Sending direct messages is a great tool for professionals! Direct mass mailing of messages on Instagram How to make a mass mailing on Instagram direct.

If you get 10 tons of grain per hectare, but you need 100 tons to thrive, you have two options. Extensive - buy another 9 hectares of land. Intensive - buy fertilizers, a combine harvester and the services of a competent agronomist in order to get not 10 tons per hectare, but 100.

What the hell does this have to do with Instagram?

Let's tell a story about two friends, Andrei and Sergei. Both use Instagram to do business - they sell various interesting things.

Let's say this is Sergei

Sergei chose the path that 99.99% of his colleagues follow. He strives to gain as many subscribers as possible and actively uses mass following and mass liking. Previously, this was enough - people went to his profile, looked at photos, saw offers, and bought. Not as active as I would like, but enough for a comfortable life.

Then things got worse, then even worse - competition increased, there were fewer conversions, and the percentage of buyers also dropped sharply.

Efforts that previously brought one hundred rubles now bring ten. And tomorrow they will bring the ruble.

Sergei believes that nothing can be done about it; the drop in income can be compensated for in the only way - to gain more and more subscribers. One of them will buy it. Necessarily. May be.

Sergei is like a farmer who plows more and more land to compensate for the decrease in yield.

And this is Andrey

Andrey took a different route. He has nothing against recruiting new subscribers and actively attracts them. But he is convinced that getting a subscriber is only the first, most primitive step towards turning a subscriber into a buyer and client.

And in order for a person to buy something, you need, firstly, to talk to him. Just so that your virtual relationships become at least a degree warmer than zero. And secondly, he needs to make an offer when he is ready for it or at least predisposed.

For example, recently Andrey did such a thing - he held a competition and gave away a prize. The prize was the product that Andrey sells. When the competition was over, he summed up the results, chose the winner and presented him with a prize.

As you can see, the situation is standard; many people do this. But where many of them end up, for Andrei everything was just beginning. He collected the accounts of everyone who liked and commented on the competition and the results.

25% of those who received them responded to the letters. The conversion rate to buyers was 9%. And at the same time, he did not have to spam en masse, risking being sanctioned. Andrey wrote only to those who had already shown interest in the product, hence the result.

That is, Andrei, unlike Sergei, chose an intensive development path, which is much more effective and gives a higher “yield”. He understands that he does not need subscribers as such, but buyers. And he learns how to transform the former into the latter with the least effort.

If you recognize yourself and your business in Sergei, you should be very scared right now. Humanity does not know of a single example where the extensive path would defeat the intensive path even in the medium term.

But let's stop with the metaphors and move on to more concrete things.

You will understand the technical side of creating and launching a newsletter with the help. And we'll talk about some scenarios for using mailing lists. But first, about the main thing:

  • Direct mailing via Instaplus is not a tool for mass spam, it is a tool that facilitates the personalization of sales.

Scenarios and cases

Of course, there can be many more scenarios than those we will talk about. You will come up with them yourself and implement them after you try to implement the approach that we have already mentioned.

Let's briefly repeat what it is:

  • You don't need subscribers, but buyers
  • You need to sell to those who are interested
  • Communication increases trust and engagement

Script "Greeting letter".

The purpose of this script is to segment new subscribers and highlight those who read the message in direct.

To do this, we write several greeting options to those who have just subscribed (for example, over the past 24 hours). We talk about ourselves, the topic of our account, ask a question about the subscriber’s interests, etc.

The meaning of our actions in this case is to establish contact.

As a result of this scenario, our new subscribers are divided into three groups:

Those who ignored our letter;

Those who read it;

Those who read and responded.

The most valuable subscribers for us belong to the second and third groups. But we don’t discount the first group either; you can still work with them further - they didn’t read or respond to this letter, they may respond to some other one.

Because in fact, there is another group of subscribers that our greeting revealed - these are those who saw our message and did not want to communicate. He didn’t want it so much that he unsubscribed from our account. And this is good - we immediately got rid of those who are categorically not in the mood for contact. We wouldn't be able to sell them anything anyway.

Scenario “After the competition”

We have already described the first scenario in the story about the competition that Andrey held. Let's repeat the algorithm itself. You choose those who have shown interest in your product (if people were not interested in it, why would they comment on the competition?) and after the end of the competition, send them messages offering a discount on the product. Of course, not everyone will respond to the letter and not everyone will buy. But in any case, the conversion will be higher than with “cold” mailing.

The service will help you quickly collect the profiles of all commentators.

It is free for instaplus users.

What's good about this scenario? It is not tied to any niche and can be used in any niche. The main thing here is to work for a “warm” audience, those who have already shown interest in you.

Cold and warm

In general, all direct mailings can be divided into “cold” and “warm”, depending on the degree of readiness of the recipient to contact you. And here it is worth using the principle “we never sell to a cold audience.” If you start breaking into people’s personal messages and pushing them some links and offers that are completely uninteresting to them, they will not be very happy with you. You won't sell anything, and you'll also get complaints.

When working with a cold audience, there is a main rule - “warm up”. Make contact.

Ask about interests, ask permission to talk about what you have to offer. Yes, even a stupid “hello, how are you” is already good for establishing contact.

The second rule is to “segment”, that is, divide your subscribers into groups according to some criteria. By interests, field of activity, region - depending on what you are going to offer.

By sending greetings to all new subscribers, you will immediately highlight those who read messages in direct messages. By asking questions, you clarify what the person might be interested in that you have to offer.

All these techniques work specifically to “warm the contact.” Of course, most of your recipients will be fully aware that you are interested in them for a reason, but are going to make some kind of offer. So what? In any case, this is much better than stupidly jumping out of the door with a link - “buy”.

Scenario “Subscriber Segmentation”

Another scenario is segmenting subscribers by their professional background and sending them a personalized offer. Based on this scenario, a case for selling the services of a music group looks like this.

The task is designed to send greetings via DM to new subscribers of your accounts.

The task works as follows. After the next launch, the task checks whether your accounts have acquired new subscribers since the last launch. If they appear, a direct message is sent to them.

Setting up a task consists of three parts:

  • selecting accounts involved in the task
  • setting up operating parameters

Selecting accounts

To select accounts, check the boxes next to them. For group work, use the buttons located below the list of accounts. Allocation of accounts for group work is carried out by analogy with work in Windows Explorer - using the Shift and Ctrl keys. You can select accounts to work from from different lists of accounts (if they have been previously created).

Setting up operating parameters

From the dropdown list “Immediately after subscribing to us, we send a message from the file (use “[*]” to break the line): « you need to select a file. This file must first be uploaded to the service through the menu “Data” - “File”. The file should be a regular TXT file, each line of which should contain one message. The length of each message must not exceed 2000 characters. The system will take messages from the file in random order.

ATTENTION! Each line in the file is perceived by the service as a separate message. If you need to send multiline text, use "line break" to break the line. [*] "(without quotes). For example: Hello[*]How are you?

To insert emoji into messages, use the site Copy the desired emoji and paste it into a TXT file.

If you need to send media along with the text, enable the option “ Add a picture to the message" and provide an image or audio. Only one image or audio will be used for all messages. The media you select will be sent as a separate message.

If you want to set up sending a series of messages to those who have not responded to your previous message, then enable the option “If we have not received a response after N hours, send a new message.” You can send 2 such messages with an interval of 12 hours between them. We recommend making the texts of each subsequent message different from the previous ones.

If you do not want the system to write to everyone, then you should set the corresponding switch to the position “Welcome only accounts that match the filters”. Next, enable the necessary filters.

Option "Only Russian accounts" takes the name and description of each account found and looks for Russian letters in them. If more than 3 Russian letters are found, the account is considered Russian.

Setting task activity

If you need to configure a task so that it runs only during certain hours, you can do this on the “Activity Settings” tab. By default, all tasks in the system work only during the hours specified in the section “Settings” - “Activity”. If you need to set other activity hours for the current task, check the box "Ignore global activity settings" and specify the desired activity ranges.

This material was created both for novice users and for those who already understand the mechanics of promotion on Instagram, in particular, we will analyze the tool - direct mailing on Instagram. We will try to describe as fully as possible what direct mailing is and how this type of promotion is implemented on the social network Instagram. An example would be one of the services that we use to promote one of our accounts. It was created for a live example, the operation of programs, service sites and everything related to increasing subscribers, likes on Instagram and other social networks.

Let's briefly go over the main function and the concept itself - sending messages, promotions, greetings to direct Instagram. This option has been implemented; not all service sites and programs that implement promotion using mass following, mass liking are yet available. What it does, it provides the ability to automate, for example;

Greetings, for your new subscribers who have followed you. If your newsletter is configured accordingly, then as soon as a person subscribes to you, he will receive a message in direct. For example, hello, thank you for subscribing, we will constantly inform you about promotions and discounts. The subscriber is pleased, you receive respect and loyalty.

All existing subscribers- this is an option that allows you to send direct messages on Instagram to all profile subscribers. You have a thousand subscribers, they will receive a notification from you in direct message. This is an excellent opportunity that can be called - quick notification to the audience.

Your mailing list in direct message- the ability to create a newsletter only to selected users; for this you will need an account id or just an account name with a special character at the beginning of the nickname. For example, @user_name. The list is added, not in a row, but through a line in order (vertically).

This is a brief description; for those who are already involved in promotion, everything is clear; for others, a more extended description follows.

Newsletter on Instagram Direct for free

Mass mailing via Instagram direct

Is it possible to send mass mailings via Instagram messenger using software? Yes, of course. We described above the main directions that are implemented by this function. This, as you can see in the figure below, is each new subscriber, all existing subscribers and your own mailing list. And we also did not mention that the site system has added a function for adding images and emoticons.

Program for mailing to direct Instagram

Here you will not find programs for Instagram, since the functionality and soft grief are difficult. Settings, strings, proxies, special characters and so on. All this creates difficulties in using the software; an alternative solution that works no worse, and some even better, is automatic platforms on which you can work in a variety of directions. This is MF+ML mass following and mass liking, sending messages that we are talking about, Auto-posting on Instagram and everything is collected in one place. Moreover, you do not need to download the software to your computer; the service takes care of all the difficulties associated with the technical side. Of course, for those who use the software on their own, perhaps the software is more convenient. In the future, we will also publish some reviews.

Service for sending messages to Instagram Direct

Smm Geeks- a service that combines more than advanced capabilities for MF + ML (mass following, mass liking) plus sending to the Instagram messenger and auto-posting to your Instagram account. You can try and evaluate the automatic promotion system on Instagram for three days for free, direct mailing for 2 days. The cost of the service is 799 rubles per month, depending on the number of months chosen, the price, of course, decreases.

How to make a newsletter in Instagram direct instructions

We have described the possibilities, now let’s take a look at the newsletter from the technical side. The first item from the drop-down list, each new subscriber.

Look at the tips, they contain a detailed description of each function. If you have any questions about working with the system, write to the online consultant, the system administrator will give you a comprehensive answer.

  1. Every new subscriber. In the comment field, you will see curly braces - this is a procedure, variables, so that the protection system of the social network Instagram does not apply a spam filter. Variables allow you to change words in a message, for example, a greeting. In more detail it looks like this (Hello | Hello | Greetings) @username, (thank you | thank you) for following me! Three greetings, which, thanks to the variables - brackets, will change, first hello will be sent, and the next message will change, hello, and so on. Up to 500 characters. You can add an image, emoticons.

    1. 2. All existing subscribers- your audience, you can create a single message, add a photo, promotion, discount, emoticons. The message is no more than 500 characters, plus there is a filter in which you can set the settings.
      Eg; gender, maximum number of subscriptions, subscribers, minimum number of photos, time of last post, user. That is, his activity.

    1. 3.Your mailing list is the same, except that you enter the list of users manually or if you have somewhere to copy the complete list from. Each new nickname must start on a new line. As follows:
      @user_5And so on, depending on the number of people you want to send a message to. Another option, this is to register instead of the user's nickname, profile id. As with any social network, each page is assigned a unique id. How to find it was written in the article - you can look it up on the service -, but it’s more difficult to collect one id at a time.

Instagram promotion direct mailing

Do you need a direct mailing tool on Instagram? Yes, without any doubt, this is the best opportunity today to quickly send messages to subscribers, send greetings. All this forms loyalty to your account, new and existing audiences. Or imagine you have a promotion, a competition, or the holidays are approaching and in a few clicks you can inform your audience about price reductions and so on. How effective it is and worth studying is up to you to decide.

We are considering one of the functions of the automatic service for promoting Instagram, this is sending messages to Instagram Direct. Optional location, functions are available in your personal account after registering on the site. But first things first!

To start working with the system, after registration, you will need to add work instagram account. From which messages will be sent to direct Instagram, according to specified criteria. After registering and linking your account to the system, in the work panel we see four main tools. This is promotion, posts (auto-posting), comments and the tab we are interested in, direct.

Recommendations: As a rule, many users have a question: how safe is it to use mass mailing of messages via direct message on Instagram? In order to build confidence in the functionality of the service and check the feasibility of the method, you can test the system on a child account. A child account is the second or several of your pages that are created to perform different tasks. Starting from mass following and ending with sending messages to direct Instagram. The main thing is that you must take care of creating a second or several accounts in advance. Since the account must be filled out, contain a description, photo, and created at least no later than 3-4 weeks. Such a profile will not be afraid of sanctions and blocking from the social system and the Instagram application.

Direct mass mailing of messages on Instagram

After going to the direct tab, you will see the inscription. The Direct mailing function is not active for this account, please activate the active button. In order to enable the newsletter, you need to pay for it, that is, activate it. Click activate and go to the payment page. In this section, you pay or renew connected services, these are promotion, direct and work with comments. In order to start working with newsletters on Instagram, check the box opposite the Direct message. And on the right side, in the drop-down menu, select the number of days for which this function will be enabled. For example, we choose seven days. Then click the apply button.

After clicking, you will be redirected to a notification page. What you have paid is the selected amount, and your remaining balance is so much (the amount of your account). Click the active button on the work panel and go to the direct section of your personal account.

Setting up and creating a mailing list on Instagram direct

If you are creating your first newsletter, then the active, completed and history tabs are empty. To create your first newsletter, click new message, after which a pop-up window will appear on your screen where you will create and configure your newsletter.

Further terms and definitions

Every new subscriber The name speaks for itself. This type of service will automatically send the message you specify to each new user who has subscribed to you.

All existing subscribers The option sends specified messages to all subscribers of your account.

Your own mailing list This type of mailing allows you to create a group of users to whom your specified messages will be sent.

Every new subscriber

If you are an active user of the social network Instagram, you may have noticed that when you subscribe to an account you like, you receive a direct message. Typically, this is an informative greeting or thank you for subscribing. It's hard to imagine the user doing this manually. But the function, newsletters - each new subscriber is created just for this.

If you are in doubt and don’t quite understand what variables are and why they are set, you can contact us in any convenient way. For example, through an online consultant, on a website, by mail, on social networks. Our managers will help you understand the mailing system and its setup.

All existing subscribers

This is the section where you can send messages to your subscribers. That is, the audience that has already been formed in your account. Here you can set settings using a filter. All meanings are intuitive. For example, you can set the gender, user, maximum, maximum number of subscribers, the account also has photos, and even the time of the last post. All these filters help to highlight the most active group of users, in which a certain number of users are most likely to receive your notifications. The volume is also 500 characters, plus photos and emoticons.

Your mailing lists

The third mailing option is a specified list of users. The mechanics of this function are similar to the two described above, except that you will have to create the list yourself. This is logical and implies an individual selection of accounts to which you want to send direct messages. For example, you have a base of regular customers who are constantly active, make purchases, participate in promotions, and so on. By identifying and collecting the accounts of such users, you can create more interesting offers for them. With a high discount or limited quantities of goods, making them a priority. In this type of mailing, you will need to add the user's nickname on each new line, with the special @ symbol at the beginning.

Lesson 15. How to run a task for the Direct mailing list?

Step 1. As usual, the first thing we need to do is go to the sectionCreate a Task .

Step 2. Select an account for promotion. If you currently have one account connected, it will be selected by default.

Step 3. Next, select an action Direct.

Step 4. As a source you can select User or a list of users- depending on your goals.

1. User. By default, your own account is considered a user. A newsletter to all subscribers of your account will be useful if you want to make a general newsletter.

2. a list of users. You can prepare a list of users to send a newsletter specifically to them. This will be useful if you want to make a special offer for a certain segment of users.

Step 5. The next thing we need to do is select list of messages. If you don't have a list created yet, you should create one. To do this we go to the sectionMy lists . Choose Direct messages and press the button Create a list.

Step 6. Specify List name.

Step 7. And let's start writing a list of messages.

We recommend creating a large list of messages, at least 20 messages per list, so that each letter is individual and not repeated. Do not write long or similar messages so as not to look like spam. The length of the message is at least 2 and no more than 1000 characters. Messages can be written either as a line or divided into paragraphs. Individual messages must be separated by a blank line. You can insert emoticons into the text. The text must be inserted or written in the right editor window.

There is an option to add a link in the text. The link must start with https:// for it to be active (for example: or


Thank you for subscribing!

Good afternoon Thank you for subscribing :) Write to me in direct message and get a 20% discount on the entire range.

You can also tag users by full name/name/login in any part of the text (the service will automatically tag the user to whom it is writing)


Hello, ((user.full_name)) .
Thank you for subscribing!
For this you get a 20% discount on your first order. - So the Instaplus service will see 3 offers.

Good afternoon, ((user.first_name))! Thank you for subscribing :) Write to me in direct message and get a 20% discount on the entire range.

When the list is complete, click "add message."

After this, your messages will appear in the left editor window. If you want to edit or delete them, click on “Edit all” or “Delete all”. You can also edit individual messages. The selected message or all will appear again in the right window, where you can make the necessary changes. After making changes, click on the "Save Changes" button. The total number of messages will be indicated below the left window.

If, when composing a message, the permissible number of characters is exceeded, a red inscription will appear under the right editor window - the number of characters.

An incorrectly composed and saved message will be highlighted with a red frame, and the number of messages with errors will be indicated under the left editor window.

Step 8. After the list has been compiled, click Save.

Step 9. Return to the Create Task section and go to the stage where we stopped and select our list of messages.

Step 10. We indicate the number of messages that we want to send to our subscribers according to. And check the boxes and .


1. Skip users who have already sent a message. Thanks to this option, you can avoid re-sending messages to users who have already received letters from you. This will be useful if you want to send a special offer to your users only once.

Important! This option works for each message list separately. For example, if you create a list of “Welcome” messages and launch a mailing list to your subscribers, then with each new mailing task, Instaplus will skip those users who have already received a letter from this mailing list. But if you create a new list of messages, for example, “Offer for November 1” and start a mailing list, then messages from this mailing list can also be received by those users who received a letter from the “Welcome” mailing list.

Thus: users of each newsletter are marked separately by Instaplus.

2. Skip users who have not seen the previous message. This option allows you not to send messages to those users who received a message from you but did not read it. This will help, firstly, to exclude inactive users from the mailing list; and secondly, do not be too intrusive to your account.

Step 11. If you want the service to send a message to all your subscribers immediately after creating a task, then select Without a filter And Without Timer and press the button Run Task.

READY! The task has started. In the near future, your account will begin sending out one message to your 50 subscribers.

Thank you for watching this lesson.

That's all for us.

Friends, on behalf of the entire Instaplus service team, we say a huge thank you to each of you.

We are grateful to you for being our clients.

If you have any questions, you can always contact us via Online Chat on the website, we will always help you and provide high-quality, qualified assistance to resolve your problem.

Happy promotion!