Invitation to event call to action phrases. Call to action in a commercial proposal, what is its strength

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“Do good - he will come back” is written on the wall of the neighboring house where my windows overlook. Every morning this phrase motivates me to be a little kinder and more tolerant.

If only all the words that encourage action on websites were so effective.

Today we’ll talk about how to create ones that can force the user to do what you need without bloodshed and moral humiliation. We’ll help you choose the words to achieve this goal, we’ll find out where to place phrases that hit the heart, we’ll spice it all up with examples and a few secret information.

What are motivators for action and how do they work: when logic defeats psychology

Call to action (call-to-action) is an element that is a direct impetus for turning the user into a consumer.

If you offer to download a trial version of your program, buy a product, arrange a surveyor’s visit, subscribe to a newsletter - you convince your potential client to do what you want.

In this article we will discuss three types of motivators:

In the text

On the form

On the button

An effective call to action is a way to interact with a website visitor, no matter where they are located. The call inspires its significance, motivates and makes life easier, telling you what to do. And also he:

  • Arouses an emotional response. The person must decide that your trial version of the program is what he needs, socks with a 20% discount is what he really wants right now. That your blog is so cool that he simply has to subscribe to the newsletter. Before you push the customer to take action, you should explain that they have a problem and your product can solve it. Emphasize the benefits that a visitor will receive by subscribing to your newsletter, filling out form fields, or ordering your services.
  • Simple and clear. Short, succinct appeals motivate more than long, florid expressions. Calls in the text should be clear. Don't try to fit all your advantages and show how good you are into one summon. The same goes for buttons or forms. Simply “Order Now” located on the button below the product cards is much better than “Buy high-end steam generators equipped with a motion sensor.” The clearer the motivator, the more responses it will generate.
  • Reports additional benefits. Use motivators to talk about the goodies that your customers and clients can receive. If you have launched a promotion, then inform about it in a call in text or on a form. Use features from your USP in calls to action. Give fries with every pizza - place it on the button.

How to create an effective motivator for action: the components of your success

  • How to correctly compose and where to place a motivator for action in the text.
  • How to format and what you should pay attention to when placing calls on CTA buttons.

How to write: not in vain words

Burn with verbs

Verb = action. This is exactly what you expect from users on the site. Use verbs in your appeals to make motivators more effective.

In some cases, it is necessary to pay special attention to context. On some pages, just a button with the words “Buy” or “Order” is enough, and on some you need to reveal the action.

Here is an example of a button design on a product page. The motivator on the button is unclear to me.

What will happen to the directory? Will he come to the post office? Will it download to your computer? Will it arrive by plane with a courier? Or will it open on the website?

And here good example. The call uses 3 verbs. The first one talks about the purpose of filling out the form, the second one talks about what the user needs to do, the third one talks about what will happen next.

Use numbers

Evaluative vocabulary does not inspire confidence, but numbers specify information and make an impression on the user.

In the text

In the shape of

Here's another example.

It was possible to create a bad motivator and write: “A lot of people read us.” But the indication a certain amount bribes. 32,000 is a lot, this is a third of the population of the city in which I was born.

Not all numbers are so easy to imagine.

40% – is it a lot or a little? It seems like almost half, but not half. This advantage is not clear. I will neither go to the site nor buy.

If instead of 40% you write “Save 1000 rubles from each purchase,” then the call will become more clear. Well, it’s 1000 in your wallet, and it’ll stay there. I can visualize these savings.

Be helpful

Explain potential client, what benefits will be brought to him by performing a targeted action on your website. Why does he need a subscription to your articles, promotions and offers. The words “useful”, “irreplaceable”, “beneficial”, “pleasant” and others are not enough.

This is a bad call. What means " profitable offer“How are they beneficial, why do I even need this newsletter, what will I learn, what will I find out?

The motivator provides no benefit and is therefore ineffective.

In the form and on the button

In the text

Work on your style

Terminology, Difficult words and save expressions for other occasions; there is no need to try to seem complicated and inaccessible. To respond to a call, you need to understand it.

Imagine that you are proposing to take an action to a loved one or a good friend. Don’t go too far: keep colloquialisms, familiarity, and rude expressions to yourself. Your client is a person you respect and love.

I am wary of calls like “Grab a piece of freebies before they’re gone,” “Don’t miss out on discounts.” Such motivators are associated with selling low-quality goods and cheating. Remember the calls on banners like: “Stop feeding pharmacies, the lice will go away if...”.

They work, but only for a specific audience. For example, for our grandmothers or parents, factory workers who spend little time on the Internet.

They can easily snatch Chinese iPhone, writing “Hurry up! An awesome iPhone is waiting for you for only 3,000 rubles.” Or sell goji berries, kombucha, or a shovel attachment that will allow you to separate weed roots from potato sprouts.

And here is an example from the Big Cutting site - a project in which people, for a certain fee, receive a training and nutrition system that helps them lose extra pounds. At the end of the season, participants can put their before and after photos up for voting and win impressive prizes, such as a car or breast surgery.

The creator of the project, known for his extraordinary posts, love of witty words and aggressive presentation of information in videos and posts on social networks, can afford to frame the appeal in this way.

Because his audience likes it. Several million subscribers and 16 drying seasons speak about this.

Be brief

Keep your calls short. The more clearly you state the benefit, the more likely it is that your appeal will be heeded.

On the form and buttons

To kill your inner graphomaniac,...

How to properly design a motivator

The site's appeal should be noticeable and stand out from the general background. Choose bright and contrasting colors for buttons and pop-up forms so that they stand out from the main background of the site.

Don’t go too far and turn your calls into something acidic by making the background of the form bright lime green and the text on it neon pink. When choosing color range be guided by the laws of good taste and reason.

Using an image is a great opportunity to make the motivator more noticeable. Place a high-quality and relevant photo or picture on the form.

If you prefer memes and funny pictures, remember that their life is very short. Zhdun, Dratuti, Vzhukh, Harold, who is in pain, and other cheerful guys have already outlived their days. Others will take their place, and so on ad infinitum.

While I was thinking about and writing this article, the following disappeared into oblivion: Nevelny, Druzhko, mined slipper, Dorow, Usmanov, chevapchichi, lol-kek-cheburek, spinners. And Pepe the frog is officially dead.

To always be aware of trends, you need to track them. Weekly meme collections on Medusa, BuzzFeed or 9GAG will help with this. Great for extras Google service Trends. I used it to create .

Americans have gone very far and invented a service that allows you to track online trends, memes and other outbreaks viral activity based on hashtags on the social network Twitter.

Dmitry Mazurov

In some topics, you can use appeals based on people's fears.

For example, you have an online store of air conditioners. Yours potential buyers trying to escape from summer heat. Press on the sore spot, make them move.

Add a picture of a sweaty person with a pained expression on his face. Write in the title something like “Don’t delay your choice. The heat is coming!” In the text, indicate a real advantage for a person if he makes a purchase right now: “Order an air conditioner right now and get a 10% discount on installation.” And for the button, the description of the action “Escape from the heat” is suitable.

However, when forming such appeals, you need to be careful and not overdo it. Excessive “amplification” of the consequences can cause distrust of the entire text of the motivator.

Also try not to use words that cause hostility. You will never see the word “acne” in the description of skin care products. Now it's called acne.

Where to place the call

A good motivator is not too intrusive; it does not cover up the main information on the site. But at the same time, he must be noticeable and noticed. This means bright, eye-catching and adapted to all screen resolutions.

Appeals in commercial texts should be placed at the end. When the reader got acquainted with the advantages of the product, he learned everything about delivery and assortment. The motivator will push him to the target action.

If you create calls in the form of a button or an image with text, then you have three options.

Fixed header

A fixed header is a regular bar that appears at the top of the page and remains in the same place, following the user as they scroll.

The advantages of a fixed header are:

  • It remains visible even if the user scrolls the page.
  • Does not interfere with viewing and is clearly visible at the same time. When designing your appeal in this way, make sure that it displays equally well on desktops, tablets and mobile phones.

A fixed header also has a couple of disadvantages.

  • Not enough space for big offer. You simply won’t have room to place a lot of text. All you have is a narrow strip at the top of the screen.
  • Limited design options. Little space means few opportunities.

Sidebar grip form

The form on the side does not follow the user. She is static. Therefore, the visitor has time to familiarize himself with the content of the page and then take an action.

Advantages of the lateral grip form:

  • The call is located in an area that is clearly visible to the user, and yet does not interfere with the viewing of the page, because it does not run after it and is not intrusive.
  • The shape on the sidebar gives limitless possibilities for designers' creativity. For it, you can use a design in different colors with images, a description, a call to action and a box for an email address.

Disadvantages of the sidebar capture form:

  • When the user scrolls down the page, they scroll down the form. And if there is no form, there is no action.
  • Many people confuse this form with contextual advertising and don't pay attention to her. This is why your call may go unnoticed.

Popup form

A pop-up form is a window that is shown to site visitors on top of other content under certain conditions.

Conditions may be:

  • Time spent on the site.
  • Go to the desired page.
  • Exit from the site.

Advantages of pop-up forms:

  • The appeal is noticeable and attracts attention.
  • Can be placed large text, a picture, which will make the call more effective.

There are also disadvantages:

  • Some people may find these pop-up blocks annoying. Therefore, they leave the site immediately after the pop-up form appears. My mother generally considers pop-up a virus.
  • You need to look at the analytics at least once every two weeks - how often they switch, after what time, what is highlighted in the text on the call, is it highlighted at all, is it closed, when is it closed, and when is it filled out.

Why are your calls not working?

Use many calls at once

A motivator for action is the cherry on the cake, and not a pound of filling inside the pie. Stop excesses.

The more options a user has to choose from, the more likely it is that he will refuse all of them at once and leave your site without ever taking the desired action.

Imagine that you went to the store to buy tomatoes for dinner. A consultant comes up to you and politely offers to help you with your choice. Then the second one, in unison, begins to tell him about discounts, the third one runs up and says: “Hey, we’re having a free tasting here, try a new type of coffee urgently.”

Your nerves are on edge, you’ve forgotten why you came, the tomatoes aren’t tempting, you’re too hungry, you just want to go home.

This is roughly what a visitor to your site feels. He wants to leave.

What to do

To buy or not to buy, that is the question. When your site visitors ask, you only have a couple of seconds to nudge them to the desired action. People, as a rule, are not so willing to part with honestly earned money, so the offer to “buy” should not only be catchy, but also convincing. This is where the “call to action” so beloved by internet marketers comes into play.

This term refers to the text of a button or link that the user must click to complete the main action on the site, namely a purchase. Such links usually lead to the checkout page or to contact form- depending on the topic of your site.

Motivate users

A little encouragement never hurts. Many companies (both large and small) offer their clients Special offers and limited time discounts. It's a well-known fact that a sense of urgency helps users make purchasing decisions faster.

Test different options

There is no universal set of phrases for every audience, so you need to constantly test various options to understand what exactly your users respond to best.

The CTR (Click Through Rate, also known as the click-through rate) of a site is influenced not only by the main content, but also color scheme and design. Test buttons in different colors and with different calls to action. Don't know where to start? Read ours.

Visitors come in but not everyone turns up? Are your sales numbers not growing? What's going wrong? Perhaps your ad is missing a call to action.
100 templates effective appeals to action. Implement!
Information request

1. Any questions? Ask.
2. Talk to an expert about a topic that interests you.
3. Manager ___ will be happy to answer you right now! Start a conversation.
4. Help me decide? Ask our online operators for advice.
5. To ask a question about a product you are interested in, click here.
6. Can't find a suitable product? Ask a question to a specialist.
7. Need help? Ask a question or call a specialist!
8. Contact us – we will be happy to answer all your questions.
9. Any questions? Write to us - we will be happy to answer.
10. Do you have questions about ___? Want to know the cost? Enter your phone number and we will contact you within 5 minutes.
11. Can't get through? Request a call back.
12. Any questions? Leave a request, we will call you back. Yes, call me back.
13. Yes, you are independent and you know everything perfectly well. Yes, you can read and use search. Yes, you don't like being distracted. But still... If you have any questions, press this button.

Cost calculation, ordering a consultation, downloading a trial version of the product

14. Get a quote.
15. Choose a tour.
16. Calculate the cost.
17. Open a free demo account.
18. Order a free estimate of the cost of our work.
19. Order a free measurement right now.
20. Order free call specialist
21. Get a free analysis of your ___.
22. Get a FREE consultation.
23. Book a free half-hour consultation.
24. Try _________ ( trial period 7 days).
25. An indispensable tool For ___. Try it for free.
26. Order a free trial version for 14 days!
27. Try ___ for free. 7 days to make sure it's right for you.
28. Want to make sure you can trust us? Test our services for two months.

Order a service, purchase a product

29. Buy today, save tomorrow.
30. Buy today, pay only in a month!
31. Buy and receive ___ as a gift.
32. Buy on sale.
33. Start ___ right now.
34. Yes, I want it.
35. Let's do this.
36. Let's go!
37. Get to work.
38. ___ in one click.
39. Hurry up to buy. Offer expires on __date___.
40. Hurry while the promotion lasts.
41. Take the first step ___.
42. Click here to start a new life.
43. Sign up for courses and realize your creative potential.
44. Buy ___ and you will forget what ___ is.
45. Order ___. Stay one step ahead.
46. ​​Order now and in 10 days you will ___.
47. Call: qualified specialists respond promptly to all calls.
48. Order now. 14 days free. Money back guaranteed.

detailed information

49. Click here for details.
50. Find out more.
51. Details here.
52. Find out how we have helped our clients ___.
53. Intrigued? Click here to find out more.

Event invitation

54. Reserve a place.
55. Reserve your seat now.
56. The number of places is limited.
57. The most exciting event in the industry. Do not miss your chance.
58. The most anticipated event of the year.
59. We invite everyone.
60. Free seminar for those who dream of ___.
61. Come to the seminar. The entrance is free.
62. Come to our seminar and you will learn ___.
63. Come to the seminar and I will teach you ___.
64. Click here to participate.

Sharing content

65. Did you like the post? Share with your friends!
66. Did you like the material? We will be grateful for reposts.
67. Did you like the material? Please repost!
68. Did you like the post? Don't forget to "like" it.
69. Was the information useful? Join social networks!
70. Did you like the article? Punch the star!
71. Did you like the material? Press the heart.
72. Did you like the article? Don't be a radish, stop drinking!
73. Don't be lazy! Share this article with your friend!
74. Don’t be a cheapskate, give it a like.
75. Make the world a little brighter - share this article with your friends!
76. Did you like the material? It's easy to say thank you! We will be very grateful if you share this article on social networks.
77. Do you like our agency? Like and share with your friends!
78. Repost and get a chance to win ___.
79. Share this article with your friends. Perhaps this will inspire them to...
80. Share the article! Be a man!
81. When you leave a page without liking it, there is one cat in the world who is sad.

Selling texts. How to turn a reader into a buyer Sergey Bernadsky

Call to action

Call to action

Many won't lift a finger if you don't give them precise instructions. This is important to consider when writing selling texts. A customer may love your product, but if you don't tell him exactly what to do, he'll forget about you within five minutes.

Therefore, it is very important to write a specific call to action.

The first thing you need to do is determine the end goal of your text. What action should the reader take? Call, write, click a button on the website, come to the store? Tell your readers what you want them to do. For example, like this: “To place an order, call 123–45–67 right now.” Or: “Press the button "Pay" to order your copy of the book."

You don't just provide contact information. You say what needs to be done (“call”, “click”, “write”). Feel the difference. It seems insignificant, but this is exactly what gives a noticeable increase in orders.

Some tips.

You can clarify exactly when you need to take the action.(“Call 123–45–67 right now"). But make sure that the phrase does not sound too rude and assertive.

Give clear instructions. For example, if you ask for an answer by e-mail, then tell me what the heading should be in the letter (“Write to me marked “Participation in the competition”"). If you indicate a phone number, write who will answer the call (“Call 123–45–67, and our manager will be happy to answer all your questions»).

The action should be simple and unambiguous. The simpler the better. If you have to register somewhere twenty times, fill out a three-page form and then call somewhere, it’s unlikely that anyone will like it very much. How easier process shopping, the better.

Be precise in your wording. If you say: “Find out details by phone,” then the person will call and find out the details. If you say: “Call and place an order,” then the person will call and order.

Use the imperative mood. Be careful with the word "if". For example, the phrase “If you want to order a product, then click the payment button” will not work very well. It expresses doubt that the reader wants to place an order. You must lead the consumer, guide him.

Don't give too many options. You must clearly lead to a sale. Big choice may be in the payment methods, but there should be no more than two or three options for action: “To order a consultation, call 12–34–56 or write to: address@mail. RU".

Examples of calls to action

- In order to register in time new group, call right now at 123–45–67.

– Click the “Pay” button to take part in the training.

– To participate in the competition, write to: info@samplemail. ru marked “Competition”.

From the book Selling Texts. How to turn a reader into a buyer author Bernadsky Sergey

Call to Action Many won't lift a finger unless you give them precise instructions. This is important to consider when writing selling texts. The consumer may like your product, but if you don't tell him what exactly needs to be done, he will forget about you within five

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How to create a call to action? What your call to action looks like depends largely on the frequency of your email. Failure to understand this rule can lead to serious mistakes. As we have already said, to take a step (follow a link, make a purchase or order a personal

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Call to action - a loner I remember a story from a Comedy Club show, when a professor suggested a student take an exam card: “Well, don’t delay.” The student did not know what to do: on the one hand, the examiner asks to pull the ticket, and then says “don’t pull.”

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Where does the call to action begin? A call to action begins with a verb that shows what exactly needs to be done. If in failed constructions the authors begin their presentation with uncertain “If __________”, “We hope you will be interested in __________” and so on, then

From the author's book

From idea to action Let's start at the beginning and see how people choose an idea for their project. At this stage, there are two main

Call to action(Call to Action) is a call in the form of an image, button, line of text that encourages clients and visitors (if it is a web resource) to take action: buy a product, register, download e-book, take part, etc. The main task of the CTA is to deliver the visitor to the final goal - to order, and along the shortest path.

This element is very important, because there are cases when a web project literally has everything: excellent optimized content that clearly describes the product being sold, attractive videos and photos showing it in action, reasonable prices and positive customer feedback.

But sales are stagnant, and all because of the lack of a clear call to action. Visitors carefully study the content of the page and become confused because they don’t see any hints on what to do next? Register, fill out a form, call? And then they simply leave the site. To prevent this and keep visitors on the site, you need to use a call to action, phrases that we will consider below.

What calls to action are effective?

Effective CTAs must have some features:

  1. Catchy design. Otherwise, the CTA will go unnoticed and no one will react to it. It should be moderately large, with bright colors that would stand out against the general background of the page. It's important not to overdo it here.
  2. Contain action verbs to attract attention.
  3. Reflect the visible benefits of the proposal. A person must know exactly what a click on the CTA will entail (downloading a book, template, training course, etc.).

It is important to understand that different approaches are taken for different clients. Therefore, it is worth carefully considering at what stage to conduct a Call to Action, since this is not necessarily an offer to purchase a product. This may include subscribing to a newsletter, filling out a survey, leaving a review, etc.

If you begin to understand the interests of your target audience, success is guaranteed! The main thing here is to study the needs of the audience, the characteristics of their behavior at all stages and carry out segmentation. The analysis results will help you make your call to action as effective as possible.

It is very smart to use a call to action in an ad or on a sales page ( Landing Page) - this makes it more effective. This is especially important for advertising on the Internet.

Call to action examples

There are many CTAs that have stood the test of time. These are preparations for all occasions.

For example, to update your blog or registration It is better to use the following templates:

  • Subscribe if you want to keep abreast of events in the field...
  • Do you want to be ahead of your competitors? Register!
  • Become successful by joining us!
  • Subscribe to blog updates so you don't miss useful knowledge!
  • Register and be the first to see the new collection!
  • Become a pro immediately!
  • Subscribe if you like ___.
  • Want some inspiration? Join us!
  • Register and receive valuable information for free!

Calls to action in sales, examples:

  • Start using
  • I want it!
  • Buy on promotion
  • Order...
  • Get to work
  • Go!
  • Buy now, save later.
  • Start ___ immediately.
  • ___ in one click.
  • Hurry up, promotion expires.
  • Click and live in a new way.
  • Forget ____, buy ____.
  • If ___ is valuable to you, we are waiting for you!
  • Contact us, our specialists will promptly respond to all requests.
  • Order now. 7 days free.

For commenting:

  • Be the first to add comments, don't be shy!
  • What else would you add to the above?
  • Do you agree?
  • Interested to know your opinion!
  • What do you say about this?
  • If you have any additions to the post, don't hesitate!
  • Whoever leaves a comment will get a discount on ___!

To share content:

  • Did you like the post? Give it a like!
  • Did you like the material? Don't forget to like!
  • Did you like the article? Click the heart!
  • Liked? Share with your friends!
  • Don't be lazy, share!
  • Did you like the post? Share!
  • Was the material useful? Like it"!
  • Did you like the information? Click on the heart!
  • Add color to the world - share with friends!

To request information:

  • Who has questions? Post it!
  • Find out what an expert thinks about it!
  • The manager will answer all questions right now!
  • Our online operator will help you with your choice. Start a conversation.
  • If you need help? Ask a question!
  • For information, use the form below.
  • Is it difficult to make a choice? Ask an expert!
  • Leave a request with questions and we will call you back.
  • You know everything, yes, you can’t argue with that, but still, if you have questions, ask, don’t be shy.

To calculate the cost, download a trial version or order a consultation:

  • Calculate the cost.
  • Get a quote.
  • Order a free call.
  • Get a free analysis.
  • Open a free account.
  • Use our online calculator.
  • Free consultation is with us.
  • Free testing.
  • Take advantage trial version no risk and free!
  • To evaluate the capabilities of ___, get trial access for free.

To view the entire post:

  • I wonder what will happen next? Click here!
  • Read completely.
  • To continue, click here!
  • Continued here!
  • I want to know more.
  • Read the whole article.
  • Continue.

To download content:

  • Exclusive article. Download.
  • Download for free.
  • Download without restrictions.
  • Download without registration.
  • Receive the catalog by email.
  • Download free e-book.

For an invitation to an event

  • Don't miss the most exciting event.
  • We are waiting for you!
  • See you!
  • We invite you …
  • Book your place now.
  • Seminar for everyone.
  • We are waiting for you at the free seminar.
  • Click here and take part.
  • You want to know ___? Come! The entrance is free.

Obviously, it should be short enough, since it will be difficult to fit a lot of text onto a small button.

Limiting the time for the sale or promotion of a particular product/service is incredibly effective. Practice shows that having a time limit increases conversion significantly.

Bottom line

If your creative appeals are created based on the analyzes and segmentations carried out target audience, then with their help you can achieve great success in promotion and increase the conversion of the project.

Experiment and everything will work out.

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