Watermarks and seals. The best programs for inserting watermarks

When distributing your intellectual property on the Internet, for example, photographs or illustrations, watermarks or, in other words, copyright are applied to them - this technique is a modern and widespread method of copyright protection on the Internet. On the other hand, installing copyright can be used to advertise a website, promote your own brand or organization. Installing watermarks is most relevant for those people who post own photos on your blogs, social media pages and other websites.

An inscription or a translucent drawing that is superimposed on the main image can be used as a watermark on the photo. Programs for installing watermarks on images differ from each other in their capabilities: overlaying only text, only images, or both options on the main photo. Also, some programs are created specifically for installing copyright, while others have this function as an additional feature.

After reading this article, you will learn how to prevent the theft of your intellectual property, namely, how to put a watermark on a photo. There are many ways to apply copyright, but we will only touch on one - indicating authorship using programs for operating systems Windows.

FastStone Capture.

FastStone Capture is multifunctional program, which was primarily created for the purpose of capturing screenshots (screenshots) and capturing videos, but has several additional features. With its help, you can apply standard editing operations to the resulting screenshots: rotation, resizing, cropping and adding various pointers.

The utility has an integrated simple editor that can add watermarks to images using a logo prepared in advance, which is automatically applied by the program to the main image.

FastStone Image Viewer.

Free program FastStone Image Viewer for viewing images, but has such additional features like editing and converting with various tools. Editing functions include: rotate, resize, crop, adjust color schemes and, of course, watermarking. Besides this, this utility capable of creating slideshows with musical accompaniment.

Is perfect universal program with rich functionality and minimal consumption of computer resources. Can fully replace some paid products.

FastStone Photo Resizer.

FastStone Photo Resizer is another free program from the same developers, which is already intended for easy editing graphic files, namely resizing and converting from one format to another. Additionally, the utility allows you to rename, crop and rotate images in batch mode.

Like previous programs, FastStone Photo Resizer is capable of adding watermarks to images.

If you already have a favorite program for viewing graphic files, then you can use this utility to perform simple image editing and adding watermarks to photos.

Image Tuner.

Image Tuner is designed for simple operations editing graphic files in batch mode. Can convert, resize, rename and much more.

Light Image Resizer.

Like previous programs, the Light Image Resizer utility is designed for simple image editing and can also add copyright to photos. The program can perform all editing operations in batch mode.

The program can be used absolutely free for home use only.

Visual Watermark.

The name of the Visual Watermark program speaks for itself; its direct purpose is to apply watermarks to photos. The utility integrates several templates based on which you can add copyright to images.

The process of protecting photos is as simple as possible, and at every step tips and hints are shown about the required actions from the user at a particular stage.

This is our introduction to utilities of this type came to an end. Remember that if you need to publish photos on the Internet, it would be a good idea to put a watermark on the photo and thereby ensure copy protection.

Advice for the future: when protecting your photographs and other images, take care of the correct copyright. The watermark should not stand out too much and attract attention, distracting the user from the content of the image itself.

To protect images from misuse, as a rule, they use a watermark - another image, such as a logo or copyright - on the image. The free Easy Watermark program will help the user with adding watermarks to images JPEG formats, PNG, GIF and BMP. The utility can work with both separate file images, and with a group of images in a folder, including subdirectories. Watermarking in the program is done using the creation wizard - five steps and you're done! The application needs to specify a folder with images, select a suitable template, configure watermark settings, select the quality and size of the embedded image, check everything and issue a command for execution.

How to create a watermark

By using Easy programs Watermark can not only overlay another image on pictures or photos, but also add text and borders. You can add layers in the watermark overlay template editor. For example, on the first layer there will be a watermark image, on another there will be text, on the third there will be a border. The overlay settings in the template specify parameters such as the location of the watermark (align or tile the mark on the image), the angle of the watermark, transparency, margins from the edges, and the color that will be considered transparent for the embedded image. For convenience, the program can be built into context menu Explorer, to do this, go to Easy settings Watermark and check the appropriate box. The utility is easy to use, in Russian, there is help on using the program.

Screenshots of the Easy Watermark program

Watermarking software

Many of our readers are interested in how to watermark a photo. This is due to the fact that on at the moment There are many people on the Internet who want to use other people’s photographs (alas, we are not blameless in this regard). In order to protect photos from plagiarism, you can use programs for creating watermarks. There are many programs for watermarks, but we will tell you in detail about the free one.

So, we recommend to your attention the program FastStone Image Viewer for applying watermarks to images, which can be downloaded for free from this link.
Actually, in addition to watermarks, the FastStone program Image Viewer has other useful features. Here's what it says in its description:

"Program FastStone Image- fast, stable, friendly program viewing, converting and editing images. The program is loaded with features that include image viewing, management, comparison, red-eye removal, mailing, resizing, cropping, and color correction. Innovative and intuitive full screen mode provides quick access to EXIF ​​information, thumbnail viewing and basic program functions via hidden panels tools that open when the mouse cursor touches the four edges of the screen. Other features include high-quality zoom and music slideshows with over 150 transition effects, as well as lossless JPEG conversion, drop shadow effects, image annotations, scanner support, histograms and more. The program supports all major graphic formats(BMP, JPEG, JPEG 2000, animated gifs, PNG, PCX, PSD, EPS, TIFF, WMF, ICO and TGA) and popular RAW formats digital cameras(CRW, CR2, NEF, PEF, RAF, MRW, ORF, SRF, SR2, ARW, RW2 and DNG).”

So, now concrete example. Let's assume that you decide to create a website dedicated to culinary recipes(as they say, there are two most popular topics for creating websites dedicated to cooking and treatment. Those. They always love to eat well, and then they are treated for the fact that they ate well). You're already ready large number photos and you need to prepare them for publication on your website.

How to prepare photos for publication on the Internet?

  1. Reduce the photo size, for example to 640 x 480;
  2. Reduce photo resolution;
  3. Apply a watermark to the photo.

The first two points are carried out in order to reduce the “weight” of photographs. For example, if we take a photo using a camera with default settings, we will get a picture with a size of 3648x2736 pixels and a volume of about 4 MB. At the time of writing this article, the most popular resolution of user monitor screens is 1280x1024; at this resolution, only a seventh of the resulting image will fit on the monitor screen.

Thanks to the possibilities FastStone programs Image Viewer, photo processing requires minimal effort. The fact is that the program allows you to produce the so-called batch processing images, i.e. there is no need to process each photo separately. All existing photos can be prepared for publication on the Internet using the same settings.

Step 1. We place all the photos that need to be processed in one folder. For example, I'll place three cooking photos in a folder on my desktop called "entrance." For processed photos, immediately create an “output” folder.

Step 2. Let's launch the program.

Step 3. On the menu File select a team Open and indicate our “input” folder. After which the contents of the folder will be displayed in the working field of the program.

Displaying the contents of a folder in the program's working field

Step 4. On the menu Service select a team Batch conversion/renaming. In the window that appears, press the D button add all(or select only those files that need to be processed) select the “output” folder as the output folder.

Selecting Output Folder

Step 5. We leave the output format as JPEG. In the same line, click the “Settings” button, in the window that appears, indicate required quality processed images.

Adjusting Image Quality

As you can see in the picture, I set the image quality to 51% And unchecked Apply JPEG quality source file (by default it is).

Step 6. Press the button Additionally and on the tab Resize indicate the required dimensions of the processed images. The default size is 560x420 pixels. In principle, it is quite suitable for photographs posted on the site, so I will not change it.

Setting the image size

Step 7 Then you can go in two ways: add regular text as a watermark, indicating its transparency, or using an image prepared in advance. IN this example I will add a test as a watermark using the “Text” tab.

Setting text options

As you can see from the picture, I decided to add text with domain name website dedicated to cooking MyRecipes.rf. Font color white, transparency 70%.

Step 8. Save the settings by clicking OK. After this, press the button Start. After which the image conversion process will begin, the end of which you should wait for.

Well, that's all. Now you can look into the “output” folder and see the result of the program. As an example, I show an image of a salad with green peas.

Result of the program

The volume of the received file was 25 kb with an image size of 560x420 pixels. As for the image quality, it is quite acceptable for posting on the Internet.

Evgeny Mukhutdinov

As you know, each photo has its own author or, as they say, its own parent who wants to leave his mark with confirmation of his copyright. And not with the idea of ​​protection from copying and other acts on the image, but with an indication of ownership and provision of information about the author and his company.

Watermark and logo on the photo.

What can Visualizer Photo Resize do - a program for inserting a logo and watermark on an image.

  • Editing an image.
  • Insert a watermark into the photo, which can be either text or any selected image.
  • Batch image processing. All processes carried out on pictures can be performed by pressing one button and the selected pictures will take the same size and have the same logo. You can insert a logo on several photos.
  • Creating a presentation from a photo.
  • Generating a web album, which is very convenient for web developers. A web album may contain additional information and can be easily hosted on any server.

How to install a logo on a picture.

After starting the program, a Welcome window appears, which provides the capabilities of the developer's site. We close the Welcome and we are left with the main support window.

Open the image you are editing, or a folder with pre-loaded images. For the logo, we determine a template - text or image. We set the desired options and decide whether a web album is needed. In the window preview We set up and correct the image individually or enable batch processing.

How to customize an image for a logo.

From the main program window, through the ‘View’ button, go to the preliminary editing and viewing window. With the mouse cursor on the viewing screen, press right button and select the ‘Window’ option. A list of settings will appear to the left of this option:

  • View in full screen.
  • Show thumbnail.
  • Show toolbar.
  • Show details.
  • Show Rulers.

We enable these options and do whatever we want with the image in a very clear interface. The functions are available from the toolbar, through the key control next to the inscription ‘Width’ and through right key mice.

The watermark and logo on the photo can be configured in the program once and used as a template when next edit images.

A very convenient web album that can be created with any extension and without taking any part in its generation. The User Menu and Manual for the Program for inserting a logo into pictures was translated into Russian by us ourselves. The content of the dialogues was left unchanged. This is enough for working with images.

The program has a simple and intuitive interface. For presentations, it uses the also forgotten V4U player.

Insert a logo or watermark into the image You can do it without any difficulty. Visualizer Photo Resize has a working volume that is several times smaller than its ‘analogue colleagues’. After installation, open the contents folder, find the file ‘the_solar_system.v4u’ and run it. This is an example of a presentation that can be made by the program.

That's basically all I wanted to write. Read the instructions carefully - it quite fully describes all the capabilities and functions of the program for inserting a logo into a picture.

A program for applying graphic and text watermarks Watermark to digital images to protect your intellectual property and confirm copyright. Supports working simultaneously with a group of files in batch mode. Everything is built in necessary tools for creating and editing watermarks using various graphic effects.

TSR Software Watermark Image

This is not a complicated tool that allows you to watermark images. You can beautifully design, for example, photographs by placing some annotations on them or installing a watermark in the form of your logo to confirm your authorship and much more.

TSR Software Watermark Image allows you to use various types watermarks. The following functions are available for editing a watermark: changing the font, adjusting the transparency level, choosing a color, setting borders, scaling, placing a background and much more.

The free watermark app is easy to use and doesn't require extensive knowledge of graphics editing. The program interface has been translated into many languages.

If necessary, TSR Watermark Image Software allows you to edit EXIF ​​data in jpeg format images; you can simply erase all information or replace it with your own. You can also edit EXIF ​​information in batch mode for multiple files simultaneously.

To insert a watermark into a large number of graphic files, you just need to specify the folder with these images, and the program will process everything in automatic mode. The resulting files can be converted to one of the popular JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP or GIF formats.