you can instantly share all hard disk with the required number of partitions. In addition to dividing and creating new partitions, the functions of erasing, formatting, deleting and defragmenting parts of the hard drive are available. Partition Logic allows you to copy any data from one hard drive to another similar device. The program works perfectly under the Visopsys operating environment. Runs from any external device(disk or storage device). With this application you can change some...


EaseUS Partition Master is a free program for working with hard drives. The program's capabilities allow it to work with any hard drive. The program can delete a partition, create a new one, or change an existing partition, etc. But the main function of the program is the ability to split a disk or change the structure of its partitions without losing data. This is necessary when you have to split the disk into several parts, but you don’t want to lose all the data. For example, if the shared disk partition is the only one. The second feature of the program is to format any partitions, and...


EASEUS program Partition Recovery designed to recover hard disk partitions. EASEUS Partition Recovery can handle almost all problems that arise during data recovery. For example, in 90% of cases, the program will be able to recover your data, even if the hard drive partition failure is caused by hardware problems. In the interface EASEUS programs Partition Recovery has nothing superfluous, since the product is aimed at inexperienced users who are not familiar with different concepts and terms. Myself program dialogue consists of several windows. The process of starting the recovery...


A utility that provides the ability to expand a partition system disk, free up disk space, change it, its letter and graphic cover, defragment the disk and much more. In addition to the main functions, this program allows you to manage free space on the hard drive, and also has advanced technology timely power off the PC, disaster recovery files and their protection. The program developers claim that Macrorit DPE is the only software that has unique technology data protection and the best algorithm moving data. Thanks to this, you will never have to worry...


Parted Magic is a data recovery package designed as a bootable CD. This program, like many others, is based on the assembly of an operating room Linux systems. The assembly itself includes the operating system itself, as well as tools for working with hard drives. For example, you can format your hard drive using any file system, delete a partition, or create a new partition. However, the purpose of this assembly is somewhat different. With its help, you can copy all your important data to another hard drive if your operating system stops loading. Distinctive feature...