Telephony srm. What is telephony in CRM and how to choose it

Software IP-PBX Asterisk is primarily chosen for its stability and reliability, as well as the ability to flexibly integrate and interact with other business systems - CRM, ERP, 1C. Thus, obtaining a very important tool for the company’s work - a CRM system with IP telephony.

What opportunities can integration with Asterisk telephony provide?

Click-to-call (making a call with a mouse click)

    The operator (employee) does not need to dial the phone number manually each time, making mistakes and wasting work time to call clients. By clicking the mouse on the client’s (counterparty) number in the CRM system, the IP PBX will dial the number itself, and the employee will only have to wait for the client to pick up the phone, the operator’s work will become easier and more efficient.

Pop-up customer card when a call arrives

  • The operator does not need to fill in the client’s number when an incoming call is made in the CRM system; in addition, they can “raise” the entire history (interaction) of working with the client (they are pleased when they are remembered and recognized;).

Client (company) name on the operator's phone display

  • The IP phone (softphone) receives data from the CRM system via XML requests and displays the client's name. In pairs this function is very convenient, as in your mobile phone, only the entire contact book is generated dynamically from the database CRM clients systems.

Recording conversations in CRM

  • Attached to all customer history events required entry conversation. In case of disagreement with the client, the issue will be resolved quickly, and the new employee will quickly get up to speed.

CDR call statistics

  • In addition to the basic detail of the CDR of the Asterisk system, the call history is formed in CRM interface systems. Particularly sophisticated CRMs can build graphs, diagrams and do their own telephony-based analytics.

Dynamic (smart) routing by client

  • In any PBX, the logic for incoming calls is quite strictly defined. In most cases, an incoming call goes to a secretary, a dialing group (a specific department) or a queue of operators. Since the client constantly cooperates with your company, the secretary or managers (company employees) have to redirect the call to the manager with whom the client works.
  • Smart routing allows you to assign a specific client to a specific manager in CRM. And when a new call arrives from a client, Asterisk checks the client database and if it finds a match, it sends the call to the right manager, if not, then the call goes (by default) to the secretary or call group. IN in this case A CRM system with IP telephony will be as functional as possible.

What options and interfaces for interaction between Asterisk and CRM are possible?

AMI (Asterisk Manager Interface)

  • He's essentially API interface Asterisk, which allows you to synchronously exchange events via TCP protocol. CRM in monitoring mode monitors all events occurring in the system and issues the necessary commands to establish a call between subscribers.

AJAM (Asynchronous Javascript Asterisk Manager)

  • The interaction takes place in a synchronous mode, after the HTTPS request and processing of the command, a response is issued to the CRM system.


  • All interaction occurs through the database in synchronous mode; CRM can both write data to a specific table and read it (for example, CDR).

PHP, AGI, Bash scripts

  • If the interfaces discussed above are not suitable, this happens when the CRM system has a strictly documented API, but there is no original connector. Using scripts, we create our own methods of interaction between systems.

Integration of Asterisk and CRM systems occurs with the participation of specialists from both systems.

Most CRMs already have ready-made modules (connectors) for telephony integration (CRM telephony systems): 1C, AmoCRM, Bitrix24, SugarCRM, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Terrasoft CRM.


  • IT Terminology
  • Nowadays it is almost impossible to imagine a CRM system without telephony. There are, of course, companies that do not use telephony in CRM, but now there are fewer and fewer of them.

    This article should be considered as a continuation of one of my previously written articles “What are CRM systems and how to choose them correctly?”

    What is telephony in CRM.

    Through telephony, two-way communication is carried out, recording outgoing call directly from the CRM system and receiving a call from a client in CRM. But the benefits of telephony in CRM are not limited to this. Telephony is not only convenience: we make and receive calls in the CRM system without dialing a number or other unnecessary actions.

    Connected telephony is also one of the most important sources of statistics on the work of the sales department. Knowing the duration of the call, the number of answered and unanswered calls, the number of incoming and outgoing calls per certain period time, you can find out how well a particular sales manager worked, how well he handled calls.

    For example, there are reports such as the ratio of the number of transactions concluded to the number of calls. Based on such reports, you can understand how effective an employee is. Of course, if you have one manager, there is nothing to compare with, but if you have two, three or more managers, using these coefficients you can understand which of the managers works better and make management decisions based on these data.

    What types of telephony are offered in CRM systems.

    Regardless of what CRM you have: SAAS system or Stand Alone (cloud or boxed solution), there are 2 types of connecting telephony to CRM systems:
    • Telephony integrated into CRM
    • SIP telephony.

    The first type of connection is, of course, also SIP telephony, with the difference that the SIP client is integrated into the web browser, and the conversation is carried out through a headset connected to the computer.

    In the second case, we do not make a call from the browser, we initiate the call from the browser, and the call is answered and the conversation takes place either on a specialized telephone device (the so-called VoIP phone) or in a SIP client, such as Zoiper, for example. MicroSIP (there are many of them, I won’t list them all).

    Telephony integrated into CRM.

    Let's look at the first type of connection using a browser in more detail. With this type of connection, the telephony server is built into the CRM system itself.

    Let's look at how a call occurs using this type of connection:

    1. The user connects to the system and selects a client card.
    2. The user clicks on the call icon in the client card.
    3. There is a call and conversation with the client using headphones and a microphone.

    The procedure for receiving a call is similar:

    1. An incoming call arrives and a call window appears in the browser.
    2. The user clicks on the reply icon.
    3. The user uses a microphone and headphones to conduct a conversation with the caller.
    4. End the call. The call card records its duration and offers further actions(describe a call, create a deal, etc.)
    That is, in order to contact a client, you need to connect to a browser and have browser access to your devices: microphone and headphones.

    It is also necessary to understand that in this option, calls are billed according to the tariffs of the CRM system or the system that is connected within the CRM. That is, you cannot choose SIP telephony, the one that is convenient for you or that you like. You choose a number only within the system, and the setup also takes place entirely within the system. Such significant functions, like call forwarding and the ability to record a call, also depend on the CRM system itself. You won't be able to connect plugins or anything else.

    SIP telephony.

    Now let's take a closer look at the second type of connection using VoIP telephony.

    How does the call take place in this case?

    1. The CRM user clicks on the contact's call icon. A call icon appears in CRM.
    2. CRM calls virtual ATC.
    3. The virtual ATC calls the user's extension number (this can be a program or a hardware phone).
    4. The user “picks up the phone.”
    5. The PBX calls the contact from an extension number.
    6. The contact picks up the handset and the connection is made. In CRM, the call duration starts counting down in the call window.
    7. The call ends. In CRM, the call card records the duration of the call. As a rule, after the call ends, the call card window prompts you to create a task, describe this call, or schedule another call.

    Scheme incoming call at this option connection looks like this:

    1. The client calls a landline number, then dials an extension, or the secretary transfers the client to an extension number.
    2. A call window appears in the CRM system, in which you can see information about who is calling (if the contact is in the database) and other information depending on how the CRM system is configured. The user “picks up the phone” (in the program or on the phone). The call countdown begins in CRM.
    3. There is a conversation with the client.
    4. Ending the conversation. In CRM, the call card records the duration of the call. If the system already has a contact who called, the reason for the call, its description and other information is recorded. If the contact is not defined by the system, it is proposed to create it, and with it, for example, create a transaction, if this is necessary, it all depends on the system settings.
    In this case, the connection does not depend on the CRM system itself. The user may not even be aware of the presence of a CRM system (for example, an engineer or accountant).

    Advantages and disadvantages.

    When choosing one or another telephony option, I usually give my clients the advantages and disadvantages of each type of connection as arguments. I present them in this article:
    “Disadvantages” of CRM-integrated telephony:
    • Browser and device dependent. If something happened to your browser settings or to your headset, you will not be able to make or receive calls.
    • CRM systems have very limited functionality; it cannot be compared with the same Asterisk. Here, functions such as call recording, call forwarding, and even more complex call forwarding are impossible if we want to forward the call not only to an internal subscriber, but also to someone else.
    • Dependence of tariffs on CRM telephony. You cannot choose anything else, you use what the CRM system offers you.
    • You can't connect existing number phone. For example, if you already have a SIP number, you will not be able to connect it. You will have to connect new number, offered by the CRM itself.
    • With this type of telephony, you are tied to your workplace, to a headset, you definitely need a computer and access to CRM.
    “Pros” of CRM-integrated telephony:
    • The connection is direct, that is, the connection occurs immediately and is a more familiar call pattern.
    • Fast connection. In this case, there is no need to configure a virtual PBX. Just register the number and extension numbers, and you can safely make outgoing and receive incoming calls.

    These options are ideal for small companies.

    Now let’s note the advantages and disadvantages of telephony that is not integrated with a CRM system.

    “Disadvantages” of SIP telephony:
    • Necessity of configuration, relative complexity of configuration. Needs to be configured virtual server telephony, you need to configure each handset or device, you need to set passwords, etc.
    • Relatively expensive. This connection option is more expensive than the first one, since for it you need to buy the IP telephony devices themselves or the program. Many people are scared that they have to set up a server and pay for it. But you need to understand that in addition to the acquisition cost, there is the cost of ownership, and in the case of non-integrated telephony it is lower, since there is a choice of tariffs.
    • Infrastructure maintenance. I’ll say right away that this item does not involve large expenses. For the same thing, Asterisk is a minimal server and, in principle, that’s all, it works and does not require special maintenance.
    In principle, I no longer see any disadvantages in this telephony option.
    “Pros” of SIP telephony:
    • Huge selection of telephony (there is equipment on the market for every taste and color)
    • Independence from the browser and CRM system. The CRM system here acts as another consumer of information from IP telephony, but is in no way a source for calls for IP telephony. I consider independence from the CRM system to be the most important advantage.
    • Possibility of choosing a provider. You can choose the provider you want to work through, and you can choose the tariff that suits you. Some users of this type of telephony make calls to different numbers from different providers depending on which provider has what is cheaper.
    • Wide range of telephony settings. You can set up call forwarding, calling based on certain conditions, recording, Voice Mail, and various codecs.
    This type of telephony, SIP telephony, is needed by companies with large sales departments.

    I will describe another very big difference between these two systems.

    In telephony integrated into CRM, only a user registered in CRM can make calls. If you have one extension number on which, for example, the service department and accounting work, and if you want to fully receive calls and make calls using this telephony, then all telephony users must be registered in the CRM system, including employees of the service department and accountant. There is no other way. You cannot keep extension numbers alone virtual number, and other extensions - using telephony built into the CRM system.

    So, if you have employees who are not registered in the CRM system, but who use the phone, then you will be forced to either use another telephony or still drag this user to the CRM system, which is not very good.

    In the second case, using SIP telephony, you can use some of the extension numbers to work in CRM, and some of the numbers can remain with employees who do not work in CRM, with an accountant or warehouse worker, for example.

    What pitfalls await you when implementing this or that approach.

    In the case of CRM-integrated telephony, there are no particular pitfalls. The only thing worth paying attention to is the compatibility of the browser with devices that receive and transmit sound.

    In the case of SIP telephony, you can expect different situations:

    It is necessary that there is no high ping between your IP telephony and the CRM system. I'll explain why. I had this problem on one project. The CRM system was foreign, and it was located somewhere on servers in Asia, and the telephony server was located in Northern Ireland. Accordingly, the ping was very large, and when the client called, the call card did not immediately appear in the system: the signal from the SIP server to the CRM system server took too long. In order for the card to appear instantly, it is necessary that the PING be as low as possible.

    Some companies use a VPN connection for security purposes. That is, they access the Internet through a VPN and call from a VPN. In such cases, it is necessary to take into account that the telephony server was also inside the VPN.

    Telephony implementation costs.

    Let's consider what costs are expected when choosing telephony.

    If everything is clear with the first option of CRM-integrated telephony: we look at the tariffs in the browser and connect the phone number - then when choosing the second type of connection, you must immediately understand that:

    • you need to rent a VDS server through which traffic will flow and on which a virtual PBX will be installed;
    • you need to select a provider and phone number to connect the phone number to the virtual PBX server;
    • Expenses are expected to set up the server itself - it will be necessary to set up extensions, call forwarding, and set up the telephones themselves to work with VoIP telephony;
    • There may be costs for maintaining telephony - this is not a very big expense, if you set it up once, then you will just use the resources and that’s it.

    Other questions.

    What should you do if employees answer calls on their cell phones?
    I am often asked this question. For example, if employees are traveling and need to make calls from cell phones? I’ll say right away that right now this is impossible, because cell numbers phones are not fixed line, although one has mobile operator Russia has the possibility of fixing corporate number like SIP numbers (you call a mobile phone, but the SIP program card opens).
    But for this it is necessary that the information be transmitted not from mobile handset, but from a virtual PBX, to which access is not given.
    What if I use corporate phone, And ready-made solution no for integration with CRM?
    It's no problem. Ask your provider if their telephony system can be integrated with your CRM. For example, I had a project where a special software adapter was made for the company, which connected the provider’s telephony and the customer’s CRM. Provider from big three, and during integration special problems did not arise.

    I hope I clearly explained what types of telephony exist in a CRM system, what you should pay attention to when choosing, what costs the implementation of this or that telephony involves.

    Integration of telephony with CRM

    UIS telephony can be used not only directly from Personal account our Virtual PBX, but also in the interface of your usual CRM, ERP and other services for organizing the work of an enterprise with clients and partners. We easily integrate with the right system, even from the site’s CMS, if the company prefers to store information about orders in it.

    What you can do after integration: popular tasks

    Optimize work with outgoing calls

    You can call simply by clicking on the contact number in the CRM interface. The manager saves time on manual dialing

    Information about the calling client pops up on the CRM screen in real time during incoming call

    Store the history of communication with clients in convenient location

    Statistics for all calls, detailed information for individual requests and conversation recordings are loaded directly into the CRM integrated with telephony

    Automate work with requests and increase customer loyalty

    Incoming calls are automatically forwarded to personal managers client specified in the settings in CRM

    Reduce the load on the call center

    If a calling customer only needs information (for example, about the status of an order or delivery time), then you can answer his call automatic message with all the necessary data.

    One-button integration
    from your UIS Personal Account

    You can set up integration with CRM directly from your UIS Personal Account using one-button integration with:

    retailCRM. The service not only allows you to automate sales and customer service, but also provides detailed analytics to evaluate the company’s performance in these two areas.

    AmoCRM. A customer and transaction management system that helps control and increase sales. Automatically collects all customer requests via e-mail, phone, website and instant messengers.

    Bitrix24. Omnichannel CRM, which combines online all channels of communication with clients: calls, letters, requests through social networks, from the website, through web forms, payments in 1C and others.

    Megaplan. CRM system for companies from 5 to 500 employees. Helps manage sales: issue invoices and monitor the funnel. Puts tasks in order and monitors deadlines.

    Direct integration from CRM

    Another option is integration from CRM. Our partners who will help you set up integration with UIS:

    SalesPlatform CRM- a free platform for automating businesses of any size: from individual entrepreneurs to large organizations.

    Open source modular system, any number of users and a free license provide unlimited possibilities. You can deploy the service not only in the cloud, but also on own server, and if necessary, simple transfer of all data is carried out.

    Integration is configured both on the UIS and on the SalesPlatform side; no additional components are required.

    MegaCRM. Chief sales assistant. An intuitive and easy to implement and operate system for recording clients and transactions. Based on enormous experience working with a huge client base. Effective for managers and convenient for managers.

    Free connection for one year for UIS clients - see integration.

    Bpm'online (Terrasoft). CRM on the bpm’online platform allows you to guide the client through the entire sales funnel - from the stage of getting to know the company to order fulfillment and service. Integration with UIS is configured through an integrator company. The cost of integration is from 5100 rubles/month.

    WireCRM. A simple online CRM system for recording clients and transactions, with the possibility of almost unlimited expansion.

    Amber CRM. Business process automation system from Hawk House Integration. Not just a CRM for the sales department, but an innovative platform with a maximum of functions that help a business increase sales even in a falling market.

    RosBusinessSoft CRM. Software for customer relationship management, comprehensive business automation and corporate development information system. Distinctive feature- a universal data exchange mechanism and the ability to independently refine the program.

    Monitor CRM. The CRM system is customizable to the needs of any business without programming or specific knowledge. Built-in integration modules with accounting systems (1C, BEST, Parus). Own functionality for freely generating analytical and marketing reports.

    Client base. Specializes in automating company tasks related to customer service and developing individual service configurations for any business sector.

    50% discount using promo code UIS50% on initial account payment for UIS clients.

    ASoft CRM. The service is available in different versions, optimized for the scale of business. The most complete functionality from storing information about counterparties to monitoring shipments from the warehouse, it has Professional version. And specialized solutions have been developed for the real estate and logistics industries.

    Special offer for UIS clients: maximum discount 25% for user licenses and 50% discount for integration projects with UIS.

    CRM Car dealer. The capabilities of the CRM system are focused on the automotive business and comply with industry standards. Specialized options include: funnel statistics and sales forecast for the dealer network, generation and control of processing of importer leads, automation of online reporting for the dealer network.

    IP telephony NEW

    The “Client Base” program now has an additional module “IP-telephony”, which allows you to make and receive calls directly from the program itself.

    What you need to know about IP telephony?

    IP telephony- technology that allows phone calls through the Internet. Integration of a CRM system with IP telephony allows you to solve many issues related to conducting work based on telephone conversations, makes it possible to record the stages and results of work with a client, as well as keep records and reports of conversations within the system itself. Therefore, in order to optimize the company’s work and increase the efficiency of business processes, an additional IP telephony module was created for users of the Client Base program.

    What do you need to know about IP telephony in the Client Base program?

    IP telephony in the Client Base CRM system is available for SAAS accounts, WEB and LOCAL versions. To operate IP telephony on local versions Internet access is required.

    In order to configure and test the telephony module, you need to pay for your account (obtain a license), after which the module will be automatically activated. As a result, it will become possible to add and connect your registered SIP accounts for calls from the system.

    Important: The program guarantees that it will work only with operators from the list of recommended ones. A list of recommended providers is provided.

    Main connection points for the IP telephony module

    1. Have paid version programs.
    2. Register and connect a SIP account with any provider providing IP telephony services (it is possible to connect several SIP accounts).
    3. Configure the IP-Telephony module (according to the configuration example).
    4. Configure and connect an IP phone (physical or soft sip phone) in case of calls via a communication device.
    5. To make calls from a browser, be sure to use the recommended browsers: Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox with update to the latest version.
    6. Test incoming and outgoing communications.
    7. Add other users of the system, having previously configured IP phones for them (physical or software SIP phone) in case of calls through a communication device.
    • Example of setting up an IP telephony module for paid accounts

    Basic settings for the IP telephony module in the "Client Base" system

    IP telephony module settings are available to users with the “Administrator” and “Subadministrator” access groups.

    Let's move on to a description of the module parameters.
    1. To do this, go to “Settings” - “Modules” and open the “IP-telephony KB (1.0)” module.

    2. A setup window will open additional module IP telephony, where you will need to add your SIP account, after which you can immediately begin testing calls from the program.

    Registration of a SIP account is carried out using the following parameters input: “Number”, “User”, “Password”, “Domain”, “Host”, according to the registration data received from your telephony provider, or data account VATS. A SIP account is a user account for accessing IP telephony, with which the subscriber can make and receive calls in the program.

    Important! In the “Client Base” system, you can add no more than 3 SIP accounts. At the same time, they are all active for incoming calls, but outgoing calls are made from only one, as a rule, this is the first added SIP account. At the same time, incoming calls are available using the paid SIP account number (payment for the number is carried out on sites providing IP telephony services when registering a SIP account:,, etc.)

    Today there is a fairly wide list of IP telephony providers providing communication services via SIP lines and virtual PBX. you can check out our list of recommended telephony providers.

    The module has 3 modes for adding a SIP account:

    - SipOut account- integrated registration and authorization with the SipOut operator. Here you just need to enter your Login and Password if you have an account. of this operator, or register it directly in the program without going to the provider’s website. After adding an account, its current balance from your personal account will be displayed next to this line.

    - another account- here you enter the parameters of a SIP account registered with any other operator. The input options are as follows: “User”, “Password” and “Domain”.

    - extended- here you also enter the parameters of a SIP account registered with any other operator, but in an expanded view. Added “Number” and “Host” to the above list of options.

    The fact is that, as a rule, the “User” and “Number” parameters are identical, but in rare cases these may be different registration data (depending on the operator). The same is with the “Domain” and “Host” parameters, by default they are identical, but depending on the operator or VATS they may differ. Some operators do not use standard port 5060, or something else. In such cases, it is necessary to specify the port separated by a colon after the host/domain name. For example, this is the UIS operator, in its case the “Domain” and “Host” parameters will have:

    Starting from version 2.0.8, the following appears in the SIP account settings: new parameter"AutoCorrect", which will allow you to produce automatic replacement digits of the outgoing number. This solves the problem when a telecom operator requires a non-standard number format. For example, a Telphin operator who does not miss calls to numbers dialed after 7, in this case it is necessary to replace the first digit 7 with 8. To do this, you need to fill the input field with an expression of the form N/M, where N is a pattern (can be expanded regular expression), M - replacement string.

    The registration status of SIP lines also appears - icon handset next to each line. If the line is registered on the server, the handset is green; no registration - red tube; intermediate stage of receiving status (waiting time for registration response) - gray tube.

    3. After adding and saving your SIP account, other basic module settings are revealed, which are generated with default values.

    • Call tables- by default, the “Counterparties” table (or “Clients”, depending on the current configuration) is automatically detected. You can change the default table or add as many new tables as you like, from which it will be possible to make calls if they contain fields with phone numbers. Tables are selected from the list of all existing tables in the system.
    • Call recording table- a system table is automatically generated based on the previously specified first conversation table; it will be located in the same category. It will record data about calls (date, number, direction, duration, which user made/received the call, as well as a recording of the conversation itself, etc.).

    Attention! Call recordings are stored on the telephony server for 1 month. In this regard, we recommend, if necessary, uploading call recordings to a file on your computer.

    • Users- here, by default, the first user is the one with “Administrator” rights who activated the telephony module (i.e. turned it on, added a SIP account and made other settings). The administrator adds other telephony users from the list of all existing system users.

    Important! Only users added in the module settings will have the right to make calls and also see the call table.

    When adding a user who can make calls, you must fill in the following parameters:

    User - selected from the list of all system users;

    Password - enter a password for specified user;

    Number - enter the individual employee number, in the format 102, 103, etc. (in other words, the employee’s internal number for calls);

    Accept incoming - this parameter allows you to receive incoming calls for a specified user if you check the box;

    Calls in the browser - when this option is enabled, it is possible to make calls directly from the browser through a connected headset. You can find out more about this mechanism. If you want to call through physical or softphones, then this parameter does not need to be enabled. detailed information For information on how to set up and make calls via connecting phones (softphones), see the instructions:

    These were the basic settings of the telephony module. There is also a section with additional settings. Let's look at them by clicking and expanding the list of parameters:

    • Greetings- a greeting file in mp3 format is loaded into this field. Important! It is worth considering that an incoming call to the system will only come when the greeting has completely ended. Therefore, it is advisable to formulate the greeting text with fairly minimal content.
    • Default number prefix (for example, 495)- enter the city code, which is taken into account when making calls.
    • Exit prefix to international direction (for example, 810)- enter the country code to access the international call direction (starting from version 2.0.10).
    • Prohibition on calls by country code (separated by commas, for example: +7,8)- here city codes are indicated, separated by commas, for which it will be impossible to make calls.
    • Local number length- you can set a fixed length of the local number, which is important when the telecom operator requires checking the length of the local number.
    • Add. number processing rules- can be set necessary rule number processing, according to the rules of the connected telecom operator, a rule of the form: _XXXX, where after _ the specified length of numbers is indicated (starting from version 2.0.10).
    • Forwarding on no answer to- indicates the number to which an incoming call will be forwarded in case of problems with telephony, or if there is none at that time active user telephony in the program, which could receive a call.
    • Dialing- this field indicates the dialing time in seconds to the forwarding number. Default is 15 seconds.
    • Allowed directions- select directions for which outgoing calls from the program will be allowed. Since version 2.0.9. it is now possible to include calls to all international destinations with access restrictions for telephony users.
    • Delete call recordings older than 30 days- noted if it is necessary to delete old calls from the table, so as not to load the system with unnecessary (irrelevant) information about calls older than 30 days.
    • Program address for communication with the server- the address of your program is written here. This address is necessary to send the current telephony status (for example, incoming calls, active conversation) to the current instance of the “Client Database”. Having the correct address for communication optimizes the work of the SIP server with the program.Important! For this option to work, the Memcache module must be installed on the web server.
    • Automatically adding telephony users by access groups-here it appears full list all available access groups. Here you can mark those groups whose users, when added to the program, will automatically be added as telephony users.

    For example, for automatic adding For telephony users, select the “Administrator” access group.

    In the “Settings” - “Users” section, add a new user and assign him the “Administrator” access group.

    As a result, if we go to the “Telephony” section, we will see that our user was automatically added as the next telephony user, with a serial internal number 102, and accordingly, a generated login and password.

    Attention! The “Login” field is generated automatically after adding and saving telephony user settings. In SAAS accounts, the login is generated based on two indicators: “account name”_ “user internal number”.
    For example, account name:
    Then for a user with internal number 101, the login will be generated as: “tell_101”.

    As for the WEB/LOCAL versions, here the telephony user login is generated as follows:
    “version type”_ “12 unique characters (code license key)"_"user's internal number". That is, as a rule, 20 characters for web versions and 22 characters for local versions.

    For example, for web versions the “Login” field looks like this:

    • Hide phones for groups- here you can enable hiding telephone numbers For certain groups program access.
    • How to hide phones - You can set the hiding mode: completely or hide a specified number of last characters.

    If you select “Full”, then for the specified access group the numbers in the call table and in the call cards will be completely hidden, that is, only the green call handset icon will be displayed in the “Phone” field:

    If, for example, you set “Replace the first 3 characters with asterisks”, then for the specified access group in the call table and in call cards the first three characters of the number will be hidden with asterisks:

    • Disable the reminder to open the telephony window- the ability to disable reminders about opening the call window each time you enter the program. Attention! The call window must always be open in one of the browser tabs, otherwise you will not be able to receive an incoming call!

    6. In the IP telephony settings window at the very end of the page, there is function button“Disable”, clicking which allows you to disable a previously configured module.

    When you try to turn off the telephony module, a system warning message appears:

    If you click "Yes" in the window system message, then all telephony settings will be deleted (SIP accounts, the “Call Recordings” table, etc.). When you turn on the module again, it will automatically generate new table“Conversation recordings”, while the previous one will be deleted, and new passwords will be generated for all telephony users (logins remain the same). Therefore, after re-enabling it, you will need to update the passwords in the softphone accounts of your users.

    Example of setting up the IP telephony module for paid accounts

    Let's consider specific example IP telephony module settings.
    1. Go to “Settings” - “Modules” and open the “IP-telephony KB (1.0)” module.

    2. The settings window for the additional IP telephony module opens. Here you just need to add your SIP account; the remaining parameters are generated automatically by default. Adding an account:

    After saving, the parameters that have already been generated are revealed:

    3. Now go to the “Counterparties” call table.

    4. In fields containing phone numbers, the handset icon is now displayed when you hover over it.

    5. Next, let’s look at what the process looks like outgoing call on behalf of the administrator. From the list of table entries, select the client we want to call. In our example, this will be the client “Lyubov Romanovna”. Click on the handset icon directly from the table. As a result, the call starts and the outgoing call card appears in the lower right corner.

    The outgoing call card contains information, or rather the fields that were specified in the settings, i.e. This:

    - Number— the client’s actual phone number;

    - Card— client’s name;

    - Status- current status of the client;

    - Emailmailing address client;

    - Manager— the name of the manager who works with this client.

    When making an outgoing call from the CRM system “Client Base”, the call is sent to the user on his configured phone, he picks up the phone, after which the call goes to the client who was selected from the table. Thus, the process of telephone connection occurs through the IP telephony module.

    If the client picks up the phone and has a conversation on the phone, the conversation report is automatically entered into the “Conversation Records” table. To view a recording of a conversation, go to the “Call Recordings” table; in the recording viewing mode, the following data is displayed:

    The following data is recorded here:

    - “Start date and time” - the date and time the conversation started is recorded here;

    - “Duration” - the duration of the conversation is recorded here (in seconds);

    - “End date and time” - the date and time of the end of the conversation is recorded;

    - “User” - indicates the name of the user who made this call;

    - “Number” - the field contains the client’s phone number;

    - “Direction” - indicate the direction of the call (incoming/outgoing);

    - “Record” - the recording is recorded telephone conversation with the client;

    - “Client” - displays the client’s name.

    Starting with revision No. 15,795, it became possible to download conversation recordings using the special “Upload recording” option.

    You can upload it as a separate conversation recording in viewing mode:

    So, several records at once, highlighting them in the table (for example, by calling the “Upload record” option through the context menu):

    When uploading records:

    One file is downloaded in the format “id_phone number_date.mp3”;
    - when selecting several recordings - several audio files of the above-described format are recorded into one zip file

    6. The process of an incoming call is almost the same as an outgoing one. That is, when an incoming call arrives in the “Client Database” system, the call is sent to the user to his configured telephone set, and the system will also display an incoming call card in the lower right corner, indicating all previously configured data fields. In the same way, a record of the conversation that took place will be recorded in the “Conversation Records” table.

    2015-04-03T01:19:01+0300 2015-04-03T01:19:01+0300 Mikhail

    CRM IP telephony

    Integration of IP telephony with various CRM systems and products is currently important process optimization of business processes in commercial organizations.

    The main goals of such integration are:

    1. An opportunity to get to know an existing client better;
    2. The ability to quickly find and get to know a potential client for the company and, accordingly, begin to offer him the products and services of your company as quickly as possible;
    3. Implementation operational communications with clients. that is, quickly and easily make calls without any dialing, using only the database in the CRM
    4. Sorting and tracking records of customer calls to the company, which makes it possible to quickly listen to an already made call to clarify the data and make the right decision.

    Where do we start?

    Below we will dwell on a generalized practical analysis of the integration of already existing various CRM systems and IP telephony.
    So what does this look like in practice? An incoming client call arrives at the IP telephony server of a commercial organization. The IP phone is automatically detected incoming number. If the subscriber is known to you, you see his name on the IP communication device, and also, if the client’s data has already been entered into the integrated CRM database, then a business partner card will appear on the PC monitor indicating the calling contact, the name of the organization and other data. If incoming subscriber you don't know, then CRM program a suggestion appears to add new information. In the process of communicating with a client by phone, directly online, you fill out a new card, as if you were a potential client of the company. For example, in addition to the client’s personal data and details, you can immediately add information about his needs, wishes for the product configuration, pricing options, deadlines, etc. At the same time, the incoming phone number is automatically added to such a file, so there is no need to fill it out by hand. This is how the initial identification of the client takes place. CRM system . At the end of the conversation, the potential client card with all the information entered in it, and, if necessary, with the original recording of the conversation itself, is saved in the CRM database. Now this data can be used in all business procedures of the organization when further work with the caller. The very ability to record conversations when calling with clients and the ability to listen to them again significantly disciplines company employees and reduces certain business risks for management.

    Use at work

    Having considered the option with an incoming call and initial acquaintance with a potential client, we will dwell on the convenience of CRM integration for outgoing calls to subscribers whose information is already in the CRM database. Such a subscriber, firstly, is easy to find in the database, and secondly, the connection with him occurs by pressing one or two buttons in the CRM program integrated into IP telephony. At the same time, an employee, negotiating with a client, has the opportunity to see in front of him the maximum possible history of working with the client, that is, all the procedures for all departments and services that in one way or another concerned of this subscriber, are registered in CRM sections and become available during communication.


    1. information about the subscriber’s initial contact with the company;
    2. the needs of a potential client, identified at the initial stage of acquaintance;
    3. the appearance of goods (services) in the organization that might be of interest to a potential client
    4. outgoing calls to the subscriber for the purpose of familiarization with him
    5. preparation and dispatch commercial offers for decision makers
    6. Feedback according to the proposals made
    7. preparation of demonstration potential client about the products he is interested in
    8. preparation of contractual and financial documentation for the final sale
    9. information on sending (delivery) of the purchased product to the client
    10. if necessary - personnel training and warranty service
    11. customer reviews about the purchased product, calls to technical support, suggestions to the customer additional services etc.

    Naturally, the above list of information is purely individual and serves only as an example for demonstration. wide possibilities CRM system integrated with IP telephony.

    Additional integration options.

    Now more and more new ones are appearing technical capabilities and for the service developer. Thus, it becomes technically possible to process the numbers of calling subscribers, regardless of the type of transmitter telephone exchanges. Additionally, post-processing of an incoming call with a request for data from external sources. It is very convenient to be able to set up integration with an online store, that is, technically “connect” the modules of the CRM database, IP telephony and sales portal. The function will also be convenient to use automatic detection region and city of the calling subscriber. Having CRM module integration with IP telephony, it is always possible to quickly and accurately prepare reports, as well as perform work for an absent employee. Automatic notification clients about any event (promotion) for certain category subscribers is also an indisputable advantage of the integration discussed in this article. According to a pre-entered program corporate portal CRM can also use answering machine functions, as well as call redirection functions to the required department or responsible employee, depending on the set of services specified in the CRM for a given client.

    In other words, opportunities CRM integration IP telephony is usually not limited. Their solutions are in the segment of programming and new computer developments, and therefore will never lose their relevance in the future.