Push notifications setting. How to enable push notifications on mobile devices? Why are they used

Hello friends! Today we will talk about push mailing for the site, as another channel of communication with your audience. I’ll tell you how to set up such notifications for your resource using a special service.

Push messages are short notifications that appear as a pop-up window on your computer or mobile device screen. They can be used to inform the audience about news from your site, some offers or affiliate recommendations. Notifications are delivered to those people who have subscribed to your website's push mailing list.

Since June of this year, I have connected such a feature for my blog using the SendPulse service. There have been a lot of similar services appearing lately, I preferred this one. There is a free plan with no restrictions on the number of subscribers and messages.

The only thing is that the “Provided by SendPulse” anchor link is displayed in the subscription request window.

During this time, 156 people subscribed to my blog newsletter. Naturally, there are also unsubscribes, since the articles on the blog are diverse and cannot always be relevant for everyone. People unsubscribe, filter incoming information, and this is logical. :)

The delivery rate of notifications is 50% and higher (the maximum was 67%). Click-through rate from 16 to 30%. In the evening, after 19.00, the click-through rate is higher.

In general, if I had not set up this communication channel, I would not have received some of this traffic.

I can't call him too intrusive. A subscription pop-up window appears in the blog header without closing the content. You can remove it by unsubscribing with the “Deny” button or subscribe to notifications by clicking on the “Allow” button. I send notifications themselves 1 – maximum 2 times a week (mostly announcements of new blog materials or some kind of affiliate recommendations). Well, there is always the possibility of unsubscribing.

How to enable push notifications for a website? Step by step instructions

Register on the site sendpulse.com by clicking on the “Try for free” button.

You can register by email or through a profile on social networks - Google+, Facebook.

After registration, log into your account using the “Login” button.

To work with push notifications, go to the “PUSH” section.

To connect notifications to your site, click on the “Add a new site” button.

Specify the domain, upload a picture (your square logo can be used), which will be displayed in the subscription request window. Choose when the request will appear - I chose when entering the site. Select the type of pop-up window. I preferred the Safari style, which appears in the header and doesn't obscure the content.

Below you can specify your title and text of the subscription request, and set your own labels on the buttons. And see what your subscription form will look like.

When you have completed all the settings on this page, click Next Step.

In most WordPress sites, this code is added to the header.php file. Since WordPress templates are different for everyone, the header code may be in a different file and have a different name. For example, I have this file called top.php

An example of adding in the screenshot below:

Important: when working with the site code, do not forget to first save the original view (make backup copies). If after the changes something goes wrong, you can always return it to the way it was.

After adding the script to the site, click “Check”. If everything was done correctly, a green checkmark will appear next to the site. And also go to your website and see if the subscription request appears.

In "General Settings" you can check the box "Send a welcome push notification after subscribing." This option can be used to give new subscribers some useful gift. That's exactly what I did:

How to send a push message to subscribers?

You can send the first push notification when you already have subscribers by clicking on the “Send push” button.

When sending a notification, select a list of recipients (if you have added several sites to the service). You can also segment subscribers by browser language, region, page from which the subscription was made, date of subscription, browser...

The notification itself contains a title (up to 50 characters), text (up to 125 characters) and a link to which you want to redirect the subscriber. Briefly but succinctly interest the subscriber so that he follows your link.

On the right, you can see how your message will look in different browsers.

You can add different images for different notifications (however, this does not work in all browsers). Or always use your website logo or other branding image by which you will be recognized.

By clicking the “Submit” button, you will immediately send the notification. If you click on the clock icon, you can set delayed sending by selecting the date and time. By clicking on the gear, you can set the push lifetime in the range from 15 minutes to 15 days, configure sending - immediately or gradually, enable or disable utm tags.

Some time after sending, you will be able to see statistics on the notification. To do this, go to the “My mailings” tab. To open details, click on the notification title.

There is a filter at the top that allows you to select mailings from a specific site (if you have several of them).

On the SendPulse service, you can set up auto-mailing by creating a series of notifications (like a series of letters in an email newsletter). You can also set up an RSS-based auto feed. These options are available in the “Automatic Distribution” tab. I won’t dwell on this, since I haven’t set up any series for myself yet.

By selecting the added site in the left panel, you can change its settings - change the image, title and text on the subscription form, pop-up window style, enable/disable the welcome notification, etc.

Here you can see statistics on the site - the number of subscribers, unsubscribes, and mailings sent. And also send a new notification to subscribers of this site.

The “Subscribers” tab displays a list of all those people who have subscribed to your notifications. Opposite each subscriber there is a gear where you can see detailed information (browser, OS, subscription date, page from which it was issued, activity), disable the subscriber or remove him from the list.

Friends, I suggest you look below visual video for the article:

So, push notifications are a good channel for interacting with your audience, which is also worth using. If you haven't set it up yet, now you know how to do it using the SendPulse service.

If you have questions, I will be glad to answer in the comments.

All the best to you!

Best regards, Victoria Karpova

How to disable push notifications - this question worries some users who see notifications in the browser after logging into many sites on the Internet. Push technology is designed to distribute information on the Internet from the provider, in this case, the site, to the user of this site.

Push notifications for a website are needed to inform website visitors about news, mainly about the release of new articles. In this case, the visitor receives timely notifications from the site and can immediately read the news.

Alerts on behalf of the site are sent using a third-party service, which organizes the delivery of notifications to users’ computers.

What is a push notification on a computer? If a site visitor agrees to receive messages from this resource, then from time to time, notifications about news from this website appear on the user's Desktop.

How push notifications work

When visiting a site where the function of sending notifications is enabled, the visitor each time sees a request for permission to display notifications, in which he is asked to click on the “Allow” or “Block” buttons. The names of the buttons may be different, but the meaning is the same everywhere.

A site visitor can ignore this pop-up window, because the request window for receiving push notifications is small and does not interfere with browsing the site pages.

The appearance of such windows is different, depending on the service through which alerts are sent from this site.

By clicking on the “Allow” button, you agree to receive push messages on your computer.

Alerts about news on this website will appear in the notification area on the user's desktop. Usually, this is a message about the release of a new article. Some sites abuse the ability to send alerts, notifying about everything, sometimes sending unnecessary information.

After receiving a push notification, the user can go to the site to read the article, or close the notification by ignoring the message. Such notifications from sites practically do not interfere with work on the computer, since they are displayed in the notification area and close on their own after a short period of time.

To ensure that the request for permission to send alerts from this site no longer appears when you visit this website again, click on the “Block” button.

If you already receive push messages from a specific site, then the user can disable push notifications independently in his browser, in which he has allowed receiving notifications on his computer.

How to remove push notifications after receiving an alert

In many notifications, depending on the settings of the service sending notifications, you can disable push notifications directly in the window of the message that opened.

To do this, click on the settings icon (gear), and then select “Disable notifications from the site.”

After this, notifications from this site will no longer appear on your computer.

How to disable push notifications in Google Chrome

Go to your Google Chrome browser settings, scroll down with your mouse wheel, and click on the “Show advanced settings” link.

In the “Personal Data” section, click on the “Content Settings...” button. In the “Content Settings” window that opens, find the “Alerts” section.

Here you can set up receiving notifications from sites. By default, the option “Ask before showing site alerts (recommended)” is selected.

In order to remove push notifications in the Google Chrome browser, activate the “Do not show notifications on sites” option.

For more flexible settings for receiving push messages, click on the “Configure exceptions...” button.

In the “Alert Exceptions” window, select a site and create a rule for it: “Allow” or “Block”. After selecting the desired setting, click on the “Done” button.

How to disable push messages in Mozilla Firefox (1 method)

Enter the Mozilla Firefox browser settings, open the “Content” section. In the Notifications section, select the Do Not Disturb setting. Don't show notifications until you restart Firefox."

After this, Push notifications will not be shown until the Mozilla Firefox browser is disabled.

To manage alerts, click on the “Select” button. The “Permission to display notifications” window contains a list of sites from which notifications are allowed or blocked.

If the status next to a site is “Block”, then notifications from this site do not appear on your computer because you previously blocked the request to send notifications from this site.

If the status next to the site is “Allow”, then you can remove the site from the list using the “Delete site” button. Then click on the “Save Changes” button.

After this, new notifications from this site will not appear on the Desktop of your computer. When you visit this site again, please decline your notification request.

How to remove push notifications in Mozilla Firefox (method 2)

To completely disable notifications in the Mozilla Firefox browser, you need to enter the hidden browser settings.

Enter the following expression into the address bar: “about:config” (without quotes). In the window that opens, click on the “I accept the risk!” button.

In the new window, enter the expression in the “Search” field: “dom.webnotifications.enabled” (without quotes), and then press the “Enter” key.

This setting defaults to “true”. Select the line, right-click, and select “Switch” from the context menu. The parameter value will change to “false”.

How to disable push notifications in Yandex.Browser

Enter the Yandex Browser settings, click on the “Show additional settings” button.

Please note that in the browser settings there is a “Notifications” section, but there you can configure the order of notifications received from Yandex Mail and the VKontakte social network.

In the “Personal Information” section, click on the “Content Settings” button.

In the Content Settings window, select the desired option for receiving push messages. To completely disable all push notifications in Yandex Browser, select “Do not show site notifications”.

If you need to configure the receipt of individual notifications, click on the “Manage exceptions” button. Next, choose which push notifications you want to block and which to allow. The selection of settings is similar to the Google Chrome browser.

How to disable push notifications in Opera

Enter the Opera browser menu, click on the “Settings” context menu item. Next, select the “Sites” section, find the “Notifications” option.

To block the display of push notifications, select the “Block sites from showing system notifications” setting.

If necessary, you can select exceptions (this setting works in the Opera browser, as in the Google Chrome browser).

How to remove push notifications in Microsoft Edge

Go to your Microsoft Edge browser settings. Select “Options.” In the “Options” window, click on “View advanced options.” In the Advanced Settings window, select Notifications, and then click the Manage button.

The "manage notifications" window will show sites that are requesting permission to show notifications. You can change permissions for specific sites.

Conclusions of the article

The user can independently disable push notifications in the browser that he receives on the desktop of his computer by allowing notifications to be sent from a specific website.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. You've probably already encountered so-called push notifications? They can often be found on a mobile phone or tablet (for example, with a message that one of your installed applications has been updated), and in regular browsers on a regular computer or laptop they also began to actively appear (we can say that this is a new trend ).

Moreover, the push message pops up not necessarily in the browser window, but as if without being tied to it (on top of all windows). This looks like some kind of reminder (example in the screenshot):

At first I had one problem with push notifications - how to close this garbage so that it would not appear in my browser again. It turned out that you need to right-click on the push message and refuse to receive it (who would have thought!). But then everyone started talking about attaching this thing to the site, and I, naturally, could not stay away so as not to try, and at the same time not write about it. The main advantage here is that to subscribe the user just needs to agree, without indicating anything (not even an email).

I don’t know if I chose the optimal method for connecting a subscription to push notifications, but for the experiment, I think it will do. I used the service SendPulse, which allows you to configure, connect and track push statistics completely free(at least for now). Actually, everything is simple, but I’ll still explain the nuances.

What are push notifications and how are they better than email newsletters?

As I said, push notifications were originally used for slightly different purposes. For example, my beloved DoctorWeb sent messages about the availability of new database updates or the expiration of the license. They were shown in the lower right corner above the tray. In mobile devices, as I already said, the sources of sending such information messages were applications.

Recently they have been gaining popularity browser push notifications, where the initiator of their distribution is the site. Actually, it is precisely this matter that we will try to use today for our benefit. I won’t go into the technology (for example, are you interested in how email works or is it enough that it works?), because it’s unnecessary, and I don’t know much. Let's concentrate on use.

Obviously, this type of notification seriously competes with the already classic marketing email newsletter (by the way, you know that the smart responder has died for a long time) or, at least, is a good alternative. At the same time, push technology has a number of distinctive features that could be considered as advantages compared to email newsletters:

For what marketing purposes? can you use push notifications? Yes, in fact, for the same ones as the Email newsletter - news (new material on the article, for example), sales (sniffing), events (promotions, sales, freebies), reminders (“you haven’t checked out your cart”, etc. ), congratulations, etc. etc. Well, the same rules apply - because if you are annoying, they will unfollow you (those who know how to do this, of course).

How to set up push notifications in SendPulse for free?

Well, everything is simple here. At first register on SendPulse, then log into your “My Account” account (by default, you will have the “Free” tariff activated, which is quite suitable for our purposes). Then go to the “Push” tab from the top menu and start setting this up.

Add your site, after which the wizard window for setting up push notifications in SendPulse will open:

After this, you will be prompted to install the code (one line) on your website. It should be displayed on all pages and it is recommended to put it before the closing HEAD tag (in WordPress this piece of code can usually be found in the header.php file from the folder with the theme you are using):

After that, reset the cache on the site (if you use it) and click on the “Check settings” button. Actually, you can just go to the site and see (in my case) an inviting button appearing at the bottom right. When you move your mouse over it, the user will see the message you created, and when clicked, he will be asked to subscribe:

If he does subscribe, then they will no longer pester him about it and the subscribe button will no longer appear on other pages of your site that he will visit.

Creating push notifications and their statistics in SendPulse

If you want to edit anything else, then on the “push” tab of the main page of your SendPulse personal account you will need to click on the gear in the line with the site you need:

Settings are not complicated and boil down to editing what you did when creating this push notification subscription form.

Here you can also activate and set a welcome message. When you select the type and type of the subscription form and finalize it (there is no need to change the code - the changes will take effect anyway), then it’s time to figure out what how to create and send these same push notifications. To do this, you will need to click on the “Send push” button located at the top on the “push” tab (from the top menu):

Actually, everything is clear here. For this notification, for example, you can select a different picture, and by clicking on the gear button, you can set the lifetime of this message, delay its sending for a certain time, and also add your own UTM tag, if necessary.

You can view site statistics by again selecting the appropriate item from the left menu (with the desired site):

So, how do you like this whole thing? Is it worth bothering with these push notifications or what the heck? Is SendPulse ideal for these purposes or are there other worthy options? And, by the way, how can I send out a push notification automatically after a new post appears in the RSS feed?

Hello, dear readers!

This technical article is primarily dedicated to all of you. To keep up with the times, in October 2016, I added to my website the ability to send pop-up push-up notifications for Chrome and Firefox browsers. To do this, I switched to a secure https connection, may Google and Yandex reward me with traffic.

What are Push-up notifications

Push-up notifications are short pop-up notifications that appear on the screen of a personal computer or smartphone, which report updates on the site and other important events. For example, you can use them to congratulate readers (subscribers), but not write a “congratulatory” article.

Initially, Push notifications appeared as a way for mobile applications to interact with users of smartphones and tablets. However, recently the technology of browser push notifications or web push has become very popular.

How to subscribe to a web push website

When you visit my website immediately or after a while, the following notification will appear on your browser screen. Click ALLOW

Or this notification (on a darkened screen)

You will immediately receive a subscription confirmation

Now you will receive such notifications as soon as a new article appears on my blog. Sometimes I make announcements of popular old articles - perhaps they will interest you too.

Three easy ways to disable Push notifications

For example, you became uninterested in receiving news from my website and decided to unsubscribe.

Two mouse clicks

It's simple! To do this, you can right-click on the next notification you receive and click TURN OFF NOTIFICATIONS

Two mouse clicks somewhere else

Site setup

If you do not want to wait for the next message, you can unsubscribe at any time in your browser settings on the site. To do this, click on the padlock in the address bar and go to the site settings

Then scroll through the settings to ALERTS and click “Configure exceptions”

Then REMOVE my site from notification exceptions

This way you will prevent the receipt of push notifications.

Push notifications on a smartphone

To unsubscribe from push notifications on your smartphone, click on the padlock in the address bar of your mobile browser. Next, click SITE SETTINGS



And the second option is to click CLEAR AND RESET

If you want to be the first to know about new articles, subscribe to PUSH notifications about my blog updates. If you suddenly get tired of receiving messages from me, you can unsubscribe at any time.

Repost the pinned post on my VKontakte page and receive .

Also here you can leave a review about my newsletter, what you liked and what you didn’t.

A message that is "pushed" from a server application or program to the user interface. A common push notification scenario is a client application that displays a message before user information along with beeps. In some cases, it may also be combined with images and a hyperlink. Through push notification interaction, client applications typically come to the fore.

Using push notifications

Push notification is typically used to allow applications to communicate information to the user. They may fall into the following categories:

Push notification history

How did push notifications come about? What is it? The first such notice was first provided by Apple in 2009. In 2010, Google released its own service - Google Cloud to Device Messaging.

In November 2015, Microsoft announced that WNS would be extended to use the Universal Windows Platform architecture, allowing push data to be sent to Windows 10, 10 Mobile, Xbox, and other supported platforms using universal API calls and POST requests.

Push notifications: what are they and what types are there?

Push notifications are mainly divided into 2 approaches: local and remote.

For a local notification, the application schedules the distribution in the local device OS or, conversely, sets a timer in the application itself if it is capable of continuously running in the background. The user receives a message when the time for the programmed event arrives. The notification is displayed in front of the application's user interface.

For remote notification, there is usually a connection to the server. In this case, the client application must be registered with the server with a unique key, such as a UUID. Delivery of a message to a client application occurs through a protocol agreed upon between the client and server (most often HTTP).

How are push notifications displayed?

What it is is stated above. But how do they appear in the user interface? A push notification can be displayed in different ways:

  • banner at the top of the screen;
  • pop-up window from taskbar;
  • a dialog box that interrupts and blocks the application interface.

Typically the notification contains:

  • title;
  • message details.

The notification may also contain an image or video, a link to a website, or an attachment (for example, a txt file).

While the push notification is arriving, it can also play sound signals to attract the user's attention.

How does this work?

Push notifications are notifications from certain applications that relate to some new information. For example, if you receive a new email, your device can be set to automatically notify you when this happens. If you receive a new friend request on Facebook, the social network's app can be set to send a push notification to let you know right away. This will happen regardless of whether you are currently using the application or not.

Push notifications were designed to tell the user something that they couldn't see until they opened the app. However, not all push notifications have only a positive side. Some of them exist just to try to entice you to come back and play a certain game or use an app that you may have long forgotten about. This is why setting up push notifications can be important.

What do these messages look like on mobile devices?

Essentially, there are three types of push notifications that you can see. Some are more invasive than others, but Apple gives you the ability to choose which ones you want to see, as well as the ability to turn off push notifications entirely.

Three main types:

  • Icons. These are the least intrusive push notifications, but some users find them the most annoying. They appear as a number in a red circle in the upper right corner of the application icon. The number indicates how many notifications are awaiting your attention.

  • Banners. Displayed at the top of the screen. They will remain on the screen for a few seconds, but then disappear automatically. You can also remove them manually by swiping up.
  • Alerts. These are the most obvious of the three because they appear in the middle of the screen and interrupt whatever you are currently doing on your device.

Another type of notification you may encounter is sound. For example, if you set an alarm or timer, a sound might play to notify you when the right time arrives. Sounds are often combined with warnings, but not always.


How to disable push notifications? If you do not want to receive messages from a service you previously subscribed to, you can disable them. Below is a quick guide to disabling notifications on your personal computer and mobile devices.

  • Chrome Browser: Open your browser and simply type in the address bar: Chrome://settings/content in a new tab. You will see a pop-up window with content settings. Scroll down to notifications and go to controls. This section will display a list of URLs for sites you follow. Select the address you want to cancel. Here you can allow, deny, or completely delete all of your notification subscriptions. After rebooting, you can make sure that you no longer receive push notifications.

  • Firefox browser: Open your browser, then go to its menu and select options. Find the content segment and click the Select button in the Notifications section. The Notification Permissions window opens. In this section, select the URL of the site you want to cancel. Then click "Delete Site". To prevent all sites from sending push messages, click Remove all sites. Web properties will need to ask your permission to send messages in the future.
  • Safari browser: Open your browser and click on the panel with its name. Select Settings and then find the website you want to remove from the notifications section. Click Allow or Deny according to your preferences.

How to turn off notifications on Android devices

Open the Chrome browser and click “Menu”, in this section select “Settings”. Scroll down the page and select "Site Settings". Then scroll down again and tap on Notifications.

In this section, select the site from which you want to allow or block push notification services on Android.

Once you have made your selection, click Clear and Reset. A pop-up window will appear asking you to allow or block notifications from the selected website. Select the option according to your preference.

How to enable/disable push notifications on iOS?

Some apps support push notifications on iPhone. This is a way to send data specific to each service. This includes news notifications and many other data. For push notifications to work, you must be running iPhone OS 3.0 or higher.

How to enable push notifications:

1. Install an app that offers push notifications.

2. Go to Settings -> Notifications -> ON.

3. A list of applications that support push notifications will appear.

4. Tap the app you want to turn notifications on or off and select the options you want.

5. Sounds, alerts and icons can be turned on or off individually.

To turn off push notifications:

1. Follow the steps above to enable individual app notifications.

2. To turn off all notifications: go to Settings -> Notifications -> OFF.

In addition, sometimes there are times when the user simply does not want to be distracted by any notifications. For such cases, Apple introduced the Do Not Disturb feature. After activating it, you will immediately turn off all phone calls, alerts and notifications. So, if you are in a meeting or participating in an important event, you will not have any beeps or sounds from your iOS device. How to enable it? Go to Settings and select Do Not Disturb from the menu on the left. This option is good because it can be disabled just as easily.