I forgot how to change my Skype password. What should you do if you have lost access to your account? If you are using a Skype login

How to change your Skype password when you think someone has found out and can use it? The answer to the question depends on the method you use to access the program.

If you are using a Skype login...

1 way

If you are using a classic login to the program and there is no “dog” (“@”) icon in your login, then you need to do the following:

  1. Go to your browser at https://secure.skype.com/account/personal/change-password.
  2. First, the system will prompt you to log in (log in to your account). Do this by entering your login.
  3. In the next window, you need to click on the “Change password” button, which is located opposite the Skype logo.
  4. Now you have three fields in front of you: enter in one Old Password, and in the next two - a new one, save the changes.

Method 2

If the user has forgotten his password for the page, there is another way to change the password in Skype:
1.On the Skype page and click “Login” - “My Account” or open the program installed on your computer.

3.You can change your password on the page that opens by entering your phone number or address Email.

5.When you find yourself on next page, enter the old as well as the new option in the appropriate fields and click “Apply” (twice).

3 way

  1. Log into Skype in any convenient way.
  2. Enter the "Skype" menu.
  3. Select "Change Password". Next you will also need to enter the old and new options and confirm the action by clicking “Apply”.

4 way

  1. 1Go to skype.com.
  2. Click “Login” and enter your login information.
  3. At the very bottom of the page, find the “Change Password” link and click on it.
  4. In the page that opens, first enter old version, then - 2 times new.
  5. Go to "Save".

If you have a Microsoft account...

Change the “key” to Skype that is linked to your account Microsoft records, you can do it as follows.

1 way

2.Click on the “Login” button and log into your account.

3.Select on “Change Password”.

4.Enter both options in the appropriate boxes.

5.Click “OK” and the program will immediately change your “access key”.

Method 2

  1. Go here https://secure.skype.com/account/personal/change-password.
  2. If the system prompts you to log into your account, do so by entering your login.
  3. In the next window, you need to click on the “Reset or change password” button opposite the Microsoft “window”.
  4. Now enter the treasured combinations: old and new (in two fields at once) and click “Save”.

If you use Facebook...

If you link your Facebook account to Skype, you can do the following: simple steps to change the access code:

  1. In your internet browser, go to the link https://www.facebook.com/help/748385731848104.
  2. Click “Login” to go to the social network login.
  3. Sign in.
  4. Click on the right top corner arrow.
  5. Select Settings.
  6. Choose password".
  7. The password will be changed after entering the old and new ones in the appropriate fields. If you have forgotten your old password, reset it. To do this, go to your page https://www.facebook.com/login/identify.
  8. Enter your personal data: first and last name, email address.
  9. Click on “Search” and then follow all the instructions that will appear on the screen.

If you use a phone...

If you communicate via Skype using a smartphone, you can change the login key to the messenger like this:

  1. Log in to Skype.
  2. Tap on the “Personal Information” menu.
  3. Click "My Account".
  4. Tap “Change Password”.
  5. Enter both options in the appropriate boxes.
  6. Click Continue.

When changing the password by any of the above methods the “keys” of all linked accounts change, so you need to come up with a memorable but reliable combination of a minimum number of letters (including capital ones) and numbers. Sample: W04mPqnyc56, OgWL00j3fgh. If the combination is inconvenient to remember, write it down in a place inaccessible to others.

Surely, at least once each of us needed to change the password in some service. Most often this is required where we are most often. Not every application or program makes this intuitive, and sometimes developers deliberately make this process not obvious. This includes Skype.

Change or reset

It is necessary to differentiate separately, what do you need? Just change your Skype password or reset it. In the first case, you know the old one and just want to change it to another one. In the second case, most likely, you do not know the old password. Let's look at options for replacing a password on a PC.

If you forgot the old one

The last case is perhaps the fastest and easiest. You just use the recovery form (forgot your password).

If you remember the old one

There are two ways here. One of them is done on a computer or laptop (whether it’s Windows or not) directly in your Skype client, and the second is done in the web interface.

Method one

  • Enter your username and password as for a regular login. In the top left corner, select Skype and in the drop-down menu, select the “Change Password” heading.
  • You will have three familiar fields for entering information: current, new, and confirmation of a new password. Fill them out.
  • The new one must contain at least 6 characters, but no more than 20, characters must be Latin, numbers are also allowed.

Click the "Apply" button and the changes will be saved. The dialog box that opens will inform you of the successful procedure. The next time you log into the program, you will need to enter new data.

Second way to change

In this case, we carry out manipulations directly on the official Skype website. Enter in address bar your browser to www.skype.com and click “Login” in the upper right corner. As in the program itself, here you need to enter your login information or log in with a Facebook or Microsoft account.

Scroll down the page and carefully look for the “Change Password” link. It will be on the left, almost at the very end of the page. According to the same scheme, a form will open for entering the old and new passwords. Enter, save and voila. If successful, you will see a corresponding message.

Changing the password on Android

Now let’s figure out how to change the Skype password on Android. It's as easy as shelling pears, because your phone is always at hand. If you are already logged in, you need to log out. Next, do the following:

  • on the main screen, enter only your login;
  • click "Can't log in?";
  • enter your email;

- one of the most popular programs, which makes it possible to communicate with your interlocutor in real time completely free of charge. In addition, you can not only hear a familiar voice, but also see what he is doing at the current moment.

The service works via the world-famous Internet, so you can install it on any Personal Computer, laptop and even modern mobile devices. To start using Skype program, You need to go through the registration process. To do this, you will need to come up with your own personal login and a password with which the program will identify you each time you log in to the system. Sometimes it happens that the password is accidentally forgotten or it needs to be changed. In this case, you need to change the password.

How to change your Skype password, every user thinks about it at least once, but in fact, it is not at all difficult and everyone can cope with the task. To change an existing password because you have forgotten it, you need to proceed according to the following procedure: official page program, you need to enter the password recovery item, then enter the email address assigned to your account that was specified during registration.

Within a few seconds, you will receive an email with a unique and one-of-a-kind link to reset your password. The main thing to remember is that the link is valid for 6 hours, during which time you need to click on it. Having done this, you will be prompted by the program to enter New Password.

How to change your Skype password in quiet mode? - you ask, to do this you should go to the menu, select “Change password”. In the window that opens, enter the old password, then enter the new one twice and click the “Apply” button. If you did everything correctly, a window should appear informing you that the password has been successfully changed.

That's all now how to change password on skype You know in the future, when a similar situation happens, you will be able to fix the problem yourself without unnecessary help.

In this article we will talk about how to change Skype password on a computer and from a phone, in case the user has lost or forgotten the old password, as well as how to change the Skype login if it seems unsightly or unreadable to you. Skype imposes some restrictions on changing your login, but more on that later. Here are a few simple steps will allow you to cope with these tasks.

How to change your Skype login

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of Skype login and Skype username. The login is unique for each Skype account and cannot be changed. You can only create a new account with a new Skype login. To do this, you need to go through the Skype registration procedure again.

But you can change your name in Skype. This name will appear in your interlocutor's contact list, even if he searches for you using your Skype login.

Step 1. To change your name on Skype, left-click on your name or avatar.

Your Skype profile panel will open/

Step-2. Left-click on the name, edit it and click the checkmark to save the changes.

Remember that your interlocutor can change the display of your name on his computer to any convenient one. But these changes will only appear on his computer.

You can do the same with your contact list. just click right click mouse over a name in your contacts list and select Rename.

How to change your Skype password

To change your Skype account password, go to the Skype menu, select Change Password...

You will be redirected to your Skype account page. There you can change your password by filling in the appropriate fields and clicking the Save button.

When you change your password on the site, you will be automatically kicked out of Skype if you were logged in when you changed your password.

Simultaneously on your email address You will receive an email notifying you that your password has been changed. Attention! The password itself will not be sent to you, so make sure to save it in a safe place, for example, write it down in text file on the computer.

You will be asked to log into Skype with a new password.

Now you know how to change your Skype password.

How to recover a forgotten Skype password

What to do if you forgot your old one skype password? A few simple steps will help solve this problem.

Step 1. If you log into Skype from your phone, click on the link Can't log into Skype? if from a computer, left-click on it.

Step-2. On the password recovery page, enter the email address to which your Skype login is registered. Click Continue.

An email with password recovery information will be sent to the specified email address. You can follow the link in the letter, or copy the recovery code (without parentheses).

Step-3. Follow the link provided, or enter the sent code on the password recovery page.

Step-4. Enter a new password, repeat in the second field and click Save.

Step-5. Using your new password, log into Skype directly from the site, or through Skype program on your phone or computer.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments, we will definitely help.

Internet users often encounter password problems. There are often situations when your account has been hacked or you simply forgot your password. This happens all the time and to almost any person, because not everyone is able to remember all the passwords from the sites on which they registered. Especially if it’s a program like Skype, because it can be set to automatic authorization mode, and then you won’t have to constantly enter your password, and you can simply forget it. That's why there is a password recovery service. And you can use it and create a new password on Skype.

For what reasons could the password be changed?

When you tried to login account"Skype", but it shows you that you entered your data incorrectly, first of all, try to check that the data you entered is correct. Perhaps you simply entered the characters incorrectly. Or they were entered on the wrong layout. Skype does not accept passwords on other keyboard layouts. Therefore, you need to enter it in the language in which you entered it during registration. There may be several reasons why you cannot log into your Skype. Firstly, this is an account hack. Sometimes it happens that scammers try to take over your account for personal purposes. Perhaps you, too, fell into their hands. Hacking can happen in a variety of ways. Remember if you received suspicious information on Skype, or if someone may have tried to extort any data from you. If such actions have been performed, you need to urgently contact support. Secondly, you could simply have forgotten the password for your account. This happens quite often. But don't be upset, it's not big problem. Even a child can understand how to change the password on Skype, and it won’t take much time.

What should you do if you have lost access to your account?

How to change your Skype password if you can't log into your account? There is no need to worry, you just need to calmly perform a series of steps. If you were unable to log into your Skype account, then you need to try to understand how to change your Skype password in such a situation. Therefore, first of all, you need to recover your password.

How to change your password on Skype?

If you have access to your Skype account, you can change your password by selecting the Skype button in the upper right corner of the Skype window. After clicking on it, a menu will open in front of you, in which there will be an item “Change password”. Click on it and you will be redirected to the Skype website where you can change your password.

What should I do if I don't remember my old password?

Changing your password on Skype is quite simple and quick. When you open the program, you have a data entry window in front of you. Below the lines where you need to enter a password, there is a button called “Can’t sign in to your account.” By clicking on it, you will be redirected to the official website, where you can find out how to change your password on Skype. First, you need to know the email address with which you registered your account. If you don’t remember it, you need to contact support; the rest of the article will tell you how to do this. After you have entered your email address, click the “send” button and an email will be sent to you with instructions on how to change your Skype password and what you need to do to do this. You will receive a letter that will say “To restore your data, follow the link.” By clicking on the link, you will be redirected again to the official Skype website, where your accounts registered through this email address will be shown. If, when you click on the link, you are not redirected to the site, there is a code at the bottom of the letter that you can enter on the official Skype website, after which you will also be provided with information about your accounts. Once you select the account you need, click “Change Password.” You need to enter a new password. It is advisable to enter one that you will not forget again, or for reliability, additionally save it on your computer or write it down. The password must be 8 characters or more. For increased security It is recommended to use capital letters and numbers. Once you understand how to change your Skype password, you can safely log into your account and chat. This problem has been resolved.

How can I change my Skype password if I don't know my email address?

If it happens that you do not remember the email address through which you registered, or do not have access to it, you need to write to the support service, where your request will be separately processed and a decision will be made. There are three options to solve this problem. First: go to your email and in the search for incoming messages, type “Skype”. If there is any letter from this service, most likely this is your email address. Second method: if you log into your Skype account through Microsoft or Facebook, then your email address is the login that you use when logging into Skype. The third method is the most difficult and lengthy. You need to fill out a form, and Skype staff will try to find out the email you specified during registration.

Where do I fill out the support request form?

To do this, after you have clicked the “I can’t sign into my account” button in Skype, you should click on the “Contact support” link on the official website.

Next, you need to go to the questions and answers section. The second paragraph will contain a link titled “Fill out this form.” After which you will need to fill out a form, and after reviewing it, you will be provided with an email address. This process may take some time, so unfortunately you will have to wait for a response.