Windows won't let me start the 1c program. Testing and correcting the information base in Configurator mode

Computer programs, like things, tend to break down. If you do not have a full-time diagnostician, you will have to carry out a set of measures to find out the causes of the breakdown yourself. To do this, you will need knowledge in the field of 1C administration and a general understanding of computer systems.
So, if the program suddenly stops starting, there is a 90% chance that the problem is due to one of the following reasons:


1. Changes have been made to the program code. As a rule, this is discovered in the morning, when all employees come to work and launch 1C. Why in the morning? Because usually administrators make changes to the code when no one is working in the program.

2. Pose planned configuration updates In 1C, some functions added by the company may not work, including external printed forms, reports and processing. The most common mistake " Object field not found"leads users into a stupor. The situation can be resolved by debugging and testing the program code.

3. Power failure. It happens that the 1C program begins to glitch due to incorrect shutdown, for example, as if the lights suddenly turned off. This most often happens with file databases.

4. Not enough physical space. Resources are not infinite. If you have a large document flow, then the daily growth of the database is also significant. And at one point, without noticing it, you may encounter the problem of lack of space on your hard drive.

5. License keys have run out. The program may not start, but if this error occurs, the program will display a message stating that the license keys have run out or that they have not been found at all.

6. Incorrect login, password. The user has forgotten the password or the password has been changed by the program administrator. In this case, the program will also inform you about the failed login and the reason.

7. Network problems. If access to 1C is organized via a computer network within one office. The most trivial thing that can happen is that the network cable jumped out of the computer after cleaning the room, was touched by a foot, etc.

The remaining 10% of the reasons when the 1C program stops working are exceptional cases. It is definitely impossible to consider them in an article or forum. As a rule, such situations arise with information systems of a more complex architecture - client-server, remote control, web access, etc. Those. The larger the system, the more links, the more intricate the reason for the failure may be. In such situations, it is unlikely that it will be possible to quickly solve the problem; lengthy diagnostics by specialists, including systems engineers, may be required.


From the described reasons for the 1C error, you have most likely already drawn some conclusions for yourself. We recommend that you adhere to several rules:
1. Make a copy of the 1C database. 1C is a program with commercial information. Losing a week’s worth of data, much less all of the data, is highly undesirable. Set for yourself the frequency of archiving the database in case of any unforeseen circumstances. Even better is to set up auto-archiving. We also recommend making a copy of 1C before making changes to the program code, before installing program updates.
2. Manage access. Restrict access to the configurator. Ordinary users should be prevented from making changes to the program code.
3. Power supply. Make sure that the computer (server) with the 1C base is protected from voltage surges and sudden power outages.
4. 1C specialist on duty. Keep the program archive in a cache and

How often does a specialist hear the phrase “1C doesn’t work”? Every day? Once a week? But this phrase hides many reasons, some of which can be eliminated quite quickly and easily, while others require careful analysis and a lot of time. What is the reason for unstable work? Surprisingly, in the vast majority of cases, 1C has nothing to do with it. Network problems, problems with equipment, incorrect software configuration and the phrases “1C does not start”, “does not open...”, “does not work...” will not take long to appear.

In this article we will analyze several examples of errors when starting 1C, describe the possible reasons for their occurrence and methods of elimination.

1C:Enterprise platform is not installed

Jokes aside, this situation is not that uncommon. Especially considering that the average user often confuses the program launch shortcut and the remote desktop access shortcut. System administrators like to call the shortcut for accessing the terminal server simply “1C,” although it must be understood that the Windows terminal server has nothing to do with 1C. Therefore, to simplify the division of the situation into problems with 1C and problems with other software and hardware, it is recommended to understand whether you see the form of a list of databases. If you do not see the form or it cannot be launched, then there is no 1C error and it is incorrect to say that “1C does not work” at the moment.

Many people formulate this problem as “1C is missing”. Here we should separate what is missing: the database itself has disappeared or the launch shortcut has disappeared. Strictly speaking, it is extremely rare for something to simply disappear. If you properly maintain the program and have automatic backups configured, then such problems will always avoid you.

What are the symptoms of the absence of a platform on the computer from which you need access to 1C?

  • Object "1C<ВерсияПлатформы>" that this shortcut refers to has changed or moved, and the shortcut no longer works.
  • Remote Desktop was unable to connect to the remote computer

If you are faced with the first situation, then you are trying to launch the platforms through a shortcut on the desktop. This means you once had the 1C:Enterprise platform installed. This is already good. You may be trying to launch the program through an old shortcut, check if you have any other shortcuts. Ideally, you should launch 1C through the file - 1cestart.exe. This is a special launcher that helps manage different installed versions of the platform. You can read about it in detail. If you don’t see any other shortcuts on your desktop, it’s time to figure out whether the platform is currently installed on your computer. This can be done by opening Windows Control Panel --> Programs and Features and finding it in the list. Or, try to find through Windows Explorer, on one of the hard drives, in the Program Files (Program Files (x86)) folder, the 1cv8 folder. Inside this folder there will be directories with different versions of 1C. In the common directory, find 1cestart.exe and bring the shortcut to your desktop. All these situations can be avoided by renting 1C from.

If you access 1C through a terminal server, and on your computer you only launch a shortcut to access the server on which the program is installed, then the procedure for resolving the problem is completely different. It is quite easy to distinguish this label from the 1C label. It looks like two monitors located behind each other, or the second option, the remote desktop connection file is directly saved on the desktop, this file has the extension .rdp. If this is your case, then it will most likely be quite difficult to cope without. You need to understand what server you are working on, what the problem is with accessing this server, etc.

"Database file is missing" error

The error text is as follows: " database file missing" and then the path where the file was not found. This only occurs in the file mode of operation 1C. This can only mean one thing - the data file “1Cv8.1CD” was not found along the path that is specified in the database properties. The reasons may be the following:

  • If the database has never been launched, then the wrong directory is specified in its properties
  • If the database was launched earlier, then the directory specified in the database properties is no longer accessible (the directory has been deleted/moved, network access is denied, the network is not available, etc.)
  1. Make sure that the specified directory exists (open the specified directory with Explorer)
  2. Make sure that read and write access to the specified directory is allowed
  3. Make sure that the file "1Cv8.1CD" exists in the specified directory

If the file "1Cv8.1CD" could not be found, you must use a current copy

If difficulties arise and you cannot solve the problem yourself, you need to contact your system administrators or who will jointly resolve the problem.

Error "Infobase not found"

The error text is as follows: " Infobase not found". Occurs only in. It means the following: the server cluster or infobase name is specified correctly. To resolve the problem, you must contact your system administrator, since you need to gain access to the 1C server.

  1. Make sure that the 1C server is available (the server is turned on, network access is implemented)
  2. Make sure that the specified database exists on the 1C server

Error when performing an operation with the infobase

The error text is as follows: " An error occurred while performing an operation with the infobase. Incompatible database file version" or " An error occurred while performing an operation with the infobase. Database file is corrupted". Occurs only in file operating mode. It means the following: the database file has been damaged. There can be many reasons: network problems when writing a file, unsuccessful file copying, sudden power outage, while the program is running, etc.

To fix the problem, it is recommended to contact. As a last resort, you can use the chdbfl.exe utility, which is located in the "bin" folder in the directory in which 1C was installed. Before using the utility YOU MUST MAKE A COPY! Unfortunately, this problem is quite critical, there is a possibility that recovery is impossible. In this case, you must always have a current copy on hand. Also, there are people of this kind who are always ready to help you!

Error "client and server versions differ"

The error text is as follows: " client and server versions differ" and further, the client and server versions are indicated in parentheses. Occurs only in client-server operating mode. It means the following: an attempt was made to start 1C with a client whose version does not match the server version.

  1. Make sure that the same version of the program is installed on your computer as on the server
  2. Make sure that it starts from the “1cestart.exe” shortcut or from the “1cv8.exe” version shortcut corresponding to the version of 1C server.

"License not found" error

These are not all the errors that occur when starting 1C. But no matter what mistakes you encounter along the way, we are ready to help in a situation of any complexity, deal with any problem and take all possible measures to prevent such problems in the future!

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Problem #1: The database file is missing.
Solution: This error tells you that the database files were not found at the specified path:

1C Accounting ".

Most likely these files were moved to another location on the disk, or were deleted. If, after all, they were deleted, try using special software that allows you to recover deleted files, just try not to use the computer at all before restoring the files (just turn it off), otherwise the chances of recovering deleted files will be less and less over time.

Problem #2. When entering the configuration - 1c hangs. Or 1C hangs when working in it, for example, when processing documents.
Solution: Many people don’t know about this, but there is one wonderful remedy! This is a special utility (exe file), which is installed along with 1c and is located in the "bin" directory, and the file name is "chdbfl.exe". For example, on my computer, the full path to this file is “C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv82\\bin\chdbfl.exe”, where “” is the number of the last installed release of the 1c platform, To put it simply, you need to open the folder with the installed platform of the maximum (by number) release in the directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv82\", and then go to the "bin" folder and run the file "chdbfl.exe ".

In the "DB file name" field, indicate the path to the file "1Cv8.1CD" in the 1C database directory. How to view the 1C database directory - see screenshot No. 1 (above). Be sure to check the "Correct detected errors" checkbox and click "Run". After completing this procedure, 1c in many cases begins to work as before. It is also recommended to run the "chdbfl.exe" utility if 1C is very slow during operation, for example, when closing a month, when posting documents or when generating reports.

After executing the "chdbfl.exe" utility, it is also recommended to log into your database in Configurator mode.

Where the name of the database "Data Conversion" is any of your databases, for example, you may have " 1C Accounting ".

In the configurator, click on the "Administration" menu - "Testing and fixing..."

Set all the values ​​of the flags and switches in the "Testing and fixing the infobase" window as shown in the screenshot above and click "Run". After completion, close the configurator and log into 1C as usual. Before starting “Testing and fixing the infobase”, be sure to create an archive copy of the database, and read how to do this in our next article. Try to buy 1c from official partners of the 1c company so that there are fewer such problems.

Nov 08, 2017 30990

A situation may arise when 1C 8.3 does not start and an error appears - “Invalid data storage format” indicating the path to the file c users config runtimecachestorage. But don’t panic, the storage data format error is not as rare as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, in this article, let's find out how to fix the error in 1C 8.3.

Reasons for the error "Invalid data storage format" in 1C 8.3

As a rule, the error appears due to incorrect shutdown of the 1C 8.3 program, or an unexpected shutdown of the computer. And to correct an error of incorrect data format, you do not need to do anything with the database; in most cases, it is enough to clear 1C temporary files, or clear the 1C cache.

What is cache 1C 8.3?

A cache is a special folder for the current user on the computer where the 1C platform stores various service information. And if the data was not written to the cache correctly, errors may appear. Clearing the cache in case of such errors, along with testing and correcting the database, are the main service functions that restore the functionality of the program.

How to clean 1C 8.3?

The cache files are stored in the AppData folder, in the user profile under which the 1C 8.3 program is launched. The easiest way to open it is through the command Start\Run\%userprofile%\AppData

Here we need to delete all the contents of the following folders:




After performing the deletion operations, we launch the 1C Enterprise 8.3 program again and enjoy life.

Clearing the 1C cache can help if various problems arise with launching 1C Enterprise 8.3, even when it closes immediately upon startup. So, clearing the cache may come in handy in practice.

Today I encountered a problem that appeared after the automatic backup of the 1C Accounting 8.3 database took place. I have configured a database backup when exiting the program. I successfully exited the program for a year, but apparently this time I exited somehow unsuccessfully :). But I couldn’t go in. My smart program wrote me a very clever phrase, which is intended more for a 1C programmer than for a simple user. So, let's deal with the problem not as 1C administrators, but as just an accountant :).

What to do if 1s 8.3 does not open after a backup and the message “starting a session with the infobase is prohibited, backup is prohibited...”

If, when opening a 1C database, instead of opening the database, the following message is displayed:

“Starting a session with the infobase is prohibited. To perform a backup...” The following are instructions for the administrator on how to launch the database, but this instruction will be of little help to the accountant.

Easier solution:

You need to find the folder on the disk in which the 1C Accounting 8.3 database is located. Open folder. Inside the folder you will see the following:

In the folder you need to find the file 1Cv8.cdn. Need to delete file 1Cv8.cdn and start 1C:Enterprise again.

As you can see, everything is simple. And it’s great that my article was useful to you, I’m very happy to help you. Let it be easier for accountants to work so that they have more free time for themselves and their loved ones!

That's all for today!

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