There are no coverages in the directory. Adding special elements

Website tiles in the quick panel Windows access 10 and 8.

Hi all! Today I want to touch on the topic of site tiles for operating rooms Windows systems 8 and Windows 10, and tell you how to do this for your site.

Site tiles- these are images for quick access buttons located in the quick access panel of the Windows 10 and 8 operating systems. By clicking on these buttons, the user opens the resource he needs: a computer program, a game, a website, photo libraries, music and other various applications. In some ways, this is similar to bookmarks in a browser, with the only difference being that the user does not need to initially open the browser to view the site. By clicking on a site tile, he immediately opens a browser on the site or site page he needs.

Site Tiles for Windows

Keeping up with the times, webmasters constantly need to add additional features to their sites. So once upon a time there appeared favicons, bookmarks for Yandex and other features that made it easier end user use and understanding.

But let's return to the site tiles. If you still don’t understand what we’re talking about, I’ll throw in two images that explain what it is. In Windows tenth, if you click on Windows icon in the taskbar or just press the (win) button on the keyboard, the quick access panel will open:

And in Windows 8 this is generally the start page:

These are quick access tiles, to the variety of which you can add site tiles.

And another reason why you need to create tiles for websites is that if they are absent, only the smallest tile size will be displayed in the quick access panel and the ability to increase its size in the settings will not be available.

How to make website tiles

This is done simply and easily. To do this you need to do 4 images And 1 file with title browserconfig.xml, which will contain a small code for setting up site tiles.

The main task is to prepare the images - everything else is “easier than a steamed turnip”.

Images for site tiles

Site tiles are displayed in four sizes 70x70px, 150x150px, 310x150px and 310x310px. You can set a separate image for each size.

Let me immediately note that there is a display hierarchy for site tiles. To display larger tiles, smaller tiles must be available.

Microsoft provides the following guidelines regarding image sizes for tiles:

Tile size Standard tile sizes Minimum image size Recommended Image Size
Small 70 x 70 56 x 56 128 x 128
Average 150 x 150 120 x 120 270 x 270
Wide 310 x 150 248 x 120 558 x 270
Big 310 x 310 248 x 248 558 x 558

Also, the Windows developers give the following note:

To ensure the tiles work at the most different devices, use images that are 1.8 times larger standard size tiles - this way the image can be scaled as needed.

In general, you need to create 4 images of a standard or window-recommended size, which will be displayed as site tiles. If the images are ready, then more than 90% of the work is done.

You can give any names to the images, but without spaces or Cyrillic, and you can place them anywhere on your website.

browserconfig.xml file

To the quick panel Windows access site tiles are delivered thanks to the file browserconfig.xml., which specifies the path to the images assigned to the tiles.

File browserconfig.xml small in content. Here's all the code:


Below you can download this file:

Download browserconfig.xml file

Unzip the downloaded folder and open the file in it browserconfig.xml using a code editor (VSCode, Notepad++, etc.), text editor or just a regular Windows notepad, after which you need to correct the values ​​in it according to where you will have the images and their names.

Now regarding the file settings browserconfig.xml

As such, three settings can be distinguished - version, file path and tile background color. Let me explain to you in detail what, where and what it is responsible for, so that you can understand everything about the settings.

In the first line the code:

The version and encoding of the file are indicated here. We do not touch the encoding, but the file version is needed so that when changing the tile image, it is possible to update it in the panel of the user who has added your site to their quick access panel.

How it works.

For example, after some time you decided to change the images for the tiles. After replacing the images, you also need to change the version and change "1.0" to "1.1", "1.2", "1.3"...."1.11"..... "2.1", "2.2", etc.

By increasing the number, you update the version. Moreover, when a user visits your site through the Edge or Explorer 11 browser, his tile image will automatically change to a new one, without any of his participation.

I think this is clear.

The following is the code in the block tile. It contains the paths to the tile images. The path is indicated in double quotes after src=

Images for tiles can be placed anywhere on the site. You can also give any names to the images; it is not necessary to take the name from the code I provided. The main thing is to specify the correct path to the image in the code. And yet, it is not necessary to store images in one folder - you can scatter them throughout different places and indicate this in the paths to them.

AND last setting- tile background color. Responsible for this this part code:


You can replace the silver color #f5f5f5 I indicated with green #009900, or red #f90000. As you wish...

This is where all the settings end.

Connecting site tiles

After the images for the tiles are placed on the site, and in the file browserconfig.xml All settings are done, you need to place this XML file with the name browserconfig.xml V root folder your site .

That's all!!! Tiles are connected. Edge and Internet Explorer 11 browsers automatically read the file when a user pins a site.

Adding site tiles to the quick access panel is done through native windows browsers EDGE or Internet Explorer 11 and higher. To do this, you need to open the site in this browser More (three dots at the top right) and select Pin this page to Start:

The tile is then automatically added to the Quick Access Toolbar, where you can move it and set its size.

That's all. Good luck with your website building!!!

New menu new system Windows 10 for solution various tasks– mixture classic start"seven" and the initial screen of "eight". Many complaints about the new kind The “Start” buttons in the intermediate edition of the operating system between 7 and 10 contributed to the transformation of the menu.

As for the appearance of the new Launch, it includes design elements from the new tiled interface Metro, copied from Explorer windows, and classic items. Microsoft provide ample opportunities for customizing this menu: any panel elements, both tiles and classic icons, are placed in a place convenient for the user. Almost every panel element can be removed. This way you can remove almost all Metro elements - tiles and turn the menu into a “Start”, not much different from the start in Windows 7, or fill the screen with various tiles. How all this is done is written below. Although anyone can figure out how setting up the new menu works.

Getting to grips with the design

After clicking the mouse button on the classic “Start” button, an extensive menu opens, designed in the form of a drop-down panel. On the left are the usual Windows users 7 shortcuts to frequently used programs, and right side filled with a variety of tiles.

On the left side of the windows, in addition to programs, there is a button “All applications”, a mouse click on which will display a list of installed software products in Windows 10. They are sorted alphabetically. There is also a panel here that allows you to configure menu settings or create one of the tasks to turn off the PC.

After clicking on the account name, a panel will open where you can configure it, log out, or lock the computer. Any of the tasks is carried out with a single mouse click on the corresponding icon.

The right side of the screen contains Windows 8 interface elements - tiles, sorted into groups. Cry right click mouse over the panel will allow you to change its size, make it static, delete, unpin or uninstall the program responsible for the element. Static tiles: Many programs display relevant information on tiles, in addition to the windows of the open application. If this data is not needed or annoying, it is easy to disable updating it. The drag&drop function also works here: tiles can be dragged, setting their new locations anywhere on the screen.

Elements of the new Start are easily grouped. To do this, you need to place them side by side using the mouse. The formation of a group will be indicated by the appearance of a translucent rectangle. You can give a group of elements a name. Unlike mobile Windows versions 10, groups in PC OS are not collapsed. Perhaps in the future developers will be faced with one of these tasks.

By clicking the mouse on the panel or the “Start” button, as in the previous ones editions of Windows, called context menu, through which the task manager, control panel and command line are launched.

Removing unnecessary things

Let's figure out how deletion works unnecessary tiles in Windows 10 using the mouse, minimizing the size of the panel and making it larger work area. Removing the panel is done as follows: call its context menu by clicking on the icon and click “Unpin from Start Screen”.

At the right border of the panel, press left button mouse and change its size to a minimum (swipe to the left side of the screen), after which only the classic “Start” will remain.

Your Start menu now looks like the menu familiar from Windows 7.

More fine-grained personalization

A larger number of parameters are located in the “Personalization” section. The transition to it is done by right-clicking on a free space on the screen on the desktop and selecting the appropriate tasks.

It works as follows: go to the desired tab by clicking on its name. Next, click on the switches, activating or disabling the proposed parameters Windows panels 10.

Here you can also enable an option that allows you to run home screen V full screen mode, which is very reminiscent of the “eight” (the option is convenient for working on touch displays, especially when many windows are open). In the corresponding tab, the display of numerous directories in the Start menu is disabled.

In the Color tab, you select the color scheme of not only windows, but also the Windows 10 Start, which is selected automatically based on color range desktop screen pictures. The color you choose also applies to the background on which the tiles are placed. Transparency of menus, like windows, can also be activated manually.

A new feature of the Windows 10 interface is the function of changing the height and width of the launcher. This is done in the same way as for windows: using the mouse.

To solve the problems presented in the article (more precisely, return the classic Start menu), you can turn to the program for help Classic Shell, which also works in Windows 10.

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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

1. Procedure for payment and receipt of the distribution kit for installing the Kafel program

Please note that the demo version distributions presented in the Download section of the site are do not have registration function and are intended only to familiarize yourself with the functionality of the program. You can find out about the limitations of demo versions.

To pay for the program, go to the Buy section of the site.

For individuals payment is made using the service Robo.Market (bank cards, Internet bank, mobile operators, terminals, etc.) To do this, follow the appropriate link, place an order and pay for the program (or service). If you do not find the position you need to pay for, contact the developer to provide an individual link.

For organizations (legal entities or individual entrepreneurs) payment is provided for non-cash payments. Fill out the payment form, select software or service and click “Continue”. To the one indicated in the payment form email an invoice will be received for payment.

Upon receipt of funds, no later than 24 hours, a letter will be sent to your e-mail containing data for authorization on the site with access to the working distribution of the program with a registration function.

The program must be installed on a computer that meets the developer’s recommendations and a request must be sent to receive a license key.

When purchasing the First Workstation of the PROF or PROF+RENDER version of the program, the user receives a subscription to the “Collections” section for a period of one year free of charge.

2. Is there training in the Tile program?

Tile (Tile3D) is one of the most accessible programs with an intuitive interface and is designed for the work of a completely untrained user. No special training is required. Unlike other programs, the Tile3D tool is very simple, yet allows you to complete projects of varying complexity. This is very important, since it eliminates the constant dependence on training on the part of the developer.

It is enough to watch one introductory video Working in the Tile program and you can already create projects of typical premises.

However, if you still need advice on working with the program, just submit a request to technical support and our specialists will contact you at a time convenient for you.

  • Those who paid for the program can receive a working distribution (with the Registration function) after logging in on the site; install the program on your computer and register (obtain a license).
  • Those who are just considering purchasing the program can download the demo version of the program ( there are functionality restrictions) in the section Download and install on your computer. Installation instructions are provided to help.
  • The main video lesson “Working in the Tile program” is located in the Video Tutorials section of the website. It will give you an idea of ​​how the program works, its main purposes and functions. The rest of the video lessons show individual opportunities programs are more comprehensive.
  • Try to create a project for the simplest room and perform standard tile installation. Then complicate the task, add slabs (boxes, podiums, partitions) to the project, build a niche and perform more complex tile laying (with rotation, with inserts, using figured tiles, etc.) If you succeed, then you are guaranteed to be able to work in the program.

The program manual is always at hand. Just call “help” (F1) and you will get the most detailed information about each program tool.

But it’s worth noting that if you have a weak video adapter, the graphics may not work correctly.

« Setting up light sources"helps to set the desired level of room illumination from two main cameras: perspective (front view) and orthogonal (top view), as well as the one installed in the project additional source light (for example, a ceiling or wall light), if highlighted. Learn more about light source settings

If the project is completely ready, select the project scene and open the tab Mode → Visualization. This mode designed to form a higher-quality 3D picture, taking into account the settings of light, shadow, etc. Learn more about visualization settings

Rendering, spherical panorama, 3D glasses

The “external render” option is available in versions of the PROF+RENDER program and is designed to obtain a high-quality photorealistic image of a project or a spherical 3D panorama. Examples can be seen

The mode is called up by selecting the menu Mode → External render.

After completing the project settings, perform “Export the project to external render format” and then click the “Start render” button (to obtain an image of a separate scene of the project) or “Spherical panorama” (to select the mode for generating a spherical panorama).

A panoramic image can be demonstrated on the screen of a monitor or other device using a special utility (for example, DevalVR player) or using 3D glasses. As budget option simple VR glasses + a smartphone with installed player, for example like this →

5. When exporting to Pov-Ray format, the message appears: “file access denied”

The most likely problem is with access rights in the Tile program.

In operating systems Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 the security system assumes the presence full rights access to the application directory. In addition, it is recommended to make the user the owner of the program directory (and subdirectories).

How to solve a problem:

  1. Uninstall the program. Delete the remaining subdirectories manually.
    Install the program as follows:
    Run the program distribution file as administrator.
    RMB click on the program distribution file, go to the PROPERTIES → COMPATIBILITY menu and check the box "" (For different versions Windows operating systems may vary). Install the program in the root directory (for example, C:\)

  2. OR
    RMB click on executable file Tile3D.exe (or the shortcut from which you launch the program), go to the PROPERTIES → COMPATIBILITY menu and check the “ Run this program as administrator».

6. The program was registered, but switched to demo mode

  1. Check whether the paid licenses correspond to the number of registered programs.
  2. The program must be launched as an administrator.
    RMB click on the executable file Tile3D.exe(or the shortcut from which you launch the program), go to the PROPERTIES → COMPATIBILITY menu and check the box “ Run this program as administrator».
  3. It is necessary to exclude the influence of the antivirus on unauthorized deletion or blocking of program files. In your antivirus settings, set the Tile3d application as an exception.

For outdated versions

Please note that the registration key is tied to the HARDWARE ID of your program and can only be used for registration on this workstation (computer).

The described problem could be observed in current versions programs 4.0-6.0 (not serviced as of 01/01/2019) when the user did the following:

  • replacement or modernization of equipment, including redistribution hard memory disk;
  • replacement or upgrade (update) of the Windows operating system;
  • changed Account Windows user;
  • The level of rights to launch and work in the program has been changed.

In such cases, the HARDWARE ID of the program (section of the program Help → Registration) may change and the previously issued registration key does not work.

The developer has the right to refuse to replace the registration key if the replacement limit is exceeded or the user violates the license agreement.

7. Can't register. The program remains in demo mode

  1. When registering program versions 7.** must be copied correctly registration key and registration name, received from the developer.
  2. Check the version of the program you paid for and the version you are trying to register.
  3. Compare the HARDWARE ID in the program (Help → Registration) and the one you specified in the request.
  4. You may not have permission to create a key file. Run the program as administrator
  5. During registration outdated versions(4.0-6.0), the key should be copied as a single line without spaces. To avoid key data corruption, don't use Outlook app.

8. How to add tiles and 3D objects to the program?

A registered user of the program can use the service of access to the Collections database, which greatly speeds up the process of filling the program directories with the necessary tiles and 3D models. Missing tile collections can be ordered by sending a request to the developer's email. The letter must indicate the name of the manufacturer, the collection and a link to the site where there is information about this collection.

9. How can I save/transfer the tile base?

The program version 7 has the ability to archive the coating directory for subsequent restoration. This operation can be useful for saving the tile directory from accidental damage to the program or for routine reinstallation of the program with subsequent restoration of the directory or transferring the version 7 program to another workstation.

In this case, it is better to store the directory archive on a separate medium.

10. The file cannot be exported to MS Office Excel or OpenOffice format

The file may not be exported for the following reasons:

  1. You may have a functionally limited package installed MS Office Starter, which does not support OLE Automation. It is this technology that is used when importing and exporting to the Tile program. In this case, the system may display the message “ Invalid class string" To solve the problem, install the professional MS Office package (Excel).
  2. If it is not possible to install the professional MS Office package, install OpenOffice (Calc) and then be sure to install the utility

For correct operation program reporting forms in OpenOffice (Calc) adjustments need to be made. In Windows we configure decimal separator. Start → Control Panel → Language and Regional settings(Regional standards) → Extra options. Select " point" (instead of "comma").

11. Message “Index in out of date. Index: IDIDGroup"

An error may occur during the collection import process if the coatings directory contains items with an empty name or a missing texture.

Delete the collection you imported. Check the directory for positions with “dummy” items and remove them. If you cannot find any, delete any collection that is not needed.

Optimize the directory: File → Data Optimization → (one by one) Materials Reference / Texture Files. Wait until optimization is complete and import the collection again.

12. When starting, the program displays the message: Creating index files DBCONFIG.DB Unknown internal operating system error...

The reasons are third-party and there may be several of them:

  1. The application does not have enough rights to launch and operate. Run the program with administrator rights.
  2. In the antivirus settings, set the Tile3d application as an exception.
  3. Disable DEP for Tile3d:
    For Windows XP: computer - properties - advanced - data execution prevention - enable DEP for all except - add Tile3D.
    For Windows 7 and higher, you can find out, for example,
  4. Errors on the hard drive. Perform a full scan (scan) hard drive With automatic correction errors.
  5. Windows OS does not work correctly. In this case, most often, only reinstalling the OS helps.

13. There are no coverages in the directory

  1. If the reference book is defined as "demo", i.e. There are sections, but they do not contain the assortment you previously entered, optimize the directory: “File” → “Data optimization” → “Texture files” (in any case).
  2. Check in the properties of the program shortcut to see if it matches the application you are running. It is not uncommon for several copies of programs, including demos, to be installed on a computer, and the user mistakenly launches working copy programs.
  3. It is important to have full rights to launch and operate the application. This is especially true for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 if the application (Tile3D) is installed in the C:\Program Files... directory. in this case, if the subdirectories responsible for the materials directory have insufficient rights, Windows can block the operation of files or move files (for example, to the user’s local directory).
  4. If the directory is completely empty, i.e. there are not even partitions, there is a high probability that the DATA subdirectory is damaged by third-party interference. First, optimize the directory. If the problem is not resolved:
    • Check HDD where the program is installed to check for errors
    • Perform a full scan with automatic error correction. “Properties” of the disk → Tools → Run scan (check all the boxes).
    • If you are using an antivirus, in the antivirus settings, set the program directory (Tile3D) as an exception.
    • Make sure there are no viruses and malware on your computer. It is better if a specialist does this.
    • Install the program by updating (when installing, be sure to specify the address of the program directory (for example C:\Tile3d_70) and select the “Update: from version ....” component)

Helpful advice: Can hardly be guaranteed full protection from accidental deletion or damage to the program directories, both from the user himself and due to problems in the operation of the equipment and system. Therefore, it makes sense to periodically save the most important components: directory of coatings (via archiving), catalog of 3D models (Models), project files (Projects), layouts (Samples) or copy the entire “Tile3D...” directory. Copying must be done with the program unloaded, on physical media, different from where the program is installed. Thus, when similar problems, You can always quickly restore the program.

14. When trying to start a program, the program window appears for a moment and then disappears

  1. When the program starts, the OpenGL functionality is initialized. Lack of full support for this functionality may block the launch. It is recommended to download the video driver from the equipment manufacturer and update it. If the program was previously launched and running, perhaps during the update process, Windows may have changed the settings, including making adjustments to the video adapter settings. This can happen on devices with an integrated graphics card.
  2. If you are using an antivirus, set Tile3D as an exception in its settings. Or disable some options that could potentially prevent the app from launching.
  3. Disable DEP blocking. You can find out how to do this for Windows 7 and higher, for example, Other settings may be made or security utilities installed that potentially prevent applications from running. For example, Windows 10 has added the ability to allow installation of applications only from Windows Store. That is, if this function is enabled, users of this computer will not be able to install applications downloaded from the Internet.
  4. A similar problem can occur if the user, for example, did not install the program, but moved the program directory from one computer to another, where the program was not previously installed.

One of the main Windows differences 10 noticeable to users, from previous versions, was a change in the operating system interface. We will tell you how to customize the Start menu in Windows 10 for yourself. comfortable work with the system.

Metro style: new implementation

The graphical interface of Windows OS, called Metro, replaced Aero several years ago, when Microsoft mobile OS and desktop Windows 8 were introduced. Instead of glossy icons, the company introduced new format menu consisting of rectangular tiles.

This interface turned out to be very comfortable for owners mobile devices(smartphones and tablets) equipped with touch screens. But users of desktop PCs and laptops reacted ambiguously to the innovation. Navigating the tiled menu with a mouse turned out to be noticeably more difficult than using the touchscreen, and some people were hostile to the innovation.

However, given the growing popularity touch screens In the laptop and desktop niche, we should expect the Metro interface to only increase in popularity.

The Start Menu is back

The Start menu has been an integral part of the Windows OS interface for many years, but in 2012 it was decided to abandon its use in favor of the Metro desktop. Not everyone was happy with this innovation, and in the latest version of their OS, Microsoft decided to return it, having significantly improved it.

There was a lot of debate about whether the Start menu is needed in version 10 of Windows, but the majority of users were in favor of the need to return this interface element. It is not known whether Microsoft listened to the opinions of users, or was guided by ergonomics, but, one way or another, the modified Start menu has returned.

The main difference between the new implementation of this interface element is the combination of classic menu items and live tiles. The customization options have also expanded: now everyone can customize the Start menu for themselves.

Setting up a tiled interface in Start

Unlike classic icons responsible for calling applications, tiles are interactive elements. They can be used not only as a shortcut, but also serve to display relevant information from the application. This could be a weather forecast, number unread messages

, foreign exchange rates, service notices. The functionality of live tiles in the new OS remains the same Windows level 10, Microsoft did not introduce any visible innovations. To customize the tiles, just click right key

mouse over icon. You can edit the size, color, turn animation on or off, send the icon to the taskbar, or remove the icon from Start.

Adding and removing new tiles

To add a new application tile, find it in the list of programs and right-click on its name. From the pop-up menu, select “Pin to Home Screen.”

In order to change the location of the icon in the menu, you need to right-click the tile and drag it to Right place.

Size customization

Users have the ability to change not only the location, but also the size of the tiles. There are several size options available for each icon. Depending on them, the functionality of the tile changes: when minimum size the tile serves only to call the program, but when enlarged it can also be used as an output element. How much information an icon can display, and in what format it will do so, depends on its size.

In order to change the size of a tile, you need to right-click on it and select the “Resize” option.

The tiles can be rectangular or square in size. How larger size It has the wider functionality, but on small screens the loss of space can cover all the benefits from it.

A small drawback of tiles is that if installed small size, and the number is odd - there will be empty spaces in the menu. You can eliminate it by changing the size of individual icons and their location.

Prevent tile updates

Receiving various notifications from applications in real time is quite convenient. But sometimes developers pay too much attention to this feature, and as a result, the user is constantly distracted by insignificant program messages. To avoid this, Start Menu Settings provides an option to turn off notifications from individual tiles.

To do this, right-click on the tile and select the last option “Disable live tiles” from the pop-up menu.

After this, the tile design will always remain unchanged and annoying messages will no longer bother you.

Customize Start Menu Colors

The background of the background in Windows 10 can be changed in the same way as the color of individual tiles. To do this, right-click anywhere not occupied by the icon and select the “Personalization” menu item.

In the window that opens, you can specify the background color in the Start menu, as well as change some other parameters. You can choose not only the color, but also its saturation. The user can choose a ready-made color scheme, or customize it in detail to your taste yourself.

Pin a program shortcut to the Start menu screen

If you want the fastest access to an app or program in the Start menu, you can pin it to the Start menu screen.

To do this, right-click on the shortcut of the program or application you need on your desktop. After this, a pop-up menu will appear, where you need to click “Pin to Start Screen”. You can now open the menu and change the location of the created tile by moving it between groups.

Also, for a newly added tile, you can set the name of the group in which it is located. There is also a reverse process: you can make a shortcut from any tile located on the start screen by right-clicking the tile and dragging it to the desktop.

Icons pinned to the left side of Start can be easily removed from there; just right-click and select the “Advanced” and “Do not show in this list” options.

Adding special elements

This feature is also present in Windows 10, but the principle of its operation is somewhat different from adding tiles. First of all, you should go to the Desktop, and then right-click on an empty space and select the “personalization” option. In the window that appears, select the “Start” tab at the bottom. In the dialog box that appears, you can find a list of elements that can be added to the left half of Start.

Bringing back the Start menu from Windows 7

Not everyone liked the updated Windows interface 10. Some have long been accustomed to the old look of the OS, others simply do not like the tiled elements of Start. In this case, the developers have provided the ability to return the menu to the classic appearance, familiar to everyone from Windows 7. You can configure Start so that in appearance it will not differ from the version of the OS from Microsoft the year before.

The easiest method to do this is to remove all live tiles. Unfortunately, it won’t be possible to disable them in a couple of clicks; you will have to delete each of them manually. You can then change the width of the right side of the window so that it is collapsed.

Bringing back the Metro tiled menu

Owners of tablets with small screen Those accustomed to the Metro menu may find returning to Start inconvenient on their device. Therefore, Microsoft developers have provided the ability to manually activate the Metro start screen in the OS.

To do this, right-click on the taskbar and select “personalization” from the pop-up menu. In the window that opens, open the “Start” tab and enable the “Open Start screen in full screen” option. In the final Windows build will no longer prompt you to log in again and you can enjoy start menu, familiar from Windows 8 without rebooting the PC.

What you need to know before upgrading to Windows 10

In addition to the attractive innovations that many users have already liked, the new OS is not without its shortcomings.

Yes, on this moment Full and error-free support for all devices that work perfectly under Windows 7 has not yet been provided. Inability to disable auto system updates in the usual way may also upset many users. After all, with limited traffic or low connection speed, downloading updates may result in additional costs or affect the quality of Internet browsing during the download period.

Those who do not like interference in their lives may be wary of the fact that the OS analyzes the user’s behavior and collects information about him. This is done both to improve work and for advertising purposes, so many people are not happy with this approach.

So, installing new version OS, you should be aware of its features and take full responsibility for it unstable work or dissemination of user information.